Friday, November 30, 2012
Friday Book Club
Early reviews of the Midnight's Children movie are not very good, but the book is worth reading. I never managed to get through any other book by Rushdie, though I did try a couple, but there's something special about that one.

More Like This Please
Some leftover turkee for Michael Grunwald.
It’s really amazing to see political reporters dutifully passing along Republican complaints that President Obama’s opening offer in the fiscal cliff talks is just a recycled version of his old plan, when those same reporters spent the last year dutifully passing along Republican complaints that Obama had no plan. It’s even more amazing to see them pass along Republican outrage that Obama isn’t cutting Medicare enough, in the same matter-of-fact tone they used during the campaign to pass along Republican outrage that Obama was cutting Medicare.
Conservatives Is Weird
One thing I've learned over the years is that conservatives think we're like bizarro versions of them on some issues. They like low taxes, so they think we like high taxes. They like (or imagine they like) small government, they think we like big government. When, you know, we just think there's some stuff the government needs to do and we need to figure out how to pay for it.
Such an event can, somewhat paradoxically, improve unemployment and GDP numbers as rebuilding activity provides jobs, but that's only the case if there's an urgent and massive rebuilding effort. Otherwise, the economy might tank.
But let's keep talking about deficits ten years from now that this Congress is unable to control.
But let's keep talking about deficits ten years from now that this Congress is unable to control.
The Worst People In The World
They're all the same, but I don't think there's been a deficit scare group as transparently fraudulent before. Regular reminder: Fix the Debt are rich people who want to cut their taxes and steal your Social Security money.
The Only Votes That Matter
I admit I was a bit surprised by the degree to which "only the votes of certain white people" matter was mainstreamed. Sure this wasn't entirely new, but in the past it was a bit more justifiable as it was reasonable to suggest (if not obsess about) the fact that a winning democratic coalition would need white voters. It wasn't that these voters were better, just necessary. But now apparently they're better.
This is the real whitey tape.
This is the real whitey tape.
Bribing The Blahs And The Brahs
I think what's been lost in this discussion is the understanding that this is how Republicans, more than Democrats, see politics. To the victors go the spoils.
Republicans think their pals are more deserving of all of the free money they're going to give them, but to them winning is about giving money to your friends.
JANET MEFFERD: How in the world do you out-left the left anyway? If we go to the left on amnesty, do you think the Democrats are going to sit still and just go ‘oh I guess that they’re more caring than we are’? It’s a zero-sum game. I don’t know how in the world the Republicans expect to get votes when the Democrats are already farther along than we are.
STEVE KING: There’s no possible way. Whatever we might say we are going to do, reduce the enforcement of the rule of law, waive the rule of law, Democrats will find a way to hand deliver citizenship papers along with a great big check from money borrowed from the Chinese.
Republicans think their pals are more deserving of all of the free money they're going to give them, but to them winning is about giving money to your friends.
Friday, Friday
The point is that the class war is still on, this time with an added dose of deception. And this, in turn, means that you need to look very closely at any proposals coming from the usual suspects, even — or rather especially — if the proposal is being represented as a bipartisan, common-sense solution. In particular, whenever some deficit-scold group talks about “shared sacrifice,” you need to ask, sacrifice relative to what?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Bargaining Bargaining Yeah Fun Fun Fun Fun
It's so stupid and wrong that we're talking about deficits 10 years from now when we have some rather immediate problems that require spending money now (unemployment, Sandy). But at least the Obama offer did have some spending now.
It's also good that, aside from the entire frame, it's a pretty good democratic offer. For all I know precompromising is genuinely an 11 dimensional chess way of achieving better policy outcomes. If so (I suspect not, but what do I know), then fine, but it does make it a bit harder to establish a Team D or a Team O brand. We had 4 years of "why don't we all agree that this is a nice compromise" instead of "this is what we want, your turn."
It also made it hard to establish a Team R brand, letting them get away with wanting to destroy the government AND be the Last Great And True Defenders Of Medicare.
It's also good that, aside from the entire frame, it's a pretty good democratic offer. For all I know precompromising is genuinely an 11 dimensional chess way of achieving better policy outcomes. If so (I suspect not, but what do I know), then fine, but it does make it a bit harder to establish a Team D or a Team O brand. We had 4 years of "why don't we all agree that this is a nice compromise" instead of "this is what we want, your turn."
It also made it hard to establish a Team R brand, letting them get away with wanting to destroy the government AND be the Last Great And True Defenders Of Medicare.
Regular Reminder
They're bad people and they don't care about the deficit. They just want to cut their taxes and steal the Social Security money.
Still Not Doing Fine
We might remember that this fiscal cliff nonsense was supposed to great, in part because everyone assumed the economy would be humming along and would be able to withstand the contraction, perhaps even because Helicopter Ben would have the room to maneuver to counteract it.
Oh well.
Oh well.
The Easy Life
I get that most of our celebrity pundits are quite wealthy, but don't they live in this world? Haven't they actually interacted with our nightmarish medical system? Aren't any of their 67 year old friends showing obvious signs of needing to slow down a bit?
I really just don't understand.
I really just don't understand.
This Is Shocking
Cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits (can probably cut some costs without cutting delivered benefits) are bad politics and bad policy. It is very shocking that after spending a year attacking Obama for cutting Medicare, Republicans want Democrats to own cutting Medicare.
This is the Republican game. You propose our unpopular policies and pass them, then we get to blame you for embracing our agenda.
Obviously there's no chance of this happening except Democrats.
This is the Republican game. You propose our unpopular policies and pass them, then we get to blame you for embracing our agenda.
Obviously there's no chance of this happening except Democrats.
I've noticed that conservatives have gotten very bad at the "pissing off liberals" game. It's really what motivates them, yet increasingly they just suck at it. It just gives us more reasons to point and laugh, usually.
The Big Money
I actually wonder if Congress will appropriate a penny.
It's much more fun to worry about future abstract problems, to glare at budget curves, than to do deal with actual problems.
Technocracy sucks.
TRENTON - Gov. Christie asked the federal government Wednesday for an additional $7.4 billion for Sandy recovery, bringing the state's total request to $36.8 billion.
It's much more fun to worry about future abstract problems, to glare at budget curves, than to do deal with actual problems.
Technocracy sucks.
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
393K new luck duckies. Not so good.
We can blame Sandy, but not all of the impact of Sandy is something temporary that will snap back.
We can blame Sandy, but not all of the impact of Sandy is something temporary that will snap back.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Random Memory
When I lived in Brussels a dozen years ago, these ads for H&M were plastered everywhere.

(picture found here)

(picture found here)
They're usually not quite as transparently fraudulent as Fix The Debt, but all debt/deficit hawkery is just a front for cutting taxes on rich people. No this doesn't make any sense, but it sounds great to the likes of Dancing Dave so they get away with it.
Rich people want to steal the Social Security money. It's really that simple.
Rich people want to steal the Social Security money. It's really that simple.
I'm not sure why we keep hearing from Secretary Ambassador Doctor Pope Bowles, but hopefully he's correct.
The co-chairman of President Barack Obama’s 2010 fiscal commission said it’s unlikely the president and Congress will reach a deal by the end of this year to avert the so-called fiscal cliff.
Mysteries Of The Universe
I really don't understand how dudes who probably spend half their lives looking at porn or otherwise leering at women completely lose their shit when there's a "real" woman who might be having sex.
Our Brand Is Crisis
I'm personally tired of all of these fake crises, where Congress takes itself hostage and then threatens to shoot the country. I know that doesn't actually make any sense, but what keeps happening doesn't make any sense either.
Sparkly Ponies
I don't think the AMT or the idea of deduction caps are the worst thing in the world (but soaking the little bit rich versus the a lot rich isn't quite right), but I find it fascinating that the Villagers who hate the AMT are enamored with a deductions cap.
They're essentially the same thing.
