Thursday, July 31, 2014
Non-Partisan Bi-Partisanship
Bring It
I offer no defense of gendered gender roles - expectations that men are like this and women are like that - but there's nothing wrong with a bit of specialization in relationships. Still if you really want to embrace gender roles, then there are, you know, two roles. There are expectations placed on men and they have responsibilities, too. They have to bring something.
Forgive the heteronormative language.
Surprising Nobody
WASHINGTON — CIA employees improperly accessed computers used by the Senate Intelligence Committee to compile a report on the agency’s now defunct detention and interrogation program, an internal CIA investigation has determined.
Hope The Hippie Punching Was Fun
Everything was total shit. Really expensive shit. I guess if your friends all live in Northern Virginia that's a feature, not a bug, but still.
Bendis's Powers is pretty fun.
That's A Bit Of A Problem
But in recent years, L.A.'s elected leaders have been unwilling to hike water rates enough to fix them more rapidly. As it stands, the city-owned Department of Water and Power is on track to replace main water lines only once every 300 years.
I have no idea if this is a well-run authority generally or if rate hikes, as opposed to fewer fingers in the candy jar, are necessary, but those pipes don't last 300 years.
Must Find A Way To Keep The Lower Orders In Line
Also, too, new jobless day. 302K new lucky duckies.
Nothing Important
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The indictment alleges the officers falsified records, held people without arrest, stole drugs and shared in the proceeds.
What's In A Name
The Old Pipes Problem
The rupture of the 90-year-old main sent a geyser shooting 30 feet in the air and deluged Sunset Boulevard and UCLA with 8 million to 10 million gallons of water before it was shut off more than three hours after the pipe burst, city officials said.
What Could Go Wrong
The Pentagon signaled Tuesday that it is mulling its largest ever shipment of Hellfire missiles to Iraq as the government in Baghdad digs itself in for a prolonged fight against militants who have taken over hundreds of square miles of territory across western and northern parts of the country.
The State Department has approved the possible sale of 5,000 AGM-114K/N/R missiles and related parts and training, Pentagon officials said. The estimated cost of the deal would be about $700 million, and dwarf previous shipments of Hellfire missiles to Iraq.
Nearly every criminal case reviewed by the FBI and the Justice Department as part of a massive investigation started in 2012 of problems at the FBI lab has included flawed forensic testimony from the agency, government officials said.
The findings troubled the bureau, and it stopped the review of convictions last August. Case reviews resumed this month at the order of the Justice Department, the officials said.
If Only There Were Shovel Ready Projects
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
What Matters Is What I Think
The Worst Intersection
Really Dumb Ideas
Currently gas stations collect/remit gas taxes. There are a relatively small number of them. Collections and enforcement is a pretty simple process. Adding an entirely new taxation/monitoring/collections/enforcement authority for the entire population is madness. Going to send out the car boots for nonpayment? File civil suits and liens? Revoke licenses? What?
The idea that you can't increase the gas tax but you can add an exciting new and complicated and invasive fee is madness. Just increase the damn gas tax. Yes in our electric car future that might be a problem, but it's a problem that's a long way away.
(ht reader a)
But We're Having A Pretty Cool Summer Here
Monday, July 28, 2014
Stop The Salmon
I Didn't Do It
Pretty Quiet
So, uh, what's the plan now?
A huge fuel depot in Libya's capital burned out of control on Monday, set ablaze in fighting between rival militias that has driven the country to chaos three years after the NATO-backed revolt that toppled Muammar Gaddafi.
Nowhere Man
What Could Go Wrong
Over the past decade, the U.S. has poured unimaginable amounts of money into training and equipping Afghanistan’s army. Now, the Department of Defense office in charge of auditing the process is saying many of the 747,000 weapons given to the ANSF have gone missing and could end up fueling escalating attacks by Taliban insurgents if they fall into the wrong hands.
Baby, Inc.
Jonathan C. Dailey, a lawyer in Washington, wired Planet Hospital $37,000 in December 2013, the first installment on a contract for a single mother in Mexico to carry his child. He and his fiancée flew to Cancún to leave a sperm deposit at the clinic that would create the embryo and to visit the downtown house where their surrogate would live while pregnant. They picked a “premium” egg donor from the agency Planet Hospital sent them to. But nothing happened.
