Sunday, August 31, 2008
Facts Are Stupid Things
Wonder how long John McCain will keep lying about this.
When John McCain introduced Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate Friday, her reputation as a tough-minded budget-cutter was front and center.
"I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere," Palin told the cheering McCain crowd, referring to Ketchikan's Gravina Island bridge.
But Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.
As With Katrina
If things hit the fan there will be a big push to blame the victims, those who were unwilling and unable to leave for various reasons. Some are too poor, too sick, too disabled, too old. And, yes, probably some are just stupid. But in any area, especially one with sizable poverty levels, there are always going to be people who don't perceive that they have the ability and resources to evacuate.
Don't Talk About The Oil
Apparently Sarah Palin is a left wing conspiracy nut who doesn't buy into the George Bush/Fred Hiatt line about freeance and peeance.
Republicans Get Stupider Each Day
I suppose by this reasoning, McCain's proximity to Mexico makes him personally responsible for the failure to secure the border. EPIC FAIL.
Thwarting The SUPERTRAIN
Judging from my experiences in Boston and Denver, the secret service, or whoever else is in charge of logistics and security, is no fan of SUPERTRAINS near political conventions. Both Boston and Denver shut down the nearby stops, so I'm not sure this matters much.
DENVER – As she walked the Pepsi Center grounds in the midst of the Democratic National Convention, Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Elba Garcia appeared convinced: Dallas should host this event in 2012.
Dallas' transportation and event capabilities, although already robust by national standards among the country's larger cities, will be even more so four years from now.
For example, the Dallas Area Rapid Transit light-rail system will have opened a third line that will include a stop at Dallas Love Field and regular service to American Airlines Center.
As I wrote to a few people yesterday in email, I think Palin's on the ticket because McCain's an old guy with a crush.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Document the atrocities, in case you haven't already. Apparently I'm still on Mountain time.
Tap Tap Tap
Larry Craig has arrived for the convention and would like your attention for the morning wood thread.
Our Very Serious Leader
New Orleans residents will no doubt be reassured by the manly confidence with which he holds this very important folder.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Black on Palin's remarkable ignorance: "She'll be studying foreign policy at the feet of the master."
Cox says a dem operative emails, remarking that McCain does look a lot like Yoda.
Cox says a dem operative emails, remarking that McCain does look a lot like Yoda.
16 Years Of Hillary Hate Doesn't Simply Vanish
McCain's people are very good at playing into the media storyline of the day/week. Actually knowing what the voters want, as opposed to what the Villagers want, is a bit harder. Still it is a strategy that can work.
Updated WASHINGTON, Pa. – It was a repeat of a line that attracted a great deal of attention in her announcement speech, but when Gov. Sarah Palin praised the “determination and grace” of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at a McCain campaign rally here Saturday the line was met with a few tepid claps and some boos.
It was just a blip in an otherwise enthusiastic rally, but it did show some of the complications Senator John McCain may face in trying to attract former Clinton supporters to his cause.
McCain's people are very good at playing into the media storyline of the day/week. Actually knowing what the voters want, as opposed to what the Villagers want, is a bit harder. Still it is a strategy that can work.
How Very Embarrassing
We all make mistakes, but how bad do your critical thinking skills have to be for you to actually buy into the possibility that Wasilla, AK, is larger than the state of Delaware.
And shame on me for, when I first posted this, thinking that Ramesh was using the correct spelling of "Wasilla."
And shame on me for, when I first posted this, thinking that Ramesh was using the correct spelling of "Wasilla."
Shady City Organizers
How some elite Villagers see the people.
We've noticed something about the hundreds of fabulous parties and events at this Democratic convention: They're hardly democratic. As we have rolled through downtown Denver, hopping from nightclub to amphitheater to swank bar, we've seen very few delegates. Surely we've missed some; not everyone was sporting a button or ribbon proudly declaring his or her state affiliation. But in all these guest-list-only fetes, we've noticed a common theme. They feel just like parties in Washington. Exclusive, self-conscious, and, let's be honest, tiring. And after taking the pulse of some of the party guests -- Dem political operatives all -- we found that they like it this way.
No one really wants to attend a party with the "prolies," one insider told us, referring to the delegates. A lot of them are city organizers and the kinds of folks he would prefer not to spend an evening with. "Shady" was the chosen adjective. He much preferred to run into friends from back home as he made the party circuit, and he was not disappointed. Other high-powered Dems concurred with this assessment, and one even offered that he had looked forward to Denver with the same relish as his annual retreats to Aspen and Miami. We pointed out that most of the convention delegates -- heck, most of the convention attendees, period -- aren't really in that jet set. He looked at us like we had just uttered the truest and most obvious statement of the week. When asked if he'd gone onto the convention floor while he was here, he replied, "Why would I do that?"
The Ticket
I'd seen this picture around and it didn't occur to me that it was an actual McCain campaign production.
I'm not even sure what to say about it... I don't know. It just looks like something from a bad Hollywood sitcomish movie about a presidential campaign.
A Hotbed Of Jews For Buchanan
It's long amazed me that someone with Pat Buchanan's expressed views has managed to remain a pundit in good standing. Given that, it's a bit hard to imagine that any bobbleheads will wonder out loud if Sarah Palin's support of him will mean that McCain has a "Jewish problem." Probably, like everything else, it'll be good news for John McCain.
"Christian-Centered Philosophy"
Reading a bit more about the bank that the FDIC ate yesterday.
And they were.
Encouraged by their leader:
It's all God's Will:
Lovely discriminatory workplace practices.
The Alpharetta-based bank, which opened its doors in 2000 with a Christian-centered philosophy, is the 10th U.S. bank to fail this year and the second Georgia institution to fail in the past 12 months.
Integrity’s employees regularly prayed before meetings or in branch lobbies with customers, while the bank gave 10 percent of its net income to charities.
“We felt if we prayed and obeyed God’s word and did what He asked, that He would help us be successful,” the bank’s founder, Steve Skow, told the Journal-Constitution in 2005.
And they were.
Centered around a Christian faith-based business model, Integrity Bank was a high-flying star of metro Atlanta's housing boom, but industry experts said Integrity quickly became the poster-child for lending and compensation excesses.
...Senior executive salaries, the bank’s compensation discussion and analysis section states, relied heavily on lenders and executives growing the total loan portfolio, with few incentives for credit quality.
CEO Steve Skow earned $1.8 million that year, while senior lender and executive vice president Doug Ballard earned $847,222. A typical community bank CEO, banking consultants said, earn roughly $300,000 per year.
Encouraged by their leader:
Steven Skow, ceo of faith-based Integrity Bank, has been encouraged by President Bush's emphasis on Christian values: "We're starting to see faith become popular, right up to our leader, the President of the U.S."
It's all God's Will:
"It's not me--it's the people and God's will that have made this thing successful."
Lovely discriminatory workplace practices.
Skow begins every business day praying with the top officers at his Integrity Bank.
