Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Blue Or Orange?
Fonts matter, too, of course, as do colors. Some writers ornament their words with orange, an obvious sign of intellectual stagnation. Cooler colors, such as baby blue, or powder blue, or even light blue, communicate the kind of seriousness that a serious writer needs to convey.
A writer at the peak of his powers will limit himself to 140 characters, with perhaps one associated link. Invective is important, as is frequent if calculated use of profanity. An occasional appearance of cats is the true signal of genius, as are pictures of grilled crustaceans.
The road traveled by the powder blue, cat-obsessed, crustacean crunching, one-liner generating author is the path that all others must follow. The ridiculousness of everyone else is apparent, their lack of humility on display.
Not Sure How Much It Really Matters
The Republican congressional delegation -- particularly the members of the House -- are completely creatures of the base. They are former state legislators and state senators who got elected to those offices espousing ideas that likely were further out there than the ones they're spouting now. In large part, they were raised within the base's political structures, both inside and outside of government. They are the product of a closed information society, with its own history and its own science and its own truth. To borrow a line from Jack Nicholson in The Last Detail, the Republican members of the House are the fking base, motherfker. They're not asking for permission to do the right thing, and they're certainly not waiting for this president to provide it. They're not posing. They are not doing what they're told. They're doing what they believe.
Gay People Are Everywhere!!!
The Otter Menace
My exposure to otters was to... giant otters. Those things are freaking scary.
Obedience and Control
Almost Verbatim Governor Corbett
Do Not Point And Laugh
Broussard didn't just say Jesus doesn't like gayness or that being gay was a sin, he said a gay person couldn't be a Christian. All kinds of sinners welcome, well almost all...
Who Matters
The White House would not respond to a request for comment. Bill Burton, a former deputy White House press secretary for Obama, did not respond directly to Democrats’ concerns about the president’s move on entitlements.
”There is no doubt that Karl Rove and his allies will spend millions of dollars lying about what the President’s budget means in terms of the economic health of our country,” Burton, now a strategist for the Democratic public affairs firm Global Strategy Group, wrote in an email. “What we don’t know is just how much Democratic donors are going to stand up to those lies.”
Monday, April 29, 2013
Fancy Me

Mussels, 5 different ways.
He isn't totally wrong in that some restaurants do take more than they should away from pedestrians, but I'd prefer erring on the side of more outdoor seating rather than less. And it just isn't that important.
I Have No Idea
It's another reason why a public option was key. Yes, of course, for liberals like me this was "stealth" single payer. Make a decent public option and eventually the rest of the system would whither away. But it was also important to make sure the administration had the power to make Obamacare good.
Reporters Drive
It'll All Be Obamacare
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Austerity Forever
Elite fail.
Time For Lunch?
This week, instead of my count, his summary:
This week's compilation includes: three police-involved accidents, two of which occurred during gun training classes; three "home invasion shootings"( i.e., when one Patriot elects to share a Liberty Projectile with a neighbor, via a Freedom Wall, Window, Floor or Ceiling); five accidents while cleaning loaded guns; three hunting accidents; one concealed carry ninja who shot himself taking his gun out of his pocket, and one who was shot by a child reaching into his pocket. And speaking of the kids, there were nine victims of GunFAIL this week, aged 10 months, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 and 14. You may have noticed that that's not nine ages. It was a particularly rough week for the 10-year-olds, of which we lost two, and saw one wounded.
Stories of particular note this week include that of the second Carolinian to leave a gun behind in a New York hotel this month; a tee-ball rage shooting; the opening of turkey hunting season (resulting in the shooting of two turkey hunters and an undetermined number of turkeys), and; a potential Idiot Hall of Fame entry involving the Florida man (of course) who tried to convert his BB gun to .40-caliber using nothing but household tape and American Exceptionalism. Why have a firing chamber? Why have a barrel? Let's cut out the middle man! Sure, it sounds stupid and you'll end up wounding yourself, but let's face it, put a suit on that guy and let his stupid idea cost jobs instead of bandages, and he'd be in line for a fat bonus.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
It's All Bad
Yes, Wealthy People
Rich People Problems
Villager Priorities
Of course liberals don't oppose fixing the sequestration for the FAA, they just oppose fixing all the things which give rich people the sads while poor people keep getting kicked.
