Thursday, October 31, 2013
Just Stupid Branding
I doubt it's that big of a deal, but it isn't smart branding either. Oh, gee, yes, Brooklyn invented the flea market.
Yes It Sucks
But Why
I have about 2100 sq. feet plus a finished basement and a roofdeck and my house is way too big (rowhouses in the urban hellhole are bigger than people think). I don't know what I'd do with a house almost 4x that size. Spend your money on whatever you want, but I just don't get it.
Not The Onion
If there’s one thing you might think American officials could agree on about the troubled Middle East these days, it’s the importance of backing private-sector entrepreneurs in Egypt.
The purest distillation of Washington-think one can imagine.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
What Is It Really About
At best it's a colossal fucking waste of money. At worst?
What's It All About Then
The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.
By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among hundreds of millions of user accounts, many of them belonging to Americans. The NSA does not keep everything it collects, but it keeps a lot.
What did the man in charge say? Let's rewind...
"We don't have a domestic spying program," Obama said, describing the NSA efforts as "mechanisms that can track a phone number or an e-mail address that is connected to a terrorist attack ... That information is useful."
What Do They Want?
The Tea Party, say what you will about them, gets a great deal of obeisance from Republicans for one simple reason: they will primary you if they don’t like how you’ve been voting, and they’ll probably win that primary. They are feared. Progressives are not feared, because they do not believe enough in their ostensible principles to act on them in an effective fashionI'd add "and they're willing to lose those primaries." Losing the Senate seats in Nevada and Delaware didn't weaken the movement conservatives.
This post has led to spirited commentary.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Liars Lie And Grifters Grift And Conservatives Always Fail Upwards
Reading her wiki entry she's even worse than I knew.
Save The Rooster Sauce
Grifters vs. Grifters
What's happening
Monday, October 28, 2013
But if you want a highlight:
So, for the top national security official in the United States to go to the Senate and lie to their faces and deny that the NSA is doing exactly that which our reporting proved that the NSA was in fact doing is plainly a crime, and of course he should be prosecuted, and would be prosecuted if we lived under anything resembling the rule of law, where everybody is held and treated equally under the law, regardless of position or prestige. Of course, we don’t have that kind of system, which is why no Wall Street executives have been prosecuted, no top-level Bush officials were prosecuted for torture or warrantless eavesdropping, and why James Clapper hasn’t been prosecuted despite telling an overt lie to Congress. And what’s even more amazing, though, Amy, is that not only has James Clapper not been prosecuted, he hasn’t even lost his job. He’s still the director of national intelligence many months after his lie was revealed, because there is no accountability for the top-level people in Washington.
And the final thing to say about that is, there’s all kinds of American journalists who love to go on television and accuse Edward Snowden of committing all these grave and horrible crimes. They’re so brave when it comes to declaring Edward Snowden to be a criminal and calling for [inaudible]. Not one of them has ever gone on television and said, "James Clapper committed crimes, and he ought to be prosecuted." The question that you just asked journalistically is such an important and obvious one, yet not—none of the David Gregorys or Jeffrey Toobins or all these American journalists who fancy themselves as aggressive, tough reporters, would ever dare utter the idea that James Clapper ought to be arrested or prosecuted for the crimes that he committed, because they’re there to serve those interests and not to challenge or be adversarial to them.
Update: Commenters said if the Amy Goodman interview wasn't too longer enough for you, see the email exchange with Keller.
Dance Dance Fever
I'm sure once we get finished locking up Snowden, we'll arrest whoever did it!
Anyway, I don't know the truth of who knew what when or at what level the policy decision for something like "which world leaders cell phones should we bug?" is made. Does anybody know?
The Conservatism of Obamacare
The point isn't "wah wah wah why didn't Obama wave his magic wand and make Medicare for all happen." The point is that we should continue to explain that Medicare for all would be better, cheaper, and more popular. Savvy people will inform me that Medicare for all won't happen and Obamacare is that best that could have happened. Probably you're right, savvy people! Congratulations on being savvy! I'm not sure why that precludes informing people that a better policy exists, even if it won't happen. Even savvy people spend lots of time talking about things that are unlikely to happen.
