Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Congrats to all the Koufax winners. I failed to win a single award this year, but nonetheless this is a happy time for me. The secret I've withheld from all of you is that I am actually the partner of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, and will therefore soon take my rightful place as The Queen of All Iraq. Screw you Judy Miller!

And, since I'm not a big enough person to let the winners bask in the warm glow of the spotlight, I must take this opportunity to remind people of the thousands and thousands of Koufax awards I've won previously. Well, okay, I think it was 3. But, the award I'm most proud of is the one I received for creating the most hilarious post in the history of blog posts. Even funnier than Jesse's parody of La Nooner. Even funnier than Poker with Dick Cheney. And, I might even claim, even funnier than Neal Pollack's A Man Wronged or his seminal Ow!

The bestest most funniest blog post ever was, of course, this: