With guests like Ritter, the point is made. I'd wondered where Ritter was, and why he hasn't been more visible, at a time when the deceptions he insisted were going on are finally becoming harder and harder to deny, plausibly anyway. (Does anyone know what the status of that story abou Ritter, the internet, and email contact with quite young ladies stands?)
Ritter sure doesn't act like a guy who's worried about blackmail, private or public.
BLITZER: But Scott, you know the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. You lived there, you talked to these people. Did anything happen like that of a nature like that, Obeidi doing this on his own without getting approval or someone asking him keep this quiet? That was such a brutal regime. The guy wouldn't have had the guts to do that on his own?
RITTER: Actually, again, Wolf, you're wrong. We have several cases of Iraqi scientists who were very proud of the work they did. Remember, Obeidi was competing with Dr. Diah Jaffar Al-Jaffar (ph) over, you know, who was going to be the first to enrich uranium. He was proud of this program, and when he was ordered to turn it over, I think he maintained these components and these blueprints of his own volition, in a very similar manner that Iraqi scientists responsible for designing guidance and control equipment did the exact same thing.
You can read the whole thing here , if you scrowl down to just below the center of the page and look for Ritter's name.
He has a book coming out too; you'll like the title.