It's apparently become quite popular with seniors, who use them for leisurely afternoon bike rides.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Even More Transport
Barcelona has a recently new program called Bicing, which is a bike sharing program. Bike stations are placed strategically throughout the city, and subway stops usually have signs pointing to them. Members have a card which they swipe, they're told which bike to grab, and off they go. It isn't necessary to return the bikes to where you got them; they can be dropped off at any bicing station. The first half hour is free, and after that there's a bit of a surcharge. When the program began they set the annual membership fee at some absurd low figure like 7 Euros, causing most of the city to sign up. That's now been increased to 24 Euros.
It's apparently become quite popular with seniors, who use them for leisurely afternoon bike rides.
It's apparently become quite popular with seniors, who use them for leisurely afternoon bike rides.