Monday, November 02, 2009

Science-Based Healthcare Reform

As we peasants observe the process of HCR, our attention is rightly focused on hoping to squeeze out the most progressive mandate/regulate/subsidize scheme we can. But some people are also advocating to ensure that the reforms embrace science-based medicine, and it's something I personally support.

It's a second order issue, but for the reality based community it's a natural fit. And it's also important to note that money spent on ineffective treatments is money wasted. Unregulated, unsafe, and oversold treatments (Zicam, anyone?) not only waste money, but they take advantage of people in a vulnerable position. It's not something we should be encouraging, let alone subsidizing.

And while I'm preaching, I should say that Davenoon was being entirely unfair to homeopaths by highlighting that quack. Clearly, he is unfamiliar with the well established scientific principle of the 18th camel by which homeopathy works.

(Go Phillies! Also.)