People Like The Train
Aside from economic and practical considerations, I do get the sense that there's a new hipness to public transit in certain places which didn't really exist before.
Charlotte's light rail line has only been in operation for nine months but the ridership numbers are already approaching a remarkable milestone.
For the month of July the LYNX light rail line tallied a ridership count of 16-thousand-900. Transit Chief Keith Parker says if they see another 5-percent growth or so in the next couple months they will have reached their ridership projections... for the year 2025.
Things That Did Not Happen For $500
Inquirer's Trudy Rubin, July '07:
Military commanders say they believe there will be a sizable drawdown of U.S. troops in 2008, not just because of domestic political pressures but because the army is severely overextended. The numbers I heard vary, and a residual force would remain. Let me add that there are no concrete plans yet for such a withdrawal.
Labor Day Weekend Thread
Pretty quiet around here. Central Park's Conservatory Garden pretty empty yesterday. One wedding there. I like staying in the City during big holiday weekends.
Oh My
This'll be fun.
The July firing of Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan by Gov. Sarah Palin, who was announced as John McCain's running mate on Friday, has unearthed a stream of soap-opera-like details about Palin, her husband, her family and top state appointees. The controversy has also cut against Palin's reputation for holding an ethical line and standing up to colleagues in the Republican Party over matters of principle.
Monegan, 57, a respected former chief of the Anchorage Police Department, said in an interview with The Washington Post's James V. Grimaldi on Friday that the governor repeatedly brought up the topic of her ex-brother-in-law, Michael Wooten, after Monegan became the state's commissioner of public safety in December 2006. Palin's husband, Todd, met with Monegan and presented a dossier of information about Wooten, who was going through a bitter custody battle with Palin's sister, Molly. Monegan also said Sarah Palin sent him e-mails on the subject, but Monegan declined to disclose them, saying he planned to give them to a legislative investigator looking into the matter.
Friday, August 29, 2008
They Get Telegrams
Sadly my carrier pigeon didn't quite make it to McCain headquarters in time to sign up for his high tech telegram alert service.
The Tears of Holy Joe
I'm crying with him, actually.
Droopy Dog-Americans are pissed, and will form their own PUMA style group.
- ABC's Jan Crawford Greenburg reports: It wasn't until Sunday night that John McCain, after meeting with his four top advisers, finally decided he could not tap independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut to be his running mate. One adviser, tasked with taking the temperature of the conservative base, had strongly made the case to McCain that it would be a disaster for the party and that the base would revolt. McCain concluded he could not go that route. The next day, McCain studied the three men at the top of his shortlist: Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge. All had different strengths and negatives, but McCain was not satisfied. None of them had what McCain believed he needed to do -- and would have done -- with Lieberman.
Droopy Dog-Americans are pissed, and will form their own PUMA style group.
Epic Fail
One doesn't like to whine after experiencing such an awesome night, but man did the DNC organizers totally fuck up the Escape From Invesco last night. No signs, no lighting, no PA announcements, no clue, giant mob of people with no clear idea where or how to go, etc. Not a problem (if annoying) for a young healthy lad like myself, but there were plenty of people in that mob who were a bit less spry, to put it mildly.
From Someone Near Home
Anchorage Daily News reporter:
- Washington, D.C.: Why don't reporters and legislators have a high opinion of the governor?Gregg Erickson: It is clear that she has not paid much attention to the nitty-gritty unglamorous work of government, of gaining consensus, and making difficult compromises. She seems to be of the view that politics shouild be all rather simple. That often appeals to the wider public, but frustrates those who see themselves as laboring in the less glamorous parts of the vineyard.
Arlington, Va.: Do you think Hillary supporters will vote for McCain now just because there's a woman on the ticket -- even though she's about as opposite as Hillary as a candidate could be?Gregg Erickson: As i replied to another question, the only way I can figure that it makes sense is that McCain believes his campaign is in big trouble, and hopes this very unconventional choice will give his candidacy much needed appeal women voters and those from the religous right who have been not quite comfortable with his credentials as a social conservative. Appealing to Hillary supporters by choosing someone opposed to any abortion, rights seems odd to me.
Worst Company In The World
That would be Super Shuttle, whose driver showed up late for our scheduled (and prepaid) pickup, asked the bellhop if there was anyone for pickup, with us standing there the bellhop pointed and said "yes, these two," and the driver said "No," and drove off with the bellhop screaming after him and flinging open his rear door.
Apparently within 2-5 days their "local representative" will get in touch regarding a possible refund.
Avoid Super Shuttle.
Apparently within 2-5 days their "local representative" will get in touch regarding a possible refund.
Avoid Super Shuttle.
Ambinder Rules McCain's World
Marc Ambinder suggests Palin site be scrubbed. Website is then scrubbed.
But Speaking Of Palin
Her loving tribute to Clinton this morning is a wee bit undermined by this.
Once onstage, together with Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Palin talked about what women expect from women leaders; how she took charge in Alaska during a political scandal that threatened to unseat the state's entire Republican power structure, and her feelings about Sen. Hillary Clinton. (She said she felt kind of bad she couldn't support a woman, but she didn't like Clinton's "whining.")
I'll admit a bit of a pause on Palin for two reasons: 1) Don't know much about her and 2) The selection of a woman by McCain requires some careful thought about potential criticisms which inadvertently wade into misogynist territory. Already we have questions asked about her which wouldn't be asked of a man by the media, and I want to avoid going anywhere near there myself.
That's a big number
38 Million:
Also almost twice the number Kerry got in 2004. Number does not include PBS or C-Span. Nor does it include those who streamed it over the web.
Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention was seen by more than 38 million people.
Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing....
Also almost twice the number Kerry got in 2004. Number does not include PBS or C-Span. Nor does it include those who streamed it over the web.
Sarah Palin For President
Republican on MSNBC is arguing that Palin has much more experience than Joe Biden because all he did was run committees in the Senate.
By this logic Palin has much more experience than John McCain.
By this logic Palin has much more experience than John McCain.
Couldn't have happened to nicer guys.
DENVER -- Though it was high in shock value, the Palin pick left bruised feelings among the short-list contenders who were not picked -- and infuriated some Republican officials who privately said McCain had gone out on a limb, unnecessarily, without laying the groundwork for such an unknown. Two senior Republican officials close to Mitt Romney and Tim
Pawlenty said they had both been rudely strung along and now "feel manipulated."
"They now know that they were used as decoys, well after McCain had decided not to pick them," one Republican involved in the process said.
Obama Campaign Statement
"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same," said Bill Burton, Obama Campaign Spokesman.
That's a lot of jobs.
Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp. is offering early-retirement incentives to about 9,000 U.S. salaried employees, or 28 percent of that workforce, people familiar with the plan said.
GM, the largest U.S. automaker, said July 15 it wanted to cut 20 percent of its salaried-worker costs in the U.S. and Canada by Nov. 1. The employees have 45 days to consider the proposal, said the people, who asked not to be named because the details haven't been made public.
Who Is That Again?
