Sunday, January 31, 2016
Escape From Iowa
Iowa campaign coverage is always the worst. It seems to involve political journalists marveling at themselves for actually being in Iowa.
Personally nothing against Iowa. Think I was there once. It wasn't an alien planet.
Personally nothing against Iowa. Think I was there once. It wasn't an alien planet.
The great mystery to me continues to be the weird belief by many - sincere, I think - that Rubio was going to win the primary and be the toughest dude for Democrats to beat in November. Have we watched the same politician? I try (and fail) to avoid the theater criticism coverage of politics, but I don't deny that the theater matters, and it especially matters to most of the people pushing Rubio. He comes across as a not very bright manchild with much less charisma than Potsie from Happy Days.
It was funny watching all of the very serious pundits be in denial about the Trump candidacy. Yes we're all familiar with the past history of Republican primaries, where every candidate seemed to get their turn being the "frontrunner." Basically, the one who Republicans thought was pissing off liberals the most that day would get a poll boost that would last for about a week and then McCain or Mittens would rise to the top. Fiorina did it this cycle with her baby-killing Democrats schtick, but that's all she had. She couldn't keep bringing it.
But Trump kept bringing it. And once he rose to the top, he stayed there. All of the many "ZOMG TRUMP SAID SOMETHING MEAN ABOUT JOHN MCCAIN HE'S DOOMED NOW" moments were hilarious.
I wouldn't have predicted Trump's success at the beginning, but after a few weeks of polls it was pretty clear that he had a good chance.
But Trump kept bringing it. And once he rose to the top, he stayed there. All of the many "ZOMG TRUMP SAID SOMETHING MEAN ABOUT JOHN MCCAIN HE'S DOOMED NOW" moments were hilarious.
I wouldn't have predicted Trump's success at the beginning, but after a few weeks of polls it was pretty clear that he had a good chance.
Sunday, Sunday
Great day for reading Part 2 of Tim Bousquet's Dead Wrong. Pretty strong stuff, so you may want to wait until you've had your second cuppa. There's a whole world out there that most of us can hardly imagine. Sex and drugs, alas, no rock and roll.
Testing the waters
Bill Black and friends want to get a pledge from candidates to deal with the kind of control fraud that created the financial crisis - something a president can do without asking Congress' permission. Seems like a good idea.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
It's Out
Part 2 of Tim Bousquet's Dead Wrong. Fascinating description of how evidence for a criminal trial is gathered and how trials are conducted. Forget Law & Order, this is the real deal.
Now with corrected link.
Now with corrected link.
Really not sure how VW survives.
FRANKFURT — Volkswagen may buy back some diesel cars in the United States if it cannot make them compliant with air quality rules fast enough, a lawyer for the company says.
The statement, made during a court hearing by Robert Giuffra, a lawyer defending Volkswagen against class-action suits by owners of tainted diesel vehicles, was the clearest indication yet that the company, which is based in Wolfsburg, Germany, may not have the technology to bring emissions for some of the cars into line with regulations without hurting performance and fuel economy.
No Wine, No Lunch
I'm beginning to like this Hollande fellow.
French PresidentFrançois Hollande decided having wine with lunch is more important than breaking bread with Iranian PresidentHassan Rouhani during an official visit to Paris.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Bloggity Blog Blog Blog
I guess one thing about there being so many clowns in the clown car is that sometimes it's like... why bother? Yeah, yeah, Rick Santorum said something stupid and horrible again, but Rick Santorum who? I could write stuff about the Donald, but he's already on your teevee 38 hours per day. All the serious pundits are predicting that Rubiomentum, right after the Fiorinamentum and that Kasichmentum, or something.
Just a long silly primary season.
Just a long silly primary season.
That's Your Job, Professional Democrats
I've written about this before, but to me one of the weirdest things is when people in professional politics lash out at people who don't bother to vote. I mean, ok, it's one thing for the rest of us to say "vote, assholes!" but it isn't actually our job to get people to vote. People get paid immense amount of money to get people to the polls. Saying "people suck" or "liberals suck" or "young people suck" because they don't vote might make you feel better about your failure, but it's your failure. There are ways to get people out to vote. Promoting bland candidates who blur the differences instead of accentuating the distinctions doesn't work very well. Failing to nationalize congressional elections doesn't work very well. Republicans nationalize every election. Wonder why Dems don't vote in non-presidential years? Could be because you aren't telling them why they should vote. Kodos might be better than Kang, but you have to tell people why.
And On And On
There's no way this ends well. Yes maybe the tunnel will be completed, but people are going to be in court forever.
Gov. Jay Inslee said he is “extremely disappointed” with the tunnel contractor, and said at a Thursday news conference that he is deferring to state engineers as to when STP has earned the right to restart.
State engineers noticed after the sinkhole formed that additional voids existed, and STP didn’t have a clear plan to deal with them, according to Inslee.
Morning Thread
I think Cruz ought to be appointed Dog Catcher in Chief with the Mojave Desert his sole jurisdiction.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
I guess the new liberal position is that single payer can't just get through Congress (probably true!) but is too expensive. Okay.
America's dirty little secret is we spend more public money as % of GDP (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and now Obamacare subsidies) than many comparable (Yurpean) countries. Then double that (roughly) by adding in the private expenditures. If only there were some models of health care provision that we could emulate...
America's dirty little secret is we spend more public money as % of GDP (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and now Obamacare subsidies) than many comparable (Yurpean) countries. Then double that (roughly) by adding in the private expenditures. If only there were some models of health care provision that we could emulate...
The internet is a good place for narcissists whose narcissism doesn't really work for them in real life. Personal conflicts and relationships on the internet can be as real as those in real life, but the campaign for the Democratic nominee for president really isn't actually about you, unless perhaps your name is Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (Hi Hills! Hi Bern!).
Or Atrios. It's all about Atrios. Everything is.
Or Atrios. It's all about Atrios. Everything is.
Just Checking In On One Of My Obsessions
Any day now.