“It was just outright fraud,” said Mr. Dailey. “It’s like we paid money to buy a condo, they took the money, and there was no condo. But it’s worse, because it’s about having a baby.”
Sunday, July 27, 2014
No One I Know Will Ever Be Arrested For Smoking Pot
Wealthy pundits think pot being "illegal" is good because maybe pot is bad and they'll never have to even worry their beautiful minds about what it being illegal actually means.
Because We Haven't Had A Good Pandemic Panic In Awhile
An American doctor working with Ebola patients in Liberia has tested positive for the deadly virus, an aid organization said Saturday.
The deadly disease has killed at least 672 in several African countries since the outbreak began earlier this year.
It Was Only Yesterday
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Whatever the social costs of use - and potential increased use - it's nothing compared to the costs of arresting and locking up certain kids of people for using it.
Glad I'm Not The Only Skeptical One
I'm sure that if we rebuilt our entire street system from scratch around the technology it could be done fairly easily in the near future, but that would cost a few dimes.
Today In Getting Old
Saw him in a hotel bar in NYC once. Saw Ronnie Wood at the Prado Museum in Madrid once.
Have never seen the Stones live.
Morning Thread
Friday, July 25, 2014
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
WASHINGTON — The CIA obtained a confidential email to Congress about alleged whistleblower retaliation related to the Senate’s classified report on the agency’s harsh interrogation program, triggering fears that the CIA has been intercepting the communications of officials who handle whistleblower cases.
Show Me The Money
(Yes I know the occasional autoplay ad is popping up. They aren't supposed to. They're violating the terms of service. I changed some settings which hopefully should at least reduce the probability of it happening, but as it isn't supposed to happen anyway...)
But, seriously, ad networks sales people. Here's how to pitch me:
Dear sir,
We would like to run ads on your site. The ads will look like this: [ ]. You will have the ability to block ads you do not think are appropriate for your site. We will guarantee you at least $X per impression.
Mr. Ad Network Sales Guy.
Not A Drop
In the past nine years, the basin — which covers Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and California — has lost about 65 cubic kilometers of fresh water, nearly double the volume of the country’s largest reservoir, Lake Mead. That figure surprised the study’s authors, who used data from a NASA weather satellite to investigate groundwater supplies.
I really don't know what happens if there's a major water emergency.
Respect Mah Authoritah
The girl’s dog wouldn’t quit barking Monday night, so she let him outside. Chad Eric Pickering, 40, was there waiting, crouched beneath a pine tree, prosecutors say. She glimpsed a shadow before she was shot three times.
Pickering, who lives just northwest of Bemidji, targeted the 17-year-old hours after she confronted him about riding his lawn mower through her yard, according to charges filed Wednesday in Beltrami County District Court. He is accused of shooting the girl, whom he described to investigators as “a bitch,” and faces one count of first-degree attempted murder and 20 years in prison.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Only Intolerance That Matters Is Your Intolerance For My Intolerance
*I have no idea how "green" Gore's big house is and don't care.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
What's It All About Then
I Suppose They Could Die
Still one has to imagine that so many of them must have led lives of extreme comfort, almost unimaginably. I mean, is that hard to imagine being a bit down on your luck? To imagine being sick and not being able to pay for medical care? To imagine that you're one pissed off boss away from losing your cushy Fox gig?
It's weird.
Have Any Of These People Ever Actually Visited Another Country
You Down With OPC
With Albany rocked by a seemingly endless barrage of scandals and arrests, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo set up a high-powered commission last summer to root out corruption in state politics. It was barely two months old when its investigators, hunting for violations of campaign-finance laws, issued a subpoena to a media-buying firm that had placed millions of dollars’ worth of advertisements for the New York State Democratic Party.Update (thanks to commenters!): Zepyhr Teachout to Andrew Cuomo: Resign NowThe investigators did not realize that the firm, Buying Time, also counted Mr. Cuomo among its clients, having bought the airtime for his campaign when he ran for governor in 2010.
Word that the subpoena had been served quickly reached Mr. Cuomo’s most senior aide, Lawrence S. Schwartz. He called one of the commission’s three co-chairs, William J. Fitzpatrick, the district attorney in Syracuse.
“This is wrong,” Mr. Schwartz said, according to Mr. Fitzpatrick, whose account was corroborated by three other people told about the call at the time. He said the firm worked for the governor, and issued a simple directive:
“Pull it back.”
