I meant to post on this yesterday but didn't get a chance. Kos took care of it.
People in DC are fighting over money. I have no idea if Howard Dean is spending money sensibly or not, but that question is probably entirely divorced from the question of whether the "50 state plan" is a good idea or not. If people want to complain about what the money is being spent on they should focus on the actual expenditures rather than the strategy behind those expenditures.
I don't really know why a Democratic who regularly harp on the need to appeal to red staters would deride activists trying to do just that as "nose pickers." I imagine it's basically a generally disdain for personal activist politics in favor of Washington media consultants, and we know how much they cost.
More than that, it's about pre-emptive asscovering. Those in DC invested in staying the course with the usual strategy want to make sure they don't get the blame if they lose, yet again. If only HoHo would've given them more of the dough they would've won. Who knows, they might be right.