They're essentially the same thing.
Damn Hippees
Apparently some of Gandalf's weed and some patchouli found its way into the NYT editorial board offices.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
That's Fine
Cutting Medicare and Medicaid is actually a liberal position, if done right. Hell, only crazy hippies are really serious about cutting health care expenditures in this country by establishing a non-insane system like every other developed country in the world.
Obviously cuts can lead to the programs being worse for beneficiaries, but they don't have to.
Obviously cuts can lead to the programs being worse for beneficiaries, but they don't have to.
Regular Reminder
Nobody actually cares about the deficit, least of all the people that claim to. Even though it makes no sense at all, deficit fetishism is primarily a way to push tax cuts (this only works because of the Bluto Blutarsky level of intelligence of people like Dancing Dave) and secondarily a way to cut the small bits of money we spend to help desperately poor people.
...also, too.
...also, too.
Yes official DC never really came to grips with the reality of public opinion of George Bush. He had genuine post-9/11 support, managed to maintain just enough of it to barely win re-election, and then it completely went to shit.
He had the support of the 27 percenters, many of whom were Villagers.
He had the support of the 27 percenters, many of whom were Villagers.
That's Not How They Roll
I'm reasonably confident Sandra Fluke will not be the person of the year, even though she probably should be.
Grand Bargaining
There's the public rhetoric and the private rhetoric, and I'm obviously mostly not privvy to the latter, but I do worry that our Democratic overlords don't understand Republicans.
They don't actually care about cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Yes, they would cut them happily if they thought they could get away with it. But they don't actually care. The point is that these are not actually "bargaining chips" with any value.
Sure Republicans want to steal Social Security money and give it to their friends or destroy it. But modest tweaks to benefit formulas really don't excite them. What's the last thing Republicans did with Medicare? They increased spending significantly so they could... give some of the money to their rich friends.
Tax cuts for rich people and giving money to their rich friends. This is what interests them.
They don't actually care about cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Yes, they would cut them happily if they thought they could get away with it. But they don't actually care. The point is that these are not actually "bargaining chips" with any value.
Sure Republicans want to steal Social Security money and give it to their friends or destroy it. But modest tweaks to benefit formulas really don't excite them. What's the last thing Republicans did with Medicare? They increased spending significantly so they could... give some of the money to their rich friends.
Tax cuts for rich people and giving money to their rich friends. This is what interests them.
Maybe I Am Stoopid
Can anyone explain the logic of an "infrastructure bank"?
I like me some infrastructure spending. I do not know why the government, which can borrow money for free, needs a rube goldberg machine with added middlemen to make it happen.
I like me some infrastructure spending. I do not know why the government, which can borrow money for free, needs a rube goldberg machine with added middlemen to make it happen.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Late Night
If little Ricky Santorum runs in 2016 I'll drop everything and work for him if he'll have me.
Team Santorum!
Team Santorum!
The Grift Goes On
I guess the smart thing for ambitious conservatives is to try to position themselves as the one with The Math, the one who will happily waste the money of gullible billionaires.
Nice work.
Nice work.
I think one of the most maddening thing about the Obama administration is the perpetual fear that they'll take the axe to Social Security. Not this week, at least, apparently.
Kevin and I have disagreed on this for years, but what the hell would pundits talk about if not the need for entitlement reform.
Nothing will take Social Security off the table for decades. They could cut benefits in half and extend the expected solvency of the program for 12 trillion years, and the Washington Post would be back the next day informing us that this was a good down payment, but much more "reform" needs to happen blah blah blah.
They really do want to starve your granny.
On Social Security, I continue to hold the unpopular view the liberals would be well served if they could make a deal. Raise the income cutoff to get more revenue, change the inflation formula to cut benefits a bit, toss in a few other smallish items that would be phased in over 20 years, and you're done. Social Security would be off the table for decades.
Nothing will take Social Security off the table for decades. They could cut benefits in half and extend the expected solvency of the program for 12 trillion years, and the Washington Post would be back the next day informing us that this was a good down payment, but much more "reform" needs to happen blah blah blah.
They really do want to starve your granny.
Free Illegal Stuff
This makes sense even though I doubt its conclusive. People getting stuff for free on the internet has a modest marketing benefit such that it might actually improve sales. For popular things (movies, cds, whatever) with big "official" marketing budgets, it probably takes away from them.
And people probably get this. Indie bands and movie producers generally seem a lot less concerned with illegal downloads than the big players are.
And people probably get this. Indie bands and movie producers generally seem a lot less concerned with illegal downloads than the big players are.
I think a major public policy issue is how to deal with all of the people who, due to age, should probably not be behind the wheel anymore.
Solvable problem, but there probably isn't a cheap solution.
Solvable problem, but there probably isn't a cheap solution.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
But Oddly Everyone Is Worried About The "Fiscal Cliff"
The deficit hawks who hate expansionary policies fear a deficit cutting plan that is contractionary.
Weird, really.
Weird, really.
Horrible Thoughts
On the twitter digby just informed us that Joe Klein, age 66, thinks Obamacare lets us raise the Medicare eligibility age.
I always thought boomers would support increasing their bennies. I never thought they'd support increasing their bennies and stealing ours.
I always thought boomers would support increasing their bennies. I never thought they'd support increasing their bennies and stealing ours.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Bonus Points
Because grifters.
PHILADELPHIA -- Federal education officials have denied Pennsylvania's request to evaluate charter school achievement using more lenient criteria, saying they must be assessed by the same standard as traditional schools.
Friday, November 23, 2012
I've been pretty disappointed in the War On Christmas this year. It's like the other side isn't even trying.
And that means no war, because there never was a war on Christmas you idiots.
And that means no war, because there never was a war on Christmas you idiots.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Turkee Day
After all these years, even I forget what the hell some of the inside jokes here actually mean. I thought this year we should remember that the source of my traditional Turkee Day Post was actually a really sad story. The point was that the way my imaginary editor absurdly treated the journalist was similar to the way the teacher absurdly treated the poor child.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
If they're gonna make these "entitlement" cuts, they need to do it quickly, because their arguments are incoherent. The B-S cuts are horrible public policy and terrible politics. Lifting the cap on the payroll tax is good public policy and great politics. If your Senator hasn't signed Sanders' pledge, maybe you want to give that Senator a call.
And maybe you want to let your T-Day friends and relations know that their SS benefits are on the table. I don't think that 's widely understood.
Update, via DWD: Talking points from Digby.
Later Afternoon Thread
The computer went down at the supermarket and they could only take cash. Aside from losing a whole bunch of money on just about the busiest shopping day of the year, the scanner counted everything as a "grocery" with no specifics. I bet their inventory counts will be off for weeks.
Some Things Were Obvious
I didn't know everything about the housing bubble, and early on I didn't know anything about the crazy financial products it was spawning (or vice versa), but one little thing was obvious to me. Not enough people in this country make enough money to afford houses at those prices.
Thank God for that, because his blog, Calculated Risk, has been an invaluable and influential read for numerous reasons.
For one thing, it's always been right. In its early days, when we all started reading it, it was way ahead of the curve in terms of warning about the housing bubble, horrible bank lending practices, and generally the economic collapse. From his perch in Newport Beach, CA he could see first hand the people taking out loans worth 10x their income, filling their Inland Empire garages with Harleys and Boats that they obviously couldn't afford.
Fools! Stop Listening To Me!!!!!!
Remember that Joey Scar called the gay wizard a "joke."
And this is not about Silver, really. Maybe his model was better than simply averaging state polls, maybe not. The point is that if the polls had any actual information value - and possibly they didn't! - then the elections results were clear for awhile. If you thought Silver was crap, you were basically saying the polling was crap. That was certainly possible. But if you thought the polling was crap, then you had zero information to base your election outcome prediction on. Except vibrations, I guess.