Still, rich and poor alike, will no longer be inconvenienced on the tarmac.
And, yes, I know not everybody who flies is "rich" but they're disproportionately wealthy.
Rich People Problems
Because America.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Owning It
And it is a fucked up medical system.
Maybe Somebody Should Do Something?
Talking about jobs won't create them, but it wouldn't hurt either.
Keep It Simple Stupid
I Think I'll Spend The Day Ignoring Be Nice To Bush Day
The full employment fairy will help, if it ever arrives, but I'm just not sure it can when we have a nation of low wage workers and a political class who has no understanding of what that's like.
Seeing The Future
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Vo Dilun - Now A Bit More Fabulous
The state Senate voted 26 to 12 Wednesday to allow same-sex couples to marry in Rhode Island as early as Aug. 1. The bills, the latest in a long-line of gay marriage bills dating back to 1996, now go to the House, which voted 51 to 19 earlier this year to pass an earlier version of one of the bills.
Concerns Of The Elite
Everybody Knows How It Should Be Done
Use it as an excuse to create stuff that will be useful when the games are gone. Now I don't have much faith in the ability of local authorities to actually manage it, but that's the way to do it.
The Real Problem
They don't even pretend to care about unemployment.
Crossfire With Gingrich And Cutter
A Mile Isn't Far
A budget deficit that was more than 10 percent of GDP in 2009 is on track to be about half that this year. “The federal budget deficit is shrinking rapidly,” writes Jan Hatzius, the chief economist of Goldman Sachs, in an April 10 report. Goldman estimates that in the first three months of 2013 the deficit was running at 4.5 percent of GDP, and they forecast a deficit of 3 percent of GDP or less in the 2015 fiscal year. Hatzius adds that “there is still a great deal of room for the economic recovery to reduce the deficit for cyclical reasons.”Source: Goldman Sachs
In other words, if policymakers can just not blow it and keep the recovery on track, that alone will do a good bit of the heavy lifting of deficit reduction.Maybe not. Because, of course, nobody cares about the deficit (© atrios).
Via @deficitowl: "Run deficits, stupid."
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Horse Trading
Filibuster+extreme partisanship from Republicans+no earmarks=nothing good. The alternative isn't pretty, but it's prettier than what we have.
Free To Be Just Like Me
Striking statements were made by one of Europe's most powerful men on Monday night, when European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said the strict austerity measures thus far imposed on the EU's beleaguered economies may have reached their political limits.
Although this policy is "fundamentally right," it has nevertheless "reached its limits," he told a conference in Brussels. "A policy, to be successful, not only has to be properly designed, it has to have the minimum of political and social support," he added.
Translation: a policy which increased prosperity and caused much less economic suffering would be wrong, but have more support.
Monday, April 22, 2013
They Make Me Feel I'm Falling Down
All good people in DC agree that failure to pass them is all due to Obummer not giving enough pretty speeches about the topic, which is silly. On the other hand, I'm sure Obama could do more. Pretty speeches won't do it, but breaking some knuckles (metaphorically) might. If only that mythical Rahmbo hardball could be employed against anyone other than the Professional Left.
Useful Map
I'm always amused when xenophobic Americans get enraged that they aren't free to travel everywhere without some bureaucracy, especially when a big reason countries require visas from us is that we make it a giant pain in the ass for their citizens to travel here.
I forget which countries (Japan? Norway?), but a couple of times I've been hit with cash only exit fees. That's annoying!
Why Did Driving Increase So Much?
Why Do People Start Smoking These Days?
This is probably a good idea, but no strong feelings on the subject.
Feeling It At You
Though facts are stupid things, I suppose.
Good morning
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Loving Terrorists, Especially The Muslim Ones
And on and on.
Good To Know
WASHINGTON (AP) — Boston Mayor Tom Menino says information he has indicates that the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing acted alone.
I got your linkage right here
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Can You Imagine?
Echoes Of The Good Old Days
Gideon's Folly
Also, too, mass unemployment and suffering.
Everything Is Horrible
Morning Thread
Probably won't need that second cuppa.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Thursday Crass Commercialism
Order it or the blog gets it.