The subpoena was swiftly withdrawn. The panel’s chief investigator explained why in an email to the two other co-chairs later that afternoon.
“They apparently produced ads for the governor,” she wrote.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
I'll Stop Right There
WASHINGTON — POLARIZATION and partisanship are a plague on American politics.
Political scientists have found that the two parties have each grown more ideologically homogeneous since the 1970s.
Um, good? What a horrible thing it is for members of a political party to roughly unite around a shared policy agenda and provide a reasonably good signal to voters about what they're actually voting for! People should just be randomly assigned into parties, maybe with a sorting hat!
So Inviting
Columns Which Shouldn't Have To Be Written
Is it hypocritical for a really, really rich person to object to rising inequality?
Also not hypocrisy, press secretaries (whatever their flaws), who sometimes insist on anonymity with journalists, pointing out that privileging anonymous sources might not be the best way to go about doing Teh Journalism.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Social Experiment
Tourists First
It also tends to give visitors the wrong idea of cities, that urban living is about the mass of cars that travel to big events, about the tourist spots and the skyscrapers, that it's all about scale instead of the finer points of walkable neighborhoods.
Other Ways
I get that collections are an issue, but aggressively shutting off water, especially in summer, is not especially smart policy. They're shutting off for people who are 60 days/$150 past due. That's really really aggressive.
Also, too, don't read the comments at the linked article.
Destroying The Local Public School System
The best option for the coming year does seem to be to open a fully staffed school system and let it run until the money runs out, in part operating under the assumption/hope that there will be a new governor in January.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Even Later Sunday
Hopefully tomorrow will be extra bloggy!!!
"Pathogen Mishaps"
The recently documented mistakes at federal laboratories involving anthrax, flu and smallpox have incited public outrage at the government’s handling of dangerous pathogens. But the episodes were just a tiny fraction of the hundreds that have occurred in recent years across a sprawling web of academic, commercial and government labs that operate without clear national standards or oversight, federal reports show.
Spurred by the anthrax attacks in the United States in 2001, an increase in “high-level containment” labs set up to work with risky microbes has raised the number to about 1,500 from a little more than 400 in 2004, according to the Government Accountability Office.
I guess the response to risky microbes was more risky microbes?
Not A Drop
California is probably headed into a deeper drought this summer, making it harder to escape in the future, an expert says.
With more than 80% of the state in an extreme drought, dry conditions will probably continue and won't improve much in the next few months, said climatologist Brian Fuchs of the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Blasts from the past
We Do Love Children
Some senior Republicans are warning that the party cannot rebuild its reputation with Hispanics if it is drawn into another emotional fight over cracking down on migrants — especially when so many are young children who are escaping extreme poverty and violence. But pleas for compassion and even modest proposals for change are dividing the party, and setting off intense resistance among conservative Republicans who have resisted a broader overhaul of immigration.
Gestures of sympathy, like a trip to the border by Glenn Beck, the conservative radio and television personality who has raised more than $2 million to buy teddy bears, shoes and food for migrant children, were met with scorn and derision. Some anti-immigrant activists responded to news that the government was buying new clothing for the detainees by organizing a campaign to mail them dirty underwear.
Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Friday, July 18, 2014
Happy Hour, West Coast Edition
Not A Drop
More than 80% of California is now in an extreme drought, according to new data by the National Weather Service.
Surface To Air Missiles Kill People
But, you know, weapons kill people. That's what they're for.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
It Was Always The Plan
So How Are The Kids Today Doing
We Do So Love Children
“That’s my tax money taking care of a foreign national or however you want to classify them,” said Mr. Griffith, 51, a volunteer fireman and researcher at a chemical plant. “I don’t want to take care of a foreign national. It’s not my problem. We did house kids in Brazoria County there at the youth home. I sort of feel like we should be taking care of our own first.”
Overwhelmed by an influx of unaccompanied minors who are fleeing violence in their home countries in Central America, federal officials are searching the country for places to house them and have been forced to scrap some proposed shelter sites in California, Connecticut, Iowa, New York and other states because of widespread opposition from residents and local officials.
Too Big To Jail
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
O’Malley spoke at length to reporters last Friday about the need for compassion for these children. And he said that the government should not “summarily send children to death” by forcing them to return home, a reference to the administration’s effort to speed deportations, add immigration judges and beef up border security. Within hours, O’Malley said he received a phone call from a White House official.
