Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I Did Not Mean To Become A Polanski Blogger
I think our society has become a bit hysterical about teen sexuality, and that age limits and punishments for statutory rape have, in some states, started to get a bit exteme even if such relationships are inappropriate.
But the undisputed facts of this case are that she was given booze and drugs and raped. There may be other procedural legal issues as I said, but I really can't believe people are minimizing what happened. What is wrong with these people?
"The Right"
A Little Sanity
And the ARM default wave is starting to break...
The report covers 34 million loans, representing more than 60 percent of primary home mortgages. Consistent with other reports, it showed borrowers are continuing to fall behind as job losses mount. More than 11 percent of borrowers covered by the report had missed at least one payment as of June 30, up from 10 percent in April.
It also highlighted mounting problems with an especially troubling category of loans - "pick-a-payment" or option ARM loans, which allowed borrowers to defer some of their interest payments and add them to the principal. At the end of June, 10 percent of these loans were in foreclosure, more than triple the rate for all mortgages in the survey.
More Complexity!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It's the Savings Stupid
Rooting For Failure
Getting Hungrier
I think I'll take the over.
Special Classes Of Special People
But I guess Luke Russert needs a shield law.
Blogger Ethics
And Speaking Of Starbucks
I've Known Them Too
Just to be Clear
Monday, September 28, 2009
More Evening Thread
Feeling more like November than September here on Liberal Mountain.
UPDATE: Here's something to entertain you while we wait for tweety updates:
Every Time I Try To Get Out...
What is wrong with these people?
The HCR Strategy
Not always in that mood.
Applause Lines
Media Mysteries
Big Papers All Agree: Need To Listen To Even Nuttier Right Wingers
A major issue in Washington - including the Village press, but basically the entire political-industrial empire - is that voices to the left of the right wing of the Democratic party go unheard by basically everyone. We can mock Kent Conrad for not being aware of the fact that not every European country's health care system is like the NHS, but consider the bubble he must operate in for that to be the case. None of his legislative staffers ever exposed him to this idea? Not once during this whole health care discussion did anyone break through his brain shield and communicate this to him? And this isn't about some crazy left wing idea or opinion, it's a basic and relevant fact about health care systems.
Big Tobacco, TNR, and Andrew Sullivan
Big Train
Bombardier Inc.'s (BBD.B.T) Chinese joint venture, Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation Ltd., has received a $4 billion contract to build 80 high-speed trains for China's Ministry of Railways.
The Montreal plane and train maker's share of the contract is estimated at $2 billion.
The Bombardier joint venture will supply 80 ZEFIRO 380 high-speed trains, which will include a total of 1,120 rail cars, for China's growing high-speed rail network. China is developing more than 6,000-kilometers of new high speed lines to create one of the most advanced high-speed rail networks in the world.
Never fear, though, I imagine we'll be the "greatest country in the world" for a very long time.
Keeping The Party Going
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration is close to committing as much as $35 billion to help beleaguered state and local housing agencies continue to provide mortgages to low- and moderate-income families, according to administration officials.
Certainly much better than giving it to the banksters!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Late Night
Though that memory is from my glue huffing days, so it may be a bit faulty.
Heckuva Job
- But during the years of the housing boom, the pleas failed to move the Fed, the sole federal regulator with authority over the businesses. Under a policy quietly formalized in 1998, the Fed refused to police lenders' compliance with federal laws protecting borrowers, despite repeated urging by consumer advocates across the country and even by other government agencies. The hands-off policy, which the Fed reversed earlier this month, created a double standard. Banks and their subprime affiliates made loans under the same laws, but only the banks faced regular federal scrutiny. Under the policy, the Fed did not even investigate consumer complaints against the affiliates.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Meet the Press has Bill Clinton, Governor Paterson, Kyl, and Webb.
This Week has Robert Gates and President John McCain.
Document the atrocities!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
They Go Pro!
Saturday Date Night
Not the Eagles, alas, but thanks to all you fine Atriots for helping me suss this out. This is truly a fine community.
And here is where one can acquire this terrific song.
Doing What They Do
Facts Are Stupid Things
A quarter of the American people (26 percent, to be exact), according to Friday morning’s New York Times/CBS News poll, believe that the health-care reform bills floating around Congress will create governmental death panels, while just 23 percent say they won’t. Another 30 percent believe that the bills will allow federal tax dollars to go towards the purchase of insurance by illegal immigrants, while just 22 percent say they won’t. The right-wing noise machine has evidently reached many right-wing ears.