Follow the Money
...adding, I think one of my PhD advisers, who has since passed away, was an exception to this. He thought (rightly!) that everyone is corrupt. Degrees of corruption, sure, but we all have our price...
From Reddit to the Feds to the Media
Owning It
Not entirely fair, but not entirely unfair either. There was another way.
8 Home Games
Investing In The Future
ATHENS — As an elementary-school principal, Leonidas Nikas is used to seeing children play, laugh and dream about the future. But recently he has seen something altogether different, something he thought was impossible in Greece: children picking through school trash cans for food; needy youngsters asking playmates for leftovers; and an 11-year-old boy, Pantelis Petrakis, bent over with hunger pains.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Speaking Of Journalisming
Several times I've had journalists tell me that they'd out lying sources. I have only seen this happen once.
Any Excuse To Kick The Poors
There is a simple solution to problems - here and in Europe - at the moment. Give people free money. Easy and popular!
But beatings are more fun.
Fortunately There's A Policy For That
Unemployment jumped by 70,000 in the three months to the end of February and pay rises registered the lowest increase since 2001, adding to the mounting pressure on George Osborne to adopt a more aggressive growth strategy.
He doesn't have any growth strategy. He has a destroy the economy and lives strategy.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Beatings Will Continue
The Border
Contractionary Policy Is Contractionary
The IMF has suggested that George Osborne should relax his austerity plans in the light of Britain's poor growth. As the Press Association reports, the IMF cut its growth forecasts for the UK in a report issued at lunchtime. It cut this year's forecast growth from 1% to 0.7% and 2014's projection from 1.9% to 1.5% as it noted the recovery was "progressing slowly".
Monday, April 15, 2013
Nothing To Do With Me
What Are People Supposed To Do
Just what do our glorious rulers think you should do?
The New Normal
Warning Signs
And austerity is here.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
My Cunning Plan
Smart rich people could also give me lots of money, but that wouldn't require this particular grift.
Innovations in Testing
New York public school students and parents are, by now, accustomed to standardized tests. But a pall has settled over classrooms across the state because this year’s tests, which begin Tuesday, are unlike any exams the students have seen. They have been redesigned and are tougher. And they are likely to cover at least some material that has yet to make its way into the curriculum.
The sink-or-swim approach is of particular concern to students (and their parents) in the fourth and seventh grades, whose scores could determine where they go to middle or high school in 2014. “It really makes me nervous,” said Patrick Timoney, a seventh grader at Intermediate School 2, on Staten Island. “It’s a big deal and if you don’t get a good grade, it’s not the best.”
Statistically speaking, city officials said, people should not worry too much about falling marks because everyone is taking the same new tests. Schools, students and teachers will be judged against one another.
As Shael Polakow-Suransky, the city’s chief academic officer, told parents on Staten Island: “Everyone is in the same boat.”
Some students have nicer boats, as in the greater parental involvement and private tutors that wealthier kids are more likely to have.
Economy's Great, At Least For The Prettiest Flowers
This "doom and gloom" message isn't productive. I was let go back in August '11 and unemployed for nearly a year and got a job with another employer. I differentiated myself during the process and made sure they knew I was going to be an asset. Applying online isn't enough. You have to research the companies you want to work for and try and find a contact (a real person that works there) and show your value to them (reach out via email). Just have to be creative and stand out. This article's message makes it seem like you should just give up finding work after 6 months. Be different and you'll get a job.
If you manage to do everything just right, and differentiate yourself from all of the losers who won't get jobs, then you too can manage to only be unemployed for "nearly a year" with a bit of luck. No doom and gloom at all!
Got It Right The First Time
Let's be clear. Ghayad's field study shows employers discriminate against the long-term unemployed. All of the fake resumes he sent out were basically identical. But firms ignored the ones from people who'd been out of work for six months or longer -- even when they had better credentials. Employers look at how long you've been unemployed as a better proxy for skills than anything else on your resume. In other words, more jobs-training probably won't help the long-term unemployed all that much. Even a stronger economy will only help them years in the future, rather than many years in the future.
It's time for the government to start hiring the long-term unemployed. Or, at the least, start giving employers tax incentives to hire the long-term unemployed. The worst possible outcome for all of us is if the long-term unemployed become unemployable. That would permanently reduce our productive capacity.
