Saturday, October 31, 2015

I Went Outside Today

What's going on?


I suspect the issue is that people are more likely to listen instead of locking them up in solitary?
“Because the demographic of people affected are more white, more middle class, these are parents who are empowered,” said Michael Botticelli, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, better known as the nation’s drug czar. “They know how to call a legislator, they know how to get angry with their insurance company, they know how to advocate. They have been so instrumental in changing the conversation.”

If only blah people had known to call a legislator, how to advocate. Everything would have been different!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Cat Thread

Friday Evening Thread

Zomg it's Friday! Everybody get down on Friday!

The Communists Of CNBC

Republican candidates have all learned that pitching a hissy fit at your "enemies" - especially the libturd media - is how you gain votes. Pissing off libturds, and reacting to supposed slights of libturds, is basically what it means to be a conservative now. Yes no tax dollars for blah people and no abortion for the slutty sluts, but mostly just pissing off libturds.

It's pretty funny, really, other than the "they might run the country" part.

Cunning Plans

Good luck, Atlanta!

Accustomed To

It's not our fault for not paying people enough, it's the fault of people who paid them too much before!!!!
The Cherry Hill-based firm was awarded a two-year, $34 million contract to manage substitute services beginning in September.

It promised to have filled 75 percent of vacancies by the first day of school and 90 percent by January; it filled 24 percent of sub jobs Thursday, leaving 505 classes without teachers.

Initially, Source4Teachers officials said Philadelphia substitute pay rates had been artificially high. But many per-diem teachers who had worked in city classrooms opted not to work for Source4Teachers, citing the pay.

"It's not surprising to see a fair amount of criticism directed at the pay rates," said Owen Murphy, Source4Teachers spokesman. "We inherited a situation where the sub talent pool in some cases had become accustomed to higher rates."

Laughing all the way to the bank, as will William Shitehead for the rest of his life.

We do love our children.

Some Of Us Were Alive In The 90s

I'll admit to being pretty clueless about gay rights issues in my younger days. I was shockingly old before I knew my first out gay person (Out to me, at least. There were people I knew who were gay but they weren't out to me. That distinction matters, as while it wasn't their job to educate me, not having conversations about this stuff, not having gay people just being a "normal" part of life, made it easier for me to be clueless.)

But even clueless me knew DOMA was bullshit, and less clueless me knows that justifications, 19 years later, for DOMA are even more bullshit.

America's Worst Humans

Eva Moskowitz.

How Did People Become Such Assholes

Anecdote is not data, but sometimes the lack of empathy among my fellow Americans shocks even cynical me. I would have thought having kids would cure that a bit, but people seem to be happy to sentence The Kids Today to a horrible life. I don't have kids, but jesus take my tax money to pay for their education.

It's Fun To Kick Them When They're Down

I'm not going to waste my beautiful mind feeling sorry for Jeb Bush, but it's been interesting watching the discourse shift. All the cool kids in the press now mock the Jebster. He's gone from being the inevitable frontfunner to being the nerd the bullies pick on.

Morning Thread

Bring on the Wambulance!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday Evening

Tomorrow is...!

The Good Old Days

Maddening that the olds don't know - or pretend not to know - that life for The Kids Today is much more expensive.


It amuses me how the press manages to agree on the clown car debate "winner" every time. I'm so old I remember when Carly Fiorina was SURGING. You kids are probably too young, but old guys like me remember what happened two weeks ago. She nailed it! And was the new frontrunner! Those were good times. This week apparently it's Rubio, whose boyish bad looks and boyish bad demeanor and boyish boyishness will charm everybody who really likes boyishness. Or something. I don't know. They're all weirdos to me, but the "establishment" has decided that Trump and Carson must be vanquished.

Afternoon Thread

Did you know that "afternoon" refers to a time that is "after noon." That is, a time that is later than 12 o'clock PM, the noon time. If the little hand has crossed the 12, and it is still light outside, there's a pretty good chance that it is indeed afternoon. As in, after noon! Language can be so clever!

America's Worst Humans

Bobby Harrison.

Open Carry For Some, Summary Execution For Others

There's no doubt that open carry laws are just open carry for some, and excuse to execute others. The right kind of people will be allowed to carry guns, the scary kind of people will be shot for having them. And this will all make sense to gun lovers, because they know who the good guys with guns are and who the bad guys with guns are. Hint: white people versus blah people.

Things We Can Afford

Even aside from the fact that they don't work, I'm pretty sure these blimps aren't something we "need" even by the logic of the national security state, except to the extent that the logic is "pay your friends as much money as possible for stupid things."

On the bright side, they're less deadly than most of the stupid things we pay for, so I guess that deserves a cheer.


Note to Sanders' campaign team: When you explain your "strategy" to the press, it ceases to be a strategy.

Some of us are old enough and smart enough to remember how we shuddered every time we saw the name "Stephanopoulos" in the newspapers. No one is going to forgive you if you turn this campaign into another "We're the Clever Boys" show.

Do not talk to the press about your strategy. You can only harm your candidate by doing it, so just stfu.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

This blog was really shitty today. Maybe tomorrow will be better?


Some days it's difficult to avoid concluding that all of politics - politicians, pundits, and, yes, humble bloggers - is just a vehicle for narcissism.

It is all about me, you fucking fucks.

Lunch Thread

Eat your damn lunch!

But She Was Full Of The Disrespect!!!

