Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Fun times.
O’Malley spoke at length to reporters last Friday about the need for compassion for these children. And he said that the government should not “summarily send children to death” by forcing them to return home, a reference to the administration’s effort to speed deportations, add immigration judges and beef up border security. Within hours, O’Malley said he received a phone call from a White House official.

By Tuesday, details of that private conversation leaked to political reporters via a “Democratic source” — and not one in Annapolis, according to O’Malley aides. The comments painted O’Malley as a hypocrite: the governor didn’t want these immigrant children returned to their home countries, the source said, but he refused to shelter them in his own state, opposing a proposed site in Carroll County that has since been removed from the list of options.

Click the link and read the rest.