But here’s the stunner: In the very same poll, respondents were asked whether they favored a Medicare-like public option for everyone. The right-wingers were out there in roughly the same numbers that they registered in answering the other questions: 26 percent of respondents said they opposed the public option. But a whopping 65 supported it.
Policy and Politics
Friday, September 25, 2009
Playground Fight
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup Incsued Morgan Stanley on Friday for breach of contract, saying the Wall Street firm owed it $245.4 million for protection it bought on a loan.
Click through to read the rest...
We've Been Saying This All Along?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Friday a government program intended to spark lending to consumers and businesses is still necessary even with other emergency lending programs winding down as the economy recovers.
''An ongoing need still clearly exists'' for the program, which also is aimed at making sure loans flow to the troubled commercial real estate market, Bernanke said in brief remarks to a conference here sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
My point is that letting developers go bankrupt is one thing, but having them go bankrupt and leaving projects 3/4 completed due to lack of financing is another.
End Of The Social Compact
And The Crazies
Anyway, point is now schools probably know when these freakouts happen because they're fully mainstreamed.
And In That Other War
KABUL, Afghanistan — A roadside bomb and assault-rifle fire killed four United States soldiers and a Marine in three different attacks in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, where new American brigades are pressing offensives against a resilient and dug-in Taliban and other insurgents.
The attacks on Thursday in Zabul and Nimroz provinces pushed the number of American military deaths in Afghanistan to 219 this year, already 41 percent more than in all of 2008.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I Suppose It's Good That They're Capable of Learning
Slightly Good News
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Number is very slowly decreasing, but still indicates rising unemployment.
All Contracts Should Have An Amend At Any Time Provision
Today, like many other Sunbelt developers, Bonita Bay is being squeezed by debt and plunging sales. But its biggest problem is a dispute over the deposits homeowners plunked down for memberships in the golf clubs, a marina and other clubs. Many members want to quit the clubs and get their money back for reasons ranging from cheaper golf elsewhere to the desire for ready cash. Their membership agreements say the deposits -- up to $185,000 per member -- are refundable on demand, a relatively unusual stipulation homeowners say was a big part of the appeal of joining.
Yet Bonita Bay says the agreements also stipulate that the rules "may be amended from time to time," thus allowing it to cancel the refund policy at its discretion -- and that at any rate, it can't pay the money.
And class conflict everywhere.
Some residents say the issue of buying the clubs has created bitterness between the wealthiest homeowners, who often have golf memberships, and less wealthy residents who enjoy the landscaping but resent pressure to contribute to the purchase of the clubs.
Morning Thread
From the front lines of pandemic preparedness: every classroom in my school now has its own ginormous bottle of Purell.
But I guess that's better than this.
Remember when we all going to die from Avian flu? Good times, good times.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Horrible Things Happen
The Spoils
From The People Who Brought You Big Shitpile
Saving the banking system, particularly this banking system, isn't enough to save the economy.
The Al Franken Decade
Just in case he wasn't familiar with it, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) decided to read the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution to David Kris, assistant attorney general of the Justice Department's National Security Division, who was testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee today to urge reauthorization of expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
Franken, who opened by acknowledging that unlike most of his colleagues in the Senate, he's not a lawyer, but according to his research "most Americans aren't lawyers" either, said he'd also done research on the Patriot Act and in particular, the "roving wiretap" provision that allows the FBI to get a warrant to wiretap a an unnamed target and his or her various and changing cell phones, computers and other communication devices.
Noting that he received a copy of the Constitution when he was sworn in as a Senator, he proceeded to read it to Kris, emphasizing this part: "no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Afternoon Thread
Not surprised he thinks it, slightly surprised he's brazen enough to say it.
The joke used to be that everyone should just buy their neighbor's home in a short sale and move one house to the left. But you have all of these people who are now out of the housing market because they're trashed their credit. Low interest loans are great for those who have access to them.
It's not over...
Nobody Could Have Predicted
Hopefully I won't have to wonder why the ultimate bill will be a complete "compromise" anyway.
I Worry He's Right
Let's start with the $1.45 trillion that the Fed has committed to propping up the mortgage market -- money that, for the most part, was simply printed. Effectively, most of that has been used to buy up bonds issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from investors, who turned around and used the proceeds to buy "safer" U.S. Treasury bonds. At the same time, the Fed used an additional $300 billion to buy Treasurys directly. With all that money pouring into the market, you begin to understand why it is that Treasury prices have risen and interest rates fallen, even at a time when the government is borrowing record amounts of new money.