And this is not about Silver, really. Maybe his model was better than simply averaging state polls, maybe not. The point is that if the polls had any actual information value - and possibly they didn't! - then the elections results were clear for awhile. If you thought Silver was crap, you were basically saying the polling was crap. That was certainly possible. But if you thought the polling was crap, then you had zero information to base your election outcome prediction on. Except vibrations, I guess.
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
410K new lucky duckies.
Hopefully that's still just temporary Sandy-related unemployment, and not a new trend.
Comcast guy was already visiting me today. Internets appear to be fixed.
Hopefully that's still just temporary Sandy-related unemployment, and not a new trend.
Comcast guy was already visiting me today. Internets appear to be fixed.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
He Should've Yelled At The Victims
Early on, Christie actually was yelling at people who didn't evacuate. But once the scale of the devastation became clear he seemed to get it a bit.
But the Republicans are pissed that he made nice with B. Barry Bamz and didn't kick a few newly homeless people for fun.
Anyway, Christie should just become a Democrat. Not because I want him to, but because it would probably be the best thing for his career at this point. Dems are so dumb we'd probably nominate him for president if he did.
But the Republicans are pissed that he made nice with B. Barry Bamz and didn't kick a few newly homeless people for fun.
Anyway, Christie should just become a Democrat. Not because I want him to, but because it would probably be the best thing for his career at this point. Dems are so dumb we'd probably nominate him for president if he did.
Heckuva Job, C of E
At least one can imagine some sort of theological consistency with the Catholic church not allowing female priests, but just excluding them from the top jobs...
LONDON — The Church of England’s governing body on Tuesday narrowly blocked a move to permit women to serve as bishops, leaving the church facing more years of contentious debate.
The incoherence of the centrist "Democrats", like the Third Way, and the Village media, is really kinda stunning. (audio clip)
Unskew My Heart
I guess we'll never really know if the Romney people and the entire Republican Political/Media Industrial complex believed their own bullshit - we're gonna win! - or not.
Obviously people rooting for a certain team are going to have a tendency to bet with their hearts. There's nothing insane about campaign people operating with a bit of wishful thinking. But that's very different from "all the polls are wrong and we're going to win" which seems to be where they were.
Obviously people rooting for a certain team are going to have a tendency to bet with their hearts. There's nothing insane about campaign people operating with a bit of wishful thinking. But that's very different from "all the polls are wrong and we're going to win" which seems to be where they were.
Even Less Accountability
No we won't get better super committees by taking all elected people off of them. Beware of technocrats leading us further and further away from democracy.
The base closing commission was a unique thing for a unique situation. Everybody wanted to close some bases, but no politician wanted to be responsible for closing bases in their states. Nothing else is similar to that.
Stop advocating for politicians to find ways to remove democratic accountability. In our system they already have enough ways of doing that.
The base closing commission was a unique thing for a unique situation. Everybody wanted to close some bases, but no politician wanted to be responsible for closing bases in their states. Nothing else is similar to that.
Stop advocating for politicians to find ways to remove democratic accountability. In our system they already have enough ways of doing that.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Shameless Promotion
My friend Bee wrote a book. It's very good. It doesn't come out until April 23, but you are all required to pre-order it or no more blog for you.

The Goodies
There's something I haven't quite managed to figure out about the basic Romney/Limbaugh worldview. Is this just their view of politics generally, that it's Romney's job to give money to his rich friends and Obama's job to give money to his "friends." Or is it specifically about Obama giving money to the blahs, and they don't see their "gifts" as gifts but the natural order of things.
One hopes the White House is completely full of shit.
On January 1 we can start talking about "the Obama tax cuts" and leave the Bush tax cuts, in rhetoric and reality, behind forever.
WASHINGTON — Some Democrats are pushing an unorthodox idea for coping with the “fiscal cliff”: Let the government go over, temporarily at least, to give their party more bargaining leverage for changes later on.
The idea has plenty of skeptics, and the White House regards it frostily. But it illustrates the wide range of early negotiating positions being staked out by Republicans and Democrats as lawmakers gathered Tuesday for their first postelection talks on how to avoid the looming package of steep tax hikes and program cuts.
On January 1 we can start talking about "the Obama tax cuts" and leave the Bush tax cuts, in rhetoric and reality, behind forever.
First Let's Cut Taxes
I know I'm on repeat here, but it is quiet fascinating how we can quickly segue from ZOMG TEH DEFICIT IS GOING TO EAT US ALL to THE SOLUTION IS TO CUT TAXES and nobody even blinks.
Nobody cares about the deficit.
Nobody cares about the deficit.
Don't They Have Anything Better To Do?
As with so many things in our criminal justice and investigation systems, it really just comes down to priorities. Forget whether marijuana should be legal or illegal, is it really worth anyone's time to bother prosecuting?
In our austerity world, there seems to be money in the budget for the strangest things.
In our austerity world, there seems to be money in the budget for the strangest things.
Zombie Liberal Bloggers Can Still Eat Brains
We all know that liberal blogs are dead. The obituary is written every election cycle. But we will still destroy Andrew Cuomo's candidacy in 2016.
I bet he has no idea.
I bet he has no idea.
One thing I've noticed in our press over the last couple of years is that the Republicans perpetually have "superstars" or "rising stars" in a way that Democrats never do. They're constantly writing profiles of and mash notes to these people.
Pricey Pay Per View
I saw someone mentioning this on the facebook or the twitter yesterday but I can't remember who it was. It was a new parent basically saying he'd pay a bunch of money to stream new box office releases onto their bigass TV if such a service was offered.
Anyone have any insights to why it isn't being offered?
Anyone have any insights to why it isn't being offered?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A Hopeless Plea
Yes I do understand that the 2016 presidential campaign has actually begun. There is nothing wrong with actually doing reporting on this subject. I suppose it's of some interest which politicians are making the obligatory trips to Iowa. But reporting on it, and shoehorning everything policy/political into a "what's this gonna mean for 2016???" storyline, are very different things.
Mittens Is An Unperson For Daring To Share Our True Beliefs
It's been fun watching all the Republicans distance themselves from Mittens for daring to explain the Republican worldview to the country.
All Hail Our Dystopian Future
I'm really not quite sure I understand how conservatives imagine their future lives.
I don't really agree with the main thrust of the article. Sounds like Hostess got Bained. Looters looted and blamed the workers. Late capitalism.
Perhaps the most striking response to the Hostess news, in that sense, was the tweet from conservative John Nolte, who wrote “Hostess strikers had pension. PENSIONS! What is this 1962?” It was once taken for granted that an industrial worker who worked for a big company for many years would get a solid middle-class lifestyle, and would be taken care of in retirement. Today, that concept seems to many like a relic. Just as Wonder Bread does.
I don't really agree with the main thrust of the article. Sounds like Hostess got Bained. Looters looted and blamed the workers. Late capitalism.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Meet the Press has DiFi and Lindsey Buckingham Graham.
This Week has that old lady Pelosi, Peter King, and Carl Levin.
Document the atrocities!
This Week has that old lady Pelosi, Peter King, and Carl Levin.
Document the atrocities!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Bad Law
Even if we think this would be reasonable if only applied to convicted rapists and child molesters, it's nuts that prostitutes and other nonviolent offenders get caught up in it too.
Friday, November 16, 2012
At What Age?
If 10 is too young to ride a city bus to school, at what age would it be ok? 11? 12? 13? 14?
One thing I don't get in contemporary privileged society is just when the kids are allowed any independence? To be clear, I'm fine with individual parenting decisions. If you don't think your kid can handle a bus, then don't put him/her on one. I'm reacting to the external pressure to be a helicopter parent.
One thing I don't get in contemporary privileged society is just when the kids are allowed any independence? To be clear, I'm fine with individual parenting decisions. If you don't think your kid can handle a bus, then don't put him/her on one. I'm reacting to the external pressure to be a helicopter parent.
