Monday, July 26, 2004

Tales From the Convention, Round 1

We don't belong to an organized political party. Clearly. But, hey, I suppose that makes it a bit more fun. Security throughout Boston is crazy - crazy in a pointless way. They're checking driver's licenses in many Boston hotels. I don't mean checking them against a list, I mean just looking at them. That serves no purpose that I can understand.

Went to an informal breakfast with Congressman Waxman. Another person who realizes it's increasingly necessary to go around the mainstream media to get some stories out.

Stopped by briefly at the official DNC Blogger Breakfast. Too many boring speeches, so we went off to an event sponsored by the New Democrat Network discussing the right wing money/media machine. Here's Obama:

Bumping into various people randomly. Timmy Russert was walking down the street. Said hello to Tomasky and Michael Wolff waiting in line to get into the convention (Actually, the Fleet Center security isn't actually all that bad, it's the rest of Boston which is just silly).

Had lunch with Kos and Sam Seder. On the way out came across some fun protesters. Here are the protesters and their fun sign:

There were about 150 protesters and almost as many police on motorcycles following them:

Sitting up here in the nosebleed seats which is blogger central. The wireless network they provided appears to be just about working. Walking in I passed radio row, a rather depressing places with no view of the convention where the radio hosts have been placed. Here's Franken interviewing Brock:

More when there's something fun.