Monday, September 30, 2013
About Those Paychecks
Very Silly People
The Precious
I'm not making the argument that Obama is just like a Republican, just making the point that he really hasn't given them much to work with. They've seized on Obamacare because it's the big legislative accomplishment, but they're mostly incoherent (or lying) about why it makes them so mad. It's just the thing they've chosen to rally behind because they really don't have anything else.
I suppose there's Benghazi!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
The Bad, It Breaks
And that's also the case with "gun culture." That isn't actually a real thing. It's a stupid phrase. No your gun is not going to allow you to defend yourself or defend your family. No your love for guns doesn't make you special and immune from criticism. No there's nothing special and manly about hunting. The hunters I knew all brought a case of beer with them to keep them company in their early morning tree stands.
Despite the fact that no one is actually going to take away all of their guns, gun owners are weirdly sensitive that someone might disapprove of their little hobby. As someone who grew up with mostly nerd hobbies it's pretty funny to me. I never had culturally sanctioned hobbies and they didn't involve killing machines.
Catch up
In any case, the kid casualty count is now in the sphere of legitimate controversy.
The rifle association’s lobbying arm recently posted on its Web site a claim that adult criminals who mishandle firearms — as opposed to law-abiding gun owners — are responsible for most fatal accidents involving children. But The Times’s review found that a vast majority of cases revolved around children’s access to firearms, with the shooting either self-inflicted or done by another child.
A common theme in the cases examined by The Times, in fact, was the almost magnetic attraction of firearms among boys. In all but a handful of instances, the shooter was male. Boys also accounted for more than 80 percent of the victims.
Time and again, boys could not resist handling a gun, disregarding repeated warnings by adults and, sometimes, their own sense that they were doing something wrong.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
With Washington barreling toward a government shutdown, a deadlocked Congress entered the final weekend of the fiscal year with no clear ideas of how to avoid furloughs for more than 800,000 federal workers. Millions more could be left without paychecks.Austerity!
...and, according to the twitters, the House GOP demand is a one year delay of Obummercare. shutdown!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Wingnut Welfare
Sen. John McCain has hired Elizabeth O'Bagy, the Syria analyst in Washington who was fired for padding her credentials, The Cable has learned. She begins work Monday as a legislative assistant in McCain's office.
Aside from the fact that at the moment we've all agreed to believe in the fiction that is money, it does have one "real" value - as legal tender, it must be accepted as payments for claimed debt. If you have no debt, money has as much value as people believe it does.
If someone claims you owe them money, they have to accept cash to pay the debt. They can take seashells or beanie babies, too, if they agree to it, but they can't refuse cash and still have a legal claim against you.
For transactions not yet made, cash is worth what the person you're trying to give it to thinks its worth.
Heckuva job, overlords.
The economy might be getting better, but the unemployment rate is still at 7.3%.
No Constitutional Crisis Necessary
Unless, of course, they mint the damn trillion dollar platinum coin which is obviously so crazy and silly unlike the other options which are incredibly serious.
The Obama administration repeatedly had signaled it would not offer a massive federal bailout like the one credited with helping rescue Chrysler and General Motors.
“There is not going to be a bailout,” Democratic U.S. Sen. Carl Levin told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “We have enough problems with the federal deficit. We need to be creative and look at existing programs. There are still some funds there.”
Thursday, September 26, 2013
We'd Better Spy On Everybody Twice
NAIROBI, Kenya — Viewing the deadly siege at a shopping mall in Kenya as a direct threat to its security, the United States is deploying dozens of F.B.I. agents to investigate the wreckage, hoping to glean every piece of information possible to help prevent such a devastating attack from happening again, possibly even on American soil.
It's always about us. Look if there are people willing to get caught and/or die while killing others then there's really nothing that can be done to stop them. It's insane to expend so many resources - also, too, killing people - protecting against low probability events that you can't really stop anyway. If some assholes want to shoot up an American mall, they're going to be able to get the guns and do it. It's that simple.
Pretending To Care
Mint The Damn Coin
And Speaking Of
Goddess knows, I'm not the biggest fan of President Obama's, but when they start playing the race card I wish I could go and vote for him again.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Peak Commute
In a world of ubiquitous cheap taxis, you don’t need nearly as many cars. Since not everyone commutes at the exact same time, any given car can shuttle several different people to work. And the average commuting vehicle can be small enough for a single passenger to sit in comfortably. This smaller number of smaller cars could get by with radically fewer parking spaces.
