Saturday, August 22, 2009

Late Night

Everything you ever wanted to know about fearmongering healthcare lunatic Betsy McCaughey but were laughing too hard to ask.

Saturday Night

Rock on.

Paradise, CA

This is your reading assignment. Discuss!

Saturday Afternoon Thread


Texas Education

I guess what bugs me most of all isn't that they're trying ram through a conservative-only version of history, it's that they're all obviously really fucking stupid.

Cocktails With Joe

The horror...

What's The Big Deal?

Threatened execution isn't torture because it doesn't actually destroy any organs.

Heckuva Job

Nothing can knock our elite off their perches.

Blogger Ethics

I still laugh at a reporter's suggestion, during the height of the blogger ethics craze, that op-ed contributors and similar were vetted for their potential financial conflicts of interest.


Dan summarizes the state of play on health care reform.

What is most extraordinary, and extraordinarily irksome, is that we seem to be on a path toward an individual mandate, with no cost controls and massive insurance company subsidies. The various "reform" measures are pretty close to toothless in the absence of competitition. Even provisions like "no rescission" still require the person who has just been denied coverage to appeal the decision.

I just don't remember hearing Obama promise that during the campaign.

Late Night

Rock On.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Guaranty Bank, Austin, TX gets EATED


I get the live teevee is difficult and even the best most well-informed host can't always succeed in correcting a full of shit guest, but that's entirely different from making the argument that it isn't even her job.

I sent a couple of those viewer e-mails to Winslow seeking a response. Those e-mails, some of which are printed below, focused especially on two things that Armey said: "If you're over 65 years old in America today, you have no choice but to be in Medicare. Even if you want out of Medicare, you have to forfeit your Social Security to get out of it . . . That's pretty heavy-handed, and people fear that."

Those who wrote said Armey was not speaking the truth, and frankly I thought it sounded strange as well and so I sent them along to Winslow seeking a response. Because The NewsHour presents a full hour of news five nights a week it, naturally, provokes a lot of commentary from viewers. In my experience, Winslow has always been a solid responder — candid and tough-minded. But this time she sent only a terse note, along with a link to the transcript that readers can check:

"Here's the transcript of last night's discussion. Seems to me the guests were asked to rebut one another. Judy was the moderator, not the judge. Check out"

Woodruff did, indeed, turn to her other guest and ask, "What about this charge?" But Kirsch responded in a way that didn't answer those specific assertions raised by Armey and the discussion moved on to other points. So Armey's points about Medicare and Social Security benefits were left hanging out there, viewers wrote to challenge them and The NewsHour wasn't going to clear the air. Armey made much the same charge on NBC's Meet the Press program last Sunday and it also went largely unchallenged.

In a perfect world the host of the NewsHour would see that her job is to make sure, as much as possible, viewers have accurate information. In an imperfect world I get that it isn't always going to happen that way, though with clearly false statements as opposed to subtler ones you would hope that it would be a priority.

To address the actual factual issue: Yes, it isn't entirely simple to withdraw from Medicare A even though you can, but more to the point almost no one would consider doing so because for most people it is absolutely free and being enrolled doesn't stop you from having supplemental insurance.


First Coweta Bank, Newnan, GA gets EATED

CapitalSouth Bank, Birmingham, AL gets EATED

Bad Out There

There is and will continue to be regional variation in the severity of the recession, and while I'm much more pessimistic than some about the existence of a national recovery, it's hard to see how big chunks of California turn around anytime soon.


ebank, Atlanta, GA gets EATED

Train Nerdery

Since I needed to be in Camden yesterday evening anyway, I took the opportunity to take a little roundtrip ride on the 5 year old River Line, a Diesel-Electric light rail system that travels from Camden to Trenton. I remember it being a pretty derided project, with fairly low ridership projections that many thought were too optimistic. Population density isn't that high anywhere along the route, including at the endpoints of Camden and Trenton, so pessimism about the project was probably warranted. But it's actually become quite popular, basically at capacity ridership during the week (9000/day). It's kind of a throwback, in a way, winding it's way through a series of smaller towns and cities, the kind of route where there mostly just aren't trains anymore. Given the route and density, I'm surprised at the ridership figures. It was packed when I was on it.