How To Win Elections
We have an ageing population. So far the pandering to the elderly has involved telling them not to worry, the politicians will steal from their kids in order to afford continuing to give the elderly the goodies. We should have more and better pandering, about giving the elderly more goodies.
Neighborhood Serving Retail
Whatever the particulars of this bit of NIMBYism, there are legitimate reasons for people to be concerned about the retail mix in their neighborhoods. If the proportion of tourists spending money in the area goes up, then you can have souvenir shops replacing dry cleaners, or high end steak houses replacing neighborhood restaurants.
I'm not one who thinks such concerns should give residents great power to influence these things, but I don't think the concerns are crazy either. A retail mix serving local residents is different than a retail mix serving tourists and commuters.
I'm not one who thinks such concerns should give residents great power to influence these things, but I don't think the concerns are crazy either. A retail mix serving local residents is different than a retail mix serving tourists and commuters.
I'm sure they aren't meaning 2 to 3 Star Wars films per year, but it's an opportunity to repeat my (and I know it's only me) confusion at why movie studios haven't been experimenting with the serial model. We know that you can get some pretty high equality 13 episode TV seasons with decent budgets. 13*45 minutes = 585 minutes, or 5-6 1 hr. 45ish movies. Crank the per minute budget up some, and have the movie model be 3 movies per year. You'd save a bit on the actors and crew, the marketing would practically take care of itself as each installment would be an advertisement for the soon to be released next one, there could be some reuse of sets and effects, and there would be no cost of cranking up/winding down production.
Obviously this would only be appropriate for certain kinds of things, like a lesser known superhero or similar. Anyway, just surprised no one's trying it.
Obviously this would only be appropriate for certain kinds of things, like a lesser known superhero or similar. Anyway, just surprised no one's trying it.
We Can Keep Doing This Forever
One set of tax increases and budget cuts that no one wants will be replaced with... another set of tax increases and budget cuts that no one wants. Repeat.
It will be praised as awesome by the Very Serious People, until we get near the date at which point we can all panic again.
The framework suggests that automatic budget cuts and tax increases scheduled for the new year would be removed and replaced with a different kind of enforcement mechanism that would include both higher taxes and lower spending.
It will be praised as awesome by the Very Serious People, until we get near the date at which point we can all panic again.
Fine By Me
Like Jon, I'm not sure why we should be upset that Republican governors aren't running their own exchanges. It gives them a chance to crap all over Obamacare and distance themselves from it, without actually making it worse.
No More Twinkies
I probably grew up at the moment of Peak Hostess. Wonder Bread and Twinkies were giant cultural icons then. They're closing.
Dday updates the Beltway developments on the austerity bomb. Pelosi, once again, cuts to the chase:
It's horrible public policy, terrible politics, but Social Security and Medicare are on the table. You might want to give your Congresscritter and Senators a call.
Why are we relating revenue to Medicare, or Medicaid, whatever? Those issues, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, they should be in their own realm.
It's horrible public policy, terrible politics, but Social Security and Medicare are on the table. You might want to give your Congresscritter and Senators a call.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Mittens Era
I'm not surprised that Republicans are running from the guy they never liked that much anyway, but I was surprised that even Florida's own Governor Lex Luthor decided to pile on (politico, find it yourself).
I suppose cutting off everyone's power could lead to an economic boom.
Some are evil, but I do think the people who run the world are mostly stupid. Twilight of the elites, or twilight of the rest of us.
Some are evil, but I do think the people who run the world are mostly stupid. Twilight of the elites, or twilight of the rest of us.
"Senate Democrats say deficit package must include stimulus"
They're right, sort of. The point is we don't need a deficit package. We need a stimulus, which is, you know, the opposite of a deficit reduction package, at least short term.
More importantly, there's nothing brave and bold about making "hard choices" about things happening years from now. Those things can be undone, the same way all the serious people believe the brave and bold sequestration deal they cheered on will be undone.
We need stimulus now. When the economy is booming we can think about those tough choices which won't be so tough anymore.
More importantly, there's nothing brave and bold about making "hard choices" about things happening years from now. Those things can be undone, the same way all the serious people believe the brave and bold sequestration deal they cheered on will be undone.
We need stimulus now. When the economy is booming we can think about those tough choices which won't be so tough anymore.
Giving Free Stuff To The Blahs
T-bone steaks and cadillacs.
I'm not in love with the Obama presidency, but it's still heartening that this line doesn't work with voters (enough of them anyway) even when the candidate is black.
I'm not in love with the Obama presidency, but it's still heartening that this line doesn't work with voters (enough of them anyway) even when the candidate is black.
I'd actually be happy for a firm to crack the single family home property management nut. I just don't think they're likely to do so. The truth is irresponsible tenants can do a great deal of damage to single family homes. In apartment complexes their ability to do so is much more limited, or at least their ability to do so without being noticed is more limited.
I predict a future of abusive slumlords. Happy to be wrong.
I predict a future of abusive slumlords. Happy to be wrong.
Just a bit more austerity is all they need.
Just my regular reminder that it doesn't have to be this way. This is a problem with surprisingly simple solutions. Print free money and give it away to governments, people, hell, even the banksters. It's the simplest and most politically popular solution to a problem one can imagine. Free money!
And they won't do it.
The Eurozone is back in a recession, its first in three years, as gross domestic product for the debt-plagued 17-nation bloc contracted 0.1% in the third quarter from the earlier quarter.
In the second quarter, the currency collective tightened 0.2%, according to the official European Union statistics agency, Eurostat. Two consecutive quarterly slips make a recession.
Just my regular reminder that it doesn't have to be this way. This is a problem with surprisingly simple solutions. Print free money and give it away to governments, people, hell, even the banksters. It's the simplest and most politically popular solution to a problem one can imagine. Free money!
And they won't do it.
One might conclude that John McCain and Lindsey Graham are idiots who don't care about anything other than having time to strut in front of the cameras.
And, of course, our elite journalists oblige. Lindsey's on Meet the Press this weekend. If John McCain doesn't have an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW somewhere I'll be shocked. Because he's the president.
And, of course, our elite journalists oblige. Lindsey's on Meet the Press this weekend. If John McCain doesn't have an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW somewhere I'll be shocked. Because he's the president.
I'm Guessing It Isn't Anybody In Charge
But we'll see...
(Reuters) - Two BP Plc (BP.L) employees face criminal indictments for their part in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, and charges could be unveiled as early as Thursday, a source told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
All The Stupid Is Taken Seriously
It's sad that people always feel necessary to address conservative dumbassery. No it is not weird that Romney got 0 votes in some Philly voting districts.
I had a really interesting conversation with Sam Wang last week, on his perfect performance predicting the election results. One of the things that came up was the media's inability to understand that even though the race for the presidency was close--pretty much 51-49 nationwide, and tight in the "battleground" states, it wasn't a "toss-up" or "too close to call." Sam, and 538 and other poll aggregators had really solid evidence that Obama had it won. As Sam said at one point, while there were fluctuations in Obama's lead, he was never behind. Ever.
The political experts, those guys who live in Jay Rosen's Church of the Savvy, who were all saying "too close to call" mistook the 51-49 number to mean that it was a coin toss--either candidate could win, because the margin was small. But the probability of an Obama win, as Sam was saying in the last few weeks, was no coin toss; it was in the high 90s. Sure, it was close. But more than a year of accumulated polling data made it clear that the race wasn't in doubt--that the margin was not going to change by enough to lead to an Obama loss.
What this also proved, by the way, is that being Chuck Todd--having special access to the real players who have the inside dope on the campaigns--is actually counter-productive. Saying "ZOMG who knows what will happen? Romney's key (unnamed) people say they're gonna win this. It's really tight in the battleground states. No telling what will happen." was incredibly stupid as well as completely wrong. Now I suppose it's not their fault that they know nothing about statistics and probability, but you'd think that might be a skill to seek out in choosing your analysts. Rather than who has the biggest fish in in the rolodex.