I just don't really see how you get around the peak commute problem. Sure not everyone commutes at exactly the same time, but despite/as evidenced by peak time congestion people do commute at the same time to a surprising degree. So, yes, sure, the car fleet could be reduced some and parking lots could be at the very least placed elsewhere. But there are good reasons people don't like carpooling which wouldn't really be solved with this type of system.
As long as there's a peak commute time, we're gonna have a lot of cars.
Park-n-Ride Hell
If Only
George Osborne is to take legal action against Brussels over the European Union's proposed move to cap the bonuses of thousands of British-based bankers.
Sky News has learnt that Treasury officials have been considering the move for several months.
A decision to formally challenge Brussels in the courts over measures to restrict bank bonuses echoes a similar legal action launched by the Treasury in April over the EU's proposed financial transactions tax (FTT).
The Kids Today
Regular exercise is good for you. People get dissuaded by the idea that if they don't perform at a certain level they shouldn't bother. When you're first starting out, running feels like dying. The only way you're going to get in a bit of shape is by doing it really slowly. And once you are in a bit of shape, there's no need to set extreme goals. Just keep at it.
Private Contractors
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors have documented at least 350 instances of faulty background investigations done by private contractors and special agents for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management in recent years, illustrating what some lawmakers call systemic weaknesses in the granting of federal security clearances.
We created a surveillance state, and then took away the state part. What could go wrong?
When It Comes To Lying
ooops, seems Atrios already linked to this Digby post. Worth doing it twice!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
When You Have All The Moneys
But these dudes need their fee fees to be respected, they need the lesser beings to worship their awesomeness. The fact that a few people said mean things about them caused them psychic harm. We should remember that it wasn't as if there was mass vilification of these people in the mainstream press or anything. Our Galtian Overlords mostly got the respect they think they deserve. And they still have all the moneys!
What, Not Just Like Being Put In Gas Chambers?
Left on the cutting-room floor: Benmosche’s comments saying the national outrage about AIG’s bonuses was comparable to the lynching of blacks in the South.
The uproar over bonuses “was intended to stir public anger, to get everybody out there with their pitch forks and their hangman nooses, and all that-sort of like what we did in the Deep South [decades ago]. And I think it was just as bad and just as wrong.So nutty AIG paranoia about the potential of hayseeds with pitchforks stringin’ ‘em up is “just as bad and just as wrong” as the actual murder of thousands of black people by hayseeds with pitchforks.
There Is Another Option
Sphere of Deviance
Update: Or, via Anne Laurie, Alex Parene on Bill de Blasio, dirty fucking hippie.
Update 2: Picture via QC,N in comments.
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Guy With The Gun Is The Bad Guy
So all the gun nuts having their feefees hurt because the starbucks guy is asking very nicely for them to not bring their giant external penises into their stores is really just kinda funny. If this trend of proud external penis wearers booms, the result is just going to be... metal detectors in any place that can legally exclude guns. Yay freedom.
Values Voters
I'd also guess that people in their 20s especially tend to have stronger local social networks than they did when I was their age.
There's Always Money In The Banana Stand
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said he’s ready to deploy another long-term refinancing operation to provide funds to Europe’s banking system if needed.
Not that it's necessarily wrong, but "health of the banking system" should not be the ultimate policy goal. Improving the welfare of your citizens should be.
One reason your liberal academy isn't so liberal, even aside from assholes like Cruz.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The abrupt departure of the Coatesville Area School District superintendent and another senior administrator came two weeks after numerous exchanges of inappropriate and racially-charged text messages were discovered on their district-issued cell phones, and multiple sources have indicated that school board officials were not only aware of the exchanges, but were prepared to allow the pair to remain in their positions until the conduct prompted a criminal investigation, the Daily Local News has learned.
Choice Allowed
The four-point gains D.C. public school students achieved citywide on the most recent annual math and reading tests were acclaimed as historic, as more evidence that the city’s approach to improving schools is working.
But the math gains officials reported were the result of a quiet decision to score the tests in a way that yielded higher scores even though D.C. students got far fewer math questions correct than in the year before.