I disagree with Glenn a bit here. I don't think when talking about politicians "trust" isn't about about faith in someone's honesty, it's about the degree of faith you have that they'll roughly do the right thing. There are of course a lot of things which are quite difficult or even impossible to know, so ultimately one has to have a bit of faith in the idea that someone has decent judgment. I also think that if we had a better press which spent more time trying to reveal information and explain policy to people instead of focusing on character, trust, etc... the importance of trust would be diminished, but it wouldn't go away.

Afternoon Thread


Because All Latinos Are Illegal Immigrants

I'm sure another mainstream media puff piece on this guy will be out soon.

Lunch Thread


Seamless Shift

And then, as the war started, suddenly it wasn't really about WMD at all but about spreading peeance and freeance. The media ran with the new narrative right away. Some seemed to be shocked and horrified that war might actually hurt people.

PHILLIPS: Doctor -- what has he been saying to you, Doctor? Is he asking anything of you? Is he thanking you? Is he wanting to know about family? Tell us what this little boy has been saying to you.

AL-NAJADA: Actually, today he was in good condition after the operation and started speaking with a journalist and answering all their questions. The thing which he was -- they asking about -- the journalists, especially the broadcasting, what the message he wants to reflect from the war. He said, first of all, thank you for the attention they're giving to him, but he hopes nobody from thechildren in the war they will suffer like what he suffer.

PHILLIPS: Does he understand why...


PHILLIPS: Doctor, does he understand why this war took place? Has he talked about Operation Iraqi Freedom and the meaning? Does he understand it?

AL-NAJADA: Actually, we don't discuss this issue with him because he is -- the burn cases, and the type of injury, he's in very bad psychological trauma. We would like to pass this stage and then we can discuss this issue. But we discussed this issue with his uncle, and the message we get from his family, they said they are living far away from the American troops -- from the military of Saddam of Fedayeen by five kilometers, and they don't know how they hit them by the missiles.

But soon stories of pictures of kids with their arms blown off were no longer a cable news staple...

When We Were Young And Crazy

I don't want to dwell in nostalgiaville, but every now and then events occur which remind me just how fucking weird this country was between... roughly, 9/11/01 and 10/05. The obvious thing, of course, was Iraq, though it wasn't just that. (Some) liberal bloggers were crazy and clueless and naive and, most of all, "unserious," for recognizing the rather obvious point that aside from the dreaded balsa wood drones of mass destruction, there was literally no evidence that Hussein had a WMD program even by the rather low bar they'd set for what WMD were. More than that, it was quite obvious that lots of lies were being told to create the impression that Saddam could KILL US ALL AT ANY MOMENT, which was completely absurd, and that's without even getting into the whole Hussein-Osama BFF pact we were supposed to believe.

People lied to take us into war. The media, by and large, believed or ignored those lies. Thousands of US troops have died along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. And just about everyone still has their jobs. Except maybe Ashleigh Banfield.

Heckuva job everyone!

Still Hungry

FDIC is getting a bit more aggressive in courting potential bank buyers.


President John McCain will be on my teevee on Sunday. I look forward to hearing his deep insights on basically everything.

We Briefly Interrupt Our Regular Programming

Of covering the plight of the not quite rich enough in order to do a special feature on the plight of the super rich.

Morning thread

Have you called your Congressman to demand single-payer healthcare, yet?


And it wouldn't hurt to call your Senators, either.

And for that matter, tell the media.

And no, I don't mean "public plan" - no one even knows what that means. I mean make them feel like "public plan" is as far to the right as they can even think of skating, and they might not even get away with that.