By Tuesday, details of that private conversation leaked to political reporters via a “Democratic source” — and not one in Annapolis, according to O’Malley aides. The comments painted O’Malley as a hypocrite: the governor didn’t want these immigrant children returned to their home countries, the source said, but he refused to shelter them in his own state, opposing a proposed site in Carroll County that has since been removed from the list of options.
Click the link and read the rest.
Good Thing It Was Just Lumber
I Vote Mark
Not that I know. Just a guess.
Increase The Damn Gas Tax
There's Money There For You
What's Going On?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Deep thought
Anyway, time for some memorial Ramones.
Tech Bros Will Destroy The World
How Does Anybody Manage
When I go back to the neighborhood where I spent some time growing up, I'm always struck by the fact that I never see any children outside, ever. Maybe that's just changing demographics and there aren't any children. But when I was a kid we'd wander around, ride our bikes, go into the "woods," go down to the creek, play street hockey in the middle of the road, etc. This was all normal. I didn't usually walk to school - there was a bus - but I would have been allowed to. It was about a mile.
Deport Jose Antonio Vargas
He was brought here when he was 12.
No the title isn't serious. I don't want him to be deported. But it will be interesting to see what happens.
Getting The Band Back Together
Monday, July 14, 2014
West Coast Keys
Dinner, then an early bedtime.
Where Do The Children Play
Even if we truly believe this is a child welfare concern, "arresting mom" is clearly a bigger concern than "left at park." Not exactly a mystery what will be more scarring.
The Reformers
One simple thing which always stands out to me is the concept of "closing failing schools." Not just firing the principal, or bringing in new teachers, but literally closing them and pushing the kids out to other schools. I moved quite a bit as a kid, and also transitioned from elementary to middle school to junior high to high school, and moving to a new school for a kid is a big fucking deal. It's traumatic. How constantly shuffling kids between schools is supposed to be good for their education mystifies me.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Now What Will We Do

Sunday Afternoon Thread - Bugaloo
Dulles Toll Road users are shouldering nearly half of the costs of Metro’s soon-to-open Silver Line, a far bigger share than originally predicted.
Those drivers also face the biggest exposure for any additional cost overruns or delays on the rail line set to open July 26 — seven months late and $150 million over budget.
Commuters are vulnerable because tolls are the one share of the Silver Line project’s funding formula that is not capped at a fixed dollar amount or percentage of the final tab.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Before It Was Cool
I'm not sure what my point is.
Spaces, Spaces, Everywhere
I get that people from the burbs don't know where to park, so if they travel too far from their intended destination they get a bit upset and nervous. But it's maddening that long time residents think parking is a major issue around here. It just isn't. Long time residents know where to park. They know the little alleys no one knows about where you can park. They know where the permit and permit-free zones are. They know about blocks like mine which usually do have available spots. Unless walking two blocks is a hardship (and it is, for some!), there's plenty of parking.
Gambling Our Way To Prosperity
There is no indication that the Chinese government orchestrated the attacks, or that anyone breached classified systems or stole classified information. But the assault on one of the nation’s most sophisticated military contractors is a reminder that even seemingly safe computer systems are vulnerable.
Friday, July 11, 2014
If Only There Were Shovel Ready Projects
The Fruit That Will Save The World
Don't Assume They Know What They're Doing
That rich elites weren't begging the government to take the health care nightmare off their hands taught me that they often don't have any idea what they're doing.
They Controlled This
What About All Of Those Humanitarian Wars
Spoiler: none.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Ads Suck
And yes I know there's an occasional redirect ad which you should not be seeing and when I figure out why it's happening I will stop it, but yr editr rejects all kinds of annoying ad pitches and by reject yr editr means "ignores crappy email pitches from ad companies." The google ads plus the commissions from you people who buy all the weird shit you buy from amazon pay the bills reasonably well, but it's definitely the top up from the occasional fundraiser which covers the difference.
Everything I do, I do it for you.
I confess: I enjoy driving fast.
Not reckless driving, just cruising at speeds more appropriate for road conditions than the posted speed limit sometimes permits. Pop the top on the old Solara, fire up the CD player and hit the open road. A new Mercedes ad calls it “feeling alive,” although the sensation can be just as good in any well-kept automobile.
Of course I'm not serious. But this is the man who suggested that murdering bicyclists for the crime of bicycling would be ok, so, you know.