Put The Phone Down
But Maybe Not As Bad As Hitler?
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Sunday Crass Commercialism
I thought the movie was fine, but also thought Jackson decided to do precisely the opposite of what he did in the Lord of the Rings movies. In those he made a lot of effort to make each one have the pacing of a movie. With The Hobbit he just said "I'm gonna throw as much Tolkienverse into this story as I can and screw the pacing." The full extended series will probably ultimately work better as a 12 hour TV series, even if you bingewatch it.
Who's The Boss
Bild am Sonntag newspaper quoted US intelligence sources as saying that National Security Agency chief Keith Alexander had briefed Obama on the operation against Merkel in 2010.
"Obama did not halt the operation but rather let it continue," the newspaper quoted a high-ranking NSA official as saying.
Geniuses, They Are
WASHINGTON — Inflation is widely reviled as a kind of tax on modern life, but as Federal Reserve policy makers prepare to meet this week, there is growing concern inside and outside the Fed that inflation is not rising fast enough.
Fearless Leader
They'll see everything!
"I think it’s wrong that that newspaper reporters have all these documents, the 50,000—whatever they have and are selling them and giving them out as if these—you know it just doesn’t make sense," Alexander said in an interview with the Defense Department's "Armed With Science" blog.
"We ought to come up with a way of stopping it. I don’t know how to do that. That’s more of the courts and the policymakers but, from my perspective, it’s wrong to allow this to go on," the NSA director declared.
What's It All About Then
The US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone since 2002, according to a report in Der Spiegel magazine.
The German publication claims to have seen secret documents from the National Security Agency which show Mrs Merkel's number on a list dating from 2002 - before she became chancellor.
And, no, it isn't the case that "of course" we do this. Potential benefits are minimal, and potential costs are huge. Someone isn't doing the cost benefit analysis.
Afternoon Thread
A question: What or who is it that is really supported by the government when fast-food workers are often paid so little that they need food stamps and other federal and state support programs to survive? Note that the low wages increase the profits of the employers in all the low wage industries.
Please Forward to Gene Sperling
The US government is not like a household. Choking it is a bad idea.
This isn't hard.
BTW I talked to Stephanie on Thursday.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Crime Spree
Five Philadelphia Police officers are being investigated for allegedly breaking into the home owned by the mother of another city officer and stealing valuables from inside.
Another Grand Bargain
It won't happen, because this is the field where lobbyists, accountants, and tax attorneys make their money, but that's one reason it should happen.
It's Complicated. It Doesn't Have To Be.
Despite the rollout chaos, I'm actually more optimistic about Obamacare long run, based on anecdata. Not that it's perfect, but that it might succeed in bringing good enough affordable enough health insurance to many more people. But it is needlessly complicated. We shouldn't have to shop for health insurance.
What's It All About Then
It isn't deficit hawkery. It's attempted theft.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Barack Obama Didn't Code Healthcare.Gov
I don't offer that as a defense (except for things that happened before his watch, of course), but while ultimately the man in charge is the man in charge, I think that often criticisms of things which happen during this administration are just heard as criticisms of Obama by people who are, understandably, fans and invested in his success.
The surveillance state, the Pentagon, and, yes, government procurement practices generally are complete clusterfucks. And that's the most innocent observation one can make about them. They're also empires of their own that no one man can change overnight. I'm obviously not someone who thinks Obama's instincts and priorities are always correct, but I also don't think "criticizing the NSA" is necessarily "criticizing Obama."
I'm not absolving management of responsibility, just saying they aren't omnipotent or omniscient either. They don't always know what they should know.