It's kind of funny watching teevee journalists basically admitting that they know nothing about this person. That'd be fine, except for all the time spent telling us about mittens-pawlenty-etc over the past several weeks. But one does wish that at moments like this they'd take 10 minutes or so to... learn about her before they start bloviating.
Open Thread
It is only a matter of time until the Pony Express announces to his subscribing supporters, who John McCain has chosen to run with on his eleventy-first birthday.
It's Palin.
It's Palin.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Speech Pre-Reviews
Udall boring.
Kaine boring.
Richardson better.
All might improve on actual delivery.
Kaine boring.
Richardson better.
All might improve on actual delivery.
Appropriate Convention Music
The National's "Fake Empire" being played as a background in a campaign commercialish video.
Sadly they probably won't be able to run with the even more appropriate Mr. November.
Sadly they probably won't be able to run with the even more appropriate Mr. November.
Oh please, oh please...
Could be a trial balloon or an attempt to distract, but..
If security sweeps are the giveaway, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may be on the brink of being selected as Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) vice presidential running mate.
According to sources with strong Michigan ties, the Secret Service has conducted a security sweep of the home of Romney’s sister. Romney was raised in Michigan, where his father served as governor.
Could be a trial balloon or an attempt to distract, but..
Cable News Hell
It really is just a neverending parade of RNC talking points. Even Drudge behaves better these days.
The stop outside the Pepsi Center was shut down, but I believe it will be possible to take the SUPERTRAIN to Invesco Field this evening. Actually, I mean this afternoon as apparently we're supposed to arrive way early.
Problem Solved
The Republican approach to problem solving.
...oops. I guess I should read my own blog. A little too much multitasking at the moment.
But the numbers are misleading, said John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, a right-leaning Dallas-based think tank. Mr. Goodman, who helped craft Sen. John McCain's health care policy, said anyone with access to an emergency room effectively has insurance, albeit the government acts as the payer of last resort. (Hospital emergency rooms by law cannot turn away a patient in need of immediate care.)
"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.
"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."
...oops. I guess I should read my own blog. A little too much multitasking at the moment.
Voila! Problem Solved
This sure seems like something that should get media attention.
John McCain's solution to those who have no health insurance...
And I thought John Goodman was acting in The Big Lebowski.
(note: may be different John Goodman)
John McCain's solution to those who have no health insurance...
John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, a right-leaning Dallas-based think tank. Mr. Goodman, who helped craft Sen. John McCain's health care policy, said anyone with access to an emergency room effectively has insurance, albeit the government acts as the payer of last resort. (Hospital emergency rooms by law cannot turn away a patient in need of immediate care.)
"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.
"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."
And I thought John Goodman was acting in The Big Lebowski.
(note: may be different John Goodman)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The competition for seats here is a bit vicious. The person in charge of policing our section is only half jokingly (maybe not at all) telling people they'd better be blogging constantly or they'll be booted. A wee bit hard to do since my battery is about to die. Bathroom breaks are a gamble.
Seats are completely filled, hallways are completely filled. It's a zoo.
Seats are completely filled, hallways are completely filled. It's a zoo.
Don't have much battery, but I actually made it in and into a seat. Thanks to the DNC people for reserving a few for bloggers.
Place is already almost entirely full, and the line behind me was stupid long. My advice to anyone heading in now is to go find a nice bar with a big screen.
Place is already almost entirely full, and the line behind me was stupid long. My advice to anyone heading in now is to go find a nice bar with a big screen.
Fresh Thread
Not sure how much longer I'll have any connection today, haven't had power outlet access in awhile. I'll schedule a few open threads for this evening so people have a place to chat, and the keepers of the keys can feel free to post their magnum opus on biofuels if they wish.
...they just switched the teevee to CSPAN and I see that they're doing the roll call. Exciting!!
...they just switched the teevee to CSPAN and I see that they're doing the roll call. Exciting!!
Lies and the Lying Liars
But McCain is an honorable man so this isn't possible. Obviously his campaign doesn't really speak for him, he doesn't speak for his campaign.
Oh, and...
Oh, and...
Invesco Field
Frankly, my bet is that it was really just a practical consideration. The convention is just too crowded, and if they kept it in the Pepsi Center on Thursday they'd inevitably have to just shut the doors at some point and lock out a bunch of people who thought they'd be able to get inside.
Greek Revival
And there are these giant buildings all over this city, Washington DC, where many of these reporters live and work. I assume they've noticed a couple of them.
Civil War
Certainly some novel views.
WASHINGTON — Congressional candidate Jack Davis, in a speech earlier this year, warned that increasing immigration from Mexico could lead to a new civil war between northern states and Mexican-influenced Southern states that may want to secede from the United States.
“In the latter part of this century or the next, Mexicans will be a majority in many of the states and could therefore take control of the state government using the democratic process,” Davis said in the speech. “They could then secede from the United States, and then we might have another civil war.”
A supporter of one of Davis’ rivals for the Democratic nomination in the 26th district, Jon Powers, posted the video to YouTube. The Powers campaign alerted The Buffalo News to the Davis video.
Can't Talk And Listen
Since I left the convention last night, seatless, I had opportunity to watch the 3 cable networks cover the convention. It was quite shocking just how little of the speeches they covered. Really what is the point of spending all of that money to send the "talent" to the convention so they can talk over the speeches when they could do that just as well from the studio.
It'd be nice if they at least read the speeches they didn't cover.
It'd be nice if they at least read the speeches they didn't cover.
But Why?
I really just wonder when and why the war preznit decided that winning his glorious war meant staying there forever instead of declaring victory and going home. I guess it's not fun to get a new toy and then give it back.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
With A Capital 'T'
My friends:
The health of U.S. banks is quickly deteriorating, and the government fund set up to protect depositors might not have enough money to insure everybody, analysts told
At the beginning of the year, 90 banks were on the FDIC watch list. There are now 117, FDIC chairwoman Sheila C. Bair announced at a press conference this afternoon. That is the highest number in five years, but some analysts expect the list to grow even more in coming months.
Nobody Needs To Be Here
Just continuing something I've mentioned before, it is really true that there really is no reason for even a small fraction of the press to be here, assuming the purpose of them being here is to inform the public about what's going on at the convention. Media members like to fret about convention coverage, as if the political parties force them all to come here against their will. Then they come here and write stories about how know news is being made here, as if they weren't aware of that fact before hand.
The best convention coverage would be CSPAN style for TV, and posting up the full text of speeches online and excerpts of them in print for newspapers. There's some place for contextualizing that journalists can do, but really not all that much and certainly not the invented narratives and expectations games.
So why are they are? Because it's the place to be.
The best convention coverage would be CSPAN style for TV, and posting up the full text of speeches online and excerpts of them in print for newspapers. There's some place for contextualizing that journalists can do, but really not all that much and certainly not the invented narratives and expectations games.
So why are they are? Because it's the place to be.
If Michelle Obama Said She Hates America
That might cause some problems. If she doesn't say it, or something like it, then Fox News will be there to pretend she did.