As it was printing all that money, the Fed was also lowering the interest rate at which banks borrow from the Fed and each other, to pretty close to zero. What didn't change was the interest rate banks charged everyone else. As a result, "spreads" between what banks pay for money and what they charge are near record highs.
So who is borrowing? By and large, it's not households and businesses, which are reluctant to borrow during a recession. Rather, it's hedge funds and other investors, who have been using the money to buy stocks, corporate bonds and commodities, driving prices to levels unsupported by the business and economic fundamentals.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Maybe It's A Pretty Good Bill After All
One For The Cyclists
Hopefully True
The Securities and Exchange Commission says it will “vigorously pursue” Bank of America Corp. in court with allegations that the bank misled shareholders when it prepared to purchase Merrill Lynch & Co. late last year.
Land Use Rules
Overhead Wires
(not just Californians of course)
Seniors In The Urban Hellhole
Or You Could Walk Or Take The Subway?
Since the Piazza at Schmidts opened in May, the 80,000-square-foot plaza has "become a real neighborhood," said Avery Amaya, who moved here from Old City last year with his wife, Cheryl, and their bulldog, Nyla. "Everybody's just gathering. For something that was absolutely manufactured in what seems overnight, they did a really good job."
The first time is a shock to everyone. You park in a big, free gravel lot on the edge of some gritty North Philadelphia streets, follow a walkway between new high-rises, and find yourself in the midst of a European oasis.
The Piazza is sorta interesting, not perfect but they're trying. Mostly I just linked to this because I do so love the haters in the comments!
Monday, September 21, 2009
World Car Free Day
Perhaps He Should Send A Sternly Worded Letter?
Saving The Internets
Our Very Serious foreign policy community seems to think that "winning" a war involves leaving behind paradise, and then are a bit surprised when our Bombs of Love don't produce that outcome. The rationalization is that we have to stick around until the pony appears. Because.
Accelerating Pace
Among U.S. homeowners with mortgages, a record 7.58 percent were at least 30 days late on payments in August, up from 7.32 percent in July, according to the data obtained exclusively by Reuters.
August marked the fourth consecutive monthly increase in delinquencies, and the report showed an accelerating pace. By comparison, 4.89 percent of mortgages were 30 days past due in August 2008, while in August 2007, the rate was 3.44 percent, Equifax data showed.
The Cost Of Dropping Out
Major Important News Story
Right wingers fling poo, media usually follow it.
Morning Thread
Thers is heading off to visit the president here. I hope he watches his mouth.
Thers, I mean. Obama can swear all he wants.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
ARM Time Bomb
Bankruptcy cramdown would have helped, but nobody listens to Atrios...
Paying Off Incumbents
Discussions of all such issues are complicated by the fact that all such money goes to the parking authority, where the money seems to just disappear, but in fantasy world we should grandfather in all permits at current prices, keep the price on the first household permit fairly low, and then really jack up the rates on any additional household permits.
I don't drive much, so I don't personally give a crap about the availability of on street parking. But what I do care about are fears about lack of availability of on street parking leading to neighborhood groups demanding that all development projects come with their own massive parking lots. That's bad!
Sunday Bobbleheads
Meet the Press has Obama, Lindsey Graham, and Boehner
Face the Nation has Obama
This Week has Obama
All shows will undoubtedly address the very important question of whether Obama is overexposed, whatever the hell that means.
Document the atrocities!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday Night Pirate Thread
(danced around with the Liberal Mountain Miniature Red Brigade to this today.)
PowerLine! Time Magazine Blog of the CENTURY!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B., Louisville, KY and Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company, Columbus, IN go down.
Gone Green
Even though it isn't a SEPTA service, they should put the New Jersey River Line on there too, but still we have progress...
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is investigating whether a former secretary of the interior, Gale A. Norton, violated the law by granting valuable leases to Royal Dutch Shell around the time she was considering going to work for the company after she left office, officials said Thursday.
Look over there! ACORN!
Low Traffic Growth
Even within dense cities, such as mine, residents push for increased parking requirements for new developments. In isolation, perhaps their demands make sense (though I think often they are self-defeating), but across numerous projects they make the city less pedestrian friendly, ultimately increasing the amount of traffic.
The point is that development is inevitable lots of places given growing population. People understandably object to development which they think will make their lives worse. But if you create development which in various ways manages to get the car/driving age people ratio a bit below one, a lot of the perceived negative effects of development vanish. Getting people to understand that is tricky.
