Thursday, January 31, 2013
Family Matters
The son-in-law of Gov. Corbett, a narcotics officer with the Philadelphia Police Department, is under investigation by the FBI and was removed from the street today, sources said.
Nice Things
I have asked this before without getting a satisfactory answer. Defense corporations aren't going away but why can't we pay them to build nice things.
Even Suckier Than Expected
Managed to walk out of the house without my power cord, so blogging will be limited by that, too.
Old Wine
When the history of the Left Blogosphere is eventually written, let it be remembered that World O'Crap was and remains pretty frickin' funny and influential.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Big John
I certainly had my problems with the Kerry Presidential Campaign Corporation, and obviously one cannot separate the man entirely from that, but I've long been puzzled by the "Kerry was awful candidate" narrative. He almost won, long before America learned to hate George Bush, and he's been a better person than most of us.
Wednesday Crass Commercialism
Kick-Ass is actually one of my favorite movies of the past few years. Certainly my favorite movie with an ultra-violent 11-year-old girl. Should have been called Hit-Girl.

Never read the original comic. Kick-Ass 2 out this summer!
....and at only 10 bucks, I bought it!
Never read the original comic. Kick-Ass 2 out this summer!
....and at only 10 bucks, I bought it!
Green Shoots
I certainly hope today's GDP number is just an oddity. But even if it isn't horrible scary news, it certainly isn't good news.
Elites have just been assuming the economy would turn itself around. At some point. Somehow.
It's 2013. In January 2009 the administration projected that by now the unemployment rate would be at 5.5%. That's without any stimulus.
The point isn't that they got that wrong, the point is that the unemployment rate is still at a level which should cause politicians to panic. No one is panicking.
Austerity forever!
Elites have just been assuming the economy would turn itself around. At some point. Somehow.
It's 2013. In January 2009 the administration projected that by now the unemployment rate would be at 5.5%. That's without any stimulus.
The point isn't that they got that wrong, the point is that the unemployment rate is still at a level which should cause politicians to panic. No one is panicking.
Austerity forever!
Pedestrians Behaving Badly
I actually do think that there's a lot of bad pedestrian behavior in the urban hellhole. I don't think there's anything wrong with jaywalking across an empty street*, but my personal rule is that I shouldn't ever cross a street if the driver of a car traveling at an appropriate speed should even have to think about whether they'll need to slow down. In other words, I shouldn't do anything to disrupt the normal flow of traffic.
*Do not try this in Los Angeles.
*Do not try this in Los Angeles.
Fear Everything
I do not understand the weird fear about the consequences of leaving kids in locked cars for a couple of minutes. Obviously it depends on your kid, and one shouldn't do idiotic things like leave them in locked cars on hot summer days, but what exactly is the danger?
I get that it's probably impossible to run a very old subway system 24/7, but it's still been a mystery to me why so many places resist running just slightly longer hours on weekends.
Londoners will be able to party for longer at weekends after the boss of the Tube today revealed plans to run extended services until 2am from 2015.
Good for him.
HONOLULU - Jim Nabors, the actor best known for playing Gomer Pyle on TV in the 1960s, has married his longtime male partner.
Hawaii News Now ( reports Nabors, 82, and Stan Cadwallader, 64, traveled from their Honolulu home to Seattle to be married Jan. 15. Gay marriage became legal in Washington state last month.
The Internet Is Made Of Porn
And Apple provides the biggest porn app, otherwise known as "the browser," for free on every iPhone.
It's fine if they don't want to distribute apps that are obviously dedicated to porn. But I generally find the censorship of internet applications that are really just vehicles for user generated material dumb. Here's a secret: I can send naughty pics through that other scandalous application known as "email" too.
It's fine if they don't want to distribute apps that are obviously dedicated to porn. But I generally find the censorship of internet applications that are really just vehicles for user generated material dumb. Here's a secret: I can send naughty pics through that other scandalous application known as "email" too.
The bad news is GDP dropped, the good news is that it's mostly because we purchased fewer flying death robots.
Still anti-stimulus is anti-stimulus, and a GDP decline is a GDP decline. Do not think people should be sanguine about this.
Still anti-stimulus is anti-stimulus, and a GDP decline is a GDP decline. Do not think people should be sanguine about this.
Keller actually writes an op-ed that accurately describes the US health care "system" troubles. We pay twice as much for the same care as the rest of OECD. It'd be nice if this had been on the news pages for the last ten years or so, but still.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Top Of The Food Chain
I think the kill list for my cats is one baby mouse and a couple of moths. Well, and a couple of pieces of furniture.
The Age Of Serious
Caught a couple of minutes of Fred Kaplan talking about his new book on NPR. This bit stood out to me (quoted from memory, not precise):
Obviously he meant the implications of those questions turn out to be correct. Anyway, this is not about whether Joe the Biden is awesome or not. The point that the CW is Washington is broken.
This is why Obama values Biden. He frequently asks devil's advocate questions, and those questions often turn out to be right.
Obviously he meant the implications of those questions turn out to be correct. Anyway, this is not about whether Joe the Biden is awesome or not. The point that the CW is Washington is broken.
The broader point here is that even if we accept the existence of conservatives who give a shit about the poor and middle class (dubious proposition, but I suppose a mutant horse is occasionally born with a horn), none of them are willing to actually abandon ideology and look at what might actually work. For years liberals have been sadly content to pursue conservative ends to achieve liberal goals, but years later it's pretty clear that such things generally don't work. Part of the reason they don't work is because conservatives are stingy assholes.
If No One Mentioned It No One Would Notice
I tend to think the CW of gax tax politics isn't quite correct. I don't think increasing gas taxes would be super popular, but I don't think it would inspire the intense response that it would have years ago. The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon. A gallon of gas is, what, about $3.60 now (no I don't drive much)? Add ten cents to the gas tax - a huge increase in percentage terms for the tax itself - and the gas price goes up to... $3.70.
What Does Rush Spend His Money On
If the all powerful hand of the Kenyan Muslim Socialist does succeed in destroying Limbaugh's meal ticket... then what? He's made more money than God over the years. Is it possible that he really needs to continue making that much money? Did he blow it all on divorces, gold toilets, and thousand dollar bottles of wine?
I'm curious.
I'm curious.
And Bring Back Earmarks
Giving members of Congress a few nice things (sometimes corrupt, sometimes not) for their districts is a way to actually get things done.
There's nothing wrong with members trying to bring the pork back to their districts. We should stop seeing this as inherently problematic.
There's nothing wrong with members trying to bring the pork back to their districts. We should stop seeing this as inherently problematic.
No Money For Nice Things
There's the basic macroeconomic issue - not enough stimulus, not a fast enough recovery, economic misery for millions - but there's also the no money for nice things problem. And by nice things I mean government spending on useful things other than flying death robots. We can borrow money for free now. Once the economy speeds up, if it does, that won't be the case. There's a tremendous missed opportunity, in part (but not just) because of Joe Scarborough and his stupid friends.
All My Friends Agree With Me
It isn't precisely the same, of course, but it's all been very reminiscent of the Iraq war era. All The Serious People, including a bunch of stupid know-nothings like Joe Scarborough, agree that the deficit will kill us all, and all the sillies and the nerds disagree. If the Serious People actually implement their supposed desired policies, the consequences will be catastrophic. For other people.
Of course when those same serious people were facing a genuine (if catastrophic) deficit reduction plan, they dubbed it the fiscal cliff and decided it would kill us all.
Of course when those same serious people were facing a genuine (if catastrophic) deficit reduction plan, they dubbed it the fiscal cliff and decided it would kill us all.
What Was It All About
Thinking back over the past decade, it seems that the peak of anti-immigration madness was one of those luxury concerns, something people could get upset about when there weren't real problems to worry about. I don't doubt that the 27 percenters are still capable of being incensed about it, but as a national issue it just doesn't have the resonance that it did a few years back.
It's also one of those issues that just breaks the brains of so many people, as any immigrant is experience is so, well, foreign to them. So few people have actually lived in another country, or even visited for an extended period.
