Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wanker of the Day

Eric Minamayer. Make sure to read through the comments.

Minamayer thinks he's justified in questioning Hackett's service because he was a Civil Affairs officer. You know, the guys who, like Hackett, have to go into Fallujah after we bomb the shit out of it and try to make nice with the local population. Surely not a dangerous or important job.

Minamayer writes:

Being a Civil Affairs Officer is a noble thing and carried the same dangers we all faced in the Middle East. If one’s role was not command or combat, however, one should not imply that it was.

Of course, here's what Minamayer said on his own website:

I fought the war on terrorism and now I will fight for you in Washington. At
least the liberals in Congress don’t have guns.

Minamayer in combat? Nope.

You know what to do.