The Good War
There is surprisingly (well, not really I guess) little discussion of just what we're doing in Afghanistan. We all agreed long ago that it was a good and just war and then stopped bothering to think about what the long term purpose is.
KABUL, Afghanistan -- The United Nations said Tuesday it has found "convincing evidence" that U.S. coalition troops and Afghan forces killed some 90 civilians, including 60 children, in airstrikes in western Afghanistan.
Katie's World
The idea that a room filled with people typing on computers makes for really good TV seems to persist. Katie Couric and her camera crew blocked my entrance to the Big Tent for awhile. There's a lot of stuff going on at this convention. Room filled with bloggers: pretty boring.
Can't Even Win His Own State
While that's an exaggeration, it is true that McCain's home state troubles aren't getting the kind of attention such things usually do. When a Democrat is involved anyway.
Apparently the media only likes it when former Democrats decide, with deep sadness, that they didn't leave the party, the party left them.
CNN is informing that Hillary Clinton has to do 15 things simultaneously with her speech, and wise Soledad finally remarked that some of these things may be contradictory.
Our discourse is so stupid.
Our discourse is so stupid.
Over there.
- QARAH TAPPAH, Iraq (Reuters) - A suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowd of police recruits in northern Iraq on Tuesday killing 28 people, in an attack that showed that parts of Iraq have yet to see the security gains felt elsewhere.
Things Change
Back in 2004 the media were obsessed with the idea that if the Dems showed any negativity about Bush they'd be doooooooooooooooomed.
Now they're obsessed with the idea that the Dems aren't showing enough negativity.
Now they're obsessed with the idea that the Dems aren't showing enough negativity.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Polling Fun
A friend writes that she got a telephone poll asking "my opinion, as a Jew, on the various policies on Israel (and the impact of those opinions now that I know them) on my judgment of the following people: Barack Obama. John McCain, Joe Biden, and Joe Lieberman."
Friend concludes, "someone is very interested in learning what effect Joe Lieberman's possible place on McCain's ticket might have on the Jewish vote for McCain."
Friend concludes, "someone is very interested in learning what effect Joe Lieberman's possible place on McCain's ticket might have on the Jewish vote for McCain."
While as I said I'm not much for liveblogging, since I presume this is happening during either commercial break or pundit chitchat time, when Biden's face shows up on the big screens people cheer a lot. And he looks really happy.
...adding, I'm not sure but I presume he's sitting with the Delaware delegates.
...adding, I'm not sure but I presume he's sitting with the Delaware delegates.
Small Or Popular?
This place is crowded. Is it just much more popular (and even moreso given the Northeast corridor advantage Boston would have had) or is the arena just smaller than it was in 2004. Nosebleed seats didn't really fill up until later in the week then. It's early in the night on Monday.
To the Google! What was then the Fleet Center but appears to have had a named change has a maximum 19,500 maximum capacity, though probably seats behind the stage were blocked off.
The Pepsi Center feels a bit smaller than the Boston arena, though given that the former has a basketball (not maximum) capacity of over 19,000 my impression is probably wrong.
So, yes, things are a bit crowded. The Thursday move to Invesco Field is wise, because given the various ways people engage in credentials shenanigans this place would have been bursting.
To the Google! What was then the Fleet Center but appears to have had a named change has a maximum 19,500 maximum capacity, though probably seats behind the stage were blocked off.
The Pepsi Center feels a bit smaller than the Boston arena, though given that the former has a basketball (not maximum) capacity of over 19,000 my impression is probably wrong.
So, yes, things are a bit crowded. The Thursday move to Invesco Field is wise, because given the various ways people engage in credentials shenanigans this place would have been bursting.
Afternoon Pictures
Duro Not Culo
Apparently lyrics site had wrong lyrics for "gasolina," and the word is "duro" (hard) not "culo" (ass) as listed below.
No more foreign presence.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Prime Nuri al-Maliki said on Monday that an agreement had been reached in negotiations on a security pact with the United States to end any foreign military presence in Iraq by the end of 2011.
"There is an agreement actually reached, reached between the two parties on a fixed date which is the end of 2011 to end any foreign presence on Iraqi soil," Maliki said in a speech to tribal leaders in the Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone.
It isn't that Cohen is lazy, it's that what he actually means is that Obama is personally unknown to him because Obama hasn't taken the time to invite Richard Cohen over for a private dinner.
Daddy Yankee
And his other celebrity pals:
...Some quick translated lyrics from Gasolina:
...update: Apparently lyrics site had wrong lyrics for "gasolina," and the word is "duro" (hard) not "culo" (ass) as listed above.
ABC News' Bret Hovell Reports: While making an appearance on Monday at the high school alma mater of his wife Cindy, John McCain received the endorsement of Reggaeton star Daddy Yankee.
Daddy Yankee, whose real name is Ramon Ayala, is a Latin Grammy winner. He is known mostly for his song "Gasolina," which, according to several translations of the Spanish lyrics and interpretations of the Spanish slang, is not particularly family-friendly, and has absolutely nothing to do with energy independence.
And his other celebrity pals:
Meanwhile, the Web site Wilshire and Washington, published by Variety magazine, reported McCain will be paying a visit to some other celebrities when he travels to Los Angeles Monday for an appearance on "The Tonight Show."
McCain will attend a fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton, an event Angie Harmon, David Zucker, Jon Cryer, Craig T. Nelson, Jon Voight, Craig Haffner and Robert Duvall are expected to attend, the Web site said.
...Some quick translated lyrics from Gasolina:
turn up the mambo so my pussies turn on their engines
turn up the mambo so my pussies turn on their engines
turn up the mambo so my pussies turn on their engines
so they can get ready for what's coming to them (ass!)
...update: Apparently lyrics site had wrong lyrics for "gasolina," and the word is "duro" (hard) not "culo" (ass) as listed above.
It Shouldn't Be This Way
As Krugman notes, our politics shouldn't be this stupid. It's this stupid, in part, because voters respond to it. But it's also this stupid in part because our media spends most of their time on this stuff, which helps to convince voters that this is the stuff they're supposed to care about.
Washington elites perceive the various aspects of politics as activities for insiders. The rest of us just get to watch some of it and, sadly, go to the polls every now and then. I think it's been a long time since Richard Cohen has seen his audience as the readers of the Washington Post. Instead he imagines he's participating in a conversation by and for elites.
All of that's fine, but it's the type of activity which is much better suited for, say, a blog than the limited real estate space of the Washington Post opinion pages. There are a lot of reasons for declining newspaper circulation, but one which doesn't get enough credit is the general contempt many newspapers seem to have for their readers.
All of that's fine, but it's the type of activity which is much better suited for, say, a blog than the limited real estate space of the Washington Post opinion pages. There are a lot of reasons for declining newspaper circulation, but one which doesn't get enough credit is the general contempt many newspapers seem to have for their readers.