Only employers who pay people lots of money to spend their days figuring out how to take advantage of tax incentives take advantage of tax incentives. We need to pay people to do stuff. There is no shortage of useful stuff to be done.
Austerity Bites
Benevolent technocrats are like unicorns.
Or not. Goering inevitably comes to mind....
With cat metaphors!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Always Some Extra Wrongness
It's a local story here, so there's been complete coverage of it, though there was a lot of time between the grand jury report and the now ongoing trial. But, yeah, local horrific inner city crime story. These types of things usually get big national play when America's Assignment Editor, Matt Drudge, brings them to the attention of our media.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Occasional Reminder
I point this out because I think many people really believe the program is a lot more generous than that. I regularly get surprised responses when I point it out. Not from you, dear readers, because you are smarter than the average Villager. And I hate Obama for making me almost link to a Juan Williams columns on Fox News defending Greg Walden for being fucking right. Which he is.
Austerity Bites
Yes, Illegal Abortions In Unsanitary Conditions Are Bad
Bigger Than Jesus
Maybe Some More Austerity?
(Reuters) - U.S. retail sales contracted in March for the second time in three months and consumer confidence tumbled in April, a sign that tax hikes early this year have stolen momentum from the American economy.
I'm sure if we kick the olds and poors a bit more everything will turn around.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Very Serious People
The War On People On The Margins
The problem with America now is, apparently, that the officially disabled have it too good.
Greg Johnson Is Correct
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
If We Don't Do It, They Will
No this never made any sense.
Nobody Could Have Predicted
Wednesday Crass Commercialism
Grover Johnson Is Correct
Saturday Mail Delivery Is Saved
I've been a bit puzzled by this one. I doubt Republicans really want to kill the post office. Or, at least, they would also miss it when it's gone. They're not always so good at understanding the consequences of their actions.
How Does That Happen
Uh, Duh?
"Accuracy" is just their con.
Humpday morning
So, yes, when it comes to some basic understanding of what the government should do, there's no red America or blue America, there's just the United States of America, and we don't want to destroy Social Security just so "we" can "compete" with China to be even more of a slave-labor nation than they are.
Social Security is good for us. It keeps money being injected into the economy, circulating and creating more positive activity. Never mind even that it also keeps old people from dying in our streets, it keeps money out there creating jobs. It's part of our real national security structure.
Social Security really does protect our freedoms, more certainly than the Department of Defense ever can.
Don't let them break it.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Not A Trade They Care About
Having Democrats OWN cutting Social Security, that's a different story....
How Things Work
And the reward for this responsibility? Tax cuts for rich people.
That's how this game works.
On A Pogo Stick
Mrs. Thatcher’s prescription for Britain in the 1980s — faith in market forces, willingness to impose short-term austerity in the service of long-term prosperity, and skepticism or even hostility to the fiscal and social costs of the welfare state — prefigured some of the policies Germany and European regulators are still recommending, wrongly in the view of many economists, for the struggling Southern European countries.
But few of those nations, even in the hard-hit southern tier, have shown the political strength or will to face down the entrenched forces — unions, state-owned enterprises, encrusted political elites — that Mrs. Thatcher did, and the crisis drags on without resolution.
Or, you know, THE FUCKING BANKS.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Nice Work
One day I hope to join the 9 figure severance package club
....ah BI got this wrong. Actually rather small relative to the norm of these things.
If I Could
The Death Of A Famous Person Is An Opportunity For Me To Chastize My Political Opponents
Stupid Tricks
Because They Don't Care
We also need daycare and universal pre-k in this country. Not a plan to provide incentives to encourage investment with subsidies on a sliding scale blah blah blah. Daycare. Pre-k.
Give people goodies. Make it happen.
Sunday, April 07, 2013
An Actual Nice Day
Wandered around the urban hellhole for a few hours. Much more foot traffic than expected in many areas, which is good. Cities are made of people and it's healthy to see people out and about all over the place.
An Election About Nothing
Democratic Party officials believe that Kevin Strouse is exactly the kind of candidate who can help them retake the House next year.