Oh, and just by the way. Sam's polling data was all publicly available. And he published all his source code. Anyone can do what he did. Even Chuck Todd.
The political experts, those guys who live in Jay Rosen's Church of the Savvy, who were all saying "too close to call" mistook the 51-49 number to mean that it was a coin toss--either candidate could win, because the margin was small. But the probability of an Obama win, as Sam was saying in the last few weeks, was no coin toss; it was in the high 90s. Sure, it was close. But more than a year of accumulated polling data made it clear that the race wasn't in doubt--that the margin was not going to change by enough to lead to an Obama loss.
What this also proved, by the way, is that being Chuck Todd--having special access to the real players who have the inside dope on the campaigns--is actually counter-productive. Saying "ZOMG who knows what will happen? Romney's key (unnamed) people say they're gonna win this. It's really tight in the battleground states. No telling what will happen." was incredibly stupid as well as completely wrong. Now I suppose it's not their fault that they know nothing about statistics and probability, but you'd think that might be a skill to seek out in choosing your analysts. Rather than who has the biggest fish in in the rolodex.
Oh, and just by the way. Sam's polling data was all publicly available. And he published all his source code. Anyone can do what he did. Even Chuck Todd.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Criminal Enterprises
And they are mostly immune.
The US energy regulator has banned JPMorgan Chase from trading electricity at market rates for six months, accusing the bank of submitting false information to a continuing investigation into alleged market manipulation.
Money Boo Boo
Charles Pierce is fond of saying that there are two types of people, the Romneys and The Help. The rest of us are the help, obviously. He might have enough class allegiance that the other Boys At The Club count, too, but I'm not even too sure of that. I was no fan of George Bush, but even I thought he had the capacity for a little empathy. I think he was too privileged to be aware of the problems other people had, but I think he was capable of caring just a little bit. He was human, if a crappy one.
A week after losing the election to President Obama, Mitt Romney blamed his overwhelming electoral loss on what he said were big “gifts” that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies, including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics.
In a conference call on Wednesday afternoon with his national finance committee, Mr. Romney said that the president had followed the “old playbook” of wooing specific interest groups — “especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people,” Mr. Romney explained — with targeted gifts and initiatives.
While we're not blessed with great mass transit everywhere, it's also the case that even in places where we have it we're often cursed with horrible land use practices. Commuter rail stops in Boston and Philly areas, for example, should be zoned to allow walkable dense neighborhoods nearby, when instead you often have an inadequate park-n-ride lot and no sidewalks to the surrounding neighborhoods. So, yes, more like this.
The Boom Is Over
Despite austerity, the UK had a lot of olympics-related program activities which gave the economy a bit of a goose. Now those are gone, so...
Why Even Pretend To Take This Seriously
I believe a typical child can understand that the plan to "cut tax rates, and then maybe do some stuff later" is not actually a deficit reduction plan.
Not that I'm concerned with having a deficit reduction plan, but the point is Republicans aren't either. They just want tax cuts for rich people. They'll embrace punitive cuts affecting poor people, too, but the tax cuts for rich people are the prize.
Not that I'm concerned with having a deficit reduction plan, but the point is Republicans aren't either. They just want tax cuts for rich people. They'll embrace punitive cuts affecting poor people, too, but the tax cuts for rich people are the prize.
The Fear Is Gone
Back during the height of the glorious tea party summer, Democrats were genuinely frightened. Congressional offices were getting slammed by hostile phone calls constantly and, for some reason, it was really messing with their heads. I don't know why Dem congressional offices pay attention to phone calls from people who would obviously never vote for them, but for some reason they do. And of course back then the media was portraying them all as glorious non-partisan independent Real Americans, instead of the right wing crazies we've always had with is. Things change.
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley added that he believed Republicans should compromise earlier to remove what he called their “Tea Party obstructionist stench.”
Death Is The Preferable Outcome
Pregnancy is dangerous, and sometimes terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save the mother. But, hey, pro-life.
She was miscarrying, it was killing her, and they wouldn't do anything to help her.
A woman has died from blood poisoning after Irish doctors allegedly refused to perform an abortion stating ‘this is a Catholic country’.
She was miscarrying, it was killing her, and they wouldn't do anything to help her.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Pump and Dump
Local sports franchise edition.
They hired some good players so that people would feel good about all the money they took for them, then got rid of them.
And, no, no municipality will learn from this.
7:15PM EST November 13. 2012 - Less than a year after committing nearly $200 million to free agents in an effort to generate buzz for their publicly-funded stadium, the Miami Marlins have blown up their roster in stunning fashion.
They are shipping $106 million shortstop Jose Reyes, staff ace Josh Johnson and $58 million starter Mark Buehrle to the Toronto Blue Jays in a blockbuster trade involving at least seven players, an official from each team familiar with the deal confirmed to USA TODAY Sports.
They hired some good players so that people would feel good about all the money they took for them, then got rid of them.
And, no, no municipality will learn from this.
How'd That Story Get Into Print?
Assuming there's nothing more there than we know, how on Earth did the General Allen story get past an editor? Flirty emails? And what's the source? You'd think the FBI might be a bit hesitant to keep announcing WE'RE READING ALL THE GENERALS' EMAILS. The generals have bigger weapons.
To Cut The Deficit, We'll Begin By Cutting Taxes
Just the regular reminder that no one cares about the deficit. The people who claim to most care about it least. They have an agenda - giving more of your money to rich people - and the deficit is the excuse.
A City Filled With Democrats And African-Americans
This is one of the stupider election-related things. The ratio of registered Dems to Republicans is about 4.5/1. 43% of people are black. There are a lot of voting precincts, with a relatively low number of voters for each of them. I was surprised there were so few Obama-only precincts.
Confronting The Surveillance State
Even with this happening, I don't expect the people who rule us to suddenly realize that the FBI trolling through emails looking for unapproved sexytime might be a problem.
I Blame The Blahs
They fundamentally don't see non-white voters from the wrong places as legitimate voters.
And the Supreme Court will likely soon make sure that they don't have to.
And the Supreme Court will likely soon make sure that they don't have to.
Morning Thread
One of these days people will learn that sexting never ends well.
Here's Echidne on the Petraeus affair.
Kind Of Obvious
But I haven't seen it said yet. Looks like a corrupt abuse of the surveillance state took down the CIA chief.
Monday, November 12, 2012
What's It All About Then
Looks like we're on a one way flight to Mena, via Dan Burton's watermelon patch.
And the casualty is A Man Called Petraeus.
The 90s were so much fun, kids. Time to relive them!
But the agent, who was not identified, continued to “nose around” about the case, and eventually his superiors “told him to stay the hell away from it, and he was not invited to briefings,” the official said. The Wall Street Journal first reported on Monday night that the agent had been barred from the case.
Later, the agent became convinced — incorrectly, the official said — that the case had stalled. Because of his “worldview,” as the official put it, he suspected a politically motivated cover-up to protect President Obama. The agent alerted Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, who called the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, on Oct. 31 to tell him of the agent’s concerns.
And the casualty is A Man Called Petraeus.
The 90s were so much fun, kids. Time to relive them!
Monday Night News
Oh God it's all so stupid. Just drink. And send the National Guard out to prevent Harold Ford from crossing the border into Massachusetts.
The day before the election I joked on the Twitter:
I thought that really captured the last few weeks of the campaign, where every day the Republicans would point at something Obama had said and scream GAFFE GAFFE GAFFE while the rest of us had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Also, too, BENGHAZI!
Romney's only got a few hours left to embed a zinger inside a gaffe and open up a wormhole to victory.
I thought that really captured the last few weeks of the campaign, where every day the Republicans would point at something Obama had said and scream GAFFE GAFFE GAFFE while the rest of us had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Also, too, BENGHAZI!