If that fails, we'll just have to start demanding something like this.

Not Atrios

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Late Night

Rock on.

Thursday Evening Thread


Max And Spencer

Because who amongst us does not love British retail-related puns?

Bruce Toll Planning To Buy Inquirer From Bruce Toll

Not quite, but he's part of the existing company. Don't have much detail yet, but I'm betting the reorganization plan is to wipe out all the debt and... profit!

And It's Popular Too

Apparently 77% of the country is on the left of the left. Fair enough.

Limbaugh's World

One wonders if such callousness can turn off any of his listeners.

Walk Down Memory Lane

Glennzilla brings us some memories of those crazy days.

Afternoon Thread


I Guess Things Change

Jonathan Alter has been all over the teevee recently talking about those crazy lefties who want a public plan. Just now he was on MSNBC saying that "the left" was off-kilter and ignoring the "moral core" of health care reform.

In June, someone wrote this:

That takes us back to a public option, which would force insurers to redraw their business models and accept lower profits. The House bill will include it, but the Senate's almost certainly won't. Instead, moderates there are pushing health-care "cooperatives." Nobody has a clue what that means. Would the co-ops be like utilities? Farm cooperatives? Starting fresh with a quasi-public/quasi-private organization might bring some much-needed creativity to health-care financing. But without a federal charter and some seed money to help them enroll millions, co-ops will get swamped by the private-insurance lobby, which has become expert at marginalizing state-run experiments.
Click here to find out more!

When it comes time to hammer out the final plan in the House-Senate conference committee, Obama and Rahm Emanuel will likely make the House accept a reduction in the deductibility of employer-based plans and make the Senate accept some kind of public option or co-op with teeth. Anything less means the president didn't get the sucker.

That someone, of course, was Jonathan Alter. (ht dday)


Percent of mortgages which are delinquent or in foreclosure. And actual foreclosures are expected to peak at the end of 2010.

I know nobody listens to me, but, perhaps someone could remind members of Congress that quite a lot of people are going to be in a rather foul mood come November 2010...

Wanker of the Day

Marc Ambinder.

Our Dumb Discourse

Bartiromo knows America is awesome because it's America and it is.

Crazy Days Of Yore

Sometimes it's a bit hard to remember just how nutty the world was in those post-9/11 days. Suggesting that Bush was using the terror alert for political purposes would have made you a crazy person, the mere suggestion of it would've put you outside the bounds of acceptable discourse.

Changing Development Codes

While I do love my supertrains, even I think they're probably not worth building unless land use regulations are significantly changed around stations and corridors. While we all know that Houston has no zoning, they do have fairly typical land use regulations regarding setbacks and parking and whatnot, so good that they're taking steps to change those where appropriate.

Not Exactly Surprising

But if you think that using the threat of terrorism for political purposes would be more interesting to the Villagers than Michelle Obama's shorts, you're probably wrong.

And just so it's clear: using the threat of terrorism to try to achieve political goals is, you know, what terrorists do.

Walkability Good

I don't think the results of this study are surprising and I also don't think they demonstrate that much. Neighborhoods with high walkscores have high density and variety of neighborhood amenities, so one would expect that to show up in property values.

But it's a good moment to spell out a few things for the millionth time, because some people generally fail to understand. People like me have no desire to convert the world into Manhattan or take your cars away or force you all to live in skyscrapers in urban hellholes. We think that there's a shortage of good walkable neighborhoods in this country, and evidence of this shortage is the fact that such neighborhoods tend to be quite expensive. Obviously there are plenty of urban neighborhoods which for a variety of reasons are not pricey and are not "good," so simple density is not enough. We also think the shortage of such neighborhoods exists in large part because of policies ranging from transportation to zoning to land use, and not simply a matter of the market giving the people what they want. Obvious policies are things like emphasis on roadbuilding rather than mass transit. Less obvious - but extremely important - policies include things like mandatory setbacks and parking requirements. As I've written before, no developer could get approval to build my block as it is in my neighborhood today. That is, it would be illegal to rebuild my urban hellhole in its current configuration. And this is in the city!

