Saturday, July 02, 2011

Billion, Trillion, What's The Difference

Don't know if this is the reporter's mistake or Schumer's.
“We need a willingness on both sides to give a little,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York. “We’ve given a lot. The vice president has said more than $1 billion in cuts has already been identified. And that would put us far down the road towards an agreement. The question is how to make up the rest.”

Europe Agrees To Give Billions To Big European Banks

Just fitting their tuxedo.

BBQ Time

Nothing fancy. Just franks and hamburgers. And beer.


Some waste is worse than others - and unoccupied housing can deteriorate pretty quickly - but, yes, in the context of the stimulus it was something people worried about way too much. A SUPERTRAIN with poorer than expected ridership* might cause you to rethink where you build the next one, but it's still a useful thing to have and at some point population growth will increase the ridership.

*But, yes, we've built plenty of highways to nowhere...


It's really hard to characterize just how weirdly and insanely the War on Terror has been conducted. On the one hand, pornoscanners and special shampoo transport requirements, on the other, gun shows.

So Now I Know

Got vaguely nostalgic for a certain era Superchunk and at the same time wondered, who dicks around on Twitter more pointlessly than anyone else on the planet?

Friday, July 01, 2011

Thread thread

Summer nights here are so short that I blinked and missed this one. Time for bed!

Not Atrios

Time For A Glass of Wine

Afternoon Thread

I got nothin'.

Kangaroo Is Pretty Tasty

Don't know if it still is, but was pretty commonly available in restaurants in Europe in the aftermath of the Mad Cow scare. A nearby butcher sells it. So, yes, eat Kangaroo!

Lunch Thread


Burn The Whole Thing Down

I have no idea what will happen with the debt ceiling issue, but I do know that even aside from the crass 'kill the economy to blame obama' gambit, there are lots of people who have an attraction to the idea of just burning the place down for the hell of it.

We will see.


You're paying the risk premium for a reason.

Just default.



The NYT is the paper that shows up on my doorstep every morning, so it is my gauge of the traditional media. Apparently, when talking about European banksters, they can do more truth-telling.

Floyd Norris on extend and pretend, with feta.

As negotiations proceeded in Europe this spring over Greek Bailout II, Mr. Trichet laid down a line in the sand: Nothing must be done to force banks to take losses on the bad loans they have made to Greece.


Jesse Eisinger at ProPublica and the NYTimes, documents the bankster boon.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evening Thread

I Hate The Internet

And the person who inflicted me with the "No Labels" song.

So I will share it with all of you. Just paying hell forward.

The End Of An Era

Final Glenny show about to start. Say goodnight Glenn.

Atrios For Treasury Secretary

I promise to hurt Jamie Dimon's feefees regularly and to not establish a government endorsed predatory lending program.


I have nothing against third parties or third party movements, it's just when someone with Tom Friedman's reach and riches repeatedly calls for one but then does nothing about it, he's just wishing for ponies. We need a third pony! is essentially what he is saying. And, of course, Tom Friedman's third party is basically the Bloomberg-Bayh party, with perhaps a bit more government funding for solar energy, and as such is already the dominant party of the country.

Of Course We Do

The twitter machine tells me that at the Aspen Wanker Festival, Tom Friedman says we need a third party. Presumably one which agrees with Tom Friedman with everything, and of course commands majority support throughout the country.

We have the worst elites ever.

It's Not His Place

It's dumb that Halperin was suspended for saying a naughty word that isn't even that naughty given that many men over the age of 50 or so proudly present it as their first name, but it's worth pointing out that we get some of this "Obama doesn't know how to behave" kind of analysis which is part racial, part because he's a Democrat, and part because he wasn't spawned and hatched from the Potomac riverbed where all good Villagers come from.

Halperin Memories


Conservatives forever braying about a liberal bias in the press received a big boost last month when Mark Halperin, director of ABC's political unit, took to the airwaves with the reddest of Bush partisans -- talkers Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Hugh Hewitt -- to voice his heated agreement that the mainstream press treats Republicans unfairly.

