IRR are not the "inactive reserves", but the Individual Ready Reserves---ACTIVE Reservists who do not train regularly with a specific unit of assignment (usually because they do not live within a "reasonable" travel distance" to an appropriate unit.)
Under statutory law, there is a preference for mobilization of Reservists as UNITS---the statutory purpose of the reserves is to provide "trained units and qualified individuals" to supplement the "active duty component" of the military.
The Reserves are divided into two parts...
1) the Ready Reserves--those who are subject to mobilization by Presidential decree
2) the Standby Reserves--those who are subject to mobilization only under the provisions of an act of Congress
the Standby Reserves are divided into two sections...
1) ACTIVE STATUS standby reserves, whose mobilization requires ONLY an act of congress
2) INACTIVE STATUS reserves, whose mobilization requires not just an act of Congress, but certification by the Secretary of Defense that there are insufficient numbers of ACTIVE STATUS reservists within specific categories to meet National Security needs.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Correct Terminology
Reader paul l. writes in regarding correct military terminology: