"This is no time to be precious about locating the exact individuals
directly involved in this particular terrorist attack," wrote columnist Ann
Coulter - now famously - two days after the attacks. "We should invade their
countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't
punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers.
We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is
Shortly after Coulter's column appeared, it resurfaced on the website of the
Mujahideen Lashkar-e-Taiba - one of the largest militant Islamist groups in
Pakistan - which works closely with al-Qaida. At the time, the
Lashkar-e-Taiba site was decorated with an image that depicted a hairy,
monstrous hand with claws in place of fingernails, from which blood dripped
on to a burning globe of planet earth. A star of David decorated the wrist
of the hairy hand, and behind it stood an American flag. The reproduction of
Coulter's column used bold, red letters to highlight the sentence that said
to "invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to
Christianity". To make the point even stronger, the webmaster added a
comment: "We told you so. Is anyone listening out there? The noose is
already around our necks. The preparation for genocide of ALL Muslims has
begun ... The media is now doing its groundwork to create more hostility
towards Islam and Muslims to the point that no one will oppose this mass
murder which is about to take place. Mosques will be shut down, schools will
be closed, Muslims will be arrested, and executed. There may even be special
awards set up to kill Muslims. Millions and millions will be slaughtered
like sheep. Remember these words because it is coming. The only safe refuge
you have is Allah."
Monday, July 14, 2003
Little Red Footballs
The stuff our wingnuts say and write which are propogated and endorsed by our SCLM make their way quickly into the Muslim world.