Thursday, July 08, 2004

"I pray that they may some day be inscribed on the tablets of your hearts - and those three words are ‘shame on you’."

The Rev Dr John Mann spoke of his anger toward Tony Blair and George Bush as Fusilier Gordon Gentle, 19, was buried with full military honours at St James’ Parish Church in Pollok, Glasgow.

The teenager was killed while on a routine patrol in Basra on 28 June, three months after joining the regiment.


"I want to believe that if there’s a God in heaven then there will be justice because I want someone to pay for Gordon’s death," Dr Mann told a hushed congregation.

"But only God may judge who is ultimately responsible and I can only admonish - I’m just a preacher. And if I were to point them out, I would say to president George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair, I have only three words of admonishment.

"I pray that they may some day be inscribed on the tablets of your hearts - and those three words are ‘shame on you’."


Dr Mann added: "I am angry at the political leaders who created this war. I am angry at the politicians who themselves have never experienced the horror of war yet easily send others to war."

He said the case for war was based on "misinformation and lies", adding: "Those who are ultimately responsible for Gordon’s death will in all likelihood never face justice in this life."

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