Thursday Is New Jobless Day tells me that there were 576K new lucky duckies.

Things really aren't getting better...

The four-week moving average of initial claims, a less volatile measure, climbed to 570,000 last week from 565,750.


If the economy fails to turn around, and by implication the Obama presidency is a major failure, I know I'll put the blame on his failure to actively support changing bankruptcy law to allow modifications of mortgage terms by bankruptcy judges. Things really can't improve until the foreclosure crisis is over, and his programs aren't working.


Well, I don't miss him either.

Anyway, here's Taibbi talking to Maddow. Um, you're all gonna call your Congresscritters and tell them you want, oh, single-payer, or Medicare for All, or socialized medicine or....

Single-payer is the only fiscally responsible option. Why settle for less?

Not Atrios

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Evening Thread

Shockingly, I do not miss Robert Novak at all.

--Molly Ivors


I have mixed feelings about mandate-as-policy, but as politics it's going to be horrible. I find it weird that no one seems to get this.

The Sixth Stupidest Fucking Person In The World

Chuck Todd.

Punching Hippies

It's the Village sport.


I don't think it's pointed out enough that aside from all of the losses, our financial sector demonstrated that it is incapable of allocating capital efficiently. All of those loans which went to overbuild commercial real estate could have been loaned to more productive activities over the last several years.


McCain is so a maverick!!!

Afternoon Thread

You talk too much.

Grand Strategy Or Lone Wolf

I really don't know, but either way it seems bad.

And Then They Might Go Out And Get A Bank Account!

I've long been puzzled by the strange fixation of conservatives on which goods and services people who aren't living here with appropriate permission should be able to procure. Lou Dobbs spent years obsessing about the idea that some of them might even have bank accounts! Plenty of people have international bank accounts in places they aren't allowed to live/work, and I have no idea why this should be of particular concern for Dobbs.

Still it's a bit better than thinking that hospitals should be in the business of checking your papers (aside from your insurance card of course! VERY IMPORTANT!) and then letting you die if (you're brown and) you can't prove you're here legally.


And on and on...

KABUL—The U.S. military said Wednesday six American troops were killed in Afghanistan, as militants killed six election workers amid growing fears on the eve of the presidential election that insurgents would mar the vote.

And both wars are almost completely gone from our public consciousness, aside from the fact that they must continue forever.

Rewarding Good Behavior

Most members of Congress really don't quite understand this blog stuff, aside from a vague idea that there's a new potential pain in the ass out there to deal with. When their staffers can show them things like this, they're more likely to get that we're actually allies.

So consider contributing a bit to members who have signed the public option pledge.

Great Moments In Journalism


Hate Mail

From Netroots Nation.

For those at work, includes bad words.

Lunch Thread


What Are They For Again?

John Cole:

Hell, I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what value the insurance companies add at all. Seems like all they do is skim money off the top, add layers of paperwork, and then screw people when they get a serious illness.

This is correct. More than that, most of "health insurance" isn't really insurance at all, except for a bit of catastrophic insurance which they try to avoid paying out.

There really is no reason for them to exist.


I certainly get that there are reasonable arguments to have about the effectiveness of corporate boycotts. Generally I think a whirlwind PR shitstorm is more effective than, "please don't shop there." That is, destroying the brand is better than guilting people into not doing something they want to do, and the desire to defend the brand can cause quick behavior changes. But the lamest argument against boycotts is that they just hurt the poor employees.

Holding Firm

I don't know if the progressives will hold, but it's certainly in their - and hopefully our - interests for them to do so. Villagers respect power, but they're also very very slow to recognize when it shifts. As I wrote yesterday, for quite some time "House progressives will block any bill without public option" has been a much more plausible story than "Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley write a health care bill that Republicans will support." It's only now that the Villagers are waking up to this fact, and as they do they'll slowly start calling Anthony Weiner instead of Kent Conrad. And if the progressives do hold firm, they'll be calling them about the next legislative battle, too.