There Has To Be Money There For Someone To Steal It
The Greatest Country In The World
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Joseph Heller Covered This
Major Major’s father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a longlimbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major’s father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen.”
Major Major’s father was an outspoken champion of economy in government, provided it did not interfere with the sacred duty of government to pay farmers as much as they could get for all the alfalfa they produced that no one else wanted or for not producing any alfalfa at all. He was a proud and independent man who was opposed to unemployment insurance and never hesitated to whine, whimper, wheedle and extort for as much as he could get from whomever he could.
Our politics never changes.
Fee Fees
Carry your giant external penis if you need to. Once the rest of us stop being frightened that you're going to kill us, we'll laugh. Because giant external penis.
Happy Hour
Close Call
LONDON — A U.S. hydrogen bomb nearly detonated on the nation’s east coast, with a single switch averting a blast which would have been 260 times more powerful than the device that flattened Hiroshima, a newly published book says.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Don't Give Any Money To Harvard
I guess you can also fight the scourge of campus affirmative-action for the blahs by buying your child a spot in the incoming class.
Friday Crass Commercialism
Also, good shots of my neighborhood.
The End Of Politics
But it doesn't work that way. People who want to destroy the safety net really want to destroy the safety net. People who want to ban abortion really want to ban abortion...and contraception! (Not all anti-choice people, but the movement people.) As long as Social Security exists, the Washington Post will be writing about the need for "entitlement reform." They. Will. Never. Stop.
Give them an inch, and they'll come for the next one, and the next one, and the next one.
And, yes, I get that a big part of the problem is that the compromisers actually support the supposed compromises on the merits, but no one should fool themselves into thinking that the latest Grand Bargain is the end. It's just the beginning.
Did They Think He Was Moses?
These weirdos really do live in an alternate reality.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Bunches Of Turkee
Looking forward to my new show on Fox: Non Sequitur Theater.
Now I know that isn't true in every church and doesn't come from every priest, but it has been the public face of religion in this country for most of my life.
Pope Francis, in the first extensive interview of his six-month-old papacy, said that the Roman Catholic church had grown “obsessed” with preaching about abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and that he has chosen not to speak of those issues despite recriminations from some critics.
I Hate Humanity
No you can't afford to work your way through college anymore. No a STEM degree does not guarantee you riches. No there aren't many good jobs.
I assume some of the assholes I read actually have kids. Well good luck to them. Jeebus.
When in the history of the universe has someone defined "disposable income" as excluding rent. I need a drink.
Morning Thread
The Kids Today
I get enraged when I see people hating on the kids today. You try graduating into this mess.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Legally married same-sex couples have the right to participate in employee benefit plans even if they live in states that don't recognize their union, the Labor Department said Wednesday.
The new guidance means gay spouses enjoy the same federal rights as other married couples when it comes to pensions, 401Ks, health plans and other similar benefits.
Once Obama evolved, and section 3 of DOMA was overturned, they became pretty aggressive about making the changes as real as possible, not just symbolic. Good for them.
Health Care
Or Necessary?
Our Job Is To Read Talking Points And Then Feel Them At You
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
We need policies to fix this, and politicians who understand it. And the fix isn't "everybody get a STEM degree!"
For all but the most highly educated and affluent Americans, incomes have stagnated, or worse, for more than a decade. The census report found that median household income, adjusted for inflation, was $51,017 in 2012, down about 9 percent from an inflation-adjusted peak of $56,080 in 1999, mostly as a result of the longest and most damaging recession since the Depression. Most people have had no gains since the economy hit bottom in 2009.
Mint The Platinum Coin
More Zen
First segment.
That's when I realized all of yesterday's confusion in the reporting (is) not a mistake because sadly the one thing in this country they should have great practice in covering are these horrific shooting tragedies. And there are a ton of really smart people and good journalists who work over at CNN. And this is only five months after the criticism of CNN's chaotic Boston terrorism coverage--including when they announced on air an arrest that had not happened. So my final not initial conclusion is, this is deliberate. The chaos, the vomit on to the screen, the very thing we thought news organizations were created to clarify is a feature, not a bug.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A Couple Hours In Syria Made John McCain An Expert
Of The 13%
The U.S. Census Bureau reported today that 11.4 million married-couple households, or 21 percent of all married-couple households in America in 2011, had at least one spouse born in another country. About 13 percent (7.3 million) of households had two foreign-born spouses, and 7 percent (4.1 million) had one native-born and one foreign-born spouse.