I can't know the full budgetary details, but I don't imagine New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut can just cause tens of billions of dollars to appear magically. At some point their ability to do necessary things will be curtailed by the destruction of Sandy.
And there's a very real chance this Congress will do absolutely nothing, though FEMA will provide some aid.
Fortunately, they're working hard on the deficit 30 years from now, so all's good.
And there's a very real chance this Congress will do absolutely nothing, though FEMA will provide some aid.
Fortunately, they're working hard on the deficit 30 years from now, so all's good.
Not One Cent
The more I think about it, the more confident I am that congressional action to help NY/NJ will involve doing absolutely nothing.
Rube Goldberg
There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said... isn't there an easier way?
Teh Market
CEOs want to pay nothing for highly skilled workers. Apparently those workers have gone Galt instead of taking those awesome jobs.
Obviously some of this is CEOs simply wanting cheap labor. But some of it is a sense that those jobs somehow aren't "worth" that much. Those attitudes get baked in, and the recession isn't helping. It's going to take company owners awhile to accept that good workers require good pay when (if) the economic is back to full employment and there aren't as many desperate workers around.
Obviously some of this is CEOs simply wanting cheap labor. But some of it is a sense that those jobs somehow aren't "worth" that much. Those attitudes get baked in, and the recession isn't helping. It's going to take company owners awhile to accept that good workers require good pay when (if) the economic is back to full employment and there aren't as many desperate workers around.
The Grift
Pissed off conservatives should really make an effort to see just how much money individuals likely made off the broader Romney campaign (the campaign itself, and all of the outside organizations). It doesn't look like there was much competence anywhere, and probably a lot of people got rich(er) anyway.
I'm not sure how you save any economy by expanding your homeless population, but I'm sure some smart kid at the ECB has an answer.
Not sure where they'll go with it, but it's good that my local Metro is focusing on unsolved murders. One conceit of some cop shows is that there's some immense pressure - from above, from the media - to close cases. Locally there really isn't, at least from the media. I have no idea if the cops are allocating resources to such things appropriately, but the idea that there's usually intense outside pressure for them to solve crimes is absurd.
A young guy was killed around the corner from me a couple of months ago and his death barely got a mention. I've seen nothing about the investigation.
A young guy was killed around the corner from me a couple of months ago and his death barely got a mention. I've seen nothing about the investigation.
Cars Are Useful!
I'd expect most affluent households in most metro areas (chunks of NYC being the big exception) to own a car. Most is not all and we can debate where the "affluent" line is, but cars are useful things especially in a country mostly built around cars.
Again, most is not all, and affluent households does not equal all affluent people. That lots of people own cars does not mean developers should be required to provide one parking space per tenant, especially in places with decent mass transit.
Again, most is not all, and affluent households does not equal all affluent people. That lots of people own cars does not mean developers should be required to provide one parking space per tenant, especially in places with decent mass transit.
Good Luck With That
Obviously it's the right thing, but...
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo plans to ask the federal government for at least $30 billion in disaster aid to help New York City and other affected areas of the state recover from the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, according to top administration officials.
What Matters In The Village
Not dead people in Afghanistan, dead people in Iraq, or even dead members of the US military. Just whether or not there was unapproved of sexytime.
This is not a defense of A Man Called Petraeus, more just pointing out that the only chance of taking on the legend, despite obvious problems, was a sex scandal.
This is not a defense of A Man Called Petraeus, more just pointing out that the only chance of taking on the legend, despite obvious problems, was a sex scandal.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Kill The Wogs
What other advice would they give?
Prominent members of conservative, Washington-based defense think tanks were given permanent office space at his headquarters and access to military aircraft to tour the battlefield. They provided advice to field commanders that sometimes conflicted with orders the commanders were getting from their immediate bosses.
Moochers And Freeloaders
Our social safety net just isn't generous enough for anybody to want to be a dependent on it. Sure for some it might be the best of bad options, as maintaining Medicaid eligibility is pretty important because there's no chance of getting health insurance otherwise, but anyone with access to "real" benefits is a single parent desperately trying to get by. It isn't fun.
There are moochers and freeloaders. Corrupt contractors. Medicare reimbursement fraudsters. But they're rich.
There are moochers and freeloaders. Corrupt contractors. Medicare reimbursement fraudsters. But they're rich.
I Thought It Was About The Deficit
So all the same people who told us that deficit increasing expansionary fiscal policy would be the worst thing ever stupid Paul Krugman neeener neener are now telling us that deficit reducing contractionary fiscal policy would be the worst thing ever. They're actually right this time, though not in the sense that January 1 is the day the world ends if nothing changes, but what the hell?
Sunday Bobbleheads
Meet the Press has Schumer, Coburn, and Joaquin Castro.
This Week has Saxby "made up name" Chambliss, Patty Murray, Donna Edwards, and Aaron Schock. Wasn't Schock like Paul Ryan before Paul Ryan became Paul Ryan?
Face the Nation has Quaxelrod and Lindsey Graham.
Document the atrocities!
This Week has Saxby "made up name" Chambliss, Patty Murray, Donna Edwards, and Aaron Schock. Wasn't Schock like Paul Ryan before Paul Ryan became Paul Ryan?
Face the Nation has Quaxelrod and Lindsey Graham.
Document the atrocities!
Morning Thread
Still relishing the fact that Rmoney won't be anywhere near the reigns of power for the next four years. I shudder to think what would have happened if he had had the opportunity to run the country the way he ran his campaign.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Given the realities of money and power, Washington's always going to be a bit wired for Republicans. My theory has been that it'll take at least 3 subsequent Dem presidential terms to shift that a bit. The problem will always be there, but running the executive branch for awhile will have some impact.
Gossip And Tragedy
When some people have affairs it's good gossip, when others do it's a tragedy that we should all shut up about.
Still Having A Hard Time Believing
That the Romney campaign was a fact free zone, with victory inevitable.
So weird.
So weird.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Zac Moffatt
Internet people on Team D spent the election season making fun of Romney's digital guy, his capacity for self-promotion, and the credulous media that broadcasted his nonsense.
Looks like they knew what they were talking about.
Looks like they knew what they were talking about.
So Obvious
I don't know what's going to happen, but any Dem strategy which doesn't involve letting the Bush tax cuts expire first is insane, given presumed Republican resistance. Starting Jan. 1, Obama can go on TV every day saying he wants to cut taxes for 95% of the country and the Republicans won't agree to it.
People Still Buy DVDs and Books
I think there's too much game playing with the cloud and companies' ideas of what it means when you "buy" an ebook or DVD video file. Hint: it doesn't really mean buy. A DVD might not last forever, but it's less ethereal than the alternative. So people still buy them.
I actually liked the Hunger Games movie quite a bit. I had never read the book, but I really liked how the movie's writer and director took the presumed "young adult" (teenage in publishing speak) very seriously. They didn't treat them like idiots as is often the case.
I actually liked the Hunger Games movie quite a bit. I had never read the book, but I really liked how the movie's writer and director took the presumed "young adult" (teenage in publishing speak) very seriously. They didn't treat them like idiots as is often the case.
Come To The Light Side Of The Force
Christie should just become a Democrat and start hugging voters instead of yelling at them.
I don't say that because I'm a fan. It's just that there is, somewhat sadly, big space in the Dem party for the kind of politician Christie is, and not so much space in the Republican party.
I don't say that because I'm a fan. It's just that there is, somewhat sadly, big space in the Dem party for the kind of politician Christie is, and not so much space in the Republican party.
Let Them All Expire
From every perspective letting the Bush tax cuts expire, on schedule, is the right thing to do. Then you can do something new.
Ain't So Easy To Steal Apparently
I certainly support all good fights against voter suppression/fraud, but I think the last two presidential elections have taught us that, so far, they aren't so easy to steal. That doesn't negate the importance of vigilance, but it does negate the feeling of hopeless despair.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Who The Hell Would Want That Job
Not going to waste too much of my beautiful mind on it, but I do wonder why Romney wanted to be preznit. I wonder the same about anyone, of course, but the reasons do differ.