Confirming their longstanding fears, Halperin insisted that reporters are "overwhelmingly liberal," they "hate the military," are "blind" to their bias, and should use the closing weeks of the campaign season to "prove" their worth to right-wingers. Suddenly, instead of conservatives working the refs -- badgering journalists with complaints of bias in hopes they would get the benefit of the doubt next time there was a close call in the newsroom -- it was one of the refs (Halperin) working the refs.

Our Liberal Media

For various reasons I was reminded of the Imus situation. Let's have a flashback of the Howies Fineman and Kurtz. First Fineman:

Fineman: It's a different time Imus. It's diferent than it was even a few years ago, politically. You know, in the environment politically it's changed. And some of the stuff you used to do you just can't do anymore.

Imus: no you can't

Fineman: You just can't because the times have changed. I mean just looking specifically at the Africa-American situation. I mean, hello, Barack obama has gotten twice the number of contributors of anybody else in the race. I mean, you know, things have changed. Some of the kind of humor you used to do you just can't do anymore. So that's just the way it is.

And Kurtz:

Imus's sexist homophobic, and politically incorrect routines echo what many journalists joke about in private.

Glenn Beck Uses The Daughter Test

And finds that a scary black man is abusing your daughters.


I don't care if Mark Halperin says Richard Cheney's name on the air. In fact, I appreciate a momentary lapse in the faux-civility/morality that is part of the Villager pose. I do care that he's proud of the fact that Matt Drudge rules his world, and that he sucks ass.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

428K new lucky duckies.

So, uh, still bad news. Perhaps we should give it another 6 months...

The Worst People In The World

Are clearly the people who run my local orchestra.
The Philadelphia Orchestra Association accumulated $682,568 in legal fees and other expenses associated with its bankruptcy petition in the first six weeks after the filing, court documents show.

These fees, added to others in the run-up to the Chapter 11 filing, bring the tab to more than $1.6 million.

In its strategic plan, the association estimated that professional costs in the case would total $2.9 million, plus $3 million for settlement with creditors and $2.5 million to allow for a potential decline in ticket sales and donations.


I am still trying to understand why the first words out of the mouths of every Democrat in a public setting are not "I really would like Eric Cantor to explain why he is betting against America."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Late Night Thread

Have fun

Shorter David Wessel

The hippies are like so totally wrong about everything, but here's my plan in the WSJ to implement the hippie agenda.

That's a bit of an unfair characterization, but I wish pundits could just say "here's what should be done" without pretending to float above everyone else who is wrong.


Let's hope the "leaving Congress soon" rumors are true.

U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler announced Monday he has introduced bipartisan legislation that would fund a program to develop in-vehicle technology to prevent drunk driving.


These include sensors on the steering wheel or engine start button that determine a driver's blood alcohol content, or sensors that passively monitor a driver's breath or eye movements.

A vehicle would not start if these sensors indicate the driver's blood alcohol level is above .08, the legal alcohol limit.

Even if we imagine a world where passive technology like this worked perfectly this is just dumb. Drunk driving is bad and people shouldn't do it, but sometimes in life people need to weigh one bad against another. Preventing people from using their vehicles could put people in (different) danger.

Battle For Brooklyn

Since I left off a link to the site yesterday, here it is...


Dems have lost the Jewish vote yet again.


Just adding to the post below, I think what offices really hate are phone calls from The Left which they think have been organized somehow. The problem is...what does it mean to have been organized? If I post about an issue and suggest you call your member is that organization? If AARP runs a teevee ad? If MoveOn emails their list?

Obviously all of these are organized in some sense, but not in quite the same way. More than that, the offices don't ever seem to see angry constituents on the Right as being 'organized,' even when they clearly are.

They Don't Know What They Want

While I lean on the side of taking action, what I've realized in my dealings with Congressional staffers is that members and their offices are all over the place when it comes to getting phone calls. They get very upset when right wingers call and say mean things and it can cause them to buckle under the pressure, because the Limbaugh listeners who call might ever vote for them (hah). They get very upset when left wingers call and pressure them, because left wingers are supposed to be on their side, even if they aren't on their side on a particular issue. When they're getting lots of mean phone calls they appreciate some supportive ones, but if they get too many supportive ones they get annoyed too.

So, overall, I don't really know what the impact is.