It's also one of those issues that just breaks the brains of so many people, as any immigrant is experience is so, well, foreign to them. So few people have actually lived in another country, or even visited for an extended period.
Hey Business, Why Don't You Help!!!
We are ruled by stupid horrible people.
Businesses can't help because people have no money to buy stuff because they have no jobs.
Last week's appalling jobless data – showing 60% of young Spanish people out of work – even sent alarm bells ringing at Davos last week, with Angela Merkel calling for help from businesses to reverse the trend.
Businesses can't help because people have no money to buy stuff because they have no jobs.
Monday, January 28, 2013
George Will Isn't Eligible For Combat Duty And I'm Pretty Sure He's Thrilled
It's perfectly fine to have physical fitness requirements for certain jobs. It's also perfectly fine to acknowledge that women could be less likely to meet those requirements. There's an issue about whether those fitness requirements are really necessary requirements, or just rough weeding out hurdles designed with male fitness abilities in mind, but that there could be fitness requirements which might disadvantage lower-on-average-upper-body-strength women isn't really in question.
But, yes, women can work out and get strong and do necessary things. This is obvious.
But, yes, women can work out and get strong and do necessary things. This is obvious.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza --- Final Day!! Everything Must Go!!!
Thanks to all who have helped make sure my blogs remain mighty and strong.
Last appeal! Back to regularly scheduled programming after today.

"Give. It's the logical thing to do."
Last appeal! Back to regularly scheduled programming after today.

"Give. It's the logical thing to do."
Gun Buybacks
Curious about why these seem to get so many takers, as opposed to people just selling them to dealers. Are the payouts greater? Do people own the guns illegally and this doubles as a kind of amnesty? Anybody know?
Just Don't Be Bike Salmon
I think it's the worst, from a safety perspective, for cyclists. I get why people do it. They feel more in control and can avoid oncoming traffic if necessary, instead of worrying about what that car behind them might be doing. But they're traveling where they aren't expected to be. Drivers can't have constant 360 degree awareness. I almost hit one when I was going to make a right turn on a red onto a one way street. I checked for pedestrians, then checked for cars traveling up the road, then as I started to turn a bike zoomed down the street I was turning into. The cyclist had a green (most Philly intersections don't have separate pedestrian crossing lights, there are just traffic lights at the crossings), but he was, you know, going the wrong way.
The Game Has Changed
I don't think successful members of the slightly older generation have a good sense of just how much the game has changed for young people, even the young people who supposedly did the right thing. They did the thing they were told: did well in school, went to a good university, went to law or graduate school, and then... Started real life with the equivalent of a mortgage but no house to go with it.
It's all exacerbated by the great recession, and if economic recovery ever really gets going it will improve somewhat, but the price of entry into successful professional life is a hell of a lot higher than it used to be, and the payoff is frequently lower.
It's all exacerbated by the great recession, and if economic recovery ever really gets going it will improve somewhat, but the price of entry into successful professional life is a hell of a lot higher than it used to be, and the payoff is frequently lower.
American Graduate Program Expansion Act
This is kind of a big deal.
This is about the latest stupid Senate gang's immigration reform framework. US universities are salivating.
It will provide for automatic green cards to "immigrants who have received a PhD or Master's degree in science, technology, engineering, or math from an American university."
This is about the latest stupid Senate gang's immigration reform framework. US universities are salivating.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The legality of ripping off an arrangement might be perfectly fine, but it's costless to provide the equivalent of a "hat tip."
Have some manners. At least give some props to Jonathan Coulton.
Have some manners. At least give some props to Jonathan Coulton.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza Continues!
Rough tally of number of contributions is 695 so far. Thanks so much to all!
Here's a cuter pony for a Sunday afternoon.

Here's a cuter pony for a Sunday afternoon.

Disability Sucks
The important thing to add to this is that disability benefits, like all benefits in our meager system, are not generous at all. Average monthly benefit is $1,132. This isn't a replacement for full time employment for most people. I'm sure there are a few people who "abuse" the system by doing some under the table work on the side, but if they're earning $1,100 per month you can hardly blame them.
Still Think Lucy Holds On To The Football
The obvious area for Republicans to actually agree to do something is with immigration. Sure their base hates it, but their base hates everybody and everything. Can they bring themselves so support a path to citizenship that isn't so difficult/expensive/punitive as to be meaningless?
Opposition to this stuff is in part racism, but it's also based on the general belief in wingnuttia that the blahs and the brahs, even the illegal brahs, have access to some secret super generous welfare system that white people can't get access to. As Craig T. Nelson said, "I have been on food stamps and welfare no one helped me out."
Opposition to this stuff is in part racism, but it's also based on the general belief in wingnuttia that the blahs and the brahs, even the illegal brahs, have access to some secret super generous welfare system that white people can't get access to. As Craig T. Nelson said, "I have been on food stamps and welfare no one helped me out."
How About Some Jobs Then
The world's elite don't care about that.
Well... they cared about their jobs. And made sure they could keep them. Not sure I heard a thank you.
Well... they cared about their jobs. And made sure they could keep them. Not sure I heard a thank you.
Ladies Against Women
In the year 2013, misogyny and gender inequality persists in part because male editors pay women to write anti-feminist screeds, allowing men to continue feeling good about their misogyny.
Sunday Bobbleheads
Face the Nation has DiFi, Ray Kelly, Marsha Blackburn, Disgraced former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Cutter, Madden.
Meet the Press has Paul Ryan Gosling, DeMinted, Ben Jealous, Booby Woodard, Mrs. Alan Greenspan.
In America, atrocities document themselves!
Face the Nation has DiFi, Ray Kelly, Marsha Blackburn, Disgraced former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Cutter, Madden.
Meet the Press has Paul Ryan Gosling, DeMinted, Ben Jealous, Booby Woodard, Mrs. Alan Greenspan.
In America, atrocities document themselves!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Don't Forget - Winter Fundraising Extravaganza!!!
Don't think you can say no to this pony! He'll tear your soul apart!

Thanks to all who have contributed.

Thanks to all who have contributed.
The Driverless Car Fantasy
I'm not one who thinks the technology will ever really work in the way that some urbanists think it will work, but I could be wrong about that. What I'm not wrong about is the fact that we still face the peak driver/commuting problem. As long as most people essentially need a car for their daily commute, driverless cars won't really remake the world. You'll still need a one car per commuter fleet. Those fleets could be put to work doing other things in non-peak times, but the peak need will still be there. They'll just be a slightly better carshare or possibly slightly cheaper taxi for non-commuting trips.
Saturday Crass Commercialism
Everybody should see Friday Night Lights. Yes it's about small town football, but no you don't have to have any interest in football to like the show. A Spanish friend who has no knowledge of football or much interest in sport generally loved it. It's one of the most feminist-positive shows ever to be on the teevee. Season 2 loses it a bit, but then it's all good again.

Or Lie-Ish
Dave Weigel on the twitterz:
I actually think some conservatives truly believe this kind of thing, that liberals are just anti-conservative. They don't like people getting benefits, so we must love more people getting benefits. They don't like regulations they don't like, so they think we love all regulations. They claim to support small government, so we must like ever-expanding government. Etc.
Scott Walker telling #NRIsummit that liberals define success as how many people are on unemployment benefits. A bit strawman-ish
I actually think some conservatives truly believe this kind of thing, that liberals are just anti-conservative. They don't like people getting benefits, so we must love more people getting benefits. They don't like regulations they don't like, so they think we love all regulations. They claim to support small government, so we must like ever-expanding government. Etc.
Palin's gone from Fox News. I'm reminded of that two year or so period when Politico was basically Sarah Palin Daily. And reporting was basically about what she would put on Facebook. Journalism!
Good morning
What would happen if Republicans made banks publish the true value of their holdings and pay taxes on them, and also saved underwater home-owners a bunch of money?
This article claims they want to do it - for the wrong reasons, but still....