Probably Gonna Eat It
The Naughts
Change in median income from 2000-08 (in 2008 dollars):
Age Men Women 15-24 -9.7% -3.3% 25-34 -11.7% -2.9% 35-44 -6.8% -0.8% 45-54 -11.2% -4.8% 55-64 -2.3% 20.6% 65-74 8% 8.7% 75+ 1.9% 3.5% Source: Census Bureau
Or something.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's Kind of Depressing
Cut Out The Fizzy Sugar Water
Sometimes it's useful to remember that as absurd as things are, it's hard to top the peak crazy of those days.
They're All The Same... And Racist
Someone tell all the white ACORN members!
Urban Theme Park
Obviously it benefits the city to attract outsiders, but it isn't all about them, and providing sufficient parking isn't really the city's only purpose.
Build Stuff
Desperately Seeking Hitler
The Monorail Wasn't Working Correctly
Surrendering To The Commies
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Since this was slightly less than expected, the stock market will probably go UP UP UP!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Teabaggers Demand Answers
This post was suggested by Jeffraham Prestonian, photoshopper.
Deja Vu All Over Again
Obama and Acorn
Is there a case for a special prosecutor?
Shoot me.
Not Much Hope For Homeowners
By Another Name
Here's A Crazy Idea
It's all so complicated and Rube Goldbergesque.
Hep Cat
Certainly Racism Has Nothing To Do With It
I'm sure some people just answered yes because they thought the question was funny, but I wonder what it is that would lead people to think Obama was the anti-Christ. Thinking...thinking...
Any plan which does all of this is a very stupid plan at best.
The First Thing I Read This Morning
Lying Stupid Racist Crazy
Personally I vote "all of the above." But anyhow, this sort of thing is pretty good evidence of a hysterical racial angle.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Except I have to concur with Kevin K., that this is in fact actually one of the best music videos of all time. Beyonce has nothing on the Galifianakis/West double threat.
Max Baucus Isn't The Only Person In The Senate?
"There is no way in its present form that I will vote for it," he [Senator Rockefeller] told reporters. The Senate Finance bill, under negotiations for months, could be the focus of an ultimate congressional compromise on President Barack Obama's top domestic priority.
And They Should Care About The Business Side
There are certain ethical boundaries, mostly obvious, that one doesn't want to cross. Journalists shouldn't be tasked to write puff pieces about major advertisers, for example. But there's nothing wrong with journalists thinking about and being acquainted with what the marketing side thinks sells, either to readers or advertisers. There's nothing wrong with trying to give the people what they want. Now I'm not confident that doing so will necessarily make for a product that I think is better, but I also don't think there's any reason to cling to recently established norms which are neither appealing to readers nor particularly helpful with respect to informing them.
When White House press secretary Dana Perino was told that 77 percent of the country thought we were on the wrong track, she said what I was thinking: “Who on earth is in the other 23 percent?” I knew who they were—the same people supporting the John McCain campaign.
Because Flying Really Sucks?
How Health Care Reform Fails
So far criticism of the bill has involved death panels, undocumented workers, and abortion. Just wait until the (somewhat) real criticisms start!
This thing doesn't just have to be good, it has to be popular.
On The Other Hand
Hard times for them, you see.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Landrieu: Well, many of us believe, George, that it will undermine the private insurance system.
MALIBU, Calif. (AP) ―
Wells Fargo & Co. has fired an executive who reportedly partied and stayed at a bank-owned $12 million beach house in the exclusive Malibu Colony.
This is not the America I know.
Charging Banksters
The New York Attorney General's office is preparing charges against several high-ranking Bank of America executives over the bank's alleged failure to disclose details about its acquisition of Merrill Lynch, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office is likely to file civil charges against the executives over their role in failing to alert shareholders to mounting losses as well as accelerated bonus payments at Merrill, said the person, who requested anonymity because no charges have been filed yet.
Other People Are Getting The Goodies
But This Place Is Different
Now He's Really Pissing Me Off
Purity Of Essence
Strange people.
Thanks For Giving Us Arnold,Too
In short, Profeta has made it possible for Duran to live where he's independent and happy and comfortable.
But in six weeks, she'll be gone. And no one will take her place, because of state and county budget cuts whose impacts are starting to emerge.
To close a mind-numbing state budget deficit, Gov. Schwarzenegger recently erased nearly $10 million for senior programs.
Lighten Up
They Don't Care
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday Cat Blogging
Wiley, on the other hand, is confused by all of this. He tends to run over to see what the excitement is, but then gets very upset because he is completely uninterested in the ice water and doesn't understand what the fuss is all about. Still he knows there is Something Awesome that he is not being given.