Mayor James Cassella of East Rutherford said Tuesday that he met with Triple Five officials several weeks ago for an update on the bonds.
“I asked them point-blank, ‘When do you think?’” Cassella said, adding that he was told that they would be sold “hopefully in February.”
But the project has been delayed so many times — dating to its inception as Meadowlands Xanadu more than a decade ago under a previous developer — that “I take it with a grain of salt,” the mayor said. “We’ll see.”
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Why Do Old People Hate Young People So Much?
I'm a connoisseur of getoffmylawnism. I find it fascinating, especially as a notparent who assumes that most (or at least many) of the people hating on the young are parents. I'm old enough to have been through 3-4 waves of this: Gen X, Millennials, and Millennials Round 2. Before that was the Me Generation (70s), and while I don't think the "Yuppie" thing was quite the same, it was related.
Still I find the intensity of the hatred towards young people now to be new and persistent. It's a phenomenon that tends to come out during economic downturns. Those lazy Gen X slackers didn't work (there were no jobs!), Millennials didn't work (there were no jobs!), Millennials Round 2 live in their parents' basements (there were no jobs and the rent is too damn high!). This time it's persisted and it hasn't faded away. Young people are horrible, and everything is all their fault.
It's weird.
Still I find the intensity of the hatred towards young people now to be new and persistent. It's a phenomenon that tends to come out during economic downturns. Those lazy Gen X slackers didn't work (there were no jobs!), Millennials didn't work (there were no jobs!), Millennials Round 2 live in their parents' basements (there were no jobs and the rent is too damn high!). This time it's persisted and it hasn't faded away. Young people are horrible, and everything is all their fault.
It's weird.
Big Charity
It's always tough to criticize organizations that are supposed to be doing good with charitable donations, and to some extent are, but which are also spending a lot of those donations on other things. Overhead and fundraising costs for any big organization are nontrivial and normal, and it's important to understand that, but there are limits...
(ht reader d)
Some of its own employees have criticized it, too. During five years with the Wounded Warrior Project, William Chick, a former supervisor, said of the charity, “It slowly had less focus on veterans and more on raising money and protecting the organization.”
Mr. Chick, who was fired in 2012 after a dispute with his supervisor, said he saw the Wounded Warrior Project help hundreds of veterans. But like other former employees, he asserted that the group has adopted a policy of swiftly firing anyone that leaders consider a “bad cultural fit.”
Eighteen former employees — many of them wounded veterans themselves — said they had been fired for seemingly minor missteps or perceived insubordination. At least half a dozen former employees said they were let go after raising questions about ineffective programs or spending.
(ht reader d)
I Thought We Won The Glorious War Of Liberation In Libya
The Libya situation really pisses me off. Lots of genuine liberals - not just eventheliberals - were condescending and hectoring and smarmy about lecturing dirty fucking hippies like me about all of the glorious benefits of freedom bombing the shit out of the place. Libya was the good war! Really! Shut up hippie!
And now none of them say a word about it.
The Libya situation really pisses me off. Lots of genuine liberals - not just eventheliberals - were condescending and hectoring and smarmy about lecturing dirty fucking hippies like me about all of the glorious benefits of freedom bombing the shit out of the place. Libya was the good war! Really! Shut up hippie!
And now none of them say a word about it.
Semi-Serious, Genuine Question
When the staff of a federally managed wildlife refuge gets to go back to work after a bizarre takeover launched by heavily armed crazy people... what exactly do they do with the leftover crates of lube and dildos?
Like, I sort of doubt this comes up in the training manual.
Like, I sort of doubt this comes up in the training manual.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
It's actually a bit better out there than I expected, but the focus on plowing streets in a way which blocks crosswalks is a bit maddening. Ok, fine, I can walk in some snow, but it reduces mobility for people with disabilities to about zero. Plow the streets, sure, but do something about the crosswalks, too. It isn't just car-haters like me who walk in this city. People walk.
I think Daniel Denvir is basically right here. Overall, Obamacare is an improvement (the Medicaid expansion especially, some other provisions of the law) but the Rube Goldberg mostly shitty insurance exchanges have just solidified the worst of our health care system. It isn't just not super popular because the tea party hates it, it's because our health insurance system is crap. And while detaching it from employment is in theory a good thing, it also means that people can't call their HR/benefits person, someone with at least a little leverage, to fight their insurance battles for them. Nothing is possible as long as Republicans run Congress, so it's time to talk about what we want to happen without pretending that anything actually can happen, because right now it can't.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Going Out In Style
Baby steps, but good.
Solitary confinement is torture. Extended solitary drives people insane. This is not new knowledge.
President Obama on Monday announced a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in the federal prison system, saying the practice is overused and has the potential for devastating psychological consequences.
Solitary confinement is torture. Extended solitary drives people insane. This is not new knowledge.
That Didn't Go As Planned
A Harris County grand jury probe into Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast ended Monday with the indictments of two anti-abortion activists.
David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted for tampering with a governmental record. An additional indictment for prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs was issued for Daleiden, according to a release from the Harris County District Attorneys Office.
"We were called upon to investigate allegations of criminal conduct by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast," said Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson. "As I stated at the outset of this investigation, we must go where the evidence leads us. All the evidence uncovered in the course of this investigation was presented to the grand jury. I respect their decision on this difficult case."
How Old
Years ago I was chatting with an acquaintance who was a single parent and for no particular reason I asked her at what age she would feel comfortable leaving her daughter at home alone for a quick errand. She said 14. My jaw dropped. Anyway, all kids are different, and there's certainly no one right age for any of these things, but the idea that it'd be illegal to leave a 9 year old home alone briefly is just insane to me. I wasn't one, but I grew up in the latchkey kid era, and more than that we all just prowled the neighborhood at that age looking for mischief. I'm sure my independent outdoor world was not quite as big as I remember, but we definitely had a lot of unsupervised time. You know, go out and play.
Nothing to see here.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — An oil spill has occurred on the Schuylkill River near Chestnut Street, according to the Schuylkill River Development Corporation.
