Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Opposing War

Joe Klein today:

The fact that I've been opposed to the Iraq war ever since this 2002 article in Slate just makes it all the more aggravating. But it's possible to have been against the war and to hope for the best in Iraq. I'd bet that the overwhelming majority of Americans who now oppose the war are praying for a turn for the better in Iraq. Listening to the leftists, though, it's easy to assume that they are rooting for an American failure.

Which leftists, Joe? He does not say, unsurprisingly. Still, I can't support or refute his assertion that he was "opposed to the Iraq war ever since this 2002 article in Slate" because his link is fucked up. However, we do have this from... 2003!

This is a really tough decision. War may well be the right decision at this point. In fact, I think it--it's--it--it probably is.

That's some opposition. Asshole.