Friday, January 25, 2013
Not Sure Why
Neither the US nor Switzerland cares about dual citizenship. Might be a tax reason to renounce US citizenship, but there probably isn't another one.
Lived right next to Kuesnacht when I was kid.
Lived right next to Kuesnacht when I was kid.
My guess is it isn't about the grades, it's about the obedience. Kids turning into teenagers makes some parents nuts.
Say It Loud, Say It Proud
The frustrating thing is that I think a lot of economists would agree with me about the substance of the post below. At least, they would if they thought it through. Few have made the case for helicopter drops over the past several years. That's a shame.
It's a bit like the trillion dollar coin. It's "crazy." But like the trillion dollar coin it isn't any crazier than what happens every day. It's just more transparent. And ultimately it's more effective. Give people free money.
It's a bit like the trillion dollar coin. It's "crazy." But like the trillion dollar coin it isn't any crazier than what happens every day. It's just more transparent. And ultimately it's more effective. Give people free money.
Crazy Ideas
I know my crackpot ideas are unlikely to achieve much beyond a few subscribers to my newsletter, but increasingly I become convinced that the solution to all economic problems is "give free money to people."
We give lots of free money to people, actually. We just tend to give it to banksters. I saw some panicked stuff today about ZOMG THE FED BALANCE SHEET IS $3 TRILLION or something similar, which essentially means the Fed has created 3 trillion bucks out of nothing and purchased financial assets with it. That isn't precisely a gift, but it boosts asset prices, and most of us don't own many financial assets. Rich people do.
So Fed action of this type benefits the wealthy, with the vague hope it improves the broader macroeconomy.
Unless gastritis broke my calculator, 3 trillion fedbucks translates to about 10 grand in free money for each of us. I think I advocated the "mail every SS # holder a 10 grand check" at some point. Would be happy to hear from the Very Serious People why this would be worse policy. It's impossible to imagine it wouldn't be welfare enhancing. Tell me why if I'm wrong.
Speaking of free money... ahem!
We give lots of free money to people, actually. We just tend to give it to banksters. I saw some panicked stuff today about ZOMG THE FED BALANCE SHEET IS $3 TRILLION or something similar, which essentially means the Fed has created 3 trillion bucks out of nothing and purchased financial assets with it. That isn't precisely a gift, but it boosts asset prices, and most of us don't own many financial assets. Rich people do.
So Fed action of this type benefits the wealthy, with the vague hope it improves the broader macroeconomy.
Unless gastritis broke my calculator, 3 trillion fedbucks translates to about 10 grand in free money for each of us. I think I advocated the "mail every SS # holder a 10 grand check" at some point. Would be happy to hear from the Very Serious People why this would be worse policy. It's impossible to imagine it wouldn't be welfare enhancing. Tell me why if I'm wrong.
Speaking of free money... ahem!
Going Backwards
I think Amanda nicely gets at how things have oddly gone backwards when it comes to sex issues in our culture. When I was growing up, pre-marital sex was MORALLY WRONG and also, too would probably kill you, but there wasn't the weird level of denial that I see now about whether or not teens actually are having sex. We did have discussions of contraception. Somehow I knew about Planned Parenthood (no idea how). It seems we're more in a world where everyone just pretends it doesn't happen.
The Horrible People Who Rule The World
Over the last few years we've learned that people who make $250,000 are poor, but people who make $50,000 are rich. Cutting aggregate demand in the middle of a recession leads to prosperity, except for cuts to defense. The Great Recession is really just The Great Shirk as the unemployed are just lazy benefits taking moochers. The financial crisis was caused by mandatory lending to poor minority borrowers.
What's It All About Then
Months later I still have absolutely no idea what the Grand Unified Benghazi Conspiracy Theory is.
Let It Burn
The issue isn't that they had an expensive pizza in a place with nothing but expensive food, it's that they're having a jolly good time knowing that they're destroying their country.
In Britain it's 100% clear that the chosen policies are destructive, that contractionary policy is contractionary, that the recovery was under way until they decided to kill the economy.
If only there was some sort of opposition party.
In Britain it's 100% clear that the chosen policies are destructive, that contractionary policy is contractionary, that the recovery was under way until they decided to kill the economy.
If only there was some sort of opposition party.
Don't Worry Their Beautiful Minds
They're doing well.
The three Conservatives and their entourage were caught on a mobile phone camera by Ben Stewart, the head of media at Greenpeace, who tweeted the image.
They were all staying overnight in the mountain town of Davos, where the world's most influential businessmen and politicians gather for a summit on economics each year.
A pizza with smoked ham, rocket salad and parmesan is £20, or 31 Swiss Francs.
He posted on Twitter: "I watched Cam, Os and BoJo's raucous Davos dinner last night, wondering if GDP figures great or if they didn't care. Guess we know now..."
Heckuva Job
It was inevitable once Olympics-related program activities ended.
I'm sure the response will be more beatings for the poors.
Britain could be on course for its third recession in four years after the economy shrank 0.3% in the last three months of 2012
I'm sure the response will be more beatings for the poors.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Win Texas, Win Forever
I'm sure this thinking is what's really behind the Republican moves to change electoral college rules.
Flip Texas, and Dems win forever. Obviously that isn't true. Things change, dud candidates happen, etc. But make Texas a blue or blueish state and the Rs are pretty screwed.
Flip Texas, and Dems win forever. Obviously that isn't true. Things change, dud candidates happen, etc. But make Texas a blue or blueish state and the Rs are pretty screwed.
Little Ladies
I don't know if this is true, but it certainly makes sense.
I doubt this is a provable assertion, but if an institution makes women subordinate it wouldn't be too surprising if the men in that institution end up seeing them that way. And that's been the situation.
If the United States had previously allowed women to serve officially in military combat roles, including special operations forces, there might be fewer sexual assaults in the armed services, the Pentagon's top general told reporters Thursday.
Having studied the issue of rampant sexual misconduct in the ranks, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, noted that he has concluded that the phenomenon exists partly because women have been subordinated to men in military culture: "It's because we've had separate classes of military personnel."
I doubt this is a provable assertion, but if an institution makes women subordinate it wouldn't be too surprising if the men in that institution end up seeing them that way. And that's been the situation.
Mostly Pointless Gadget Blather
Some people use their phones as, you know, phones, but for many of us the "phone" aspect of a smartphone type thing is, while necessary, not exactly its most important feature. My landline is gone, so I need my gadget to function as a phone, but I hardly ever actually use it for the function.
Sweet spot: device which is small enough to conveniently fit in pocket or similar, not so large that it looks ridiculous if you use it as a phone, but otherwise as large as possible.
Sweet spot: device which is small enough to conveniently fit in pocket or similar, not so large that it looks ridiculous if you use it as a phone, but otherwise as large as possible.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza Day 3!
Day 3 already! Think of all the laughter and tears we've had so far. Exciting times!!
Thanks so much to all who have given so far! If your wallet is light, certainly don't feel any obligation to give anything.
Another cute pony for you all!

Thanks so much to all who have given so far! If your wallet is light, certainly don't feel any obligation to give anything.
Another cute pony for you all!

Core Capacity
Anyone who has ridden the DC Metro at peak commuting times knows it's pretty much at capacity. 2-3 minute headways and every car is stuffed. They do need another tunnel.
God it's horrible trying to imagine how this argument escalated into criminal tragedy.
Police say Ketunuti had called an exterminator service that day because of rodents in her home, and Smith - a subcontractor - was dispatched.
Once in the home, police said, there was some kind of argument in the basement. The argument escalated, police said, and Smith allegedly knocked Ketunuti down, got on top of her and strangled her.
Police believe Smith then set her body on fire in an attempt to hide the evidence.
My Advice To The World
Just stop worrying about the fertility decisions of other people. Such decisions have nothing to do with you.
When I was young, there was still a pretty big stigma attached to divorced women and single mothers. That there were assigned gender roles wasn't really questioned, even if the precise nature of those roles was. There were jobs for men (doctor) and jobs for women (nurse). In college, I temped in a small office, and the boss regularly referred to the 50ish office administrator as "my girl."
