Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Eating Their Own

It was Leahy's objection to being smeared as "anti-Catholic" that prompted Cheney to sully the Senate floor last week. Now "moderate" Thugs are feeling the heat.

From The Hill:

Nearly a year after conservative critics accused Senate Democrats of anti-Catholic bias because of their opposition to federal circuit-court nominee William Pryor, many are leveling the same charge against a handful of Senate Republicans because of their suspected opposition to J. Leon Holmes, a district court nominee.

Two of the primary targets of the charges are Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), who is in line to take over as chairman of the Judiciary Committee next January, and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, (R-Texas), the most senior and influential woman in the Republican conference.


In the article on gender roles for the Arkansas Catholic Register, Holmes wrote, “The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church/and as the Church subordinates herself to Christ, in that manner the wife is to subordinate herself to Christ.”

The conservative Family Research Council asserted in a statement that “incredibly, there are senators, including some Republicans, who have indicated they will not support Mr. Holmes because of an article he and his wife wrote for the local Catholic newspaper offering reflections on Ephesians 5.”

“It would be a great act of injustice if the religious bigotry leveled against Mr. Holmes should keep him from confirmation,” the group warned.


Richard Lessner, executive director of the American Conservative Union, said, “The attack on James Leon Holmes has unmasked an ugly anti-Catholic bigotry. Senators should unequivocally reject this intolerant hatred spewing from the extreme left.”