Morning Thread II
Allow me to compliment the good Roger Aisles, for the snarkiest line of the year, it will never be topped:
The McCain campaign keeps emphasizing that McCain was a prisoner in Vietnam, as proof of his qualification for the Presidency.
Well, so was Gary Glitter, and I'm not voting for him either.
Morning Thread
It's the first day of school! Does everyone have their new notebooks and pens and underwear?
--Molly I.
--Molly I.
Paying for Biden's Brain Aneurysms
Joe Biden, along with John McCain, receives pretty good health insurance from the government. This idiot is already paying for their health care.
Anyway, spent a lot of time wandering around today. I'll put up some pictures of protesters, the police in riot gear, and the unlikely duo of Jeffrey Toobin and Jeralyn Merritt.
DNC conventioning is pretty much like any other convention, only with a bit of extra Joe Klein. And protesters. People wandering around from event to event, bumping into people they know, chatting and looking for the fun.
DNC conventioning is pretty much like any other convention, only with a bit of extra Joe Klein. And protesters. People wandering around from event to event, bumping into people they know, chatting and looking for the fun.
I'm A Twit
Twitter actually seems to be a good place for "shorter than my even usual posts" coverage of the convention which consist of really exciting stuff like "just saw Adam Green of Move On." You can find me there if that sounds exciting to you. Maybe I'll stick a twitterbox somewhere on this page too.
Over there.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest at a dinner feast in western Baghdad's Abu Ghraib district, killing 21 people, said police colonel Dawood Suleiman in the nearby city of Fallujah.
Joe Klein Everywhere
I think he's stalking me. First at the party and just now outside the Pepsi Center.
Concern Trolling
Obama's too popular to be president.
Obama's choice of super awesome Biden proves he isn't ready to be president.
Please make it stop.
Obama's choice of super awesome Biden proves he isn't ready to be president.
Please make it stop.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Mountain time edition.
•NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Guests: Caroline Kennedy, co-chair of Obama’s vice presidential search committee; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat.
•ABC’s “This Week,” Guests: David Axelrod, campaign adviser to Sen. Barack Obama; Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor.
•“Fox News Sunday,” Gov. Tim Kaine, Virginia Democrat; Gov. Bill Ritter, Colorado Democrat; Robert Gibbs, Obama campaign spokesman.
•CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Guests: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas Democrat; Gov. Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania Democrat; Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Illinois Democrat.
•CNN’s “Late Edition,” Guests: Sen. Bob Casey, Pennsylvania Democrat; Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Republican; Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana Democrat; Gov. Janet Napolitano, Arizona Democrat; Sen. Jack Reed, Rhode Island Democrat; Rep. James Clyburn, South Carolina Democrat; Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman; Anita Dunn, Obama campaign adviser.
Glennzilla took a picture of Dangerstein and me, though it's so awful I won't put it up.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Help a cat out, Atriots, if you can. Meanwhile, I bet you know how to answer this question.
Must Have Gotten Lost
Apparently the big media party is tonight at Elitch Gardens, but somehow my invitation never arrived.
We've been having a birthday party at my place so I have no idea if anything's been going on. You got news?
Not Atrios
Not Atrios
"Is He Rich?"
This was the question asked of me by Mrs. A. Not actually knowing the answer I had to think about. I knew he had a pretty humble upbringing, and that he didn't have a lot of time between law school and Congress to make a fortune. His wife doesn't have an especially lucrative career, though it's possible she has a second gig as a beer heiress.
In any case, via Americablog, the answer seems to be "no."
In any case, via Americablog, the answer seems to be "no."
Kicking And Screaming
I can't actually think of any prominent Democratic politician who self-describes as liberal, though some adopt the mushier "progressive." Yet lots of people are liberal!
Weird, really.
Weird, really.
Vice President For SUPERTRAIN
If nothing else, the man rides the train.
Biden made it work. He won, and became the youngest senator. But before he could even take office, Neilia, his two sons, and their baby daughter were in a brutal car accident in Delaware. Neilia and the baby were killed and the boys, Beau and Hunter, were badly injured. Biden stayed by their side during their recovery and initially refused to return to D.C. to take his Senate seat, acquiescing only after then-Majority Leader Mike Mansfield pushed him to take it.
Biden vowed to remain a fixture in his sons' lives. Valerie became their surrogate mother, and Biden began the daily commute from Wilmington to Washington that made him an Amtrak champion for life. Even after Biden met and married his second wife, Jill, five years later, he didn't surrender the back-breaking schedule. "Kids keep a thought in their heads for 12 hours," he says at one campaign stop. "They aren't gonna keep it for 24 hours."
Because all those nauseating head-fakes about (1) Republicans and (2) Blue Dogs and (3) people who would put you to sleep in a debate - those were just to make Biden seem really good by comparison, right?
Not Atrios
Not Atrios
CNN sez it's so.
I'm not a big fan of him for a variety of reasons, but for a variety of other reasons I think he's a pretty good VP choice. Not my fantasy VP choice or close to it, but nonetheless pretty good. Better than many of the other floated names.
And if CNN's wrong I can make fun of them tomorrow.
I'm not a big fan of him for a variety of reasons, but for a variety of other reasons I think he's a pretty good VP choice. Not my fantasy VP choice or close to it, but nonetheless pretty good. Better than many of the other floated names.
And if CNN's wrong I can make fun of them tomorrow.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Your Favorite VP Candidate Sucks
Thanks for blowing the election, you.
UPDATE. I just got a text message. It says your favorite VP candidate sucks.
UPDATE. I just got a text message. It says your favorite VP candidate sucks.
Did We Say $25 Billion?
We meant 50!
Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., Chrysler LLC and U.S. auto-parts makers are seeking $50 billion in government-backed loans, double their initial request, to develop and build more fuel-efficient vehicles.
The U.S. automakers and the suppliers want Congress to appropriate $3.75 billion needed to back $25 billion in U.S. loans approved in last year's energy bill and add $25 billion in new loans over subsequent years, according to people familiar with the strategy. The industry is also seeking fewer restrictions on how the funding is used, the people said today.
What's Good For General Motors
Truly awesome.
Ah, capitalism.
The Big 3 Detroit-based automakers are seeking about $25 billion in federal loans as they struggle to ride out a steep downturn in U.S. auto sales, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
The Big Three
Lobbyists for the U.S. automakers—General Motors, Ford Motor and Chrysler—briefed White House officials, as well as U.S. Rep. John Dingell and other Michigan Democrats, on a possible bailout and plan to unveil the proposal after Labor Day, according to the report.
Ah, capitalism.
There's little chance that much of the rest of the media picks up with the very accurate narrative Dan Froomkin creates about the recent development in Iraq. It's a complete reversal of the last several years of rhetoric.
I think Bush, too, is BORED NOW and won't really even bother to try anything. His moment at the center is about to pass, and after that he won't give a shit.
It is hypothetically possible that an American pullout on this timetable will leave behind a peaceful, democratic and pro-Western Iraq. One can certainly hope. But it seems more likely that the sectarian fissures opened by the U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation will once again explode into violence as soon as U.S. troops -- and U.S. payments -- stop creating an artificial sense of stability.