Concussion Game Season Almost Over
At least in the NFL, even the lowliest players get paid a good salary. I really don't know how anyone thinks college football, as currently structured, is defensible. The players are exploited, all money goes to coaches and administration, and few of the players ever manage to collect that NFL paycheck. Even without the health risks it would horrible, but with the risks it should definitely be abolished in its current form.
Chuck Todd spends his fall Saturdays tweeting about college football.
Chuck Todd spends his fall Saturdays tweeting about college football.
Some Good News
Sentencing juveniles to life without parole is just obscene no matter what they did. I just don't understand what's wrong with the people who think that's a great thing to do.
The U.S. Supreme Court gave retroactive effect to a 2012 ruling that banned automatic life-without-parole sentences for juvenile murderers, in a decision that may apply to hundreds of inmates.
The 6-3 ruling came in the case of Henry Montgomery, a Louisiana man still in prison for killing a sheriff’s deputy as a 17-year-old in 1963. Montgomery and other convicted murderers now will either become eligible for parole or gain the right to a new sentencing hearing.
People Walk
DC says it may fine people walking in the street bc sidewalks are covered with snow. What?!
— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) January 25, 2016
In fact, just about everybody who lives and works in the city walks. Some of those people mostly drive from place to place, but unless they're being dropped off by a black car with door to door service, they're going to walk the last stretch. This tweet is about DC, not Philly, but lots of business owners and the city itself don't bother clearing sidewalks that they're responsible for. With this much snow, it is sometimes impossible to walk on a snow-covered sidewalk. Of course people are going to walk in the streets which are much more likely to have been cleared (often with the snow that was cleared going up on the sidewalk) More than that, pedestrians aren't dangerous. A nuisance, maybe, but not dangerous.
Morning Thread
I'm sooooo glad it's Friday. I wouldn't want it to be Monday.
This past Saturday, Tim Bousquet, founder of the Halifax Examiner published Part 1 of his opus Dead Wrong: A botched police investigation and a probable wrongful conviction shed light on the murders of dozens of women in Nova Scotia. This, my friends, is how journalism should be done. And, as I noted on Saturday, the story isn't particular to Nova Scotia. This kind of thing is happening all over the U.S. as well.
Well worth the time to read.
This past Saturday, Tim Bousquet, founder of the Halifax Examiner published Part 1 of his opus Dead Wrong: A botched police investigation and a probable wrongful conviction shed light on the murders of dozens of women in Nova Scotia. This, my friends, is how journalism should be done. And, as I noted on Saturday, the story isn't particular to Nova Scotia. This kind of thing is happening all over the U.S. as well.
Well worth the time to read.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
I'm responsible for clearing out snow from 48 sq. feet of sidewalk. Fortunately the snowdrift gods were on my side, and that was quite easy. Walking around the city today, the properties that seemed to be least likely to have their sidewalks cleared were a)large businesses and b)city-owned properties.
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Why not just stop Bertha, before it does some real damage?
It comes down to the money already invested in the project, Inslee explained.
"To throw money overboard and waste it does not seem [reasonable]," he said.
Inslee said the project still has a "reasonable chance of success."
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
And no one will go jail. Well, I suppose some protesters might.
Yet interviews, documents and emails show that as every major decision was made over more than a year, officials at all levels of government acted in ways that contributed to the public health emergency and allowed it to persist for months. The government continued on its harmful course even after lead levels were found to be rising, and after pointed, detailed warnings came from a federal water expert, a Virginia Tech researcher and others.
For more than a year after an emergency manager — appointed by Mr. Snyder to oversee the city — approved a switch from the Detroit system to water from the Flint River to save money, workers assigned to manage the city’s water system failed to lower lead risks with a simple solution: adding chemicals to prevent old pipes from corroding and leaching metals like lead. Disagreements and miscommunication between state and local officials about what federal law requires of so-called corrosion control measures further delayed fixing the problem, the documents show.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Why Not Me?
Write me in for preznit on your primary ballots!
Kidding. I honestly don't know why anyone wants that job. I think I'd lose it after about 3 days on the job, though I wouldn't make that far because I'd lose it after 3 days on the campaign. I think the highest level job I might want would involve being appointed to be a senator to fill in the remainder of term after somebody resigned or died. And even then I wouldn't want to do it for very long.
Kidding. I honestly don't know why anyone wants that job. I think I'd lose it after about 3 days on the job, though I wouldn't make that far because I'd lose it after 3 days on the campaign. I think the highest level job I might want would involve being appointed to be a senator to fill in the remainder of term after somebody resigned or died. And even then I wouldn't want to do it for very long.
Dead Wrong: A botched police investigation and a probable wrongful conviction shed light on the murders of dozens of women in Nova Scotia.
A four part series written by one of our own, Tim Bousquet, premiered today. You can get a sample and sign up to read the rest at his news site, The Halifax Examiner. It's a fascinating read and not particular to just Halifax. Go, now, you'll be glad you did.
Know the Players
The thing that drives me batty in primary season hell is that so many people pose as neutral analysts while actually being complete hacks for their favorite candidate. I'm not against hacks! I'm just against hacks that think their audience is so stupid that that audience doesn't recognize that they're hacks. Transparently stupid arguments are, you know, transparently stupid. It's one thing if they're coming from admitted hacks, quite another if they're coming from people who pretend they're above the fray.
Billionaires for Billionaires
Yah good luck with that.
Galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side, Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for an independent campaign in this year’s presidential race.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Nice Things
One weird (bad) thing about the Obama era is that they failed to make the case adequately that there are some nice things that are the government's job to provide. I mean, it's one thing to argue that we can't afford them (wrong, but ok), or that the Republicans won't let them happen (true), but there are some nice things which really won't exist absent the government making them happen. The bully pulpit might not pass legislation or even win elections, but it might be able to help reverse a bit of the Reagan legacy. We're from the government, and we'd like to fix your damn bridges and potholes.
They Poisoned An Entire City
I really don't understand people. I'd feel pretty bad if I accidentally kicked a puppy. I don't know how people get through the day with that shit on their consciences.
