Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Cats Thread

Free Slut Pills

It's demeaning to provide appropriate medical coverage for women because it suggests they might want to have the sexytime.

Afternoon Thread



And the WSJ actually published it.

Your Family

How many people would want themselves or their spouses turned into incubators after they've died? Some, perhaps, but I doubt very many people would, even among the supposed "pro-life" crowd.

Second Cuppa Thread

Hey, it's Saturday.



The collection of all this mass data amounts to a government dossier on every individual who has a cell phone or a computer.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Late Night

Rock on.

Catz Thread

Friday Crass Commercialism

I think Dinesh D'Souza's gonna need a little help with his legal fees.


Just for old time's sake.

This Won't End Well

I think the expansion of rental property options is a good thing. But property management of single family home rentals is hard, and I think a healthy rental market requires stronger tenant protections, including soft rent control, than most locations have. I certainly don't trust the Wall Street boys to be anything but "absentee slumlords," taking down communities in the process.


It isn't the most important thing, but the total surveillance state is a colossal waste of money. Give people cash and a task and they'll keep justifying and expanding their role and supposed importance. Say "boo! National Security" and the money keeps flowing, and mumble something about "technology" and people get hypnotized.

At best it's just a colossal waste of money. At best.


One of the weird ideas out there is that people who use bikes for transportation are "rich" hipsters (I'm not sure when hipsters became rich in the popular conception either). Most people I see riding bikes are likely immigrants (can't always know of course) who aren't likely to be super rich. More than that, bikes are, you know, a lot cheaper than cars.

Heckuva Job

Probably he did do a good job. Fines are just a cost of doing business, and nobody worries about going to jail.
A year after an embarrassing trading blowup led to millions of dollars being docked from Jamie Dimon’s paycheck, the chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase is getting a raise.

Open Presser

In case you missed it, Snowden did a live Q&A yesterday.  I've posted a couple of excerpts.

The "exile" thing doesn't work so well here in the future.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Late Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour, West Coast Edition

Dinesh D'Souza "Indicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Campaign Finance Fraud"

Um what?

Happy Hour Thread


Information Is Cheap

I'd run the bus lines every 15 seconds if I ran the place, but the point of real-time travel data apps is that they are a very cheap way to add customary functionality to systems which already have GPS information for their fleets. People hate waiting for buses/trains more than they dislike the time spent riding them, especially if weather is bad, and they hate waiting even more if there's uncertainty. If you're reasonably sure that bus is going to come in 8 minutes, the 8 minute wait isn't so bad. It's more frustrating if you don't know when the bus is coming.

Increasing frequency costs a lot of money, money I would of course spend if I were your benevolent transit overlord. Transit apps are cheap.

How To Run The Secret Surveillance State

The people who are running it are pretty incompetent.
The company that conducted a background investigation on the contractor Edward J. Snowden fraudulently signed off on hundreds of thousands of incomplete security checks in recent years, the Justice Department said Wednesday.

The government said the company, U.S. Investigations Services, defrauded the government of millions of dollars by submitting more than 650,000 investigations that had not been completed. The government uses those reports to help make hiring decisions and decide who gets access to national security secrets.

But, you know, trust them!

Department Of Bad Ideas

I wonder how long it will take to fix this.

Concerns And The Great Moderation

The story the Dem party likes to tell itself is that it went all crazy hippie dippie in the 70s and 80s, elected that communist Jimmy "deregulation" Carter to the presidency, then nominated noted communists Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis who were deservedly destroyed. During this period, a time when half of the party were conservative southern racists, the party didn't do enough for the Real American white working (male) class. Then along came the DLC and the new Democrats and the new new Democrats and the new new new new new new new Democrats and they moderated the party by informing big business that we were their friends too and we'd love their money. Then the party enhanced its appeal by backing off on support for gun control and abortion rights.

By doing all of this the party ushered in the great Glorious Age of Democrats, otherwise known as the election of Bill Clinton, which was followed by a Republican takeover of the House, their frequent control of the Senate, the destruction of the welfare system, the election of George W. Bush, some lovely little wars, and out of control banksters that destroyed the economy and got rich doing it. Yay great moderation.

Obviously that isn't quite the story they like to tell themselves, but hopefully you get the point. Anyway the real point is that while the narrative is always about how the Dems turned their backs on the white working class, during the grand "rescue the party from the hippies" period, it isn't as if they suddenly did a bunch of stuff to help these people. They mostly just tried to convince them that they love guns and war and don't much like those abortion sluts either. Also, too, don't worry white working class, we aren't going to do anything to help you but we aren't going to help the blah people either.

If you want to argue that this was a tremendously successful electoral strategy, the only success you can really point to is President Bill Clinton.

