Monday, March 27, 2006

On the Religion Thing

Digby writes:

We've had quite a few discussions about religion on this blog lately, which led me to believe that there is a serious need for the religious left to assert itself and make a case for Democratic religiosity. The Republicans simply do not own the church and they have no right to claim they do.

but I, being a non-believer, cannot make that case effectively. I can't even discuss it in terms other than dry pragmatic political language. So, I'm thrilled to read through Street Prophets that the United Church of Christ has teamed up with Media Matters to "fight the pronounced tilt toward the Religious Right in mainstream media news."

This is an issue I fave all of the time. It's really not in my business to promote the "Religious Left" as it's not really my job to choose sides in religion. But when it intersects with something I do have a comment on - unfair treatment by the media - then of course I'm happy to bring attention to it.