Thursday, January 08, 2004

California Fee Hikes

I really hope you liked the $90 or so you saved on your car tax.

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to propose a 10% fee increase for Californians attending college at the University of California and California State University and a fee hike of up to 40% for graduate students at the universities, sources familiar with the governor's budget said Wednesday.

At the same time, the budget is expected to contain reductions in college financial aid for students from moderate-income families.

Diana Fuentes-Michel, executive director of the California Student Aid Commission, said she expects the governor's proposal to tighten qualifications for Cal Grants, the state's main financial aid program.

The low cost/high quality of CA's higher education is one of the state's real draws, and one of the few major perks for low and moderate income people.