But, yes, the way to win the hearts of voters is to actually do stuff that helps them. Populism is a bad word which suggests that government exists to help people other than the 1%, who have the money spigot aimed right at their gobs constantly, but yay populism.

License To Kill

Stay out Florida.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

326K new lucky duckies.

Poor People Are Inheriting Too Damn Much

Maybe we need a 3rd category... stupid, evil, or nuts?


Brad DeLong has some new digs.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Late Night

Rock on.

Later Night Thread

Wednesday Evening

Busy with stuff.

Afternoon Thread

Possible Baby Steps

Whatever one thinks about the importance of Official State Disapproval of the demon weed, it's absurd that it takes up police time and resources and it's absurd that it can be an excuse for police to harass people in a discriminatory fashion. Prosecuting it should be below prosecuting "wearing insufficient onions on belts as the laws of olde require" as a priority. Anything that moves us in that direction is good.

Don't Worry DOT, We'll Still Have Plenty Of Roads To Spend Money On

Obviously I have different personal policy priorities than "build more roads," but fortunately we can still spend lots of money on "fix those bridges" and "replace those 50 year old highways." Incorrect forecasting skews our priorities towards building exciting new roads, instead of fixing the ones we have.

How About 3 Responses?

I love the new tradition of two Republican responses to the State of the Union. Let's see how many networks carry it.

If ever there is a Republican president again, they'll probably carry on that tradition, and leave out the Democratic response entirely.


Obviously Good Public Policy

A bank account at the Fed for every adult. ATMs at every post office.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Late Night

Rock on.


I often joke that New Yorkers are the most provincial people on the planet. Obviously New York City is cosmopolitan in the generally understood meaning from that word, but when New Yorkers write about/talk about other places it's as if they're venturing deep into a bizarre landscape on some strange new planet. NYC is the norm, and all deviations are weird and strange. And, of course, the peasants of the lesser provinces aren't very sophisticated.
For any new restaurant in Philly, Kulp says the trick is creating "something that isn't going to intimidate people or make them feel like they're risking their money because it's so out of touch with what they might anticipate."

But he says there's still a bigger mental divide between New York and Philadelphia than there is an actual geographical divide: "People in New York just don't go to Philadelphia," he says. "But if it didn't work out down here, I figure I'd take the hour-and-fifteen-minute train ride. Once I realized how close Philadelphia is, it's not like you can never go back."

Because They Want To

Gun nuts have vigilante fantasies. When the opportunity presents itself, they act on those fantasies. It's that simple.

Happy Hour Thread


Grand Old Police Blotter

Oh my.

Former Va. [governor] Bob McDonnell, his wife Maureen, both indicted on federal corruption charges in Richmond.

2.9 Cheers For Earmarks

Some earmarks are good policy, others are probably no worse than any other shit that's in the budget, and some are pure corruption (as is plenty of non-earmark contracting). But they're a small price to pay for making things happen.

People Trying To Get Home

Snow's a bit more nuts than forecast. Train platform is full.



When I lived in London, I noticed that bus drivers would tend to wave you on board if you looked like someone who could afford the fare but maybe forgot your travel card or similar. If you seemed to be genuinely poor - as in, didn't have the fare because you were broke - they wouldn't.

Our criminal justice system is a bit like that
A former Halliburton manager was sentenced Tuesday to one year of probation for destroying evidence in the aftermath of BP's massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Tuesday Crass Commercialism

I guess I should have ordered some salt earlier.

Snow 2

I didn't mean to suggest that 8 inches of snow wasn't a big deal for anyone individually. Some people can't stay off the roads for whatever reason, and dangerous conditions mean accidents will probably happen. Emergency services are affected, and in addition to snow it's going to be really cold soon so potential power outages are an issue. The point is just that 8 inches of snow is a standard weather event that happens regularly and, roughly speaking, the region is equipped to deal with. It isn't an off the charts event.

What Now For Cuomo

This is one of those silly made up right wing nonsense fests, but the question is how Cuomo responds. Will he get on his knees and beg for Sean Hannity's forgiveness?


Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but it does seem like slightly less than major snow events get a lot more hyped than they used to. We might get 8 inches here. It matters. People should take safety precautions and stay off the roads. Fine for things to shut down. But it isn't all that big of a deal.

CoT: Targets of Suspicion

Translation.  And exegesis.

Also, KagroX and Allison Kilkenny on Moral Mondays and the West Virginia chemical spill.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Rock on.

There Might Be Some Blogging Tomorrow

Contrary to expectations, no jury duty required.


Evening Thread


If You Want To Rent One Half Of Your Side Of The Block It Will Cost You $260 Per Year

A modest move towards sanity in parking pricing, but if your household has 4 cars in an area with residential parking permits, you don't have a parking problem, you are the parking problem.