Anyway, I'm talking from personal perspective at the time, distilling the cultural messages I personally grew up with. Your mileage probably varied a bit. Things are still fucked up and bullshit, but we've come a long way.
Anyway, I'm talking from personal perspective at the time, distilling the cultural messages I personally grew up with. Your mileage probably varied a bit. Things are still fucked up and bullshit, but we've come a long way.
Don't Think He'll Listen
The poors haven't had enough beatings yet.
Britain should tone down its austerity plans to help the struggling economy, the International Monetary Fund's chief economist has suggested.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
A man braved the severe cold to knock on my door just now to get signatures in support of allowing a bread/pastry place near me. Not sure precisely what zoning change (if any) is necessary, or if it's just the usual "community support is necessary for everything." There was a zoning notice posted, so there might be a needed zoning change, and if there is going to be on-premise baking there are issues (it's currently a residential garage attached to other residences).
But, generally, my neighborhood broadly has had a big decline, since somewhat reversed, of its commercial/retail establishments over the decades. So much so that people forget that various bits were actually once shops and similar. Even in the urban hellhole there can be opposition to nearby commercial/retail.
I'd like a bread shop around the corner.
But, generally, my neighborhood broadly has had a big decline, since somewhat reversed, of its commercial/retail establishments over the decades. So much so that people forget that various bits were actually once shops and similar. Even in the urban hellhole there can be opposition to nearby commercial/retail.
I'd like a bread shop around the corner.
We actually lack many of the major "higher end" food chains in or near Center City. No Pf Chang's, no Outback, no Cheesecake factory. Shame if it negatively impacts local businesses (might or might not), but I'm not really against the imminent arrival of a Cheesecake Factory otherwise. There are thriving commercial corridors outside of the center with plenty of great restaurants (and spots for them, too).
Various people on the twitters have passed this along:
Not the ultimate huzzah progress, but there really should be no place for inequality anywhere in our system.
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Panetta removes military ban on women in combat, opening thousands of front line positions.
Not the ultimate huzzah progress, but there really should be no place for inequality anywhere in our system.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza Day 2!!!!
Day 1 was exciting and fun for all I'm sure.
Consider a wee gift, otherwise I'll unleash the scary pony.

Consider a wee gift, otherwise I'll unleash the scary pony.

I don't know enough about how Treasury actually functions, but doesn't this cunning debt ceiling plan mean they can just go out and borrow a few extra trillion before May 19?
Socialist Health Care
Everybody knows we spend a stupid amount of money on health care, but what most people fail to realize is that we spend more government money on health care than many (most?) nations in our typical comparison group.
Our system sucks.
Our system sucks.
We Laughed And Laughed And Laughed
One thing I realize when I tiptoe through the archives (fundraising season makes me nostalgic) is that we actually had a lot of fun in the Bush years. Sure it was all horror and death and misery, but we dealt with it with comedy and ridicule.
What I was thinking when I said they should Unleash the Obama wasn't that I think the Real Obama is some secret superliberal. It's more that I think Obama's actually kind of a dick, and he's kept his dickishness mostly in check so far. A bit more dickishness could be fun! Aimed in the right direction, of course.
What I was thinking when I said they should Unleash the Obama wasn't that I think the Real Obama is some secret superliberal. It's more that I think Obama's actually kind of a dick, and he's kept his dickishness mostly in check so far. A bit more dickishness could be fun! Aimed in the right direction, of course.
Life Before The Internets
I'm not entirely sure why, but I feel somewhat privileged to remember life before the internets, and then to have witnessed its evolution. A better writer could pen a gorgeous thumbsucker about this, but there's something truly fascinating about watching a truly transformative technology... well, transform. Occasionally doing a deeper archive search for something from a circa-2001 internet one gets a reminder of the early internet. No video, few pictures on most sites, etc.
Missed the development of railroads, electricity, household appliances, widespread indoor plumbing, and jet travel. So internets it is!
Missed the development of railroads, electricity, household appliances, widespread indoor plumbing, and jet travel. So internets it is!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Pickler Versus Evil Bert
Fundraising season always comes with some memories.
...for those who have forgotten the Bert-Bin Laden connection.
...for those who have forgotten the Bert-Bin Laden connection.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza
In case you missed it!
Thanks to all who have given so far! I haven't had a chance to get started on my thank you emails, but trust me it's all very appreciated. I've never felt comfortable with giving the amount I've raised, but I will try to tally up the number of donations. Obviously big gifts go a long way, but I've always appreciated the number of donors, the people who bother to give a little bit (I get that not all of you have money, or that even if you do my sucky blog might not be worth all that much to you). The "if 10% of daily readers gave 10 bucks that'd add up to quite a bit" idea is always present.
Thanks to all who have given so far! I haven't had a chance to get started on my thank you emails, but trust me it's all very appreciated. I've never felt comfortable with giving the amount I've raised, but I will try to tally up the number of donations. Obviously big gifts go a long way, but I've always appreciated the number of donors, the people who bother to give a little bit (I get that not all of you have money, or that even if you do my sucky blog might not be worth all that much to you). The "if 10% of daily readers gave 10 bucks that'd add up to quite a bit" idea is always present.
Unleash The Obama
I have no opinion about whether the "real Obama" would be an improvement (to me) over the more packaged version, but I'd hope that newly freed from re-election concerns the leader of the free world says fuck it, I'm doing it my way.
People Hate Not Knowing
People don't like waiting for mass transit, but what they really hate is waiting with uncertainty. I'm ok with waiting 10 minutes for the bus if I'm reasonably sure it's going to show up in about 10 minutes. It's the nagging concern that 10 minutes might actually be 20.
More frequent service is desirable for the obvious reason that it reduces average waiting times, but it also reduces the possibility of an extra long wait due to equipment failure or other problem.
Real time information is really a big help in this area. My local transit authority's real time bus location service isn't perfect. The GPS only gets polled about every 3 minutes, and there are occasionally ghost or missing buses. It does provide a decent enough clue about what you can expect, and especially for bus lines without super frequent service (I'm looking at you, #64), it makes the experience much better.
More frequent service is desirable for the obvious reason that it reduces average waiting times, but it also reduces the possibility of an extra long wait due to equipment failure or other problem.
Real time information is really a big help in this area. My local transit authority's real time bus location service isn't perfect. The GPS only gets polled about every 3 minutes, and there are occasionally ghost or missing buses. It does provide a decent enough clue about what you can expect, and especially for bus lines without super frequent service (I'm looking at you, #64), it makes the experience much better.
The problem in the UK is that Labour barely questions the logic of cuts. There's no opposition voice saying that more cuts are just economy destroying madness.
It isn't all that different here, of course, we've just (barely) managed to avoid destroying our economy so far.
It isn't all that different here, of course, we've just (barely) managed to avoid destroying our economy so far.
Where's The Anger
I probably understand some of the reasons for it, but I'm a bit mystified by the lack of anger directed at GOP elites. Those guys lost to Barack Hussein Obama. Twice. They wasted millions. Mitt effing Romney was the party's nominee. There's even an obvious simple target for that anger - Karl Rove.
Things Change
I occasionally punch up this graph to remind myself how much things have changed, though perhaps later than many of us think. Interracial marriage didn't get majority approval until the 90s.
Winter Fundraising Extravaganza
I'll be honest here. The advertising model of sustaining this blog is, well, no longer sustainable. It worked pretty well from 2004-2008, ok from 2009-2011, and then last year basically started to fall apart completely. In order to continue doing this as my primary activity, I'm going to have to see this more of a user-supported activity then an ad-supported one. There are bills to pay.
I hate posts like this. I know it sounds like "give me money or the blog gets it." I don't think I'm entitled to earn money for my little hobby of shooting my mouth off on the internet. But if Andrew Sullivan can raise 12 billion dollars for being wrong about basically everything, then maybe the user-supported model is the way to go. I've been proved fucking right at least a couple of times, and that has to be worth something.