Don't Need
Driving in Philly is actually easy. Yes you have to accept that there's going to be a stop sign almost every block, so driving isn't necessarily that fast, but outside of the few blocks around our linear central business district, driving is really easy in much of the city. People driving into the city hate it because the transition from urban highway to urban street grid is problematic, and because they tend to drive in for events which attract numerous other drivers, but otherwise driving really isn't a problem.
People Still Don't Have Any Money
As investors stop buying up houses we'll probably have another bubble popping in some regions. No jobs, no money, no mortgage payments.
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
They Always Lie
Surveillance state liberals confuse me. I think it's fair to debate how much this reflects poorly on Obama and how much this is just an unaccountable monster that he he can't easily control, but that's entirely different from defending the monster.
Why Do Car Owners Love Curb Cuts
1600 Words Per Week
The Poors Ride Bikes
It Might Be Worth A $500 Fine To Murder You
It’s a $500 fine for a motorist to hit a bicyclist in the District, but some behaviors are so egregious that some drivers might think it’s worth paying the fine.
I get annoyed at bad bicycle behavior as a pedestrian because they might hurt me, but as a car driver the most likely result of egregious bicycle behavior is that you kill them. I guess you might as well do it pre-emptively!
The person who wrote that, and who regularly writes about DC local issues, doesn't even live in DC.
Not A Commodity
The point is...this was always going to be a tough project. They obviously just saw it as a spreadsheet. kaching kachunk.
At least five Muslim-Americans, including prominent lawyers, a civil rights leader and academics, were targeted for years-long surveillance by the FBI and the National Security Agency. This is according to new revelations contained in documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Among the targets were the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations—the top Muslim civil rights organization in the United States—and a former Bush Administration official who worked for the Department of Homeland Security and held a top-secret security clearance during the time he was under surveillance.
Near the end it was "bad" because it was a failed economic model, but up until that point the Soviet Union was "bad" because of all that totalitarian surveillance.
("Bad" is in quotes because it's a childish concept, not because I'm a secret lover of the Soviet Union.)
We Run Things, Things Don't Run We
You'd Think Burning in Hell for All Eternity Would Be Punishment Enough
After a setback in the Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby case, President Obama is facing mounting pressure from religious groups demanding to be excluded from his long-promised executive order that would bar discrimination against gay men and lesbians by companies that do government work.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
The Marks Are In Charge
The Visitor Model
Cleveland Rocks
I don't think I've been there in over 20 years. How is it?
Mirror Universe
Monday, July 07, 2014
Happy Hour
This is such fun! What's consequence-free sex? No orgasms? No snoring next to you after sex? No sexually transmitted diseases?
Read the post to find the answer. It's long, but she really digs into the weeds.
Not A Drop
As an economist, I must believe that their expectations are rational.
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Also, Fingers Crossed Behind Backs
God Glenn Greenwald is a dick.
Morning Thread
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Just What Do They Do All Day
Speaking of nannies....
How And How Much Money
Major Major’s father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a longlimbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major’s father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen.”
Major Major’s father was an outspoken champion of economy in government, provided it did not interfere with the sacred duty of government to pay farmers as much as they could get for all the alfalfa they produced that no one else wanted or for not producing any alfalfa at all. He was a proud and independent man who was opposed to unemployment insurance and never hesitated to whine, whimper, wheedle and extort for as much as he could get from whomever he could.
Saturday Afternoon
Friday, July 04, 2014
God Emperor Of Iraq
Ahmed Chalabi, the Iraqi who helped spur the U.S. invasion of his country, would be viable as its next prime minister though close ties he established with Iran pose an impediment, said Paul Wolfowitz, a top American national security official when the war launched.
“The man is a survivor,” Wolfowitz said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capitol with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend. “That’s impressive. I think he wants to succeed in what he does, he’s smart; maybe he’ll figure out a way to do it.”
DETROIT — A FAMILY of five with no water for two weeks who were embarrassed to ask friends if they could bathe at their house. A woman excited about purchasing a home who learned she would be held responsible for the previous owner’s delinquent water bill: all $8,000 of it. A 90-year-old woman with bedsores and no water available to clean them.