And then, of course, there's Bush's own histrionic prediction. "It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing," he said last May. "All the terrorists would have to do is mark their calendars and gather their strength -- and begin plotting how to overthrow the government and take control of the country of Iraq. I believe setting a deadline for withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments. Setting a deadline for withdrawal is setting a date for failure -- and that would be irresponsible."
So the next big question is this: How will Bush explain this turnaround when he finally emerges from his Crawford vacation? Will he try to downplay its significance? Or will he actually suggest that the job is nearly done in Iraq? That would be a bold move indeed, but not one with a lot of evidence to support it.
I think Bush, too, is BORED NOW and won't really even bother to try anything. His moment at the center is about to pass, and after that he won't give a shit.
Those Houses Don't Clean Themselves, My Friends
As I wrote last night, my guess is that the amount of money McCain spends on household help, far more than most of the country earns, is really what's going to look bad.
You Can't Do It, My Friends
I suppose this is the right time to remember this.
But he took more questions, including a pointed one on his immigration plan.
McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.
Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer.
“I’ll take it!” one man shouted.
McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.”
Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic.
“I was impressed with his comedy routine and ability to tap dance without music. But I was impressed with nothing else about him,” said John Wasniewski of Milwaukee. “He’s supposed to be Mr. Straight Talk?”
McCain, who has portrayed Obama as an elitist, is the son and grandson of admirals. The Associated Press estimates his wife, a beer heiress, is worth $100 million. Obama was raised by a single mother who relied at times on food stamps, and went to top schools on scholarships and loans. His income has increased from book sales since he spoke at the 2004 Democratic convention.
Things That Make You Go WUHHHHHHH?
Is it still 1975? Can someone plug a google box into the thing? $500 million? How about one of these? I don't understand.
The government's main terrorist-watch-list system is hobbled by technology challenges, and the $500 million program designed to upgrade it is on the verge of collapse, according to a preliminary congressional investigation.
The database, which includes an estimated 400,000 people and as many as 1 million names, has been criticized for flagging ordinary Americans. Now, the congressional report finds that the system has problems identifying true potential terrorists, as well.
Among the flaws in the database, which was quickly built by Lockheed Martin Corp. in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, is its inability to do key-word searches. Instead, an analyst needs to rely on an indexing system to query the database, according to congressional investigators who learned of the issues from a whistleblower. Lockheed spokesman Tom Jurkowsky said he could not comment on a report he had not read.
Fancy John
That's some elitist coffee we can appreciate, my friends.
McCain, who huddled with advisors at his desert compound in Sedona, Ariz., said nothing in public. A nine-car motorcade took him to a nearby Starbucks early in the morning, where he ordered a large cappuccino. McCain otherwise avoided reporters.
Only 8 years. Such an awesome war.
Heckuva job, oh wise men of Washington.
Negotiators agree deal for full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by end of 2011, Iraqi official tells CNN.
Heckuva job, oh wise men of Washington.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Speaking Of Wankers
Mark Halperin, Wankerus Extremis, had a post suggesting Obama would pick Dick Lugar as Veep.
The post is now gone. Deleted.
Mark Halperin is a Harvard grad. Just sayin'.
The post is now gone. Deleted.
Mark Halperin is a Harvard grad. Just sayin'.
Someone demonstrated this to me at some conference I was at recently, and it's definitley in the "technology which is really really cool but also a bit creepy and scary for reasons I can't quite figure out" category.
It lets you stream video live to the entire internets from a cell phone. Watch Baratunde.
It lets you stream video live to the entire internets from a cell phone. Watch Baratunde.
Man Of The People
John McCain spends $270,000 on household staff.
I actually think this little fact might be more problematic for him than having more houses than he can count. Americans get and respect the accumulation of stuff, but they don't quite get household servants.
I actually think this little fact might be more problematic for him than having more houses than he can count. Americans get and respect the accumulation of stuff, but they don't quite get household servants.
Good Question
I imagine it has at least something to do with socially connected people from certain elite Ivies, but that's just a guess.
I Get Press Releases
Band Will Perform "Valerie Plame" On
"Late Night With Conan O'Brien" November 3rd
The Decemberists will release Always The Bridesmaid: A Singles Series this fall. The three volumes will be available digitally and on 12" vinyl. Volume 1, comprised of "Valerie Plame" and "O New England," will be released on October 14th. The band will give "Valerie Plame" its national television debut on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" on November 3rd, the eve of the United States presidential election. Written from the point-of-view of one of Plame's inside contacts upon discovering her true identity, the song is an amorous tribute to the onetime CIA operative. The Decemberists will be playing select U.S. dates this November; details will be announced shortly.
That Was Quick
I think it's more than 7, but I guess it depends on how you count. I suppose it'll be okay if Factcheck or similar calls Obama's ad false like this:
The Obama campaign falsely claimed that John McCain owns 7 homes. In fact, he owns 12.
Drudgico's Jonathan Martin:
McCain's cabin is large, it contains multitudes.
Maybe the Sedona property is like the Tardis.

More on McCain's multitudes.
My colleague Lisa Lerer, travelling with McCain, sends word that the candidate is now at his cabin in Sedona, which he'll make his base of operations as the spotlight focuses on Obama.
McCain's cabin is large, it contains multitudes.
McCain said the valley was settled by Mormons and that the Hidden Valley Ranch got its name from the horseshoe shape of the creek that runs through the property.
He said he built the first house on his property 24 years ago and now there are six houses on his lot.
Maybe the Sedona property is like the Tardis.

More on McCain's multitudes.
Wow. I assumed there would be one, but that it would have some other name, like "glbropqxitan" or something.
I guess an "aspirational timetable" is somehow different than an actual one. Or something.
"We have agreed that some goals, some aspirational timetables for how that might unfold, are well worth having in such an agreement," Rice told reporters after meeting with Iraqi officials, including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The two sides had come together on a draft agreement earlier this week and Rice made an unannounced visit to Baghdad to press officials there to complete the accord.
I guess an "aspirational timetable" is somehow different than an actual one. Or something.
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Ouch. Still high.
Heckuva job, Bushie.
The Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment insurance benefits dipped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 432,000 in the week ended Aug. 16 after falling a revised 12,000 a week earlier.
But a four-week moving average of new jobless claims, regarded as a better gauge of underlying labor trends because it irons out week-to-week volatility, climbed to 445,750 last week from 438,500 in prior week.
That was the highest for the moving average since December 2001, not long after Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that sharply disrupted economic activity.
Heckuva job, Bushie.
Tough Question
As Yglesias points out, we should LEAVE JOHN MCCAIN ALOOOOONE on the subject of his houses because when you buy multiple condos and combine them the question becomes fraught with difficulties hitherto unknown outside of quantum physics.
My crib has a bricked up door-like structure which quite likely was once the passageway to a 1920s speakeasy. I do not own that, however, and so I can confidently state that I own only one home.