Baby Steps
The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that it was extending minimum wage and overtime protections to the nation’s nearly two million home care workers.
A Terrible Thing
The evidence suggests that Europe’s austerians did a terrible thing, ruining the lives of millions. They will never admit it; they will seize on anything that gives them an out.
Too often policies are seen through the lenses of ideology and positioning. The actual consequences to people are left out.
Put My Bro In The Chair
Gun Safety
Not Enough Inflation
So there isn't enough inflation.
Mail people some checks already.
Serious Question
Monday, September 16, 2013
We Did Everything Right
The Clintonites solved the wrong problem and benefited from the internet boom, the Obamaites failed to address the things (and made them worse) - banksters/foreclosure crisis - that they actually had some money and power to deal with.
Shit is fucked up and bullshit. That might change if we reach full employment any time soon, otherwise...
Guns Kill People
People do dumb things, people go crazy, people get overcome by rage. Absent a projectile killing machine the results would usually be less tragic.
But seriously, don't do that. There is no advantage to being 1/2 second ahead of the competition reporting this stuff. In the age of social media, releasing a false name can really fuck somebody up.
Still Time To Give People Free Money
They're essentially doing it anyway, just doing it in a way which mostly benefits rich people.
The Wisdom Of The Center
The public focus on Obama’s decision-making has obscured something perhaps more important, which is the breakdown of bipartisan foreign policy. Instead of converging in the center around U.S. leadership, the country seems to be converging at the wings, in a shared left-right rejection of the traditional interventionist role. The public overwhelmingly rejects more “wars of choice” in the Middle East to help nations and people who are seen as feckless and ungrateful.
You can think this new American caution is potentially dangerous (as I do), but there’s no arguing that it’s deeply felt and (given the immense cost and almost nonexistent benefits of war in Iraq and Afghanistan) understandable. The question is what a president should do about it.
We must support more wars with immense costs and nonexistent benefits!!! The bipartisan consensus demands it!!!
Please Don't Tell Me To Do The Maths
Digby, What She Said
Furthermore, judging by that polling, it's at least partially President Obama's fault that Christie got such a bump (certainly the second visit was pretty gratuitous) and you'd think for the sake of the Party he'd make some effort to mitigate it. I won't even talk about the foolishness of the New Jersey Democratic Party that can't be bothered. Buono is a progressive, fully in touch with New Jersey voters so naturally Democrats won't waste any time or effort to help get that word out. The establishment is too busy recruiting Republicans to run as Democrats in quixotic races in Red States and spending lots of money to validate right wing talking points. We wouldn't want to change that winning strategy. After all, having Democrats constantly move to the right has worked so well to moderate the Republican Party.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
How Things Work
Sunday Crass Commercialism
I liked the first in the trilogy, Oryx&Crake, though wasn't a huge fan of the second one. Still I'm sure I'll read this one.
Last year, they got a loan modification with Ocwen Financial Corporation. Then they say they got a call, and later a letter, notifying them Ocwen had sold their loan to Nationstar Mortgage. In June, they got a knock at the door."They came and knocked on our door. That's how we found out our house had been sold," said Louise Sinclair.
The Sinclairs say although they hadn't received notice prior to that day, the person at the door told them they had two weeks to leave their house because a company called Sage Equities had bought it in foreclosure. They were expected to pay rent in the meantime.
Companies like Nationstar aren't honoring modifications when they buy mortgage servicing rights. They try to steal the home instead.
This on non-bank servicers like Nationstar.
This on how CFPB found abuse like this as a continuing practice.
Private property rights are theoretical at this point.
Morning Thread
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Afternoon Thread
Starting to get a bit chilly finally.
Boys With Toys
NSA director modeled war room after Star Trek's Enterprise
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
It starts out innocently enough. The banks hire property management companies to determine whether homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments have abandoned their homes and, if so, to secure the vacant property.
It doesn’t always go that way. The Illinois suit accuses the largest company in the industry, Safeguard, of breaking into homes despite evidence of occupancy, damaging and removing personal property, changing locks, cutting off utilities, and bullying occupants into leaving their homes when they have the legal right to stay. In several other states, private lawsuits and complaints to legal aid lawyers have alleged similar abuses.