I don't know how much it was white boy privileged upbringing, and how much it was just a different time, but I never worried about getting my ass kicked because of "misbehavior" in schools.

South Carolina authorities will announce Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields, the school resource officer who was caught on camera violently flipping a high school student in her classroom, will be relieved of duty, sources told NBC News.


Happy to be wrong, but these "we'll get it right in a few years..." predictions are pretty much the norm.
Nissan Motor Co. showed a concept vehicle loaded with laser scanners, a 360 degree camera setup, a radar and computer chips so the car can "think" to deliver autonomous driving. The Japanese automaker called it IDS, which stands for "intelligent driving system."

Nissan, based in Yokohama, Japan, said it will offer some autonomous driving features by the end of next year in Japan. By 2018, it said vehicles with the technology will be able to conduct lane changes on highways. By 2020, such vehicles will be able to make their way through intersections on regular urban roads.

For some reason doubts about self-driving cars piss people off. Not sure why. As I said, happy to be wrong! But they won't work! Not as promised, anyway. Cruise control plus will work, but otherwise...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.

Poor Dears

I've never been a fan of branding combat Vets as "warriors" but, pretty sure these guys aren't warriors...

America's Worst Humans

The SXSW organizers.

Check Back In Another Six Months

We don't even know which side we're on.

But we gotta do something, amirite?

Fighting You Fighting Me A Cat In The Hat And A Tin Possum Makes Three

Our "Syria policy" makes less sense than that title.

I Criticize Your Right To Criticize!!!

Conservatives is weird.

I Might Know One Of These People

Doona Bae, Selena Gomez, @nicolasghesquiereofficial and Michelle Williams at the #InStyleAwards in Los Angeles #LVinLA

A photo posted by Louis Vuitton Official (@louisvuitton) on

Tuesday Christmas Bonus Blogging

As I regularly say, the best way to contribute to this humble blog is to take some money from Jeff Bezos and give it to me. Don't like Amazon? Don't shop there! But if you are going to shop there, click on one of the many links on this blog before doing so. Your ungrateful brats adorable nieces and nephews need some presents after all! How about a nice TV?

What Could Go Wrong?

If only there were options other than "killing more people." Bueller? Bueller?
President Obama’s most senior national security advisers have recommended measures that would move U.S. troops closer to the front lines in Iraq and Syria, officials said, a sign of mounting White House dissatisfaction with progress against the Islamic State and a renewed Pentagon push to expand military involvement in long-running conflicts overseas.

The Pentagon is never wrong, so...

America's Worst Humans

Ben Fields.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.

The World's Worst Humans

Martin Amis.

Self-Made Men

Who amongst us?
My whole life, really, has been a no, and I fought through it. And, you, know, I talk about it. It’s not been easy for me, it has not been easy for me. You know, I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars. I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great.

Not sure when that was, but it was long enough ago that a million was a hell of a lot more than a million today...

Who Is The Frontrunner This Week?

The thing with Republican primaries is that everybody gets their turn. It's like the much-derided "everybody gets a medal just for showing up." I think it's Rubio this week, though maybe Carson? I don't know. I remember when Fiorina was the inevitable candidate. It's mostly unrelated to actual poll numbers, which despite flaws are actual data. The press likes to feel it at you, all together, all at the same time

Make It Stop

Annoying ads have been around for a long time, but Annoying Ads The Next Generation just make me want to not bother clicking on your website at all. I don't want to play Where's Waldo with the Whack-A-Mole "X" every time I access your site. 17+ years of hating the internet, and everybody just keeps doing their best to make it worse.

Is That You, Sarah?

Sure the Senate sucks, but I'm not sure why someone who hates being a senator would love being president, a job which also sucks.
“I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.”

This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust.

“That’s why I’m missing votes. Because I am leaving the Senate. I am not running for reelection,” Rubio said in the last Republican debate, after Donald Trump had mocked him for his unusual number of absences during Senate votes.

So glad we're paying your salary, senator.

Monday, Monday

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Evening

Uh-oh. Tomorrow is...

All About The Rich People

I will never understand this. Most of the people cycling in my neighborhood are minorities and presumably not rich given the not exactly luxury bikes they're usually riding. Also, they're not driving cars. Where did this idea that bikes are just for people whose other choice is their BMW come from?
"There's a perception of biking being for wealthier people who are not minorities," said Paul DeMaio, who was integral to launching Capital Bikeshare in the Washington area. "It's overcoming these hurdles that we're all facing."

Whose perception? There's an issue with bikeshare requiring credit cards (Philly does allow for cash, though it's not a perfect system), but otherwise?

America's Worst Humans

Chris Christie

About The Last Seven Years Of My Education Policy

Maybe I can take some of it back?

Faced with mounting and bipartisan opposition to increased and often high-stakes testing in the nation’s public schools, the Obama administration declared Saturday that the push had gone too far, acknowledged its own role in the proliferation of tests, and urged schools to step back and make exams less onerous and more purposeful.

So much wrong was loaded into this remark by Arne Duncan.
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a group of state schools superintendents Friday that he found it “fascinating” that some of the opposition to the Common Core State Standards has come from “white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were, and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were.”

So the expected opposition would be from black urban moms whose kids we already knew were stupid? That the whole point is to prove that suburban schools in white areas suck too? I don't even quite know, but whatever he meant it was all kinds of messed up.

Morning Thread