And Inflation

Mostly this Charles Osgood piece on the minimum wage is unobjectionable, but it ends with "With Washington State topping the list [for state set minimum wages] at $9.32 an hour, that works out to $74.56 pay for an 8 hour shift. Almost 15 times Henry Ford's $5 per day."

I'm sure the typical Eschaton reader can see the problem with this.

(ht. r. porrofatto)

Your Hatred Of Women And Belief In Their Inferiority Makes You So Very Attractive

While I don't deliberately visit most of the fever swamps of the internets, except the Washington Post editorial page, I do randomly come across the various straight assholes who think that there's something evil and wrong about feminism and that feminists are evil. An obvious point but...uh, you expect to get laid with that attitude?

Sure plenty of dudes who don't regularly express that attitude actually hold it, including some self-described liberal dudes, but most have the sense enough not to broadcast it. I suppose I can appreciate the honesty of the vocal haters, but am still unclear on what they're trying to achieve.

Sarah Palin Said Something Stupid On The Internets Again

You can find it yourself if you wish. I'm just reminded of the days when the drudge-politico led news media treated ever internet utterance by her as The Most Important Political News of the hour, day, week, month, whatever. Then there was that weird "maybe we shouldn't be paying so much attention to Palin" semi-mea culpa.

Our Village press, always wrong about everything.

It Has To Have A Bit Of Stupid

My rule about scandals and kerfluffles that obsess the media is that what really gives them staying power is a bit of stupid. As in, "I can't believe we're still talking about this stupid thing but I can't help responding to it because it's so stupid that you won't shut up about it."

Wanker of the Day

Jennifer Rubin

Chris Christie Tire Swinger Week

On schedule.


I don't know anything about that bridge specifically, but the freight rail infrastructure in Philly is known to be shit generally. And a lot of oil travels right through the city and right by the river.
A CSX train carrying crude oil and sand derailed on a bridge over the Schuylkill River in University City overnight.


The two-locomotive, 101-freight-car train was traveling from Chicago to Philadelphia, according to CSX. Seven freight cars -- six containing crude oil and one containing sand -- derailed, the company said.

What Would Martin Luther King Have Thought Of Richard Sherman

Seems like a stupid day. Maybe I'll just go back to bed.

Morning Thread

Rachel Maddow has an interesting column up at the Washington Post. She notes the how various stories, from walking the Appalachian Trail to Bridgegate,  have unfolded through the tenacious efforts of local reporters and concludes:

Most of the time, national news happens out loud: at news conferences, on the floor of Congress, in splashy indictments or court rulings. But sometimes, the most important news starts somewhere more interesting, and it has to be dug up. Our democracy depends on local journalism, whether it’s a beat reporter slogging through yet another underattended local commission meeting, or a state political reporter with enough of an ear to the ground to know where the governor might be when he isn’t where he says he is, or a traffic columnist who’s nobody’s fool.

It’s annoying to pay for information — I know. But if you don’t subscribe to your local paper or pony up to get behind its online paywall, who’s going to pay reporters to cover the news where you live? A free press isn’t that kind of “free.” An accountable democracy doesn’t work without real information, gathered from the ground up, about people in power, everywhere. Be inspired by the beleaguered but unintimidated reporters of Chris Christie’s New Jersey: Whatever your partisan affiliation, or lack thereof, subscribe to your local paper today. It’s an act of civic virtue.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Rock on.

Evening Thread


Emo's Joke

I once saw fairly prominent person totally rip this joke off in a speech. Credit Emo.


In the mood for some harmonies.

Afternoon Thread Bugaloo

Something, something. Rats, ships, something.

Afternoon Thread

Affirmative Action For Rich People

That's what unpaid internships are. And, you know, we're not talking about the internship you do on the side for some college credit, or a couple week stint somewhere, things lots of young people can manage to afford. We're talking about the several month life uprooting - but also potentially lifechanging - internships with elite institutions. What young people can afford to move to DC and work full time for free?

Tire Swing Week

The week of the Christie Tire Swingers' Club begins.

Your Buddy In The White House

It's quite possible the "real Mitt" is a much more likeable guy than the cartoon robot oligarch who ran in 2012. It's also somewhat possible if we all had a chance to get to know this "real Mitt" that he would have gotten a few more votes in 2012. I don't think the theater criticism version of political coverage is meaningless. Low information voters - and, really, we're all low information voters - are going to make judgments based on trying to infer what they can about the person behind the curtain. But the idea that the Mittster would have triumphed if we'd all just really gotten to know him is absurd, even if he really is super awesome at heart.


Fallows quotes DiFi, expressing a novel concept:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein: "We cannot let Israel determine when and where the United States goes to war."

and asks whether any of the opponents have read their sanctions bill.