Of course we also had the Iraq war. Sociopaths rise to the top, apparently.
Of course we also had the Iraq war. Sociopaths rise to the top, apparently.
Jersey Boy
Even Christie knows it ain't gonna happen. He's just found a better grift.
Political reporters hint at this sometimes, and it's clear that they know it, but they should be more upfront about it. Running for president as a Republican is a big grift. Win or lose, you win.
The governor’s drive-through appearance in New Jersey was no aberration. As Mr. Christie, a Republican, pursues a long-shot bid for the presidency, he has nearly vanished from the State Capitol in Trenton.
A review of his activities in New Jersey found that Mr. Christie, who has started past years by proposing grand legislative compromises on issues like public pensions and criminal justice, has called on lawmakers to pass only one specific law in 2016.
Political reporters hint at this sometimes, and it's clear that they know it, but they should be more upfront about it. Running for president as a Republican is a big grift. Win or lose, you win.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Small Streets
.@JimFKenney: "We will get to the small streets" - says lived on one 40+ yrs-- as #Philly prepares for #winterstorm
— Jim Rosenfield (@jimrosenfield) January 21, 2016
Sure snow removal resources (both in terms of money and timeliness) are limited, but focusing only on the major thoroughfares tends to help people who are getting in and of the city more than it helps people who live in the city. I'm not saying that's necessarily wrong. Major thoroughfares are major thoroughfares after all, but it is just another way that public policy has been focused on the main business district and on suburban commuters rather than people in the neighborhoods.
Let It Snow
I'm sure it's a bit frustrating that NE corridor weather gets all of the attention because that where all of the national media live. Certainly to the extent that it impacts any policy responses (I'm not sure it does but it could!) such as emergency aid that's actually a real problem. In any case, major weather events are at best a major hassle and at worst expensive and damaging to lives and property.
Good luck affected people!
Good luck affected people!
Transport for London's gradual takeover of (almost) all London rail services is welcome. Privatization was a disaster in many ways, but aside from that obvious critique, TFL takeover means that more rail services become fixed fare (or peak/off peak/pass fare) instead of the airline-type advanced purchasing nightmare that much of England's rail system has become. Just tap your card in and out. Still more expensive than it should be, but not absurd.
Strap Them To A Bed With A Flint Water IV
These people are horrible.
"Data." "Poisoned kids." That kind of thing.
LANSING, Mich. — A top aide to Michigan’s governor referred to people raising questions about the quality of Flint’s water as an “anti-everything group.” Other critics were accused of turning complaints about water into a “political football.” And worrisome findings about lead by a concerned pediatrician were dismissed as “data,” in quotes.
"Data." "Poisoned kids." That kind of thing.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
People Are Assholes On The Internet
And pointing that out isn't really going to help anybody win a primary.
Happy Hour Thread
Had kind of a late night last night, and not the fun kind, so sucky blogging for the rest of the evening probably.
Delete Your Account
And then go beg the cops to arrest you and a prosecutor to prosecute you.
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder apologized to the residents of Flint for a water crisis that has prompted outrage, federal scrutiny and lawsuits, vowing to seek long-term assistance for the city’s residents.
Time To Increase Interest Rates
As I've said, I don't thinksmall upticks in interest rates by the Fed will really destroy the economy. They just signal that the Fed will never let wages (for most of us) rise ever again. They're taking away the punchbowl before the DJ even shows up to the party. Killing inflation is easy and you don't have to pre-kill it. The best argument for Fed actions is that they need to increase rates so that they'll be able to decrease them again if the economy sours. There's a bit of an obvious problem with this reasoning.
Exciting days at the dog track probably do get their attention. Wonder why that is.
Exciting days at the dog track probably do get their attention. Wonder why that is.
What Could Go Wrong
I think the only question is how many times the UK switches sides in the conflict.
British arms companies have cashed-in on Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen by ramping up arms sales to the country’s autocratic government by over a hundred times, new figures show.
Sales of British bombs and missiles to the Saudi Arabia surged to over £1bn just three months last year, according to an official record of arms export licences quietly released by the Government this week.
The sales, up from just £9m in the preceding three-month period, have occurred while the oil-rich autocracy conducts a military campaign in its neighbour’s territory, where the United Nations has said a “humanitarian catastrophe” is unfolding.
Nothing To See Here
It's going to snow soon, stupid libturds.
Scientists reported Wednesday that 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history by far, breaking a record set only the year before — a burst of heat that has continued into the new year and is roiling weather patterns all over the world.
Brunch Thread
They've actually named the storm expected to slam the East Coast on Friday. Jonas. I hope Atrios manages to get to the supermarket for bread, milk, and toilet paper.
Morning Thread
Echidne digs through John Tierney's writings so we don't have to. Important to mention that this guy, with his pseudo science, was a columnist for the NY F*&*ing Times.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Guest Post From Sarah Palin, Esquire
Zippity doobie blobbity ROOOAR summa summa ice ice baby boom boom boom boom da boom boom can't stop this hammertime run run rudolph run right wingy dingy WINGDINGS Clippy bop bop ba loo bop tutti frutti.
Amen and praise god.
Amen and praise god.
It's Absurd That Not Being Poisoned By Politicians Is Political
Generally this type of thing has been going on for years. Anytime Republican politicians do stuff like, say, poisoning entire cities, the entire conservative-industrial complex starts screeching about how wrong it is to politicize politics! The meta-point is that it's actualy the fault of liberals! If only they wouldn't politicize politics, conservatives wouldn't have to poison everybody!!!
The Schuylkill Expressway is a horrible highway, designed and built before transit engineers had a better sense of what smart practices where. There are too many sharp curves, changes in the number of lanes, on and off ramps in the wrong places, etc. But there really isn't much to be done about it. Even though I'm a car hater I'd actually be fine with spending a bunch of money to make it better, but given the geography and adjacent development, the amount of money needed to make even small improvements would be yuge.