Riding That Train
Redistribute Now
Anyway, I just think the "affordable housing" frame is just wrong. I want poor people to be able to afford to live places. They often can't, because they're poor. We have various "affordable housing" programs because they're more politically popular than "giving free money to people" programs, even if they're completely inadequate. But they're costly to administer, and more importantly... rents locally are actually quite cheap. This isn't New York or London or San Francisco. The problem isn't that housing is expensive, the problem is that poor people are poor.
I'm not against second best solutions if that's all that politics will allow, but what poor people in Philly really need is more money.
Hopefully in the long run it won't matter, but there's a reason some of us expect our liberalism to be competent, especially when it's really just technocratic centrism advertised as liberalism.
And Then I Saw The Light
So my college orientation (which I later participated in as a counselor)involved a lot of warning to women of the dangers of drinking, how they shouldn't be out alone, how they should go to parties in pairs. It wasn't that any of this was horrible advice, though some of it was, if taken too literally, essentially about telling women to avoid being alone with men entirely. Thought it was supposedly advice about how to not get raped, it was also advice to not have sex at all anytime.
And it was, at best, idiot advice, as in advice given to people you think are idiots. Who at the age of 18 doesn't know that serious binge drinking is probably a bad idea? Who at the age of 14 doesn't know this, even if they don't even experience to know what binge drinking means?
I don't remember when I first came across someone pointing out that "advice to women on how not to get raped" was just victim blaming in bare disguise, but it was a revelation. It shouldn't have been, but, hey, we're not all brilliant all of the time. I grew up hearing lots of stupid shit. It takes awhile to jettison those messages.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
One reason not to do so is that, you know, there is no way to expect to keep the billion secrets we have given the hundreds of thousands of people who have access to them. If your surveillance state is that big, and it involves an unholy alliance of government agencies with cowboy contractors with little oversight (they outsourced the effing granting of security clearances), there is no chance of keeping such things secret. Snowdens everywhere.
And what are the good reasons to spy on our closest allies in effective peacetime? None, other than blackmail or as part of a broader program of commercial espionage.
Philly Has Plenty Of Affordable Housing
Lack of affordable housing becomes an issue when land prices increase greatly, increasing prices/rents generally and encouraging developers and landlords to develop and redevelop more upscale units. Land prices in much of Philly are still really cheap. We had decades of population loss, only just (maybe) reversed.
Whatever the merits of that development, it's proposed for an area that by any measure has lots of affordable housing already.
Now I'm all for helping poor people. I would give them all of Donald Trump's moneys and some of mine, too. But housing isn't unaffordable for poor people here because it's expensive, it's unaffordable because there are a lot of people living in poverty.
Good Luck With That
But when someone proposes 50 housing units without parking, I say good luck with that. And I mean it! But I'd bet against it ever happening.
The position of people who demand parking is basically "I get my free on street parking spot but newer residents don't."
Gotta Make The Case
So, yes, if the neo-liberal features of Obamacare are the sources of failures someone needs to point that out. I'm just not sure either political party will be doing that.
Better Cut Teacher Pay
On Monday, Hogan accused the district of delaying the investigation of two former administrators accused of sending racist text messages about students and skimming district cash.
“There is an easy way and a hard way for the Coatesville Area School District to deal with this investigation,” said Hogan in a written release. “The CASD Board can cooperate fully, help to discover any crimes, and allow the truth to be exposed. Or the CASD Board can fight the investigation, attempt to cover up any misconduct and try to hide truth.”
Racist alleged grifters.
Important thing to remember is that Coatesville is pretty close to 50% African-American in population.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Things Change
Our Baby
The disappointing jobs report released Friday leaves Federal Reserve officials without a clear-cut signal of an economy on the mend, creating a dilemma for the central bank as it contemplates pulling back on a landmark bond-buying program designed to stoke growth.
There has never been any kind of strong signal from the data that recovery was really here, or imminent. >5 years later the unemployment rate is at 7.2%.
Fix that, too.