So consider a wee gift. Thanks for your generosity! And readers really have been very generous over the years.
I hate posts like this. I know it sounds like "give me money or the blog gets it." I don't think I'm entitled to earn money for my little hobby of shooting my mouth off on the internet. But if Andrew Sullivan can raise 12 billion dollars for being wrong about basically everything, then maybe the user-supported model is the way to go. I've been proved fucking right at least a couple of times, and that has to be worth something.
So consider a wee gift. Thanks for your generosity! And readers really have been very generous over the years.
Morning in the snow
Yep, there's actually snow in my garden, right here in London. Looks downright purty.
I'm too lazy to link to anything, but since I have a passel of links right here, and there's a whole bunch of good blogs linked down on the Eschaton sidebar, you should be good for a while.
(Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes last month. You're the best.)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Lived right by there for 4 years.
The woman who was found bound and set on fire in her Center City home Monday afternoon was identified as a pediatrician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, police sources said.
We're Right
I certainly don't claim to always know what the best ways to achieve actual policy goals in Washington are, but Obama's first term was definitely notable for a general failure to articulate a progressive vision. I don't mean on my terms, I mean on his, however progressive he is (meaning, even if you think he's basically a moderate Republican he failed to articulate that vision clearly).
And maybe that was a good strategy legislatively. I have no idea. But obviously the legacy of presidents can be a bit larger than what passes Congress when they're in charge. The Reagan legacy is still with us, at least on economic issues, dominating the CW that infuses all public conversations about such things. I get that the Reagan legacy wasn't just about Reagan, it was about the ascendancy of the Right in DC generally, but it had something to do with the man himself.
Maybe nothing good will get through Congress in the next 2 or 4 years. If so, all that's left is rhetoric. So, yes, good start.
And maybe that was a good strategy legislatively. I have no idea. But obviously the legacy of presidents can be a bit larger than what passes Congress when they're in charge. The Reagan legacy is still with us, at least on economic issues, dominating the CW that infuses all public conversations about such things. I get that the Reagan legacy wasn't just about Reagan, it was about the ascendancy of the Right in DC generally, but it had something to do with the man himself.
Maybe nothing good will get through Congress in the next 2 or 4 years. If so, all that's left is rhetoric. So, yes, good start.
I think this is good advice.
I'm not optimistic about anything good getting through Congress, but backing away from the one big thing at a time mode might make something possible. When it's always one big thing the teabaggers know what to focus on.
Yet many Republicans remain committed to opposing Obama regardless of policy. An orderly, serial succession of issues might enable them to consolidate their opposition, rallying less adamant colleagues to a united front. It could be more fruitful for the White House to pursue a multipronged agenda -- pushing gun safety, immigration reform and fiscal retrenchment simultaneously. That might allow individual Republicans to camouflage rare instances of heretical agreement with the White House amid a general trend of opposition.
I'm not optimistic about anything good getting through Congress, but backing away from the one big thing at a time mode might make something possible. When it's always one big thing the teabaggers know what to focus on.
The Fantasy
Thinking back about the last four years, it is worth nothing that if Republicans actually had any interest in policy they would have joined in the TipnRonniehaveadrink fantasy and joined with the Obama compromise machine. Probably best that they didn't, really, but the lesson is that... they mostly aren't interested in policy. And they certainly don't care about the deficit.
They're oppositional. If liberals like it, they hate it. If Obama is for it, they are against it. Compromising is letting Obama win, even if the compromise gives them everything they want. Participating grants Obama legitimacy, and that's something they aren't willing to do.
And I'm sure all of this is reinforced in their backslapping sessions with donors and fellow travelers. Do not let the Kenyan Muslim Socialist get anything he wants is the animating principle.
They're oppositional. If liberals like it, they hate it. If Obama is for it, they are against it. Compromising is letting Obama win, even if the compromise gives them everything they want. Participating grants Obama legitimacy, and that's something they aren't willing to do.
And I'm sure all of this is reinforced in their backslapping sessions with donors and fellow travelers. Do not let the Kenyan Muslim Socialist get anything he wants is the animating principle.
A Good Start
Rhetoric isn't everything, obviously, but it does matter some. That was probably the most New Deal+Civil Rights liberalism speech he's given.
If Only We Could Go Back That Utopian Political Era - The 90s
It'll be impossible to explain to anyone who didn't live through it, but those who did live through it and directly experienced it should remember. It was fucking nuts. The Republicans were nuts. The Democrats were nuts. The press were nuts.
But today, oh dear, there is Teh Vitriol. We are all so divided. It is so sad.
But today, oh dear, there is Teh Vitriol. We are all so divided. It is so sad.
Make It Stop
Against my better judgment I turned on the teevee to see some inauguration coverage. Brian Williams and Peggy Noonan were talking about Teh Vitriol.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I think you can have a full employment situation with a lot of wealth and income inequality, but we aren't currently in a full employment situation. I think Krugman would agree that to speed the recovery, a $1 increase in food stamps would be more beneficial than a $1 tax cut for Richie Rich. Direct transfers from rich to poor would speed the recovery. I think it reasonably follows that if the poor were more prosperous, that the recovery would be faster. Their propensity to spend an additional dollar is higher. If they had a few more dollars, they'd spend those too, if only to their payday lender.
So am I saying that you can have full employment based on purchases of yachts, luxury cars, and the services of personal trainers and celebrity chefs? Well, yes. You don’t have to like it, but economics is not a morality play, and I’ve yet to see a macroeconomic argument about why it isn’t possible.
I think you can have a full employment situation with a lot of wealth and income inequality, but we aren't currently in a full employment situation. I think Krugman would agree that to speed the recovery, a $1 increase in food stamps would be more beneficial than a $1 tax cut for Richie Rich. Direct transfers from rich to poor would speed the recovery. I think it reasonably follows that if the poor were more prosperous, that the recovery would be faster. Their propensity to spend an additional dollar is higher. If they had a few more dollars, they'd spend those too, if only to their payday lender.
Panic Time For The Deficit Scolds
The deficit scolds don't really care about the deficit, and if it disappears they won't declare victory. It'll in fact be a crisis. For some, it'll be a crisis because they're employed the fairly lucrative (status and money) deficit scold grifter industry. For others, it'll be a crisis because Teh Deficit is their justification for their real policy desires which are cutting taxes on rich people and kicking the olds and poors.
This is their moment!!
This is their moment!!
Whatever one thinks of Obama, it says something positive about our country that we actually managed to twice vote for an African-American man for president. More than that, I don't think that anyone should doubt that we'd be ready to elect a woman president, too. I'm not saying the playing field is level and the country, or at least enough of it, is race- and gender- blind for these things, just that 20 years ago I would've put both in the near-impossible category.
January 20, 2013
Today begins the second glorious reign of Barack Soetero Hussein B. Barry Bamz Obama. The Kenyan Muslim Socialist empire rises today.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
When Will Obama Stop Making Republicans Hit Themselves
That seems to be the latest conservative idea floating around (Bobo, etc.).
Nothing that's going on has anything to do with actual policy. Republicans aren't even proposing any cuts they're demanding Obama makes. This is about who is up, who is down, who gets to be the Alpha Male in this tribe. Republicans and their team are enraged that the Alpha is the Kenyan Muslim Socialist B. Barry Bamz. To stop their fee fees from hurting, Bamz has to let them be the Alphas for awhile.
Not that it will achieve anything. It will just make their fee fees better.
Nothing that's going on has anything to do with actual policy. Republicans aren't even proposing any cuts they're demanding Obama makes. This is about who is up, who is down, who gets to be the Alpha Male in this tribe. Republicans and their team are enraged that the Alpha is the Kenyan Muslim Socialist B. Barry Bamz. To stop their fee fees from hurting, Bamz has to let them be the Alphas for awhile.
Not that it will achieve anything. It will just make their fee fees better.
Rigged Game
Jeffrey Lacker, the head of the Richmond Fed, originally raised the allegation during a Fed conference call in August 2007, and he stuck to his 5-year-old claim against the current U.S. treasury secretary in a statement provided to Reuters on Friday.