Wanker of the Day

Anonymous White House official.


Over there.

BAGHDAD — At least 75 people were killed in a series of truck bombings and other attacks on Wednesday that rocked areas around official buildings in central Baghdad, wounding 300 people, the Interior Ministry said.

We tried to stop them.

Whole Foods

I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, and won't promise I'll never return, but my shopping there will be greatly reduced. Plenty of other options around.

Painfully Obviously True

Hey, it appears Rahm found a nut.

I wonder if we'll ever know what these people were really thinking. The "Republicans don't want to pass anything" point was painfully obviously true months ago. So what was the point of all of this crap?

More Stupid Than You Can Possibly Imagine

Via my cob-logger va, we have... this, from Erick, the Son of Erick. This is a real quote.
"You can’t win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”

— Obi Wan Kenobi

It appears that the left’s urgent boycott of Glenn Beck’s advertisers in an effort to destroy Beck is like Darth Vader strking down Kenobi. It’s making Beck more powerful. He is Kenobi.

Remember the good old days, when we only had to contemplate Ann Althouse-class goofy gibberish?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Late Night

Rock on.

Deep Thought

I was so proud when I cast my vote for President Grassley.

Goldman Sucks

So says Matt Taibbi.

--Molly Ivors

The Problem

I think Bowers is spot on with this post, and it's astounding that so many people fail to realize it. When health care reform fails, or 'wins' with a crappy bill, we'll know who is to blame.

Probably Should Give Her An Hour Of Airtime

Seems to be how our media treats these people.

Afternoon Thread


Some Say The AARP Runs The Soylent Green Factories

Good enough for journalism!

In case you didn't know... IT'S PEOPLE.

What The Hell's A Co-Op?

Kudos to the NYT for actually trying to address this question. Given all the talk about them, few seem to have bothered to try to figure out or explain what they are. Not even their biggest supporter seems to have any clue.

Lunch Thread


Gun Nuttery

I've had relatively limited personal experience with gun nuts, but all the ones I knew had a basic self-defense fantasy in which they would thwart a would-be attacker with a bullet. In short, they wanted to kill someone.

As Amanda says at the link, not all people who like guns are gun nuts.

Blogger Ethics

Glennzilla stomps on Lanny Davis.

One thing which has sorta shocked me as I've gotten to know DC culture is just how much paid advocates are considered to be respectable parts of the fabric who are enabled and promoted by our media instead of, you know, shills. It's weird.

Nobody Could Have Predicted

For those of us who are moderately sentient, it's been clear all along that the Republican strategy was to block health care reform at any cost. Their extra strategy is to do their best to make the bill as shitty as possible so that it's unpopular. Whether the Dems who are getting played get it and are just playing along or whether they're really stupid I do not know...

Good Morning

Blogger seems to be EATING posts. Very annoying.

Over Night

Still fighting off the influence of the Great Orange Satan in the Steel City.

Monday, August 17, 2009


This business of keeping a good health care bill off the floor of the Senate is driven by the fact that a good bill with a robust public option would both clear a filibuster and would pass resoundingly. Reporters need to start asking Conrad, Nelson, Voinovich, Martinez, Collins and Snowe how they would vote on a bill with a robust public option.


Yes, it's the blue dogs who have the most to lose and the rest of us who have the most to gain. Would be more than happy to lose Rahm's Kids in Congress, and hope we do.


One does not like to think about where this is going.

Because It Worked So Well For Tucker

The Bug Man Danceth.

Afternoon Threaden



I don't know if the progressive House Dems will hold firm, but it's certainly a more plausible story than "Max Baucus creates compromise bill that Republicans will vote for." Yet it's the latter story which gets all the attention. Dem pundits should understand that there's pretty good chance that absent good public option, there will be no health care bill.