People Fucked Up
Quality Software Services Inc., or Q.S.S.I., a unit of the UnitedHealth Group, developed the identity management system, another major component that allowed consumers to register and establish accounts.I suppose it's too way too late to bring this up again, but the bill was called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. "Protection" largely referring to the insurance companies.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Happy Hour Thread
Escape While You Can
The horror.
People Fucked Up
The interaction people have had with the most liberal elements of administration policy, like HAMP, have pretty much been a disaster. Okay they just never really supported HAMP, but supposedly they support this one. They should get it right.
Grand Bargain Season
Paid Sockpuppets
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Worst People In The World
The whole thing was weird. They tempered the blood lust with respect to Afghanistan, and then ratcheted it up for Iraq.
They're still beltway members in good standing, and always will be, because they're the right sort of people.
I dedicate this thread to Jeffraham Prestonian
A Species Of Enormous, Mendacious, Disembodied Anuses
People are assholes.
Brunch Anyone?
Possibly NSFW.
Vagina Baby Shower Cakes? Is that too far? I honestly don't know.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Can't Tweak Crazy
Is this true?
I don't think so, it sounds more like what "centrists" who listen to health insurance industry propaganda believe.
There is no real evidence of "adverse selection" and anyone who has really tried to look for such evidence knows it. The insurance industry claiming to have received an unlikely letter from one person who said she was cancelling her health insurance because, once it had paid for the birth of her child, she didn't need it anymore defies credibility.
As someone else once pointed out, the real reason people don't have health insurance is because they can't afford it. Especially when the insurance industry's willingness to actually pay up when you need it is in such doubt.
Create an affordable, reliable product, and people will take it. If you're whining because you can't overcharge people for something that doesn't work, that's a failure of your own business model and should not be anyone else's problem.
The Effects Of Piracy Are Mixed
I always pay for music, and really only use streaming services like Spotify as a 'try before I buy' system. Also try to buy directly from the band website if that's an option, or from the merchandise table when I shrug off enough oldmanness to actually go see a show.
Morning Thread
Honestly, if these people are such ideologues that they haven't even checked if they will benefit from the reforms before complaining about them on national television then fuck them. They can pay full market price and help subsidize the rest of us.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Neighborhood Character
If Only There Was Some Way Google Could Encourage More People To Become Bus Drivers
Polluting The Body Politic
There was a time when perception that "good immigrants" were religious and conservative offset some of the xenophobia and racism, but whatever the reality, that perception is gone. The Messicans are godless liberals and they will destroy the country.
Put It On The Table
Ryan's proposal (linked below) is good because it really is a tradeoff between what should be the priorities of the parties. The Republicans want to cut taxes for rich people. Dems want to spend money on nice things. Both would be stimulus (though the former would be crap stimulus). That's a grand bargain we can all believe in.
I get that my fantasy Dem party isn't quite real. They do love making Fred Hiatt happy more than they like spending money on nice things. But they should be willing to spend money on nice things.
I'll Take That Deal!
Zombie II
As Felix points out, the crazy people see this as evidence they have to try harder. Not chastened at all, they will be ready to fight the good fight all over again:
Yes, the President has won an important battle against the zombies. But while it’s possible to win a zombie battle, it’s never possible to win a zombie war. No matter how many individual zombies you dispatch, there will always be ten more where they came from. The Tea Party doesn’t take legislative defeat as a signal that it’s doing something wrong: it takes it as a signal that nothing has really changed in Washington and that they therefore need to redouble their nihilistic efforts.
(Crass Commercialism link to Zombies vs Unicorns)
Mind Eraser
You Know Nothing
And of course. In most of the country, people just have no daily experience with it. It's just an idea, and one they don't understand.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Never Been Made Before With Such Care Or Detail
Afternoon Thread
It Should Work
Cunning Plans
Victim Blaming As Bold Original Advice
The victim blaming is bad, repackaging it as bold truth telling is even worse.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Happy Hour
Talk about chickenshit.