Extra Thread

So as not to have the video in the newest one.

Obama Presser

On soon!

click below to watch

What Voters Want Is Someone Who Likes To Put Up Youtube Videos Of Him Yelling At Them

It's been mildly amusing watching the press fawn over every Republicans with a pulse, touting them all as "possible contenders." I'm waiting for the 50th column from Smerconish in my local fishwrap telling me how Christie is awesome and must run for president NOWNOWNOW (please do! and resign first).

But, you know, people just don't like him.

More than half of New Jersey residents say they wouldn’t back Governor Chris Christie for a second term, disapproving of his choices on a range of policy and personal issues, from killing a commuter tunnel to using a state-police helicopter to attend his son’s baseball game.

It's about now that Very Serious People start pining away for a third party which perfectly represents the only people who matter: themselves.


I agree with Ezra that creating jobs is more important than appearing to fight for jobs, whatever the hell that last one is, but at some point we're going to have an election campaign. Trying to get through backroom deals which may or may not have much positive effect on the economy won't be enough, either. At some point it's time to explain what you would like to do for the economy, and why the bastards on the other side are against it.

And, no, a plan to provide incentives for a partnership for blahblahblah won't cut it.

So A Year From Now...

Greece has passed their "austerity" bill, which no one actually believes will solve any problems. So a year from now will when Greece is still a mess will everyone who supported it apologize?


And We'll All Have Big Deficit Reduction Parties

One infuriating thing about this is the apparent belief by many politicians that voters will reward them for making the economy even worse.


Rock on

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Please Administer More Beatings

They're so effective.
More than 10,000 retail jobs face the axe as the British high street faces one of its most painful bouts of contraction since the second world war amid the biggest squeeze on household budgets for decades.

As the government's austerity measures take hold, experts warned that the number of retailers going bust would continue to rise this year with a number of household names facing insolvency.

The confectioner Thorntons emerged as the latest high street casualty when it said on Tuesday it would close up to 180 stores, putting more than 1,000 jobs at risk. The flooring chain Carpetright followed suit, saying 50 stores could close as consumers shun purchases amid fuel and food price inflation and rising job insecurity, especially in the public sector.

Big Shitpile

Still shitty.
Investor complaints against Bank of America over mortgages, which have bedeviled the bank since last fall, appear to be close to a resolution as the bank is on the verge of paying $8.5 billion to a group of private investors, according to people familiar with the matter.

No Labels

Also, too, issue loops.

Happy Hour Thread


The Battle For Brooklyn

I watched a screener a couple weeks back and have been remiss in not recommending it.

...adding that it's the story of a bunch of rich assholes teaming up with politicians to get cheap land through a sweetheart deal with the transit authority and of course through the use of eminent domain in order to build an arena as well as residential/retail complexes. The arena is being built, but not much else is.


Yes Greece should default, or at least tell the rest of Europe the truth, that it's their problem, not Greece's.

Crazy Talk

Banks are skimmers. In ideal world they do a job by having good underwriting standards, and allocating money to worthy borrowers, and in doing so earn the bit they skim. In actual world they take free money from the government and then bring it to the Great Casino.
f the U.S. federal government is going to be in the business of giving certain sectors a subsidy, the perk should go to manufacturing, not the financial sector, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said Tuesday.

Hoenig said he’s not sure subsidies are needed but if they are going to exist, “I would rather subsidize the manufacturing sector,” he said at a conference in Washington.

The Way We Live

I'm not sure how well this works as a national agenda, but I am generally surprised at how little "making where we live better" plays out even in state and local politics. Sure there are a couple of things - cops/crime and schools - that always get attention, but otherwise it just doesn't seem to be part of the political conversation. It doesn't have to involve big projects, either. Promising to solve the dog poop problem can be enough.

The Important Things

On the Twitter machine Jay Rosen explains why gaffes about historical trivia or johnwayne/johnwaynegacy get more attention than, say, a desire to cut the minimum wage or claims that tax cuts increase revenues:

The sweet spot is a mistake that allows the press to prosecute the error without sounding too political.

