Wednesday, March 16, 2005


This is a rather long and complicated post on the issue, but short version is that right now the House is an ethics free zone and the Democrats are trying to force a floor vote to establish an appropriate set of ethics rules.

You can read the post for all of the ways that Bob Ney is tied up in the Abramoff/DeLay stuff, but here's the action alert:

So, for anybody living in Ohio's 18th, a quaint area that includes Zanesville... please give Mr. Ney a call and ask whether he will sign the discharge petition. If he says that he will not, remind him that if he is truly guilt-free he should want a fully functioning ethics committee with public confidence to clear his name, and that his lack of support lends itself to serious suspicion. If you live in Ohio but outside of the 18th district, write a letter to the editor noting Ney's predicament. Bob Ney Day!

For any of you who are in Ohio's 18th, give Ney a call and ask him to sign the discharge position.

Washington, D.C. 20515
P: 202.225.6265
F: 202.225.3394

St. Clairsville
146 A. West Main St.
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
Phone: 740-699-2704
Fax: 740-699-2769

New Philadelphia
Hilton Fairfield Building
152 Second St., NE #200
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Phone : 330-364-6380
Fax : 330-364-7675

126 East Second Suite D
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Phone : 740-779-1634
Fax : 740-779-1641

200 Broadway
Jackson, OH 45640
Phone: 740-288-1430
Fax: 740-286-7630

Masonic Temple Building
38 North, 4th St.
Zanesville, OH 43701
Phone: (740) 452-7023
Fax: (740) 452-7191