Morning Thread
It's way too early to start drinking.
(Link to Crooks & Liars, Susie Madrak)
Friday, September 13, 2013
Moment of Zen
And I get that Fox opposes the Syria peace plan because its modus operandi is to foment dissent in the form of a relentless and irrational contrarianism to Barack Obama and all things democratic to advance its ultimate objective of creating deliberately misinformed body politic whose anger, fear mistrust and discontent is the manna on which it sustains its parasitic succubus-like existence.
At 8:36
When It Mattered
I have concluded that [we need] a modest set of changes in the bankruptcy law… [it is] ironic and probably inappropriate that our bankruptcy law is currently contrived so that a wealthy person with a second house receives more protection from his creditors on the second house than a less-wealthy person with only a principal residence receives from his creditors….
Great idea, Larry! What happened to it?
“We would propose that this stuff be included and they kept punting,” said former Rep. Jim Marshall, a moderate Democrat from Georgia who had worked to sway other members of the moderate Blue Dog caucus on the issue.
“We got the impression this was an issue [the White House] would not go to the mat for as they did with health care reform,” said Bill Hampel, chief economist for the Credit Union National Association, which opposed cramdown and participated in Senate negotiations on the issue.
Privately, administration officials were ambivalent about the idea. At a Democratic caucus meeting weeks before the House voted on a bill that included cramdown, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner “was really dismissive as to the utility of it,” said Rep. Lofgren.
Larry Summers, then the president’s chief economic adviser, also expressed doubts in private meetings, she said. “He was not supportive of this.”
The White House and Summers did not respond to requests for comment.
Treasury staffers began conversations with congressional aides by saying the administration supported cramdown and would then “follow up with a whole bunch of reasons” why it wasn’t a good idea, said an aide to a senior Democratic senator.
ChooChoos Elsewhere
Our Media
She's running a fundraiser.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
If I was a parent, the one message I would hope I would manage to communicate is:
Be excellent to each other.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Economy is screwing millennials. They didn't grow up hearing from Republicans and Democrats about how awesome Reagan was and how government sucks. They want more.
It's a similar point to what I was making here, or maybe a good example of that point. I wasn't talking about millennials. I was talking about people like Peter Beinart, people my ageish, who are now more open to recognizing that shit is fucked up and bullshit than they once were. I see plenty of eventhenewrepublic types subtly or not so subtly shifting leftward on their domestic economic policy preferences. You gotta be really rich to send a couple of kids through an elite college. Those 401K balances aren't exactly as high as they're supposed to be. There's a reason the New York Times runs their neverending series on the "plight of the not quite rich enough." That's the "younger" generation and themselves. That's their cohort.
The point is that even among the pretty damn successful, life is harder than it should be and maybe they're starting to extrapolate from that just a bit. I don't like to play the generational war game, because it isn't about blame, but those that came up a bit earlier did, in many ways, have it better. Stable careers, defined benefit pensions, cheap college for their kids, and much cheaper health insurance/care. From what I see, too many of the "olds" don't actually understand that.
This is a class thing, of course. Poverty has been with us forever. I'm not talking about the poors, though hopefully we do spend a bit more time talking about the poors. I'm talking about the people who have succeeded quite nicely by any measure, yet still can't quite afford that nice vacation every few years. The people who thought they'd be on top, yet are discovering things are not nearly as easy as they were supposed to be.
Afternoon Thread
It's a bro's world, after all.
Don't bro me, bro.
Put A Ladybrain In Charge Of The Fed
It is, I think, one reason for the disappointment of some Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008. While it hopefully happens more and more, at the moment the likelihood of women getting close enough to reach the top is just lower. One only has to look at the gender balance of governors and senators, the people who have a realistic shot at getting the nomination, to see this. Of course a similar issue existed for her main opponent at the time.
The Most Trusted Name In News
When A Corporation Does It It's Not Illegal
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's decision to prosecute a major Marcellus Shale natural-gas driller for a 2010 wastewater spill has sent shock waves through the industry.
Bring out the whaaambulance.
"The incident has been fully addressed at the state and federal levels, and this action creates an untenable business climate that will discourage investment in the commonwealth," Kathryn Z. Klaber, president of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, said in a statement.