"From conversations I had prior to the video conference call on August 16, 2007, I was aware of discussions among a few large banks about borrowing from their discount windows to support the asset backed commercial paper market," Lacker said in the statement. "My understanding was that (New York Fed) President Geithner had discussed a reduction in the discount rate with these banks in connection with these initiatives."
Friday, January 18, 2013
I'm So Old I Can Remember When $86 Billion Was A Lot Of Money
Don't think universal pre-k for "4-year-olds from low- and some middle-income families" is exactly universal, but the amount of good such a program would do is immense. $10 billion for it is nothing.
We spend so much money on stupid horrible shit. Give us some nice things.
We spend so much money on stupid horrible shit. Give us some nice things.
There's the "good" elementary school in West Philly. It gets some financial and other resource support from the University of Pennsylvania. Lots of people move to the neighborhood for that reason. The problem is that the school is overfull and they had to start limiting enrollment. Of course they could use a lottery system. But, no, there's a 4 day line which of course only parents with extra financial and time resources can manage.
Almost all real security (as opposed to security theater) in this country is based on the idea that you identify and stop somebody who has a gun. Sure we pretend to worry about underpants bombers and explosive contact lens solution, but really it's all about nobody bringing a gun into a building or onto a plane. The person with the gun is identified as the likely bad guy.
But in crazy world...
But in crazy world...
If only George Bush, Dick Cheney, Baghdad Dan Senor, Ari Fleischer, and Don Rumsfeld had inspired such outrage.
It's funny how the issues changes but the language stays the same. Liberals, in being perfectly right about many things, are silly and irresponsible children.
And, yes, we should be borrowing lots of money right now. We should also be giving free money to people. Ben should get the helicopters. These are very silly ideas, but also 100% correct.
And, yes, we should be borrowing lots of money right now. We should also be giving free money to people. Ben should get the helicopters. These are very silly ideas, but also 100% correct.
They Called It Rapiscan
It isn't the biggest issue in the world, but the Rapiscan was one of those things where Very Serious People were on board and dirty hippies were like uh, maybe this isn't such a good thing.
Can blast naked pictures of me through the whole airport for all I care (though I imagine not everybody would be thrilled), but lots of people understandably aren't thrilled by random people looking at their naked bits.
The TSA plans to remove 174 Rapiscan machines from U.S. airports, with the company absorbing the cost, according to TSA officials. The machines will be replaced by L-3 scanners.
Can blast naked pictures of me through the whole airport for all I care (though I imagine not everybody would be thrilled), but lots of people understandably aren't thrilled by random people looking at their naked bits.
Not So Simple
I think our system of state liquor/wine sales is ridiculous, but it isn't so simple to change it. Privatizing it will have massive impacts on numerous stakeholders (positive or negative, depending on how it's done and which specific stakeholders we're thinking of). That isn't necessarily an argument against it, but it is an argument for thinking of how to compensate the affected who include current restaurant liquor license holders, current beer take out shops, civil service employees, beer distributor operators, etc....
GOP Daddies
I don't pay much attention to NYC politics, but for the last few weeks the NYT has been blasting the name LHOTA everywhere.
The liberal media loves their GOP Daddies.
The liberal media loves their GOP Daddies.
An Alternative Universe Impossible To Imagine
The one where Dick Cheney shoots Harry Whittington in the face, and Whittington dies.
Other people would have been prosecuted for it.
Other people would have been prosecuted for it.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Late Night
Never forget.
I read a few comments at youtube. my favorite was "Mark wahlberg is sooo fucking great. he still looks good even tho hes like 40".
I read a few comments at youtube. my favorite was "Mark wahlberg is sooo fucking great. he still looks good even tho hes like 40".
This is a tragic story, not so dissimilar (though not the same) as a story I wrote about.
But I want to focus on this bit:
You see a lot of these attempts to shut down the conversation with respect to guns and also the military. By military I don't necessarily mean members of the military. Quite often it's the armchair warriors. But basically there are people who insist that unless you use every piece of terminology in the way that someone in the military would (even if it's just an armchair warrior fantasy, not reality) then you should shut the fuck up about whether we need to go invade Iraq.
That's kind of dumb for obvious reasons, but given our "respect the troops" mentality it often works. But, yes, the military has a vocabulary, some of which is jargon. Lawyers have jargon. Economists have jargon. English professors have jargon. Jargon has its uses. It's a code, a kind of shorthand, insiders understand, but it also excludes outsiders. "Laymen" speak about economics often using the wrong jargon, but I don't think they're stupid or disrespecting tribe Econ if they do so, they're just not familiar with the lingo. It isn't necessarily important.
But I want to focus on this bit:
There is the cousin-in-law who got a job as a cop and then was quietly let go like two weeks later for reasons no one will tell me, and who now plays shoot-em up video games all day. His new milita-member duty is mocking people who call a “magazine” a “clip” and informing them that if they can’t name all the parts of weapon correctly, they have no business having opinions about it.
You see a lot of these attempts to shut down the conversation with respect to guns and also the military. By military I don't necessarily mean members of the military. Quite often it's the armchair warriors. But basically there are people who insist that unless you use every piece of terminology in the way that someone in the military would (even if it's just an armchair warrior fantasy, not reality) then you should shut the fuck up about whether we need to go invade Iraq.
That's kind of dumb for obvious reasons, but given our "respect the troops" mentality it often works. But, yes, the military has a vocabulary, some of which is jargon. Lawyers have jargon. Economists have jargon. English professors have jargon. Jargon has its uses. It's a code, a kind of shorthand, insiders understand, but it also excludes outsiders. "Laymen" speak about economics often using the wrong jargon, but I don't think they're stupid or disrespecting tribe Econ if they do so, they're just not familiar with the lingo. It isn't necessarily important.
We Know Who Will Win Ohio
I would've thought vengeful billionaires would be making Karl's life miserable. I guess not.
And the grift goes on.
And the grift goes on.
Sporting Competition
I enjoy sports much more than I used to, and understand much more than I once did why many other people like it much more than I do. Still I don't really get the degree to which people are emotionally invested in it. I get it some. I quite enjoyed it when my local sporting franchise won the World Series. It's fun, essentially, to attach yourself to a goal and then enjoy when that goal is achieved. Fandom is a communal activity and there's a big social aspect to it. Something matters because you convince yourself that it does, and you get to enjoy the ups and downs that go with it.
But I always maintain a bit of distance. The people who are really into it, whose emotional state depends on the fate of the team they support (and supporter is a better term than fan), and who will, in complete seriousmess, argue the moral superiority of their team.... I admit I don't get them.
But I always maintain a bit of distance. The people who are really into it, whose emotional state depends on the fate of the team they support (and supporter is a better term than fan), and who will, in complete seriousmess, argue the moral superiority of their team.... I admit I don't get them.
Rapey Rape
I get it, sort of. It's about women/girls in the ideal abstract versus real live people. But I do still struggle with understanding the degree to which paternalistic condescending concern for our wives/sisters/daughters is at odds with the general hostility and lack of concern for actual women.
I'm still dwelling on the fact that the Villagers shifted seamlessly from TEH DEFICIT WILL KILL US ALL to OH NO THE FISCAL CLIFF WILL KILLS US ALL and then right back again.
I really didn't ever get a handle on how their brains could so easily manage to function while processing these contradictory things. If more of them were advocating more spending now it wouldn't be such a contradiction. I don't think the long term deficit is a giant problem, and I certainly don't think there's much point in engaging in the impossible task of trying to tie the hands of a future Congress, but worrying about the future deficit isn't insane. What's nuts is recognizing, just for a moment, that contractionary policies are contractionary, and then forgetting about it 5 seconds later.
And, yes, this is the analysis of them as stupid actors. They could all just be evil, lying about deficit concerns in order to steal money from poor and middle class people in order to give it to rich people.