He’s a smart, young former Army Ranger — good qualities for any aspiring politician. But what party leaders really like is that Strouse doesn’t have particularly strong views on the country’s hottest issues.
They like it so much they brag about it to reporters.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
Afternoon Thread
2) ???
3) profit!
All in it together, rich and poor alike. Not.
And by the way, if you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the volume, consider that CDC statistics on unintentional firearms injuries (which of course don't count near misses, forgotten guns, etc. the way we count them) for 2011 counted 14,675 incidents, which comes out to just over 282 such injuries each week. Which means the 35 or so accidental gunshot injuries I listed as having happened during the past week represent only about 12.5% of those we can statistically expect to have actually occurred.
Friday, April 05, 2013
How The World Works
I've never quite known what to make of this. I mean, yeah, parts of the Dem base tend to not vote as much as they should in non-presidential election years. Perhaps the people who collect and earn millions of dollars to run campaigns should figure out how to reach these people? Perhaps all the consultants who are convinced House races should be local personality-driven affairs should make the obvious inference that the difference between these elections and presidential-year elections is that the latter are run on nationwide party-wide themes and policies? If these people matter, perhaps you should stop punching them?
It's offered up as a rebuke to complaining liberals. Basically: it's the fault of you people! You didn't vote. Well, you know, I voted, not that Bob Brady needed my vote. I imagine just about every liberal person engaged in politics online voted. A few might have been pissed off enough not to, but these are basically phantom people. Pissed off internet political junkies who stayed home didn't swing a single election.
What I do remember about 2010 was that nobody was even trying. Vote Dem because.... (???) And, look, I'm on team D. They're still less evil than the other guys. I can make the case for voting Dem. The people whose job it was to make that case? They didn't bother to try.
And in another Friedman Unit
If, in six months, it is clear the economy is tanking due to austerity, will anyone in charge want to do anything about it?
Elderly Republican Voters Enraged By President's Plan To Cut Social Security
Blogging In The Glorious Age Of The Kenyan Muslim Socialist Revolution
Where I, personally, stand on the firebagger-Obot spectrum I don't really know, but I've never been particularly annoyed with people who, roughly speaking, like Obama more than I do or dislike him more than I do. I don't think they're naive, or idiots, or acting in bad faith generally. I just think they see things a bit differently than I do. They might be proved more fucking right than me on some things, and on others they just have different priorities. All that's fine with me.
But I get a lot of accusations of acting in bad faith and of having views I don't have an have never expressed. For lefties, yes, I admit it, I think President Obama was a better choice than President Romney. I think there are scenarios one can map out that suggest the opposite which aren't crazy. I think those scenarios are/were wrong, but not entirely crazy. For Obama partisans, the fact that the president has been talking about chained CPI forever, and I voted for him, doesn't mean that I can't be annoyed that he put it in an aspirational budget document.
I've been writing about Fear of A Grand Bargain forever. It's not like I just woke up to this stuff this morning.
Same As It Ever Was
Thursday, April 04, 2013
The Madness Of The Madness
Mr. Obama appears to be leaning toward approval of the pipeline, although he did not specifically mention it to the donors. But he acknowledged that it is difficult to sell aggressive environmental action to Americans who are still struggling in a difficult economy to pay bills, buy gas and save for retirement.
“You may be concerned about the temperature of the planet, but it’s probably not rising to your number-one concern,” Mr. Obama said. “And if people think, well, that’s shortsighted, that’s what happens when you’re struggling to get by.”
How about not approving the pipeline and actually doing something that would actually help the economy. Or help people nearing retirement. Hey, cancel some goddamn student debt.
Transfer Fees Are Stupid
The Worst Place In the World
Shacking Up
Three of four women in the U.S. have lived with a partner without being married by the age of 30, an increasing trend that suggests cohabitation is now a regular part of family life in the U.S., researchers said.

Obviously we have had job growth and some recovery, but not the recovery we should have (and could have) had.
The Plan Is The Plan
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Better Luck Next Time
What struck me was that there has been an increasing acknowledgment that the 401K experiment was a failure. In response to this there was discussion of improvements to that system that might pay off for current 25-year-olds. Maybe we can re-run the experiment for another couple of generations and see how it works. But we also need to figure out how to deal the victims of this failed experiment. Soon.
