Saturday, May 11, 2013

Burger Justice

Fast food workers deserve dignity.
Organizers say that over a hundred workers joined the St. Louis strike between Wednesday and Thursday. That included a group of Jimmy John’s workers who alleged that management humiliated them by requiring them to hold up signs in public with messages including “I made 3 wrong sandwiches today” and “I was more than 13 seconds in the drive thru.” “Sometimes I walk for more than an hour just to save my train fare so I can spend it on Ramen noodles,” St. Louis Chipotle worker Patrick Leeper said in an e-mailed statement Thursday. “I can’t even think about groceries.”
I've never liked jokes about how humiliating it is to "flip burgers."

If you work, you deserve respect. And also too, healthcare and retirement.

And burger flippers at least can't totally fuck up and ruin the national economy, like derivatives flippers.