Afternoon Thread
Likewise creating oceanic dead spots, while fishing some species out of existence don't have predictable results. Other than, of course, it being unlikely that the species that benefit are unlikely to be as useful as those they replace.
OTOH, people can eat anything, pretty much. So maybe we'll add jellyfish to our fast food menus and everything will be all right.
According To President Palin,
Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday Crass Commercialism
Short Term Disaster
The second is about confidence and investors losing faith in US bonds longer term. I think that's mostly dumb. We might destroy our economy in the short and medium term, but I don't think it would have any real long term impact on how dollars and Treasuries are seen.
Also, Too, San Francisco
Babying The Children
5-year-olds have it too easy today, apparently.
Hollowing Out
What's really going on?
This week on Virtually Speaking Sundays, Stuart Zechman and Joan McCarter (mcjoan) talked about what's really going on with the government shut-down and why the "Tea Party vs. Responsible Republicans" narrative is entirely false, and also about how the much more serious problems with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are exposed by the problems people are having right now with trying to sign up.
You can stream it or download the podcast at that link.
*By "real people", I mean people who are not rich celebrity journalists and political operatives. You know, the kind who have to worry about having a job, paying their bills, being able to afford health care. People who are not paid large sums of money to lie to the public.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
But a lot of those voters are idiots, as are the people they elect.
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Grift Is Over
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A charter school in Philadelphia announced Friday, via its website, that it is closing its doors effective immediately due to “safety concerns and financial instability.”
Arrested Development
And, yes, I'm always negative about the economy, but, you know, 5 years later and unemployment is at 7.3%.
It would help if our fiction writers and producers would help convey the magnitude of the threat.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Oh, New Yorkers
But lately, Philadelphia has been inserting itself into my restaurant sight lines. I kept hearing about chefs who left notable Manhattan places, like Momofuku Ko and Torrisi Italian Specialties, to strike out on their own. They weren't opening up 12-seat micro-gastropubs or artisanal-mayonnaise emporiums in Brooklyn—they were heading to Philadelphia.
Thursday Crass Commercialism
Destroying Schools And Lives
Those Are Your People
The flip side is that it'd be political malpractice of the highest order for the Dems to give them cover on it. Which means it won't h..ahahahahahahahah.
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Not good.
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Flossing Your Teeth
The state has become a laboratory for a political strategy designed todiscourageprevent poor women from getting safe and legal abortions without flagrantly violating Supreme Court precedent.
My additions in bold.
Wednesday Crass Commercialism
Groundhog Day
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
What'd They Pay Him For
They Hate Democracy
The two are intertwined, of course. Good public policy is popular.
Give Me All The Moneys!!
Actually not for this sucky blog, but because I've spent many years seeing what gets funded and what doesn't... Have some sense of what works. Will advise for food.
Affirmative Action For Rich White People
And part of the reason the other kind of affirmative action is necessary.
Committee On Committees
And They Have All The Money In The World
Monday, October 07, 2013
Kick The Disabled Poors
What They Care About
The Worst People In The World
When kicking the poors isn't giving you that buzz anymore, you have to start kicking the disabled poors.
Nobody Cares About The Deficit
As The World Burns
Listen to Marcy Wheeler & Dday
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Build The Bridge
(photo credit Xavier de Jauréguiberry)
Both Sides Don't Always Do It
Unsurprisingly, people who are whipsawed by the system on a routine basis and who also watch television distrust generics.
Late Night
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Punishers and Restaurants
Why Do You Keep Hitting Yourself
What's It All About Then
“Republicans have to realize how many significant gains we’ve made over the last three years, and we have — not only in cutting spending but in really turning the tide on a lot of things,” Representative Dennis Ross, Republican of Florida, said on Saturday. “We can’t lose all that when there’s no connection now between the shutdown and the funding of Obamacare.”
He added: “I think now it’s a lot about pride.”