Lunch Thread


Laundering Lies

It's one thing if Dick Armey, or some other repulsive hack, goes out and gives a speech which contains a bunch of lies. It's another thing for a major news outlet - print or teevee - to give its stamp of authority on those lies. I'm sure he'll be back.

I've said a bunch of times that elite journalists oddly cling to authority rather than expertise as the reason they need to have very well-paid existences. But then they don't bother to use that authority to actually inform their audiences. Instead they use it to bolster the claims of conservative liars.


I've never looked into the history of the Meadowlands, but driving by it I was always fascinated in a horrified kind of way. Here you have a stadium complex built smack dab in the middle of one of the denser mass transit networks - not just NYC, but northern NJ as well - and it had absolutely no link to the rail system whatsoever. I assume it was built at the peak of the what the fuck were they thinking era. That's finally changed.


I really hate the word.

BAGHDAD — The commanding general of American forces in Iraq said Monday that he had proposed putting United States troops in disputed parts of northern Iraq along with Kurdish and Iraqi forces.

"Disputed parts." Ah.

Credible Threats

Aside from the importance of the public option itself, I think it's important for the progressive caucus in the House to demonstrate, finally, that they will at times exercise their power and block legislation in order to extract a few demands. It doesn't look like we're going to get much good legislation otherwise, and if they can't get concessions on health care what can they get them on?

As for holding your nose and hoping it gets better later... things don't seem to work that way.

Waiting Too Long

Some evidence that the very hungry FDIC might not be eating fast enough.

The Other Side

P O'Neill (whose blog you should read) has a post up about some of the spillover of the nutty US "health care debate" on the discourse in other lands. I'd quibble that the Canadian system comes in for more goofy bashing in the US than the NHS, though. Also, I'd say that while P is right to wonder about the wisdom of US wingnuts cluelessly alienating what would seem to be their "natural allies," i.e., their halfwit ideological counterparts in allied countries abroad, the question of why they'd risk this answers itself -- US conservatives are know-nothing insane. You'd think that, as P says, this would mean that "With enemies like these, maybe Barack Obama doesn't need friends," and fair enough, except that, of course, for reasons nobody can rationally explain, there exists an American legislative body known as the "US Senate."

Obama was not in '08, nor is now, my messiah, but, like, when it comes to health care, or any other domestic policy initiative, how do you solve a problem like Max Baucus?

If we don't get a good health care bill, yes, Obama deserves garbage-pelting. But let's be clear: we have a legislative system that is undemocratic, dysfunctional, and flat-out ridiculous. The only thing it will actually DO as far as spending goes is authorize stupid wars.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Medicare is Tyranny

And other revelations you may have missed on the Sunday talk shows - my Translations of Meet the Press and Chris Matthews.

Evening Thread

by Molly Ivors

Still hot & heady in the northeast, but I understand the thunderstorms are coming....


Previously I asked why Bruce Bartlett thought things have become they way he perceives them to be. He sent a response to Steve and me, which Steve has up here.

On the road so I don't have time to think much about it and add my two cents, but there's his answer!

Afternoon Thread

Travel day. Escape from commie fest!


I think this AP way overstates the case here - being open to something else is not the same as being ready to drop the public option - but the noises emanating from the administration aren't awesome.

Sunday Bobbleheads

Face the Nation has Gibbs and distinguished elder statesmen Lee Hamilton and Chuck Hagel

Meet the Press goes full crazy with Dick Armey, Tom Coburn, Chamber of Commerce EVP Bruce Josten, Tom Daschle, Charlie Rangel, and Bill Ritter.

This Week has Sebelius, Hatch, and Senate Majority Leader Arlen Specter.

Document the atrocities!

Document the atrocities.

Did you know...

...that aside from Norway and Luxembourg, the country that spends the most tax money on healthcare per capita is the United States?

Not Atrios