The press feels empowered to jump all over these trivial things while not empowered to point out facts when two sides disagree or to explain the horrible consequences of certain policies. Aside from failing to educate the public, this has an additional pernicious effect. It helps to convince the vast majority of people who only kinda sorta pay attention to politics that Maureen Dowd is right, that this trivial bullshit is what really matters in politics.

Inside Game

People on the intertubes can debate whether Obama is incompetent or Obama is getting exactly what he wants while blaming Republicans. I honestly don't much care, because as long as it's entirely an inside game, backroom deals made between millionaire old guys, there really isn't much for the rest of us to do about it.

For all I know the inside game, instead of the bully pulpit, is the best way to get exactly what Obama wants - whatever that is - but it's a crappy way to explain to people why they should vote for you or your party.


Paratransit costs are going to skyrocket.

The nation’s suburbs are home to a rapidly growing number of older people who are changing the image and priorities of a suburbia formed around the needs of young families with children, an analysis of census data shows.

Although the entire United States is graying, the 2010 Census showed how much faster the suburbs are growing older when compared with the cities. Thanks largely to the baby-boom generation, four in 10 suburban residents are 45 or older, up from 34 percent just a decade ago. Thirty-five percent of city residents are in that age group, an increase from 31 percent in the last census.

Overthrowing the US the US government

I'm about to listen to this Virtually Speaking discussion between Daniel Ellsberg and Glennzilla again. Maybe you'd like to join me.

Not Atrios

Good Morning

Our friend, Echidne of the Snakes has written a fairy tale, only she has facts and stuff to prove that it aint no fairy tale at all. Good reading.

She's also having a fund raiser.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Late Night

Was a giant water bug blue crab and hush puppies on the roof night.

Rock on.

Evening Thread


It's June, 2011. Unemployment is at 9.1%.

Just a reminder.

Early Happy Hour Thread

I got nothin'.


The sad thing is that even sensible Medicare "cuts," that is ones which hopefully make the program cheaper without making it any worse for beneficiaries, will be attacked by the Republicans, even though they want to destroy Medicare.*

*Glenn Kessler will award me eleventy zillion Pinocchios for saying that.

Afternoon Thread


It Is True That Andrew Breitbart Said It

But the thing he said is not true, though the New York Times doesn't think you should know that.

Recovery Summer II

The president has been traveling around touting a "revitalized" manufacturing economy. It might not be the right time...

Other People Must Suffer

The rich assholes who run the world aren't simply content with hoovering up every penny they can find, they're also obsessed with making sure the rest of us suffer.

It's Easy

Of course your job commuting situation has to allow it, but otherwise living without a car in big chunks of Philadelphia really is no big deal. Key is being relatively close to a decent food market. Joining a carshare system fills in some gaps when you need it to, as does remembering that you can take a hell of a lot of cab rides for what you're saving by not having a car.

Lucy, Football

I give it about 2 days before Republicans start screeching about how Democrats want to cut defense money while our heroes are in harms way, blah blah blah.

I Would Happily Use Them

I really don't understand the aversion to dollar coins. If I ever actually received any in change I would happily use them.

Also She Should Apologize For Attacking His Hands With Her Neck

Team conservative can do no wrong.

That's Our Ticky-Tack

I'm so old I remember when Josh Trevino was leading the charge for Online Civility. Apparently this includes "being cool" with a foreign government shooting Americans.


We all live in...


Not Atrios

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Late Night Thread


Sunday Evening

Better cut food stamps.
The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion.

Stop Dancing

I really don't understand these games.

Greece should just say first €X renegotiated will get a 10% haircut, the next €Y renegotiated will get a 25% haricut, the next €Z will get a 50% haircut, and the rest of you are fucked.

Also, Too, Liberals Should Voluntarily Pay More Taxes

I hate when people fail to understand that when collective action is needed, advocating for some sort of collective action doesn't make you a BIG GIANT HYPOCRITE. Al Gore doesn't go around chastising people for their individual choices. Al Gore says we have a big problem which requires collective action.

Sunday Bobbleheads

Face the Nation has Michele Bachmann.

This Week has McConnell and Clyburn.

Meet the Press has President Christie, Jack Reed, and Jim Webb.

Document the atrocities!

Wakey, Wakey