I really didn't ever get a handle on how their brains could so easily manage to function while processing these contradictory things. If more of them were advocating more spending now it wouldn't be such a contradiction. I don't think the long term deficit is a giant problem, and I certainly don't think there's much point in engaging in the impossible task of trying to tie the hands of a future Congress, but worrying about the future deficit isn't insane. What's nuts is recognizing, just for a moment, that contractionary policies are contractionary, and then forgetting about it 5 seconds later.
And, yes, this is the analysis of them as stupid actors. They could all just be evil, lying about deficit concerns in order to steal money from poor and middle class people in order to give it to rich people.
Gambling Our Way To Prosperity
We're number 2!!! Woo-hoo!!
I get the desire for casinos when you have a local monopoly on them and you can expect significant revenues from outsiders. But when they're everywhere...
I get the desire for casinos when you have a local monopoly on them and you can expect significant revenues from outsiders. But when they're everywhere...
Power Fantasies
A little part of their brains thinks that their guns give them superpowers, a degree of invincibility and omnipotence.
But, see, they're the good guys with the guns, not the bad guys, so it's all good.
But, see, they're the good guys with the guns, not the bad guys, so it's all good.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Global Warming Sucks
On nice days, warmer weather in the winter is better. But 30 and snowing is preferable to 40 and raining.
It's actually quite a miracle that all the Philadelphia trolley lines weren't ripped out. The reason is pretty basic. Most are attached to a valuable piece of infrastructure - tunnels - that couldn't be converted to bus use. Ripping them out would seriously strain the capacity of bridges over the river and put way too much bus traffic (there's too much already) on Market Street.
So we keep our trolleys. For now.
Happy To Try
As I've said, I'm not super-optimistic that any likely to be implemented laws will have a big impact on future gun violence, but I'm certainly happy to applaud any effort to try. President seems to be a bit more in "going big" mode which is welcome.
Not Sure How To Say This
But one doesn't have to travel very far on the internet to find some very angry slightly unhinged people for whom gun ownership and fetishization is a major part of their identity. I do not think bringing the president's daughters into this conversation in any way was a good idea.
Cautiously optimistic that my governor's plan won't be the Worst Thing Ever, but that's a pretty low bar.
SEPTA is basically a legacy system. It's old. It needs money. I don't think the combined commuter rail/subway/trolley rail system is as critical for the city as similar systems are in, say, Boston or Chicago, but it's pretty key. About 750,000 weekday trips on the system. You could yank out a line here or there and it wouldn't be catastrophic, but the system needs to function for the city to function. There's no place for all those cars, even if people could afford them.
SEPTA is basically a legacy system. It's old. It needs money. I don't think the combined commuter rail/subway/trolley rail system is as critical for the city as similar systems are in, say, Boston or Chicago, but it's pretty key. About 750,000 weekday trips on the system. You could yank out a line here or there and it wouldn't be catastrophic, but the system needs to function for the city to function. There's no place for all those cars, even if people could afford them.
Likely Felons
It's insane how pregnant women are treated in this country. Even if they're not actually being arrested, they're judged for every move they make and everything they ingest.
I've never really understood why so many members of the Democratic leadership are so committed to Social Security cuts. Matt's is the best I've seen.
You've got this big scheme to levy taxes on working people who are participating in The Economy and transfer money to people who've dropped out of The Economy. They take that money and use it to pay the electricity bill and buy a cookie for their grandkids. If they didn't get that money, they'd probably have to work longer and spend more years being part of The Economy. And they'd have to spend their working years being thriftier, and amassing more savings that (via the magic of the financial system) finance private sector investments in The Economy. So not only would lower taxes on The Economy spur more growth, but the mere fact of not sending your grandma those checks is good for The Economy. The Economy thrives on incentives (if you work, we'll give you money) and desperation (if you want money, you have to work) and Social Security is a double-wammy, reducing the incentives of workers and reducing the desperation of the elderly.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
I Wasn't Being Flippant!
If lead created a bunch of violent felons, then it certainly caused a lot of other behavioral issues. And I do suspect we don't live quite as much in the 'every night at the bar ends in a bar fight' world that I suspect was a bit more prevalent a few decade ago.
Get A Shovel, It's Ready
I know we're long past debating the stimulus, which was EXACTLY AS BIG AS IT NEEDED TO BE thankyouverymuch, but my local transit authority has plenty of immediate needs. Immediate as in 10 years ago. Bits of it are kept together with chewing gum. Starting in summer, the Norristown High Speed Line will not, in fact, go all the way to Norristown because the bridge has reached the end of its life. I'm pretty sure that there are a couple of engineers who can't sleep at night because they're worrying about City Hall station collapsing entirely, bringing City Hall with it.
Money's cheap. Borrow it. Spend it.
Bad Ideas That Never Die
It's politically impossible to increase the gas tax, but voters will love an expensive privacy-invading exciting new tax which won't be mostly invisible like the gas tax is. One more monthly bill to pay. Exciting!!!
Monday, January 14, 2013
In case there was any doubt Rick Scott was a supervillain.
TALLAHASSEE — Shortly after winning the GOP nomination in 2010, Rick Scott announced to the world through Facebook that his family had rescued a Labrador Retriever.
And, with help from his Facebook friends, Scott gave it a name: Reagan
So the Scotts gave the dog back to his prior owner, Scott said, about a month after the family moved to Tallahassee. The governor's office on Monday told the Times it was trying to find Reagan and its new family.
Celebrity And Privacy
I didn't see her speech and am not interested in commenting on the Jodie Foster issue specifically at the moment, but generally I do think there are different types of "celebrities." There are people who act in TV and movies and who, given the nature of the beast, are obligated to engage in some promotion and self-promotion to further those projects, but who otherwise don't really trade on their image (including fashion and gossip). They're actors. Fame comes with the territory, but fame isn't really their thing. They don't have their publicists using the tabloids and similar to keep their names out there, to be famous because they're famous. They want to work as actors and make money at it.
And then there are the people who do exploit the whole gossip-tabloid-fame-celebrity thing, who use every tool in their arsenal, including their personal lives, in order to promote themselves. There's nothing wrong with that, but they have made a choice which limits their claims to privacy.
So, yes, even famous actors deserve their privacy. Unless they decide they don't.
And then there are the people who do exploit the whole gossip-tabloid-fame-celebrity thing, who use every tool in their arsenal, including their personal lives, in order to promote themselves. There's nothing wrong with that, but they have made a choice which limits their claims to privacy.
So, yes, even famous actors deserve their privacy. Unless they decide they don't.
The Bridge Crowd
No tunnels, but Old City is currently where the bridge crowd has decided the late night urban playground is. I have no idea where the people involved are from, but there's a general 'get fucked up and anything goes' atmosphere there.
F The Deficit
The additional maddening thing is that if you fix the jobs problem you largely fix the deficit problem. The reverse is not true. If you "fix" the deficit you kill the jobs.
Density Isn't Enough
Dense auto-centric development gives you all of the downsides of density but none of the upsides. Walkability requires building places people will actually want to walk. You need sidewalks and neighborhood retail.
Gun Nuttery
I understand the belief - though it's wrong! - that given the number of guns out there the safe thing to do is own a gun for protection. It's wrong because, you know, accidents happen and people have a nasty habit of killing their family members when the tools are available.
But the idea that more guns for everybody is better is just nuts.
But the idea that more guns for everybody is better is just nuts.
Lots of us have obsessions. Many of those obsessions are generally harmless, and we manage to not let those obsessions overtake our lives. But there's a problem with being obsessed with a death machine. There's a nontrivial chance that obsession will end in tragedy.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sunday Crass Commercialism
I'd recommend Fringe for people who like that sort of thing. It starts off as an "monster of the week" kinda show but eventually the writers say fuck it and become heavily invested in an ongoing plot arc. It isn't a perfect sci-fi show. There are dropped and unresolved plots (well, finale is next week so who knows), but the overall mythology is far more coherent than the X-Files was and much less random than I understand (didn't see) Lost's was. The general difficulties of maintaining a coherent plot arc for 22 or so episodes per year are present, but overall it's pretty good sci-fi nerdery.