Cat lovers might enjoy this post, the rest of you probably appreciate it about as much as you do tales of potty training.
Cautious Optimism
Wingnut World
Your Liberal Media
Selling Briskly
Rob Zuritsky, whose company has developed five million square feet of space over the years, also is a partner of developer Tom Scannapieco in 1706 Rittenhouse, "a different niche market," where units start at $1 million and are selling briskly.
It's even possible they're selling briskly, but at $1 million they're selling way way way below initially expected.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Face the Nation has Axelrod and President Snowe.
This Week has Sebelius, Jello Jay Rockefeller, Landrieu, and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Pawlenty.
Document the atrocities!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
President Obama Travel to Philadelphia
WASHINGTON- On Tuesday, September 15, 2009, President Obama will travel to Philadelphia on Air Force One. The arrival and departure are open press but closed to the public. In Philadelphia, President Obama will give remarks at a fundraiser for Senator Arlen Specter. The event is pooled press.
In the year 2000, there were 2343 traffic fatalities for kids 0-14, though in about a fifth of those they were pedestrians.
Anyway, I'm not being judgmental here, it is just an interest case where exaggerated fears have combined with immense social pressure to produce a sad outcome.
Things Change
In 1969, 41 percent of children either walked or biked to school; by 2001, only 13 percent still did, according to data from the National Household Travel Survey. In many low-income neighborhoods, children have no choice but to walk. During the same period, children either being driven or driving themselves to school rose to 55 percent from 20 percent. Experts say the transition has not only contributed to the rise in pollution, traffic congestion and childhood obesity, but has also hampered children’s ability to navigate the world.
In a study of San Francisco Bay Area parents who drove children ages 10 to 14 to school, published this summer in the Journal of the American Planning Association, half would not allow them to walk without supervision, and 30 percent said fear of strangers governed their decision.
Tragic fail
LEXINGTON, Ky. -- After months of trying to use the legal system to protect herself from her former fiancé, 29-year-old Amanda Ross was found shot to death early Friday outside her home in downtown Lexington.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Brickwell Community Bank, Woodbury, MN gets EATED.
Venture Bank, Lacey, WA gets EATED.
re: Corus:
- The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $1.7 billion.
A Wells Fargo executive who oversees foreclosed properties hosted parties and spent long summer weekends in a $12 million Malibu beach house, moving into the home just after it had been surrendered to Wells Fargo to satisfy debts, neighbors told The Associated Press.
The previous owners of the beachfront home in Malibu Colony — a densely built stretch of luxury homes that has been a favorite of celebrities over the years — were financially devastated in Bernard L. Madoff’s massive fraud scheme, real estate agent Irene Dazzan-Palmer told the news service.
As cynical as I am, I get rather distressed about how little success undisputed facts have in swaying Village opinion. And it's because, in part, undisputed facts have their disputers. Not long ago CNN hired Stephen Hayes, who wrote this book.
Those crazy liberals and their conspiracy theories!
NEW YORK, Sept 11 (Reuters) - U.S. investigators are probing the former head of American International Group Inc's (AIG.N) Financial Products unit, Joseph Cassano, and other executives for securities fraud, a law enforcement source familiar with the case said on Friday.
They Have Cars In Yurp Too, And Boston, New York, Chicago, DC...
Actually, I just don’t think there’s any good way to make dense, vibrant cities coexist with huge numbers of cars.
This just isn't true. All dense, vibrant cities have huge numbers of cars. The balance just needs to be changed a bit, and other options provided. Urban policymakers need to understand that car-centric policies will work against the creation of vibrant cities, and they should scale back things like parking requirements, but don't worry, the cars we will always have with us...
The Other Way
Still the presumption is that urban highways are necessary, even if we try to consider kindler gentler ones. But they aren't necessary. London doesn't have them, and it hasn't vanished from the map yet.
Bank Branches, Explained
Bankers have long assumed that “people who like online banking have no money, and people with money don’t like online banking,” said Seamus McMahon, a former regional president for HSBC Holdings Plc’s U.S. banking unit. Now, “there is a group of people who were in their 20s and are now in their 30s, and actually have some money.”
I just assumed it was mostly marketing. Perhaps there was more to the thinking, right or wrong.
South Carolina
The state has a long history of stridency in national politics, having produced legendary opposition figures from Vice President John C. Calhoun, who helped pave the way for the Civil War, to the late Sen. Strom Thurmond, who filibustered historic civil rights legislation.