But opening up the shoulders? A massive problem with the highway is that an accident will shut the whole thing down for miles. True to some extent of any highway, but even more true given the poor design of this one. Take away the shoulders and you take away any reasonable way for clearing accidents.
Oh well. I rarely drive it. Give the people what they want, I guess.
But opening up the shoulders? A massive problem with the highway is that an accident will shut the whole thing down for miles. True to some extent of any highway, but even more true given the poor design of this one. Take away the shoulders and you take away any reasonable way for clearing accidents.
Oh well. I rarely drive it. Give the people what they want, I guess.
How'd That Movie Do
I admit I think Armageddon is the greatest horrible movie ever made, but otherwise I've never quite understood the appeal of Michael Bay. I also don't get why anyone thought a BENGHAZI movie would be good idea.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Primary Stupid
What drives me nuts about primary season is that I see too many people who I normally think are quite smart making transparently stupid arguments about their candidates. Some admit they're in the tank (better!), some pretend they're just dispensing wisdom from on high, floating above the fray, but either way there's just so much stupid that I'm tempted to open the vodka bottle as soon as I fire up the browser in the morning. No I don't actually do that.
Ask yourself, "will this argument actually convince anybody?" or at least "will this argument actually motivate anybody?" If the answer is "no" to both of those questions then I'm not sure what the point is.
Ask yourself, "will this argument actually convince anybody?" or at least "will this argument actually motivate anybody?" If the answer is "no" to both of those questions then I'm not sure what the point is.
Old v. Young
I'm not blaming the olds here, but it's been interesting to see how what's been attempted in the US has actually been more successful in European countries. Essentially, cut off the youngs from the good stuff that the olds got and the conservatives can get what they want. There are plenty of examples, but the obvious one is how in England tuition went from nothing to 2 thousand pounds to 9 thousand pounds in about 10 years. Every country seems to be pretty excited about enacting "reforms" by inflicting them on The Kids Today.
How about another article about entitled millennials? They're always awesome.
How about another article about entitled millennials? They're always awesome.
Creed Life
As I wrote before, I liked Creed and one reason was that the writer/director made sure to get some Philly details right. The not exactly street legal vehicle thing is one of those things.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
MLK Day tomorrow. I have no deep thoughts on the man and his legacy, but the holiday provides an annual reminder of just how hard some people and politicians fought against the establishment of the holiday. Going forward, I expect intense opposition to anything being named after B. Barry Bamz. I don't really care if stuff gets named after ex-presidents, but it's what we do, and then... we won't.
For some reason my negative view of the viability of driverless cars seems to piss many people off. I don't know why, because who cares what I think? Opinions about them on this sucky blog aren't going to change reality, and if I'm wrong about them I'm wrong. My big worry has been that we're going to start developing policy and wasting lots of public money on them. And, of course, we are.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
The Art of the Deal
No this isn't about Trump. Corruption in politics is a real problem, but I do think a pernicious impact of the goo-goos on our politics is that any deal-meaking is now seen as corrupt. Sure such deal-making can be corrupt, but there's a difference between "give some bacon to my district" and "give some bacon to my pals." The former is how politics works, the latter is corruption. Yes there are always going to be grey areas, but the existence of those grey areas should not obfuscate the fact that there is actually a difference.
Or Maybe A Hundred!
One small sign of progress is that these stupid fake "centrist" organizations (we have no ideology except our ideology! that is to say that our ideology is nonideological unlike all other ideologies!) get much less attention than they used to.
Saturday Morning Thread
Good to keep track of the days of the week. It's a hard job, but somebody has to do it.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Friday Night
Pretty shit week really. I was sick. A bunch of people died. All your retirement moneys is gone.
Don't worry, be happy!
Don't worry, be happy!
New York Values
A weird thing about American politics is that for decades it has been ok - even expected, encouraged - for politicians to hate on the parts of the country where most people actually live. You know, people in those decadent liberal enclaves that Tory immigrant and DC/NYC resident Andrew Sullivan was warning us about after 9/11. It became such an accepted thing, part of the choreographed dance, that most of us just rolled our eyes at it. Trump's horrible, but you gotta respect his game, especially as conservatives all decided they "owned" New York after they gay married 9/11 before they decided they hated it again and wished bin Laden would've blown it up completely.
I don't think I have any deep thoughts about this, other than that personal and anecdotal evidence tells me that too many Walmarts are post-apocalyptic hellscapes, but it's interesting.
Wal-Mart said Friday it will close 269 stores across the globe, including 154 in the U.S. The world's largest retailer also will open as many as 405 stores globally in the coming fiscal year, as it shifts its focus toward Supercenters and Neighborhood Markets in profitable locations.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
And there's probably no actual statute that says "poisoning an entire town is a crime." Even though, you know, pretty sure if I did it I would be in jail.
A group of Virginia Tech researchers who sampled the water in 271 Flint homes last summer found some contained lead levels high enough to meet the EPA's definition of "toxic waste."
Morning Thread
After such an exciting night watching the debates, is anyone awake this early.
Full disclosure, I didn't watch.
Full disclosure, I didn't watch.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Speaking of The Kids Today
Daniel Radcliffe on Rickman:
I don't spend a lot of time with kids and I don't claim to be particularly good at it, but one thing I do remember from being teenish was the growing realization that most adults talked down to me. And, sure, at 14 I wasn't an adult, but I was adult enough to know when people were talking to me like they thought I was an idiot. Maybe I was an idiot! But still smart enough to recognize the condescension.
Anyway, I try not to talk down to kids. I probably fail. Still I recommend doing your best not to.
As an actor he was one of the first of the adults on Potter to treat me like a peer rather than a child. Working with him at such a formative age was incredibly important and I will carry the lessons he taught me for the rest of my life and career.
I don't spend a lot of time with kids and I don't claim to be particularly good at it, but one thing I do remember from being teenish was the growing realization that most adults talked down to me. And, sure, at 14 I wasn't an adult, but I was adult enough to know when people were talking to me like they thought I was an idiot. Maybe I was an idiot! But still smart enough to recognize the condescension.