My crib has a bricked up door-like structure which quite likely was once the passageway to a 1920s speakeasy. I do not own that, however, and so I can confidently state that I own only one home.
A Man Of The People
Like many Americans, John McCain has a hard time remembering just how many homes he owns.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lies And The Lying Liars
In every agency.
Medicare’s top officials said in 2006 that they had reduced the number of fraudulent and improper claims paid by the agency, keeping billions of dollars out of the hands of people trying to game the system.
But according to a confidential draft of a federal inspector general’s report, those claims of success, which earned Medicare wide praise from lawmakers, were misleading.
In calculating the agency’s rate of improper payments, Medicare officials told outside auditors to ignore government policies that would have accurately measured fraud, according to the report. For example, auditors were told not to compare invoices from salespeople against doctors’ records, as required by law, to make sure that medical equipment went to actual patients.
Beware Of Bicycles And Maps
Stupid Denver police. All your up to date hipster protesters use GPS enabled iPhones for their plotting needs.
As for the protesters themselves, I think political conventions are actually about the dumbest place to protest for various reasons, but they of course have the right. Or should, anyway.
As for the protesters themselves, I think political conventions are actually about the dumbest place to protest for various reasons, but they of course have the right. Or should, anyway.
McCain Doesn't Speak For McCain
That'll be so awesome if he's president. That, my friends, is leadership we can believe in.
The Art Of The Hissy Fit
It occurs to me that there's one now former Democrat who knows how to throw a proper hissy fit.
Joe Lieberman.
Joe Lieberman.
Almost True
Josh is right that Democrats look bad when they say "stop being mean to me!!!" But that's largely because they lack the knowledge and infrastructure to choreograph and perform The Grand Hissy Fit that the Republicans have perfected over the years.
Your Liberal Media
3 hours of Joe Scarborough every morning and MSNBC might be "taking a foolish risk in over-committing itself to a single point of view."
Your liberal media: so liberal that it cannot actually survive the presence of a single liberal.
Your liberal media: so liberal that it cannot actually survive the presence of a single liberal.
Sad News
Hope for recovery.
Cleveland, OH - Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs- Jones has reportedly had a massive aneurysm and remains on life support Wednesday morning at Huron Road Hospital.
The Inevitable Republican Hissy Fit
As I've written before, Republicans will inevitably throw some sort of hissy fit over something real or imagined that happens at the Democratic convention in order to try to prevent any kind of convention bounce for Obama. Be prepared.
Okay, my money's on Sebelius, based on deep sources within the campaign nothing at all.
Can Haz Other Capital Projects?
Locally the reconstruction of the Market-Frankford El has been the big transit capital project for a long time. Though necessary, it doesn't add any new service. One dreams that maybe once it is over some other projects can be given some consideration.
The last remnant of the old Market Street Elevated, a fixture in West Philadelphia for 100 years, is gone, its pillars toppled last week like dominoes.
An army of ironworkers, carpenters, electricians, mechanics, painters, masons, plumbers and crane operators is now rushing to erect the final stretches of the new El by Monday morning, when some semblance of normalcy is supposed to return.
Morning Thread
Veep? I really don't get why this is an all-consuming question for our fervid friends in the traditional media.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Out For The Evening
Gonna go walk 3 blocks, board the SUPERTRAIN, travel to baseball game, have a beer or 3, return home on SUPERTRAIN after game while wondering why MADD doesn't do more transit advocacy, and come home.
Let Them Drink
Perhaps they should consider my cunning plan to let 18 year olds have a drinking license or a driver's license but not both, which would have the added benefit ofhelping my plot to make everyone move to Manhattan increasing the appeal of less car dependent locations.
Scores of U.S. college and university presidents have stepped forward to declare it's time to rethink the drinking age.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, though, quickly denounced the idea as irresponsible and dangerous.
MADD's national president, Laura Dean-Mooney, even suggested, "Parents should think twice before sending their teens to these colleges or any others that have waved the white flag on underage and binge drinking policies."
Peyton R. Helm, president of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, called that response "absurd."
Perhaps they should consider my cunning plan to let 18 year olds have a drinking license or a driver's license but not both, which would have the added benefit of
Deep Thought
I hope the list of approved patriotically correct 9/11 day activities is released early this year, so we can all celebrate appropriately.
Everyone Loves Anecdotes
In my now increasingly dated experience, combined with that of other people I know, students are much more likely to talk "life stuff" with female professors. Female students are much more likely to have more personal conversations with professors of either gender, though they heavily favor female professors for this. While female students are less likely to get into serious life stuff with male professors, they nonetheless have a greater tendency than male students to want to have *some* personal relationship with male professors, and want to perceive that they are liked personally as well as approved of academically by them.
On the other side, I think many male professors are a bit standoffish with female students in order to ensure relationships don't head off in inappropriate directions. Does not apply to gay male professors.
All gross generalizations of course.
On the other side, I think many male professors are a bit standoffish with female students in order to ensure relationships don't head off in inappropriate directions. Does not apply to gay male professors.
All gross generalizations of course.
The War Against Curb Cuts
It comes to DC.
I think it's pretty hard to overstate just how much sticking front garages on street level row houses really destroys the desirable urban aspects of a block. Diminishes public on street parking, creates a safety hazard, garages are aesthetically not pleasing, and if there are too many on a block you end up creating a pedestrian dead zone which can lead to increases in crime.
All bad.
I think it's pretty hard to overstate just how much sticking front garages on street level row houses really destroys the desirable urban aspects of a block. Diminishes public on street parking, creates a safety hazard, garages are aesthetically not pleasing, and if there are too many on a block you end up creating a pedestrian dead zone which can lead to increases in crime.
All bad.
No likey McCain:
It occurs to me that John McCain is as intellectually shallow as our current president. When asked what his Christian faith means to him, his answer was a one-liner. "It means I'm saved and forgiven." Great scholars have wrestled with the meaning of faith for centuries. McCain then retold a story we've all heard a hundred times about a guard in Vietnam drawing a cross in the sand.
Asked about his greatest moral failure, he cited his first marriage, which ended in divorce. While saying it was his greatest moral failing, he offered nothing in the way of explanation. Why not?
Throughout the evening, McCain chose to recite portions of his stump speech as answers to the questions he was being asked. Why? He has lived 71 years. Surely he has some thoughts on what it all means that go beyond canned answers culled from the same speech he delivers every day.
Could It Be...
The U.S. transportation secretary will announce "good news" regarding expanding transit in Houston Tuesday, a spokeswoman said. Metro has asked the agency to pay for half of two planned light rail lines.
The announcement by Transportation Secretary Mary Peters will be at 10 a.m. near the University of Houston-Downtown on North Main.
Not over.
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Home building projects started in July fell 11 percent to the lowest annual rate in more than 17 years, while building permits tumbled 17.7 percent, the Commerce Department reported on Tuesday.
The Pickler Gets One Right
Good for her.
