As for my pre-debate spin, which has the added benefit of being honest, is that what we're going to get from Bush is the exact same thing we've been getting from him throughout his presidency. We'll get "happy talk" on Iraq which contradicts reality. We'll get "tough talk" on unnamed terrrorists, despite the fact that Ashcroft hasn't managed to convict any. We'll get "happy talk" on Afghanistan, with Bush doing things like hilariously claiming that the "Taliban is no longer in existence." We'll probably get some shockingingly unpresidential behavior, including the inappropriate humor he so loves.
But, what we probably won't get is anything new. Same shit, different night, as Iraq continues to burn.
So, let me try again and throw in a little bit of advice. What Kerry needs to do is mostly what he did the first time. Most of all he needs to be presidential. He needs to recognize the reality of the format - reg'lar folks will be asking the questions - and adjust to that. All that'll really take is making sure to be respectful of and sympathetic to the questioners, and perhaps be willing to speak conversationally (though, not verbosely). Kerry's quite capable of that.
As for how he treats Bush, I say that as much as possible he ignores him. Not in a disrepectful way, but Kerry should be there to talk to the people. He should goad him a bit, to knock him off stride, but not too obviously or pointedly. Mentioning his father seems to work nicely. Of course, if Bush throws a punch Kerry should block and throw one back. And, if Bush throws another punch Kerry can consider pummeling him until he's bloody (metaphorically speaking, of course).
But, here's the deal. Coming into debate 2, Bush hasn't got anything. He can't hide behind his "compassionate conservatism face" which he used in 2000 - that was tossed in the garbage. He can't hide behind "war president face" because last week we all saw what a joke that is. All he's got left is the real face - sulky fratboy/petulant child.
As long as Kerry is presidential in a way that Bush cannot be, he'll do fine.