No One Left To Hate
I guess the mistake the conservative coalition made was hating subgroups. Gay people, the blahs, the Messicans, immigrants, etc. They can keep it simple and just hate liberals.
As Sean Hannity goes, so go the conservatives?
As Sean Hannity goes, so go the conservatives?
I think people get that Republicans are basically the asshole party. If they're reasonably convinced the asshole party will assholes to other people - you know, those people - they'll vote for them. If they worry they'll be assholes to the good kind of people - you know, like me - they won't.
Florida And We're Done
So that's called too. As I said yesterday, at the very least it says something pretty good about the country that Obama pulled it off.
Crazy Weirdos
I suppose I'm enjoying this little argument between the crazy weirdo assholes about just which crazy weirdo asshole messed up the election.
The policies aren't going to change, the only thing that might change is the PR. It might be time to put the Rove-Limbaugh-Ailes era behind them.
The policies aren't going to change, the only thing that might change is the PR. It might be time to put the Rove-Limbaugh-Ailes era behind them.
Who Thinks Like That
Truly weird people.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
"Fiscally conservative," sighed one aide the next day.
We're All Fantasy Ronnie
One thing I've realized over the years is that conservatives, even the supposedly smart plugged in ones, are much more interested in optics and tribal rituals than policy. Sure they cheer on a set of policies - low taxes for rich people, no abortion, be mean to immigrants and gay people - but fealty to the idea of the policies is much more important than the policies themselves. They want allegiance to and worship of the Conservative God, the fantasy Ronnie in their heads, and their team beating the evil liberals. Policies don't matter much, it's ritual, power, and victory.
Protect The Poor Accused Pedophiles
I of course don't want the reputations of the innocent being destroyed over false allegations, but the ZOMG cannot possible reveal names of powerful people accused of molesting children attitude in the UK right now is incredible.
Hopefully Better
This is potentially good news. This store isn't pedestrian friendly at all, so people drive, so the too small surface parking lot is always jammed. Hopefully they make a pedestrian friendly location with a parking garage above it.
And, yes, even I realize big supermarkets generally need some parking.
And, yes, even I realize big supermarkets generally need some parking.
Angry Vengeful Billionaires
Angry vengeful marks.
Many of the lightning bolts were aimed at none other than Karl Rove, the former Bush administration political genius who oversaw the deployment of nearly $400 million in campaign spending through outside groups American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS toward the presidential race and toward numerous Senate and House races.
"The billionaire donors I hear are livid," one Republican operative told The Huffington Post. "There is some holy hell to pay. Karl Rove has a lot of explaining to do … I don't know how you tell your donors that we spent $390 million and got nothing."
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Boot Stamping On Neck
There are certainly libertarian-rooted cases to be made against Obama, though mostly if you're a libertarian who cares about the national security/surveillance/empire state, and in those cases it's difficult, though not impossible, to make the case that Team R would be better.
Otherwise there' bailout, auto bailout, some infrastructure investments, a bunch of tax cuts, and modest additional federal regulation of the already heavily (if not appropriately) regulated health insurance industry plus some subsidies. Maybe that's statist tyranny, but...
Otherwise there' bailout, auto bailout, some infrastructure investments, a bunch of tax cuts, and modest additional federal regulation of the already heavily (if not appropriately) regulated health insurance industry plus some subsidies. Maybe that's statist tyranny, but...
Taken Over By The Crazies
There was a long narrative about the Dem party pushed by a certain generation of "liberal" columnists (Joke Line, Kaus,etc.), about how all was good until it was taken over by the hippies and the blahs and the women's libbers with their crazy demands like equal rights and an end to segregation and no more stupid tragic wars. This was always just the bleating of people who just wanted Those Other People to shut the hell up and let the right people speak, but it was the dominant narrative of the Dem party for decades in the media.
I don't think the "crazies" of the GOP are any different, policywise, from the mainstream, they're just a bit more uncouth. They shriek instead of dogwhistle, say what they actually think instead of speaking in code.
Generation Limbaugh.
I don't think the "crazies" of the GOP are any different, policywise, from the mainstream, they're just a bit more uncouth. They shriek instead of dogwhistle, say what they actually think instead of speaking in code.
Generation Limbaugh.
A Bit Less Ugly
Whatever one thinks of the current presidency, it does say something about our country that it twice elected a black man named Barack Hussein Obama.
Save Us Speaker Boehner
Right now he's the one most likely to prevent some sort of horrible lame duck "bargain."
It was nice seeing Dems actually being unapologetic about the fact that women have sex and women need access to proper health care. In the past it was always hint hint supreme court hint let's talk about something else. They would have run screaming from someone like Sandra Fluke because woman icky.
15 years ago the Log Cabin Republicans made a bit more sense. Sure all good liberals knew that Dems were better on gay-related issues, but they weren't really better. Not enough to matter. And too often they've been like that for women. We all know they're better, but they weren't exactly out front all the time. This time, mostly, they were.
15 years ago the Log Cabin Republicans made a bit more sense. Sure all good liberals knew that Dems were better on gay-related issues, but they weren't really better. Not enough to matter. And too often they've been like that for women. We all know they're better, but they weren't exactly out front all the time. This time, mostly, they were.
Afternoon Thread
Might be lighter than usual blogging for the rest of the week. I need to spend a few minutes away from the computer.
They Know Even Less Than What They Say
This was my favorite of the cycle.
I never knew what was going to happen in this election. The available data said that Obama would probably win. The data could have been wrong. But absent some truly inside information - such as 1 million Mormons secretly moved to Ohio in 2011 so they could vote - there was no other way make any judgment about the election. That reporters really think the people whose job it is to spin are giving them important true information, especially when it's at odds with all of the other information, is incredible.
Political journalism filters for stupid.
“I think more than any other race I’ve covered this is one where both sides genuinely seem to believe they’re going to win. That’s different,” ABC News correspondent Jon Karl said. “Given that, it’s hard for somebody covering the race to make a call. I’m completely confused. I have no idea who’s going to win. And I usually have a sense of who’s going to win.”
I never knew what was going to happen in this election. The available data said that Obama would probably win. The data could have been wrong. But absent some truly inside information - such as 1 million Mormons secretly moved to Ohio in 2011 so they could vote - there was no other way make any judgment about the election. That reporters really think the people whose job it is to spin are giving them important true information, especially when it's at odds with all of the other information, is incredible.
Political journalism filters for stupid.
The Biggest Saddo On The Internet
I think Brian Brown is the only conservative I follow on twitter. Not even sure why I do. But there's nothing sadder (except of course the legal discrimination gay people face) than watching him talking about "defending marriage" by not letting people marry.
Obviously he's not very good at his job, either.
Obviously he's not very good at his job, either.
I do wish people would stop using that word. People disagree about stuff. There's nothing wrong with that.
Inside The Mind
I actually can't figure it out.'
Who stands up in the#GOP and says#Latino Gay contraception okay? Jeb Bush? It's not a profile in courage now it's common sense.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Interesting Things
Will Elizabeth Warren win, and if she does just how much contempt will Villagers heap on her?
Will God, seeing Lieberman leaving the Senate, put Bob Kerrey in there just to prolong my suffering?
Dem House? No one seems to know.
Will God, seeing Lieberman leaving the Senate, put Bob Kerrey in there just to prolong my suffering?
Dem House? No one seems to know.
The Day Ahead
Drudge/Fox footage of black people being black.
Fake exit polls.
Anecdotes of poll shenanigans.
Increasingly smug teevee pundits who have the math and know the winner but won't tell us.
The end.
Fake exit polls.
Anecdotes of poll shenanigans.
Increasingly smug teevee pundits who have the math and know the winner but won't tell us.
The end.