Morning Thread
The city is finally getting around to fixing the Common pool and the adjacent Pavilion. Those facilities call back to an earlier time of promise, when there was the collective will to spend tax money to build nice things. Caring about kids, the future, and common purpose seems so retro nowadays. It’s good to see that someone on city staff still gives a shit.
Retro: When tax dollars were spent on citizens, not on corporate give aways. It would be nice to get back to that.
Thursday, July 03, 2014
The Internet Is A Series Of Assholes
Thursday Crass Commercialism
Why Yes, I Am Stupid! Thank You For Pointing That Out
And Speaking Of How Much We Love Our Children
Stupid Or Evil
As chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has faced many a tough question relating to figures but that did not stop him dodging a simple multiplication calculation put to him by a seven-year-old.
Sam Raddings asked Osborne what seven times eight equals but the chancellor refused to answer. “I’ve made it a rule in life not to answer a load of maths questions,” he said. Luckily, Sam, who was part of a child panel interviewing Osborne on Sky News, stepped in to point out that the answer was 56. The chancellor’s refusal came just after he had told Sam in response to a question as to whether he was good at maths: “Well, I did maths A-level so I have been tested at school.”
There Is No Room For All The Cars
Pro tip: if you must drive into the city, park west of Broad and south of Washington and then take the subway to where you want to go.
Trains running late for the 4th. Subways running all night. With subways running all night, the Norristown High Speed Line is probably your last best hope to getting to the western suburbs. Last one leaves 69th st. at 1:42. Miss that one and the first one leaves at 4:20.
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
What's It All About Then
Just keep sending the checks.
Vigilante Fetish
None of these people are smart enough to think this through.
Good Guy With Gun Needs To Know If Other Guy With Gun Is Good Guy With Gun Or Bad Guy With Gun So He Can Decide Whether Or Not To Shoot Him
A man carrying a holstered firearm entered the store to make a purchase. Another customer, also with a holstered firearm, approached him and demanded to see his identification and firearms license, according to the Valdosta Police Department report.
The customer making demands for ID pulled his firearm from its holster but never pointed it at the other customer, who said he was not obligated to show any permits or identification.
He demanded the man’s ID again. Undeterred by the drawn gun, the man paid for his items, left the store and called for police.
Strange Days
What I don't remember is my peers thinking that simply taking birth control was an expression of sluttitude.
Can't Even Make The Roads Run On Time
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Happy Hour, or Drown Your Sorrows Hour
As I said, drown your sorrows time.
Noodling About
SCOTUS Clariried Clarified Today
The Supreme Court on Tuesday confirmed that its decision a day earlier extending religious rights to closely held corporations applies broadly to the contraceptive coverage requirement in the new health care law, not just the handful of methods the justices considered in their ruling.
Supposedly, these guys are the best jurists in the country. You'd think they'd be able to write a coherent decision.
God Emperor Of Iraq
Ahmad's Puppets
BAGHDAD — He took millions of dollars from the C.I.A., founded and was accused of defrauding the second-biggest bank in Jordan and sold the Bush administration a bill of goods on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
At first championed by the Bush administration’s neoconservatives as a potential leader of Iraq, Ahmad Chalabi ended up persona non grata, effectively barred from the wartime American Embassy here. Now, in an improbable twist of fate, Mr. Chalabi is being talked about as a serious candidate for prime minister. He has also been back to the embassy.
Erin Go Gay
A gay group of employees from NBC will march in next year’s New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade behind their own banner, a source with knowledge of the ongoing parade controversy has told the Irish Voice....
In a historic move aimed at defusing the storm that erupted this year over the exclusion of gay banners in the march, the addition of a banner identifying gay NBC staffers is a compromise forged at the insistence of several New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee members, including Dr. John Lahey, president of Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, and Francis X. Comerford, chief revenue officer for NBC-owned TV stations.
It is of course grimly hilarious that intricate diplomacy was required to finally persuade a crowd of Hibernian fossil bigots to concede that homosexuals might be sufficiently Irish enough to march in a fucking parade. For fuck's sake, you'd think it was Ulster and the IRA burying the Armalites, and not a fucking parade in another fucking country.
I might actually go to the NYC parade this year. I long ago swore I wouldn't go until Gay Freedom, but really that was a cover, as I couldn't be arsed anyhow. Loud drunk white people from Long Island sporting plastic shamrocks, fuck that. Perhaps I am no longer sufficiently pious a Catholic regardless of this recent gay-march toleration. Ochone!