Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Salon has another story on Bush's possible earpiece, including a new picture with the alien symbiote attached to his spine.

Oddly, I've long thought Bush was wired, though I haven't found the "hump" to be convincing evidence of this. Some odd verbal gaffes, a few strange audio hiccups, and especially his "pause. speak. pause. speak." speaking style seemed to suggest it. But, thinking it isn't proof and I don't claim there is any.

But, in truth the real question is not if Bush has an earpiece but what he does with it. It seems pretty reasonable for the CiC to have an earpiece for various reasons, such as discreet access to information in case of an emergency situation. Since the technology makes this more than possible now, I wouldn't mind at all knowing that there's instant access to the presidential ear in time of crisis. But, tt isn't reasonable to use it as an audioprompter for speeches, press conferences, and debates. That would be a scandal.