His top contenders are said to include Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Less traditional choices mentioned include former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, an abortion-rights supporter, and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential prick in 2000 who now is an independent.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Period Police
While the Villagers seemed to object, and it didn't go well with the audience, I was quite pleased with Obama's response that the question of when life begins is above his pay grade. I remember Pastor Tim Russert asking, I think, Claire McCaskill a similar question and she was like, "What are you asking? When does an embryo become ensouled?"
Believe what you want, but the important question for politicians is how such things get translated into... policy. And when McCain says he believes life begins at conception (cheer!) it's pretty meaningless unless he's asked to explain how that would be translated into policy. Are blastocysts entitled to child support? Do all late periods need to be reported to the Ministry of Health? And, of course, my favorite: Are those who implant multiple embryos during IVF treatments, knowing full well that most will die, guilty of negligent manslaughter?
Believe what you want, but the important question for politicians is how such things get translated into... policy. And when McCain says he believes life begins at conception (cheer!) it's pretty meaningless unless he's asked to explain how that would be translated into policy. Are blastocysts entitled to child support? Do all late periods need to be reported to the Ministry of Health? And, of course, my favorite: Are those who implant multiple embryos during IVF treatments, knowing full well that most will die, guilty of negligent manslaughter?
While I do think it functions well as a wedge issue for Republicans, as it neatly combines our society's general love of moral tuttuting with its specific disapproval of independent female sexuality, support for the pro-choice position consistently remains high. A few scolds can always be peeled off with things like "Congressman Smith thinks it's okay for a woman to have an abortion if she doesn't like the baby's hair color." But, basically, it's a pro-choice country even if some people need to have it explained to them that "choice" means choice for thee and for me.
I Don't Usually Use This Word
But nothing else really seems to quite apply here. What a tremendous douchebag.
Zombie Lies
We've been plugging bullets into its head for over a decade now. Must be some sort of SUPERZOMBIE.
Raptured Up Into The Cabinet
Awhile back at Drinking Liberally I mentioned that one extra advantage of having a Democratic president is that you can put some senators who have been in office way too long in the Cabinet and provide an opportunity for some more fresh faces. That means senators who a) aren't actually awful so having them in the Cabinet isn't bad, b) have been in the Senate a long time, and c) live in states with Dem governors so their temporary replacements will be Dems, and d) live in relatively blue states so a Dem would be able to win an election.
It being Drinking Liberally it was too hard to come up with the list. So who should be on it?
Prime example: Joe Biden, who has been there since 1973.
Extra credit assignment: Republican senators who live in relatively blue states with Democratic governors who could be convinced to join the Cabinet.
It being Drinking Liberally it was too hard to come up with the list. So who should be on it?
Prime example: Joe Biden, who has been there since 1973.
Extra credit assignment: Republican senators who live in relatively blue states with Democratic governors who could be convinced to join the Cabinet.
Rather obvious ruling, but good nonetheless.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ― California's high court has ruled doctors cannot withhold care to gays or lesbians based on religious beliefs.
The case stems from a San Diego-area lesbian's claim that a private fertility clinic refused to inseminate her because of her sexual orientation.
Little Pieces
Often it takes very little to tip a neighborhood one way or another. A couple more viable retail spaces, a couple fewer abandoned lots, etc. Removing all kinds of unwise impediments to development and redevelopment would be a good thing.
Making property tax assessments a bit more realistic is a way to provide some encouragement to owners who are just sitting on properties.
Making property tax assessments a bit more realistic is a way to provide some encouragement to owners who are just sitting on properties.
And Of Course
Modern technology means you can, you know, access information and audio and video and all kinds of stuff from a moving vehicle. You don't need a teevee to know what's on the teevee.
Nobody Could Have Predicted
That the housing bubble-related housing crisis might be a wee bit more problematic than most "experts" usually cited on the subject.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks fell on Monday as investors fretted about the prospect of more losses from the mortgage crisis, sending shares of the two big U.S. home finance providers and other financial companies lower.
Investors were hit with a one-two punch from news pointing to no let up in the credit crisis stemming from the U.S. housing slump.
What To Expect From Politicians
Most people don't pay all that much attention to politics. When they take a moment every 4 years or so to do so, they take their cues from The Very Serious People who rule our discourse. And those Very Serious People tell people that personality and tribal connections are how candidates should be judged, like reality TV show contestants, instead of trying to communicate the idea that POTUS is a rather important job.
I recognize that inevitably a lot of politics is going to come down to those things. People who don't pay all that much attention to things are going to make their decisions based largely on personality. But the problem is that too many in our media help reinforce the idea that this is how decisions should be made.
I recognize that inevitably a lot of politics is going to come down to those things. People who don't pay all that much attention to things are going to make their decisions based largely on personality. But the problem is that too many in our media help reinforce the idea that this is how decisions should be made.
Have To Get The Jokes
We've had years of newsies decrying the rise of "fake news," always missing the obvious point that you'll pretty much only find the Daily Show and Colbert funny if you know enough to know what they're talking about it.
Every 4 Years
I'm sure we'll be treated to all kinds of discussion over the next week about how the conventions are stupid and the media shouldn't bother covering them, even as 15,000 media people head to Denver.
It is true that there's absolutely no reason for 15,000 media people to show up to the convention, except the real reason they all show up which is that they see it as one of their proms. It's the big party. But that's a very different issue than whether some teevee networks should run the feed in prime time.
It is true that there's absolutely no reason for 15,000 media people to show up to the convention, except the real reason they all show up which is that they see it as one of their proms. It's the big party. But that's a very different issue than whether some teevee networks should run the feed in prime time.
Wine In A Box
The writer makes the case that American wine producers should move to selling wine in boxes. I'm sold. Aside from many non-legitimate snob issues and semi-legitimate aesthetic issues, the big problem is that much existing boxed wine isn't just bad wine, but wine coolerish fake wine.
(via Susie).
(via Susie).
Cheap Money
As I've long said, when buying a house the only thing that people really care about is the affordability of the monthly payment. Interest-only, neg-am, and ARMs with low teasers helped drive up the purchase price of homes by driving down the monthly payments. Sure some people should've known better and not fallen for the idea that they could just keep refinancing forever, but plenty of people were steered into mortgage products they didn't understand.
Because Highways Are Free
A glibertarian candidate for something in California. Really needs to work on his writing skills.
We have practical highways throughout the region, but to find funding for the extension of the Metro Gold Line is not practical. We would have a better idea of the costs of light rail if we would start charging users the actual cost of riding the bus line. Once we would establish this acceptable price by those who choose to use the bus, then we could get a correct method for calculating the costs of extending the line from Pasadena to Montclair.
We just don't use buses with a frequency that causes even a slight profit. If public transportation were really needed or even moderately desired, the market demand would make it happen. When the iPhones went on sale, did we have to levy taxes to get people to buy them? We didn't have to raise taxes to put a computer in virtually every home, either. Good ideas are swarmed by people wanting to use them.