Thursday, April 27, 2006

Speaking of Wingnuttery

Book sales, Iraq, the Dixie Chicks:

The Chicks are back at it again with a new CD available to the world of country music. This just a few weeks after announcing that they were giving up on the genre and branching out to other forms of music.

Will their new music be played? Of course the tunes will go out over the airwaves because the powers in Nashville and New York that drive the music industry today will never be part of an unsuccessful album release and will make sure the Chick’s receive air play.

The Dixie Chicks have every right to speak their mind in public. Many Americans died to give them that right and I support their freedom of expression.

But, we do not have to listen to their music, buy their products or attend their concerts.

We have the right to call or write the advertisers who pay for the music to be played on the radio and refuse to do business with them as long as they support the Chicks. We have the right to ignore the Dixie Chicks until they are “has-beens” in the music industry and they are forced to sell their mansions on the hill.

Haha. Has-beens.