Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Educating the Dittoheads

Al's dittohead friend just said that Republicans never criticized war tactics during WWII. Here's a brief excerpt from Clare Booth Luce's keynote speech to the Connecticut State Republican convention in September, 1942.

The fact remains that while the Administration and many of its appointees have talked a tough war, so far, unhappily, they have fought a soft one. A soft war is an improperly conducted one.

I'm sure there are more. That took 2 minutes to find.

...here's Republican Congressman Hamilton Fish, after winning re-election in Roosevelt's home district in 1942:

"Every American is for an all-out war to final victory," Mr. Fish remarkeed, "but they demand the right to criticize the incompetency and blunders that impair our war efforts."