So, consider giving a little...
Here's the fundraising email which went out:
Dear Friends:
Together, we are fighting back against an avalanche of conservative misinformation in the media. Thanks to incredible support from you, our readers, Media Matters for America has accomplished a great deal since our launch. Just look at what others are saying:
On Swift Boat Veterans for Truth:-
"Long before newspapers and television networks began dissecting the claims of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Media Matters for America, a new Website headed by conservative-turned-progressive David Brock was in hot pursuit of the anti-Kerry group." -- Scott Shepard, Cox News Service, August 26, 2004
On MSNBC canceling plans to have Republican pollster Frank Luntz conduct presidential debate night focus groups:-
"Looks like the [Media Matters] letter had an impact ... the network [MSNBC] has decided 'not to go with Frank for the debate.'" -- Mary Ann Akers, Roll Call, September 30, 2004
On Sinclair Broadcast Group:-
"[T]his [Sinclair pulling the anti-Kerry film Stolen Honor from its program schedule] was largely engineered by a terrific group, an independent group called Media Matters for America, a progressive group that monitors the media. ... Good for Media Matters for America." -- Paul Begala, CNN's Crossfire, October 20, 2004
FOX News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on Media Matters:-
"That's just Joseph Goebbels Nazi stuff." -- The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, September 14, 2004
There is so much more that needs to be done, and we need your help. With your support, we hope to expand our media monitoring to include right-wing religious broadcasting and conservative regional and local radio shows. We will have the capacity to launch more activism campaigns that -- through your participation -- hold the media accountable.
Click here now to make your tax-deductible contribution
A healthy democracy depends on public access to accurate and reliable information. Media Matters for America is dedicated to alerting news outlets and consumers to conservative misinformation -- wherever we find it, in every news cycle -- and to spurring progressive activism. Together, we must continue to fight, and your contributions will make a difference.
Click here now to make your tax-deductible contribution
We can ensure standards and accountability in media.
Thank you for your continued support.
David Brock
President and CEO
Media Matters for America