The PA primary is the next interesting race. Toomey is closing in on Specter fast in the polls. I don't know how they're determining "likely voters" here - there isn't much at stake for Republicans other than this primary and it's hard not to imagine that Toomey supporters will be more likely to show up than will Specter supporters.
On balance, I'm really not sure who I'd prefer be Joe Hoeffel's opposition. But, I'm pretty sure Specter has jumped the shark. His ad campaign has been pretty abysmal. Frankly, the guy has negative charisma and the more he's on TV the worse he comes across. And, if he wins, his primary ads will be great fodder for Hoeffel. They're all about trying to prove that Specter is a Real Republican... statements along the lines of "Rick Santorum supports me..."
Toomey's a wingnut, but he has the kindler gentler compassionate conservative demeanor, and he could actually be a tougher opponent despite his views.
But, either way, Joe Hoeffel needs money!