And it's lasted about as long as it should. I like the show so it'll be a bit of a shame when it's gone, but it has probably run its course.
And it's lasted about as long as it should. I like the show so it'll be a bit of a shame when it's gone, but it has probably run its course.
I really hope this is just the Treasury and Fed giving each other cover (that's not awesome either) rather than the Fed deciding it has the authority to determine which bits of legal tender the Treasury can and can't deposit into its account.
Whether Platy was a good idea for various other reasons, it's clearly legal and almost certainly more legal than the other options if the Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling.
Whether Platy was a good idea for various other reasons, it's clearly legal and almost certainly more legal than the other options if the Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling.
It's Just A Cut
People who argue that the chained CPI is more accurate for the purpose of calculating cost of living changes for the elderly are just lying, and they know they're lying. It might be a more accurate measure of CPI as a whole - no real opinion on that - but there's no reason to think it's a more accurate measure of the cost of living that retired people face.
It's just a cut, and a dishonest one.
It's just a cut, and a dishonest one.
I don't know whether you've seen this, but Aaron Swartz killed himself on Friday, at the age of 26. He was a hacker, epitomizing hackerdom. See danah boyd.
Fake Problems
Just the occasional reminder that we spend most our time creating and occasionally solving fake problems instead of dealing with real ones. People need jobs. People need decent health care. There's been an increase in catastrophic weather events. We're a country of immense wealth. These things shouldn't be hard.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Treasury Says This Isn't Change We Can Believe In
Treasury sez no platinum coin.
On to the illegal alternatives.
On to the illegal alternatives.
From the Fever Swamps to the Teevee
Krgthulu with Bill Moyers.
There are only a couple phrases I'm sure I've coined - instead of ripped off from others - and I'm not 100% sure VSP is mine, though there's a good chance it is.
PAUL KRUGMAN: Well, there are I think two, two levels of opposition. And one of them is just raw politics. We have a powerful political movement in this country that has a longstanding goal of rolling back all of the social programs, all the safety net that we've created. They want smaller government. They want reduced public services. Even the idea of public schools is very much under attack. They want it all to be switched to a system of vouchers. And they see this, you and I see a disaster, they see an opportunity. Here we have cash strapped state and local government. Good. Forced to cut back in government. They don't want to do anything that will make it easier for them to, for government as we know it to continue. That movement controls one political party. And that political party controls one house of Congress. And that is enough to stand in the way of a lot of things we ought to be doing. Then there's the second level, which is this odd coalescence of, I picked up the phrase from other people. Actually, from the blogger Duncan Black. "Very Serious People," capital V, capital S, capital P.
There are only a couple phrases I'm sure I've coined - instead of ripped off from others - and I'm not 100% sure VSP is mine, though there's a good chance it is.
From The Fever Swamps To The Teevee
Krgthulu will be debating someone about the platinum coin on This Week tomorrow.
Still, as is always the case, the people who want to destroy the world (fail to lift debt ceiling) are treated more seriously than the people who want to save it (mint coint).
Still, as is always the case, the people who want to destroy the world (fail to lift debt ceiling) are treated more seriously than the people who want to save it (mint coint).
Presumably the appropriate security response to an aggressive acting crazy person is to call the cops and arrest him.
How else did this guy think this would end?
How else did this guy think this would end?
Friday, January 11, 2013
On The Nature Of Money
So Senate Dems are worried about the politics of the coin - though they wouldn't fight it - and Republicans have started referring to it as the magic coin.
It probably will be bad politics, because lots of people don't understand money and the reporters who do will pretend not to understand.
Creating money from nothing is what the Fed does all of the time. Reporters aren't mystified by that. The Fed has statutory authority to do that. So does the Treasury, though the Treasury can't just push a button and add a zero to the end of their bank balance like the Fed can. They have to mint a platinum coin.
It probably will be bad politics, because lots of people don't understand money and the reporters who do will pretend not to understand.
Creating money from nothing is what the Fed does all of the time. Reporters aren't mystified by that. The Fed has statutory authority to do that. So does the Treasury, though the Treasury can't just push a button and add a zero to the end of their bank balance like the Fed can. They have to mint a platinum coin.
I know all the serious people hate the coin idea, but the more I think about it the more convinced I am it's actually the only legal/constitutional path forward. Just what does unilaterally mean?
I don't buy the 14th amendment argument. I don't see how issuing IOUs isn't just violating the debt ceiling in another way. It's not clear that there's legal authority for prioritizing spending or not spending what Congress has said to spend.
All that's left is the coin.
I don't buy the 14th amendment argument. I don't see how issuing IOUs isn't just violating the debt ceiling in another way. It's not clear that there's legal authority for prioritizing spending or not spending what Congress has said to spend.
All that's left is the coin.
Everybody Had Their Own Reason
There were about 20 different reasons for invading Iraq, none of them good or true. Still back then it was people like me who were treated as lunatics. The Iraq war turned out to be a bigger disaster most of us imagined, and yet we've all just agreed to move on. Bygones.
Yes, drug dependency is an issue to be concerned about. But another issue to be concerned about is, you know, pain. People in pain deserve to have that pain ameliorated. Pain sucks.
Generation Lead
I don't think my little take on the lead-crime link gets enough attention. If we believe that the crime boom was due to lead exposure, then we also need to consider the impact that lead had on a range of asshole behavior that didn't show up in crime statistics.
Lead made people violence-prone assholes, but not all violence-prone assholes are convicted criminals. They're just violence-prone assholes we have to deal with in our daily lives. Some of them are probably in charge of important things.
Lead made people violence-prone assholes, but not all violence-prone assholes are convicted criminals. They're just violence-prone assholes we have to deal with in our daily lives. Some of them are probably in charge of important things.
Share The Bike
Some sort of bike sharing program will arrive in the urban hellhole at some point if the stars align correctly. Philly's a good biking city. It's flat. Most streets are one way (pay attention, bike salmon). Outside of central center city, roughly Market St. to Pine, the busiest bits of West Philly, and a couple of additional mostly avoidable thoroughfares, there really isn't all that much traffic.
Having said that, I'm personally a bit fearful of urban biking, but I'd use it sometimes if they put some bikes near me.
Having said that, I'm personally a bit fearful of urban biking, but I'd use it sometimes if they put some bikes near me.
Lots of people seem to spend a lot of time fantasizing about what they would do if they had a gun and a Bad Guy showed up. Likewise, lots of people spend a lot of time fantasizing about what they would do if they won the lottery.
I'd bet that of the incredibly miniscule number of people whose Dreams Come True in either regard, an even smaller number of them have it all work out for them happily ever after.
I'd bet that of the incredibly miniscule number of people whose Dreams Come True in either regard, an even smaller number of them have it all work out for them happily ever after.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Is Our Central Bankers Learning
Have had many bad things to say about Kocherlakota here on this fine blog, but apparently he's capable of learning.
Not optimistic that any "sensible" monetary policy can do much (giving us all free money would!) but it's at least somewhat encouraging if the people in charge recognize that there's a problem.
Not optimistic that any "sensible" monetary policy can do much (giving us all free money would!) but it's at least somewhat encouraging if the people in charge recognize that there's a problem.
But They Don't Care About The Deficit
I'm sure Krugman knows this, but it's good to regularly point out that the deficit scolds don't care about the deficit. They care about tax cuts for rich people, stealing from Social Security, and kicking the poors and the olds, all while taxing poor and middle class people enough to keep the defense industry rich.
In other words, the Republican agenda.
In other words, the Republican agenda.
Somewhere Else
One thing about suburban crime is that it's rarely in your town. A lot of people live in Philadelphia, and every day people hear about some crime on the news. But crime in suburbs is reported as happening in various small municipalities.
The point I'm trying to make is that people will long associate crime with the city, in part because of how it's communicated. Lots of stuff happens in a place with lots of people...
The point I'm trying to make is that people will long associate crime with the city, in part because of how it's communicated. Lots of stuff happens in a place with lots of people...
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