Everyone Recognizes
We understand this poses a challenge for industry, just as the writing of such a substantial set of mortgage rules by last January posed a significant challenge for our new agency. Had we failed to do so, many key statutory provisions that Congress had enacted in Title XIV of the Dodd-Frank Act would have taken effect in their own right, which everyone recognizes would have been much harder on industry and much worse for the mortgage market.
I know hating on Congress is the new hotness, but they do write laws, not helpful suggestions that regulators then work with the industry they regulate to shape into something less "challenging."
With Lehman +5 approaching, there's no better representation of the mindshare corruption that made our response to the meltdown so inadequate.
The Stupidest Fucking Person In Journalism
Ripping Babies From Incubators
Heckuva job, John Kerry. Also, too, enjoy your meeting with Kissinger on the 40th anniversary of the coup in Chile.
The End Of Bloomberg Liberalism
Hopefully the $250,000/year household crowd stops whining about their taxes and starts realizing that their economic interests are much more aligned with the botched and the bungled than with Bloomberg's Russian billionaires.
How Many Spots?
But more generally, how many spots and where? Are one dozen extra spots nearby going to transform your business in a neighborhood with other retail uses? 20? 50? Where are they going to go?
Parking takes up a lot of space. Unless you want suburban shopping mall levels of parking, it's hard to imagine that a few spots here and there are really going to make a difference to your business.
Keep Lighting Money On Fire
The Bergen County Improvement Authority is seeking state approval to float as much as $800 million in bonds on behalf of Triple Five, the private developer behind the American Dream project in the Meadowlands.
Taxpayers won't be on the hook, they promise, because freedom. Or something.
Morning Thread
What's It All About Then
In this case it's a $.50 cheesesteak.
Stopping The Bombs
But, hey, as long as the bombs don't drop...
Off to the Upper West Side to help Debra Cooper on primary day. Seven candidates plus a chance to select a liberal Democrat, Bill de Blasio, for Mayor. It's sadly infrequent that your vote matters. But here in NYC today it certainly does.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Guy With Gun Might Use It
I didn't really fault the jury for their decision. Given (horrible) state law and the allowable evidence, I'm not sure a guilty verdict was really on the table. But "gun nut with racist vigilante murder fantasy" was always the obvious conclusion to draw. I've known a couple of them in my life, though as far as I know none of them ever actually lived their fantasy.
Remembering When
I don't know everything. I do know violence is bad, that violence tends to lead to more violence, and that our recent history of blowing people up in the name of good suggests that maybe we should do a bit less of that. No matter how awesome or well-intentioned the man in charge is, he isn't really in charge, not in the sense that he micromanages everything the military does or who the NSA is spying on at any particular moment.
Afternoon Thread
What's It All About Then
(Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry was making a rhetorical comment when he said on Monday that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad would not hand over his country's chemical weapons.
Kerry told a news briefing on Monday that Assad could avoid a military strike by turning over all his chemical weapons within a week but added that Assad was not about to do that.
"Secretary Kerry was making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility and unlikelihood of Assad turning over chemical weapons he has denied he used," a U.S. State Department spokeswoman said in an emailed statement.
Bad People
“The Mayor found out about [the Office of the Chief Financial Officer's] policy on tax-lien sales by reading about it in the Post article yesterday, and he was shocked and outraged by the revelations," Gray spokesman Pedro Ribeiro just said in an email statement. "He is calling for an immediate moratorium on OCFO’s sales of liens and foreclosures, and will transmit emergency legislation addressing the situation to the Council for them to consider when they come back from recess. The legislation will put in place needed protections for homeowners – and particularly seniors, who appear to have been the group most frequently affected by this practice.”
A second Post story found that six firms have dominated the tax lien purchases. Unusual bidding patterns imply that these firms may have colluded to split the properties and their profits.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
DC Mayor expressed some concern on the twitters yesterday, so hopefully the pressure to do something increases.
Too many people have had their homes stolen over the past several years. The title system has been destroyed, along with any sense of justice with respect to secured debt. We're all the next likely victims.
What's It All About Then
Sunday, September 08, 2013
A starter guide to reverse the Powell Memo
Or you can read David's C & L post about the Minutemen and "border security".
What's It All About Then
Who Runs The World
Consider this debate between Ezra Klein and Mark Leibovich on “the real structure” of Washington, D.C.: is it the policy experts who understand how the country is governed, or is it the press secretaries and professional schmoozers who understand how to manipulate people inside and outside of the Beltway?
