Thursday, October 21, 2004

Edwards Today

Edwards Statement on Bush Administration’s Political Activity

Muscatine, Iowa – Today, Senator John Edwards issued the following statement about all of the Bush Administration’s political activity this campaign season:

“There’s a problem when our troops are in harm’s way, fighting for a secure Iraq and our national security adviser is out on the stump campaigning instead of working.

“There’s a problem when the Vice President is warning of a nuclear attack and the Homeland Security Secretary who has declared that he is separate from politics spends the bulk of his time traveling battleground states.

“There’s a problem when there is a flu shot shortage and the Secretary of Health and Human Services is too busy advocating for George Bush instead of those who most need these shots.

“There’s a problem when the economy has lost 800,000 jobs and the Treasury Secretary is out on the stump calling these losses a myth instead of focusing on bringing them back.

“There’s a problem when the Chinese are playing fast and loose with our trade agreements and the Commerce Secretary is acting like it’s having no impact on our manufacturing companies here at home.

“But I know how to fix this problem – it’s called Election Day. On November 2, we’re going to cast the votes to put John Kerry into the White House and we’re going to nip this problem in the bud.”

No one expects Cabinet level folks to be entirely non-partisan of course, but putting Rice out there to campaign really is embarrassingly unseemly. I'm sure we're more, and not less, safe with her out of Washington, if truth be told. Still, all these little campaign trips tell us is that she's an incompetent hack.