Thursday, July 17, 2003

Once more with feeling

Once again, via CNN via Daily Kos: Bill Hemmer of CNN interviews Jenna Hamilton, engaged to Specialist Kenneth Egger, who is still in Iraq:

HEMMER: Oh, he's getting out after this tour of duty in Iraq? How do feel about that?

HAMILTON: Yes, yes. He can't stand for it.

HEMMER: Why is that?

HAMILTON: I support him 100 percent.

HEMMER: Why do you say he can't stand it?

HAMILTON: It's hard on the families, it's hard on the soldiers, and it's especially hard to know that you put your faith and trust into a president, and they continue to lie to you, they break promises, and it's hard to fight for somebody like that.

Check this out. "Bush lies, soldiers die" has penetrated to the soldiers, and, it seems reasonable to believe, to Red-states America as well. Probably, this shift in opinion was caused by the Bush administration's extension of tours of duty in Iraq, and a guerilla war instead of a cakewalk, rather than anything happening here at home, but it's still good news. The SCLM hasn't picked up on it yet.* If it's true, Bush is in a lot of trouble. Nothing he says will be taken the way he and his handlers intend.

* UPDATE: Then again, see The Times today (thanks to alert reader KJD)