It's the basic contrast between Yes, Prime Minister and The Thick of It. The first is a world where the country is basically run by the civil servants. The second is the new modern world in which the country is run by the spinners and the manipulated press. The first is generally preferable, but neither is really the way things are supposed to be.
I'll also add that from my vantage point, the two groups aren't nearly as different as they probably think they are.
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Your Moment Of Zen
Don't Let The Door
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said in an interview published on Saturday that Bill de Blasio, one of the leading candidates to succeed him, had run a “racist” campaign.
In the interview, with New York magazine, Mr. Bloomberg said that he considered it racist of Mr. de Blasio to promote his mixed-race family. Mr. de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, is African-American and their teenage son, Dante, has appeared in his father’s campaign ads.
Asked what was racist about the campaign, Mr. Bloomberg said: “I mean he’s making an appeal using his family to gain support. I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone watching what he’s been doing.”
Things that aren't racist: Racially profiling young black men so that the cops can harass them constantly for no good reason.
I'm sure our news elites will never tire of dreaming of the country being run by supposed technocratic plutocrats, but maybe the rest of us will.
These Days
In a display of the demand for affordable housing in Northern Virginia, more than 3,600 people have applied for a chance to rent one of 122 new affordable apartments still under construction along Arlington County’s Columbia Pike.
Friday, September 06, 2013
Well That Sucks
That's probably going to be pretty devastating to a place which is pretty, well, devastated. The ability of carless poor people (and Camden is pretty damn poor) to have access to a decent selection of food at decent prices is important.
A lot of money went into "revitalizing" Camden over the years, which mostly involved building waterfront attractions to try to attract outsiders to drive in and then drive out again.
High School
Who is up, who is down, who is the jock, who is the nerd, who is the bully, who is the bullied.
Give Him A Good Spanking
Punishing Assad may not accomplish much, but not punishing him sets a terrible precedent: that we will let pass the use of chemical weapons. Even though the something to be done isn't perfect, something is sometimes all you can get.
Margaret Carlson's column also includes the perennial Villager hatred of democracy:
Will there be profiles in courage — members (such as Boehner) up for re-election in 2014 who go against their constituents?
Opposing the will of the voters is courageous!
Miserable Failure
Obviously, the Obama people are less wrong than the Republicans. But, by any objective standard, U.S. economic policy since Lehman has been an astonishing, horrifying failure.
Path Dependence
It always makes me laugh to see statements like this:
I agree with the vast majority of the commenteriat here that absent massive path dependency... , I would not choose the US model or the modifications to the model that are being made by Obamacare.The US has a single payer system in place already. Just change the Medicare eligibility age. Set premiums. Compete!
Thursday, September 05, 2013
If Only There Was An Entity With The Power To Do Something
FRANKFURT — The president of the European Central Bank issued a sober assessment of the euro zone economy, saying on Thursday that he was “very, very cautious” about prospects for growth and acknowledging concern about shock waves from the civil war in Syria.
“I can’t share the enthusiasm” about budding growth in the euro zone, Mario Draghi, the bank president, said at his monthly news conference. “These shoots are still very, very green.”
Green shoots and a new excuse. Yeah, shock waves from Syria.
Talking To Our People
I don't think they had any idea what they were doing.
Always A Bridesmaid
*** Wooing the left: In its lobbying effort to get support for military intervention in Syria, the Obama administration now has one clear target: the left. Yesterday, per the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, White House officials held a conference call with House progressives. Today, Secretary of State John Kerry chats with liberal bloggers, and he also sits down for an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
Thursday Crass Commercialism
Bombing's Easy
I don't have the knowledge to plan the logistics for a massive refugee resettlement program (for example) and fit it neatly into a 700 word column. But someone should be thinking of ways to help the people we claim to care about.
Theater District
Today, coming out at a major midtown subway connection, a couple of cops were set up to do backpack searches, with a sign saying you couldn't enter the system if you refused the search. Of course, this is a major connection, so there are about half a dozen other entrances to the system within a block. Those I walked by didn't have a search table set up.
Nobody really pays attention.
IAC, here's thread.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Fee Fees
You're rich. Want people to respect you? Put your name on some buildings that do something to help the masses. That usually works.