Congressman Wilson, of course, has his own proud history.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Late Night
Evening Thread
Observation: it's a good, if somewhat expensive, week to be a Beatles fan
UPDATE: By popular demand.

The first day.
Good Luck With That
Gone And Forgotten
Falling Median Incomes
...and the highest poverty rate in a decade. Heckuva job.
Not Over
Sept. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Foreclosure filings in the U.S. exceeded 300,000 for the sixth straight month as job losses that boosted the unemployment rate to a 26-year high left many homeowners unable to keep up with their mortgage payments.
A total of 358,471 properties received a default or auction notice or were seized last month, according to data provider RealtyTrac Inc. That’s up 18 percent from a year earlier, and down 0.5 percent from July, the Irvine, California-based company said in a statement. One in 357 households received a filing.
I think there's a general tendency even now to pretend that the housing bubble didn't happen, that homes were not selling for crazy overvalued prices, and a belief that once the recession is over the party will continue. It won't. Home prices won't return to their peak levels in bubble areas for a decade or more, and then only in nominal terms.
What Are They For Again?
Maybe people really do just want politics as gossip and theater criticism. There's space for some of that, I guess, but I'd expect that people who want that would just go watch Entertainment Tonight and read People.
Morning Thread
I, for one, am disappointed that President Obama did not address the remastered Beatles mono vs. stereo question last night.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Deep Thought
Sex Scandals
Not necessarily disagreeing, just pointing out that things have changed.
Housing Bubble: Local Edition
On my way to Drinking Liberally yesterday I walked by this house, one I curiously wandered into during an open house when I was house hunting. It was a wee bit out of my price range, listed for I believe about $1.6 million at the time. It still hasn't sold, and can be had for the bargain price of $1,150,000.
Making Me Work The Evening Shift!!
CRE Meltdown
Three years ago, the sale of the 110 red brick apartment buildings at Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village in Manhattan amounted to the biggest American real estate deal of all time.
Now the buyers are running out of time and money. Jerry and Rob Speyer and their partner, BlackRock Realty, who together paid $5.4 billion for the quiet middle-class redoubt near the East River, have nearly exhausted an additional $890 million set aside for apartment renovations, landscaping and interest payments. Rents are down 25 percent from their peak.
The bottom is here!!
Local Apocalypse
I, at least, have outdoor space. Not everyone does of course. Just gonna pile up on the streets...
Impugning K Street
Not all lobbyists are evil liars, of course, some advocate ethically for good causes. But for many of them it's their job to be an advocate for their position using deception if necessary, and Villagers are OK with that.
If this had been enacted 2 years ago, things would be so much better now. It isn't a perfect solution to the burst housing bubble and foreclosure crisis, but there is no perfect solution. I'd even support a very limited version, one which exempted 30-year fixed rate mortgages and one which only covered, say, mortgages taken out during 2002-2007, when lending standards went out the window entirely.
Joke Line
Not like it would be the first time.
Not Over
Like millions of buyers during the boom, the Mollers leveraged their way into a house they could not otherwise afford by taking out a loan that required them to make only interest payments at first, putting off payments on the principal for several years.
Interest-only loans are not the only type of exotic mortgage hanging over the housing market. Another big problem is homeowners with “pay option” loans; in many of these loans, principal balances are actually increasing over time.
Still, interest-only loans represent an especially large problem. An analysis for The New York Times by the real estate information company First American CoreLogic shows there are 2.8 million active interest-only home loans worth a combined total of $908 billion.
...Apparently it's Option ARM day! The Washington Post has discovered them too.
About 70 percent of the $189 billion in outstanding option ARMs will reset by 2011, the report said, which would be another setback to a teetering housing market still struggling to recover from the mortgage meltdown that precipitated the financial crisis.
Option ARMs, also called pick-a-pay loans, allow borrowers to choose how much to pay each month. Nearly all the borrowers who took out this type of loan from 2004 to 2007 chose to pay less than the interest due. Sometimes they paid as little as 1 percent interest. But the loans eventually require the borrowers to start paying the principal and full interest rate, so the payments shoot up.
Taken together, these articles suggest that this problem is bigger than I thought, with the number of interest only loans out there being much greater than the number of Option ARMs (I had assumed they were lumped together).
Who Cares?
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Czar Of All The White Houses
Thinking... Thinking...
Low Wage Workers
Give It A Try
I doubt the NYT's local edition will be as comprehensive in its coverage as newspapers like the Chronicle once were in theirs, but we're long past those days anyway.