Not Very Bright
Who Are We Talking About
Discussions of higher education entirely involve Ivy-level schools. Discussions of the troubles of the "middle class" are about buying New York real estate and affording private school.
And I have no idea how those obsessed with precisely when young women put a ring on it and crank out a baby think that most people in this country right now can even think about supporting a child financially. Want people to get married and have babies? Give them some freaking child care.
The Mark Penn Test
But, yes, please, get some better people...
...link fixed
Busting Out Everywhere
Sins Of Their Own
*Commenter E reminds me he didn't resign as governor, just as chair of the Republican Governors Association.
One harrowing take-away from the report is that no area, it seems, can be entirely safe. Six percent of pedestrians were injured while on a sidewalk. Of those injured on the street, 44 percent used a crosswalk, with the signal, compared with 23 percent who crossed midblock and 9 percent who crossed against the signal. The remaining injuries resulted from a variety of less frequent circumstances, like pedestrians standing in the road while waiting to cross, traffic officers being struck while policing a street, and travelers being hit while getting into or out of a vehicle.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
You and them fight
The Tories have been masterful at turning the middle class against the poor. Take away or ruin the goodies middle class people get from the gov and then point to all the free stuff the poor get (mostly housing benefit). Gonna be a changed country.
Aren't They?
Turning to world domination, 9% think fluoride is added to drinking water for sinister reasons, and 28% believe a shadowy elite are conspiring to form world government.
But almost no one – just 4% of respondents — believes shape-shifting lizard people control the world.
Pretty sure there's something to that lizard people thing, too.
Austerity Forever
Sixty Million Dollars
Am a bit puzzled why they don't push the trolley more. It isn't a one seat ride to center city, but is still an easy trip to make.
Fortunately There's A Policy For That
PARIS — Unemployment in the euro zone rose to yet another record high in the first two months of the year, official data showed Tuesday, providing confirmation that the economy remains in a deep freeze.
There are few areas where the corruption of the national media is more apparent than in its treatment of Social Security. Most of the elite media have made it clear in both their opinion and news pages that they want to see benefits cut. In keeping with this position they highlight the views of political figures who push cuts to the program, treating them as responsible, while those who oppose cuts are ignored or mocked.
"Elite"? I think oligarch fits better:
This is a clear case of the elite lining up together against the bases of both political parties. If the chained CPI were put to a vote of the people it would lose in a landslide. But the elites are prepared to use their control of the political process and the media to do everything they can to push this cut forward.
The battle over the chained CPI provides a great case study in the state of American democracy. We will get to see whether the rich and powerful are able to attack a program that is vital to the security of almost all working people, even when the vast majority in both parties stand against them.
Monday, April 01, 2013
Credit Where Credit Is Due
I get all of the arguments about the politics of things. I've sometimes been on the other side of these arguments, in that I get that "giving money to poor people" is less politically popular than, say, "programs to help poor people help themselves" and thus the latter are more likely to be passed. But at some point people - liberals, and conservative who aren't total assholes - should get that more complicated isn't necessarily better, either in terms of fairness or efficiency. We waste a lot of money on all of this stuff because, I dunno, freedom or centrism or whatever I guess. People get less help for more money.
Simple Solutions To Horrible Problems
There's a shortage of demand because people have no jobs and no money. The simple solution is to give people money. Just give everybody 10 grand.
High School?
Winning April Fools
Click for the embiggening.
What Is An Infrastructure Bank?
At a time when the government can borrow for negative real interest rates.
Waking Up From A Long Crazy
What's long puzzled me is that the issue had any kind of intensity. Change is weird and for a long time gay people barely existed to most people, so I get why why people opposed it. I just never understood why they cared much.
What Could Go Wrong
Wastewater disposal wells like this one are becoming a common landmark in the drilling regions of Texas as the water-intensive practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, continues to spread. In the fracking process, several million gallons of water, combined with sand and chemicals, are sent down a well to break up rock and retrieve oil and gas. Some of the fluid comes back up, along with additional underground water.
Most of this wastewater is trucked to disposal wells and injected thousands of feet underground for permanent storage. But those wells have caused concern about truck traffic, accidents and the possibility for spills and groundwater contamination.