Anyway, I try not to talk down to kids. I probably fail. Still I recommend doing your best not to.
And on and on...
.@GovInslee says SR 99/Bertha tunneling contractor will be notified to suspend tunnel work after sink hole appears in Seattle.
— Anita Kissée (@anitakissee) January 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Poor Big B
Sinkhole develops near #Bertha site, engineers fill with 250 yd.³ of concrete. #liveonkomo
— Charlie Harger (@charlieharger) January 13, 2016
Where Did All Our Subscribers Go?
Perhaps the geniuses that run the newspapers should figure out how to actually get the newspapers to the people who are willing to pay for them.
It isn't quite the same, but most newspaper websites these days are a nightmare experience, with all the whackamole ads, and the randomly scrolling while you're trying to read, etc. Why DON'T PEOPLE LIKE OUR PRODUCT??? Well, as alt-weeklies long understood, the ads are part of your product. If they're horrible, your product is horrible.
It isn't quite the same, but most newspaper websites these days are a nightmare experience, with all the whackamole ads, and the randomly scrolling while you're trying to read, etc. Why DON'T PEOPLE LIKE OUR PRODUCT??? Well, as alt-weeklies long understood, the ads are part of your product. If they're horrible, your product is horrible.
Noble Amateurism
I've never understood why anyone who isn't a direct beneficiary of the system - coaches, etc. - defends it. Fine, don't let colleges pay athletes, but at least let the athletes shill for local car dealers like good American capitalists.
These Roads Weren't Made For Walkin'
It's a weird world we've created. I'm not sure why people like it, but obviously many do. I'd go nuts if I lived somewhere I couldn't realistically walk to places.
Bad Luck Bertha
Can't catch a break.
One of the barges used to haul dirt from the under-construction State Route 99 tunnel partially tipped early Tuesday, according to the state Department of Transportation.
Bertha, the tunnel boring machine, has temporarily stopped digging while the Seattle Tunnel Partners work to resolve the issue with the barge.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Quality Trolling
The troll game is strong in Joris Luyendijk
This is why the best way forward for Europe is to threaten to hit the English as hard as we can. We must stop treating membership of the EU as a favour granted by England, and instead make the English feel their vulnerability and dependence.
Right to Rise
Yes this is Jeb Bush supporting SuperPac. I do think one one of my opinions about Citizens United and its after effects (CU's impact really was more of a cultural change) has been vindicated, that stupid rich people spending stupid amounts of money to hire other stupid people won't necessarily have as much success as we think.
The marijuana budget must be huge at Right to Rise.
The marijuana budget must be huge at Right to Rise.
Scared of the World
A few too many clicks on the internet yesterday and I found myself reading a gun groper forum. It was actually very sad. I do think a lot of these people have vigilante fantasies, which is enraging and not sad, but some of them genuinely seemed to be frightened of the world. Like frightened to go to a movie theater with their families without packing.
There was an armed robbery and shooting (owner shot robbers) at a corner store near me yesterday. Its impact on my level of fear was zero. Shit happens.
There was an armed robbery and shooting (owner shot robbers) at a corner store near me yesterday. Its impact on my level of fear was zero. Shit happens.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Casinos and Megamalls
The 1980s called, they want their dumb policy priorities back.
Nobody here is getting exactly what they wanted or exactly the outline of what they asked for. But the most important thing in my view was to bring resolution to this issue," and to give voters the opportunity to decide the issue in November, he said.
The constitution currently restricts gaming to Atlantic City, where four casinos closed in 2014 and thousands of workers lost their jobs. The amendment would allow two casinos to be built in separate counties in North Jersey.
Silly Season
I'm not sure if it's hard or easy to get sucked into the "Trump said whuuut? NO HE DINT!" discourse that is the primary election. Can't ignore, can't take it seriously, can't enjoy it.
All weird.
All weird.
I've only met Kevin a couple of times, but as with many other bloggers from a certain time I think we have a weird share history and affinity that's hard to describe. Anyway, this is already a shitty week. Tomorrow's Friday, right?
Sunday, January 10, 2016
New Yorkers Discover Other Places
I don't know which NPR program I heard a bit of today, and I only heard a bit so can't really criticize the entirety of the program, but what I heard was in the genre of New Yorkers Discover Other Place And Make Them Real. The other place was, in this case, the desert bits of California and nearby, but where it was doesn't matter. Other places exist and are real before ex-New Yorkers discover them. The perspective of outsiders and newcomers can be interesting, but it isn't the only perspective that matters.
Pissing Contests On The Internet
The fact that your facebook friend is an asshole about [clinton or sanders] or that you formerly favorite blogger is a bit of a jerk about the primary doesn't matter. I mean, feel free to like or hate people who are being assholes, but there's this weird notion that OH MY GOD COMPETITIVE POLITICS IS COMPETITIVE and that we all have to hug it out or something. Your spats on the internet really aren't going to impact the outcome. If your friend is a jerk, well, sorry your friend is a jerk, but it doesn't really matter aside from the personal.
Saturday, January 09, 2016
Other Countries Are Big
The US is a big country, both in population and acres. We all know this. You know, America, Fuck Yeah, we're big! But there are larger countries, and more importantly most smaller countries aren't really that small. I do think failing to understand this is one reason it's very easy to imagine that dropping a few (hundred or thousand) bombs and sending a few people in can magically transform a place for good. But, you know, dropping some bombs in the restive provinces of Northeast Philly probably wouldn't be heard from here in South Philly and it's only 10 miles away or so. Syria's about the size of Washington State. Libya's three times the size of Texas. Iraq's about the size of California.
Other places aren't dots. They're big.
Other places aren't dots. They're big.
Happy Hour?
Knishes are on the menu tonight. I remember that knish carts were as ubiquitous as Sabrette hotdog carts when I was a child. I think they cost $.25, but it might have been less. Comfort food.
Very Helpful
Not watching, but I gather from reports on the twitter that the big Republican plan for poverty alleviation is: get better jobs, losers!