We Like Cars More Than People
Friday Happy Hour (starts early).
TPM has the story.
I think it's a bit too soon.
The platinum coin isn't the only issue this happens with. There are others. For a couple of days there "not bombing Syria" was one of those things.
It's not that there's no value in knowing what's possible or likely, it's that it isn't an argument against the value of the proposition. Most things which should happen don't. We talk about them anyway.
The Most Legal Option
Funny thing is, in the face of a debt limit impasse, minting the coin is the ONLY way to get through the situation without breaking the law.
His choices would be to violate the debt limit, violate Congress's spending directives, or use the authority delegated by Congress to mint a coin. All this "intent of the law" crap aside, it's the only legal option, and the only way to honor Congress's conflicting directives.
Some argue that the 14th amendment option is superior, though I don't really buy it. But ultimately this is the issue. If we hit the debt limit, laws will be broken, unless you employ one of the crazy options, one of which is clearly legal (coin) the other of which is open to more constitutional judgifying (14th amendment). Either go crazy or go illegal. Those are the choices.
My Governor
How Many Weeks
They're weird people.
But if the Democrats want to make the point that you need government to function, why not do something like send the FAA home? You could even accompany it with one of those stupid "get everyone into a room until it's settled" bits. "We're not letting the Congress go home until they've restored the government." This time especially, why the half-measures?
(Yes, I know some things are funded for a while when there are no funds, and other things have their own funds or are already funded.....But, you know, shutting down air travel, for instance, would make the point that we really do need a government that even Bill O'Reilly's pinheads might comprehend.)
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Rogue Agency
The coin is a clever, nifty idea but it has problems. The one that gets overlooked the most is it wouldn’t actually make everything normal after it was invoked. It would be subjected to all kinds of challenges and litigation. As a straightforward matter the Federal Reserve wouldn’t give Treasury a trillion dollars for that coin. We looked carefully at it, but for both practical and legal reasons, the legal reason being the law obviously wasn’t meant for anything like this and the practical reason being that the Federal Reserve would need to cooperate and wouldn’t, it wouldn’t work.
I'm glad the Fed can choose to cooperate or not.
The platinum coin statutory language is not ambiguous. It's completely clear. Intent doesn't matter.
No Jobs Report Tomorrow
More Thread
Then Congress can get its act together, increase the debt ceiling or revoke it as a concept entirely, and revoke the power of the Executive to mint any more coins. But first they have to give me one.
You'll Always Be First Rate To Me
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Fortunately the shutdown won't have any negative impact on the economy [/sarcasm].
Morning Thread
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
What's It All About Then
Sure it's about repealing Obamacare because they've convinced their base that it's worse than a thousand Hitlers. Sure they always want to find ways to give more money to rich people. But in this particular context they have no idea what they're doing.
Some of them would, of course, abolish Social Security and Medicare if they were your malevolent dictators, but they aren't you malevolent dictators. They need to win elections, and increasingly they need to win elections by pandering to people who receive and like Social Security and Medicare.
They're Not Good At Everything
Kick The Shiny Soccer Ball
It's the Freak Show. It's the game the Republicans know how to play, and the game the media loves.
The Tan Man's in charge. He can at least put it up for a vote.
The Small Interventions
But, yes, some kids need glasses. Spend the money on them.
Probably Actual War
Winners And Losers
Archie Bunker Tried To Warn Us
A somewhat older woman was chatting with me at a bar during brunch the other day, and that "lifelong Democrat turned Republican" had some incoherent remarks about why 2008 changed everything. But, basically, it was hard to hear what she was saying as anything other than "younger African-American guy is president this is somehow wrong why are all the kids on my lawn."
Maybe Something Good, Maybe Something Bad
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Tuesday Night
And now my intertubes are filled with molasses.
Republicans are assholes.
Afternoon Thread
Only Evan Bayh Can Save Us Now
Both sides do it. Only the middle can save us.