Monday, July 26, 2004


For all my minor bitching and moaning, the DNC really has been great to us bloggers. Sure, certain bits of information were a bit late in coming, and generally finding out anything is harder than it should be, but in the end they seemed to come through with everything.

But, as cool as that is, we don't really matter. It's nice that they're nice to us, and hopefully bloggers will continue to matter more/some. But, the DNC has a serious problem here - the media facilities for most members of the media, and I don't just meen the Sheboygan Weekly Reader, I mean the New York Times, really really really really suck. There are a shortage of power outlets. A shortage of ethernet connections. Print/radio media have to trade off small numbers of floor passes between them. Air America is stuck in the radio ghetto, instead of having one of the few cushy real radio booths.

As a friend in radio just told me, (quoting roughly), "We spent weeks trying to get a table here. Two weeks ago someone from the RNC sent us an email to set everything up, asked us for list of desired guests so they could schedule them for us, etc..."

I would have thought that one lesson they should have learned is that, for better or for worse, you have to treat the media well. Really really well.