Friday, January 08, 2016
Still Sick
I think the plague is starting to fade, but blogging's still gonna be pretty sucky today.
Thursday, January 07, 2016
Gun Gropers
I had a college friend how somehow transitioned from being a VW slamvan owning, potsmoking, long-haired retro hippie to being a Limbaugh-worshiping conservatarian over the course of college. The early 90s were weird. Republicans were cool, liberals were losers. After college he transitioned into being a concealed carry guy. I think (not sure) he got mugged at some point and it freaked him out. He needs the gun to protect himself and his family.
He's a nice guy, personally kind and generous. But somewhere along the way he developed the sense that society was giving the good stuff to Others, and he was getting screwed, and that he had to defend himself against those Others. I don't think he became a bad guy, but he definitely became a less fun guy. Something darkened his world, and as far as I know (haven't seen him in a few years) he never quite came back from it.
He's a nice guy, personally kind and generous. But somewhere along the way he developed the sense that society was giving the good stuff to Others, and he was getting screwed, and that he had to defend himself against those Others. I don't think he became a bad guy, but he definitely became a less fun guy. Something darkened his world, and as far as I know (haven't seen him in a few years) he never quite came back from it.
Still Sick
New symptoms daily. Very exciting. My day might involve netflix and chill, and not in the euphemistic sense.
Give Back The Sidewalks
Construction sites taking over sidewalks endlessly is one of the things that our new mayor has promised to crack down on. It's a major issue for people with disabilities, but not just people with disabilities. I get that it's going to be necessary sometimes during building, but developers need to be pushed to minimize the amount of time that the sidewalk is blocked. It's especially awesome when the sidewalks are blocked on both sides of the street!
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Bringing Back My Favorite TV Show!
They're going to do another season of Rob Ford of Canadia!
Smoking crack, urinating in public and threatening murder might each be the kind of behaviour you’d expect to put an end to any politician’s career.
But Rob Ford, the former mayor of Toronto, seems to be the exception to the rule. And if he has his way, he might once again represent Canada’s largest city.
During a Twitter exchange on Wednesday, Ford was asked if he planned to return to office.
“I’ll be on the ballot running for Mayor in 2018,” Ford replied.
Everything Corbyn Does Is Wrong
It's sort of fascinating how even the (supposedly) lefty press in the UK treats everything that Corbyn does as illegitimate. ZOMG THERE'S A MINOR SHADOW CABINET RESHUFFLE HE'S GETTING RID OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE PUBLICLY EXPRESSED HATRED OF HIM. Journalists are having a sad that their gchat buddies are getting the boot. Corbyn isn't even PM. Cabinet shuffles are normal, and Shadow Cabinet shuffles don't even matter. They're like a fantasy football team.
Morning Thread
I bet 25 quatloos the loons in Oregon surrender today. Or maybe, tomorrow at the latest. It's cold out there.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
As I wrote before, I appreciated the effort to get Philly mostly right in the movie Creed. Shooting on location - any location, really - is really expensive and it's always a big mystery to me when they shell out the money to do so but don't bother to actually make use of a location. If you're going to do it, make the site a character, not just a backdrop. Creed did that pretty well.
186 Miles Per Hour
I haven't written about SUPERTRAINS enough lately. Recently rode a few. 186 miles per hour is fast! We laugh at your silly cars on the highway. Though, really, rail doesn't need top speeds that are that fast to be great. Average speeds are more important. Manage to average about 85mph and you're doing pretty well. We don't have enough of that, either, but it can be achieved with minor (if not cheap) upgrades.
As I said, I rarely get sick, so when I do I don't really know how to cope. I don't mean that my delicate self is overwhelmed by it, just that I don't have a very good sense of what "sick" is. Am I about to die or do I just have a little cold? Mostly kidding. I know I just have a little cold, nothing worse, but I still have a hard time assessing it.
The Board
One of the conceits of cop shows is that there's tremendous pressure from politicians and the public to solve crimes. Unsolved murders are a black mark on police departments and individual detectives, and the press is constantly breathing down their necks for arrests and convictions.
At least here in the urban hellhole, that just isn't the case. We hear about the crimes, but rarely get much follow up. Okay, when it's a certain kind of white person getting killed we might hear more about it, but mostly the stories just disappear and the too often the murders are unsolved.
This is more a criticism of the local press than the cops. They just don't follow these stories from start to finish.
At least here in the urban hellhole, that just isn't the case. We hear about the crimes, but rarely get much follow up. Okay, when it's a certain kind of white person getting killed we might hear more about it, but mostly the stories just disappear and the too often the murders are unsolved.
This is more a criticism of the local press than the cops. They just don't follow these stories from start to finish.
They Take Up A Lot Of Space
Because the urban hellhole is old by American standards, plots are small and there isn't much off street parking. But when new construction does come in, neighborhood groups tend to push for lots of off street parking because they don't want to lose their precious almost free parking spots on the street. The thing is that cars take up a lot of space and plots are small. There just isn't room for cars. There's a proposal for a development on an empty lot near me and the local CW is something like "that plot is too small for that development and also it needs parking." The disconnect is bizarre.
Anyway, the point is, cars take up a lot of space. It's time we understood that.
Anyway, the point is, cars take up a lot of space. It's time we understood that.
Take Your God Bothering Elsewhere
Good for the ACLU.
I grew up as an atheist. My parents didn't raise me to be an atheist, they just didn't raise me with any religious teaching at all, and by the time I heard about this God stuff it all sounded pretty silly. I had some teachers in school who tried to sneak in religion whenever they thought they could get away with it. Sneaky bastards, really. I mean, they obviously gave this stuff a lot of thought. It was important to them to try to get away with as many God and Jesus references they could. Not most teachers, of course, but a few.
Anyway, things like "God bless America" are not neutral. The evidence that they aren't neutral is that people like the teachers I referred to are constantly trying to get it into the classroom. If it was neutral they wouldn't give a shit.