I'm no saint, but I do think that if we believe in this "democracy" crap then we believe people should have the right to vote without unnecessary obstacles. Would never occur to me to think about how to prevent the "wrong" (Republican) voters from voting.
Yay team R. Yay your fucked up notion of democracy.
Yay team R. Yay your fucked up notion of democracy.
Monday, November 05, 2012
Not really. If the polls are close to being right, Obama wins. If not, he might not. Pretty simple.
Behavioral Conditioning
Maybe every time Chris Christie does something not completely assholish, Bruce can give him a call. After a few months he'll transform into a good human being.
The Great Unskewing
The metaphysical discussion (polls, how the fuck do they work?) has been entertaining, but I imagine Nate Silver's ability to add 5 numbers, then divide by 5*, probably tells us more than the voices in Peggy Noonan's head.
And tomorrow we'll know.
*yes he does a bit more than that, but basically that's what he's doing.
And tomorrow we'll know.
*yes he does a bit more than that, but basically that's what he's doing.
A Horrible Person
It's 2012, and all over the country Republicans are doing everything they can to stop black people from voting. And Joe Scar will always have a job.
He's Gandalf And Magneto
Sir Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi are to star in a new ITV1 comedy as a gay couple who have lived together in the same Covent Garden flat for nearly 50 years.
The most amusing part of this campaign is the fact that the Romney campaign seems to be run by stupid right wing bloggers who scream ZOMG GAFFE HE GAFFED DID YOU HEAR THE GAFFE YAH BABY HE'S A GAFFEMAN about every 3 seconds. Then the surrogates dutifully run with it in our nation's great newspapers.
WaPo only hires the best.
WaPo only hires the best.
Ed Rogers is a co-host of The Insiders blog, offering commentary from a conservative perspective on Election 2012. He is also chairman of the lobbying and communications firm BGR Group, which he founded with now-Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour in 1991.
It's Political
As the early political blogsophere grew out of the post-9/11 nuttiness, there were a lot of people who tried to embrace the broderesque nonpartisanian position. Otherwise known as the Glenn Reynolds "more rubble, less trouble" opinion.
Genocide is a fun consensus. Yay early blogosphere. Yay early blogosphere members who went along with this.
Genocide is a fun consensus. Yay early blogosphere. Yay early blogosphere members who went along with this.
Good Buys
A sincere question. Take Sheldon Adelson, for instance.
Suppose the math is true, and Romney loses.
Adelson spent x trying to install politicians who would save him tax money.
Let y = the money he would have spent if he'd just shut up and paid the tax bill Obama actually proposed.
I don't imagine this is an easy question to answer once you get into the weeds of it, but I'd offer the hypothesis that in the end, it's very possible that the absurdly wealthy are paying more for pointless advocacy than they would ever pay under an historically moderate tax regime.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Philly Fun Guide
Drinking Liberally election night party at the usual Drinking Liberally place, Jose Pistola's. Tuesday 6 PM until it's over.
One consequence of Obama being elected was that Fox stopped basically stopped pretending they were "fair and balanced" enough that other journalists, to some degree, stopped pretending that they bought it.
White Dudes
It usually isn't as explicit, but this basic perspective pops up all that time.
For awhile it was "the heartland" and "the South" and now it's simply "white dudes in the heartland and the South."
For awhile it was "the heartland" and "the South" and now it's simply "white dudes in the heartland and the South."
Mitt Goes-A-Courtin'
We live in a truly weird time.
Not my world, but...the country's second best-known Mormon is "a major influence on evangelical Christians."
Mr. Beck has not always supported Mr. Romney. (“I think he’s an honorable man, but I don’t trust him,” he said last year.) But as perhaps the best-known Mormon after the Republican presidential candidate and a major influence on evangelical Christians, Mr. Beck has emerged as an unlikely theological bridge between the first Mormon presidential nominee and a critical electorate.
Mr. Beck’s unique position as both a Mormon and a prominent voice among evangelicals has been too tempting for Mr. Romney’s campaign to pass up. Campaign officials have quietly courted Mr. Beck, according to a person briefed on his meetings with campaign surrogates who could not discuss private conversations publicly. Mr. Beck declined to comment for this article.
Not my world, but...the country's second best-known Mormon is "a major influence on evangelical Christians."
No Tree Grows to the Sky
The projected share of GDP dedicated to health care costs in the outyears are absurd. Half the economy won't be health care. Yves is a little hysterical, but the point is sound.
That doesn't mean things will be good. If the skimmers (
So, you know, it's a good time to call your elected officials. Because this is an excuse, not a reason for dismantling our social insurance programs.
That doesn't mean things will be good. If the skimmers (
trios)aren't cut out, then it'll mean even worse health care in the US. But it won't be 40% of GDP. So, you know, it's a good time to call your elected officials. Because this is an excuse, not a reason for dismantling our social insurance programs.
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Republicans all over the country have been doing their best to make sure that likely Democratic voters, especially dark ones, are unable to vote.
Mikkos Cassadine
The grifters on the right are going to sell the story that Romney would've won except hurricane.
The grift goes on.
The grift goes on.
The Curse Of Non-Partisanship
One fraud perpetuated on the public due to tax status laws is that essentially every institution, aside from actual political party organizations, is labeled "non-partisan." It's true in a literal sense, but, you know, not true. Good journalists should abandon the word. More often than not it deceives.
The Worst Person In The World
Casey Mulligan.
The list of people I thought were smart when I was a grad student, but who are actually fucking idiots, grows.
The list of people I thought were smart when I was a grad student, but who are actually fucking idiots, grows.
Wen Stephenson is trying. If you have kids, I don't know how you look them in the eyes. Because this is only getting worse.
CNN Expert Analyst Offers Expert Analysis
Erick, The Son of Erick, informs us that even if Obama wins, it's no big deal, because the Apocalypse is coming anyway, so who gives a shit, really?
He's welcome to his loudly sincere religious beliefs, good for him! and I'm sure glad that even if Romney loses, he'll still have his very nice house. That's just super.
The two takeaways from this very stupid person's effusions are that (1) he has no interest in elections as anything other than a game and (b) he thinks Romney is going to lose and is trying to offer Consolations to the idiots what comprise the Team Red State crazies.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Friday Happy Hour
On Wednesday I thought it was Monday, yesterday I thought it was Friday, and today I spent most of the day thinking it was Thursday.
After the election every day will be Saturday.
After the election every day will be Saturday.
And His Money
I've been thinking about this lately. Just what are those rich assholes going to think about Karl and the Gang once it finally occurs to them that they were marks.
Hard to get a sense of the scale of problems in NYC. I wonder how many tall buildings have had their plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems destroyed.
New Black Panther Party
A Clackamas County elections worker is under criminal investigation for tampering with ballots, WW has learned.
Sources familiar with the incident say their understanding is that the woman filled in a straight Republican ticket on the ballots where preferences had been left blank by voters.
Parking And Transit
Not a big fan of gambling our way to prosperity, but the powers that be have decreed that we must have a second casino. One down by the sports complex makes sense. There's plenty of parking and it's a one seat subway ride from the convention center area.
Silver Linings
Some signs that Bloomberg (who was ok) and Cuomo (who wasn't) understand a bit more that NYC can't function without its mass transit system.
Such Weird People
I admit it never occurred to me that our political pundits would declare a war on polls and the gay wizards who read them.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
In '04 many of us online liberals were cautiously optimistic that Kerry would win. And there was good reason for that! He came pretty damn close, and given the circumstances at that time that was actually pretty remarkable. I certainly didn't think Kerry was the perfect candidate (who is) or that they ran a perfect campaign (they didn't) but it was still pretty impressive how close he came to winning.
But right now the conservative line is "ROMNEY'S GOING TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He might. But there isn't any reason to be confident of that.
But right now the conservative line is "ROMNEY'S GOING TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He might. But there isn't any reason to be confident of that.
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