I grew up as an atheist. My parents didn't raise me to be an atheist, they just didn't raise me with any religious teaching at all, and by the time I heard about this God stuff it all sounded pretty silly. I had some teachers in school who tried to sneak in religion whenever they thought they could get away with it. Sneaky bastards, really. I mean, they obviously gave this stuff a lot of thought. It was important to them to try to get away with as many God and Jesus references they could. Not most teachers, of course, but a few.
Anyway, things like "God bless America" are not neutral. The evidence that they aren't neutral is that people like the teachers I referred to are constantly trying to get it into the classroom. If it was neutral they wouldn't give a shit.
Good Morning
Authorities plan to cut power at the Oregon wildlife reserve. (thanks to J G-B for the link).
Monday, January 04, 2016
Good Second Step
Some were worried (understandably!) that the outgoing mayor did this to take one for the team for the new mayor. Apparently not.
Mayor Kenney on Monday barred almost all cooperation between city law enforcement and federal immigration agents, reverting to an earlier policy that made Philadelphia one of the nation's "sanctuary cities."
"The only way that people buy into [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is when they . . . have input into the process," Kenney, who had promised to rescind his predecessor's 11th-hour order on his first day in office, said at a signing ceremony where immigrant-rights activists cheered.
What The Fuckity Fuck
I don't even know what to make of this.
Just jail the bastard.
FLINT, MI -- Gov. Rick Snyder quietly helped deliver 1,500 water filters to Flint last month -- even as state officials gave assurances that the city's tap water was safe and meeting all regulatory standards.
Dave Murray, a spokesman for Snyder, confirmed that the filters, distributed by the Concerned Pastors for Social Action, came from a "corporate donor that does not wish to be recognized but cares deeply about the community."
The donor "worked with the governor to provide 1,500 faucet filters to be distributed to city homes," Murray said in an email.
Just jail the bastard.
Good First Step
Your stupid car should not be parked on the City Hall apron. I really don't get people who live in the city (assuming they don't have a disability) and think a 5-10 minute walk from another parking location is an undue burden.
Meet the New Boss
The urban hellhole has a new mayor. I admit I follow local politics less than I should, but that's largely because it's really hard to follow local politics based on press reports. Too much of what's important is really the story behind the story, the stuff that doesn't actually make it into the papers. The tuned in reporters know it, but it doesn't always fit the model of journalism that they're trying to do.
Another issue is that one of the biggest issues facing the city - schools - can't easily be addressed. The state took over the school system about 15 years ago and has been doing its best to destroy it ever since. All the city can do is throw more money it doesn't have at it and hope that not all of it goes into the coffers of corrupt charter operators.
Another issue is that one of the biggest issues facing the city - schools - can't easily be addressed. The state took over the school system about 15 years ago and has been doing its best to destroy it ever since. All the city can do is throw more money it doesn't have at it and hope that not all of it goes into the coffers of corrupt charter operators.
Happy, Happy Hour
According to this Daily Kos post, the idiots from Nevada who have occupied a tourist outpost in Oregon and claimed they were prepared to stay for years, forgot to pack food.
Over/under on whether they last a week?
Over/under on whether they last a week?
Some Good News
Prison sentences for certain kinds of criminals are generally way too harsh, but what might be even worse is that we make it way too hard for those people to reintegrate into society after their too harsh sentences have been served. The punishment should end when state supervision (jail, probation, etc) ends.
Both Sides
On the left people protest and march without guns and the cops kick the shit out of them, on the right they show up with machine guns and conquer a federal facility. So, you know, both sides.
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Crazy Ideas
I'm so old I remember when only sucky bloggers living in basements said this kind of thing.
This election season offers an opportunity to reframe the debate over Social Security. It is necessary, of course, to ensure the program’s long-term health beyond 2034, when the system is projected to come up short. But this can’t be done by broadly cutting benefits. In fact, there’s mounting evidence that Social Security, which has become ever more important in retirement, needs to be expanded.
Bad Apples
If you want to be a racist homophobic asshole just own it, losers.
People can read the internet, you stupid fucksticks.

One bad apple and blame the whole group. Typical of people out there. THAT individual has been dealt with in house. #LoveGays #HappyNewYear
— Finnegan NYB (@FinneganNYB) January 2, 2016
People can read the internet, you stupid fucksticks.

The most Merkin of Merkins.
"Activists." The article neglects to mention that they are armed. I wonder how that happened.
A group of activists and militiamen protesting the federal prosecution of two ranchers occupied a remote federal building in the rural southeastern corner of Oregon, the authorities said.
The building seized by the group houses the offices of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and is operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, about 30 miles southeast of Burns, in Harney County.
"Activists." The article neglects to mention that they are armed. I wonder how that happened.
Saturday, January 02, 2016
Mini-Movie Review
Creed's good if you like that kind of thing. Showed Philly, warts and all, without it being poverty porn. A bit like the new Star Wars in that it's kind of the same movie as the original, but in a good way.
Inside the Minds of Gun Gropers
I read too much of the internet and I can't remember where I saw this, but somewhere there was a discussion of people carrying guns and some self-proclaimed liberal made the argument that the fact that he carries a gun makes it less likely for violent situations to escalate because the fact that he has a gun and knows he has a gun means that the price of escalation is too high. The example he gave was that if someone bumped his supermarket cart he would de-escalate the situation because if he didn't then the fact that he has a gun could lead to things getting out of hand.
Okay, so, uh, what the hell? I don't go through life worrying about whether someone bumping my supermarket cart might lead to violence. I don't go through life worrying about any situation leading to violence. I don't think I have since my drunken frat boy days when, yes, I knew people who liked to get drunk and fight. If someone bumps my supermarket cart I assume it's an accident and maybe they say excuse me or maybe we just smile and nod and go our merry way but whatever it's just a supermarket cart bumping and what the hell? I don't think every interaction with other humans - even if they piss me off - might lead to a violent confrontation. Because I'm not a rageaholic and assume most people aren't? I don't need to carry my detachable death penis to make me behave?
What the fucking fuck.
Okay, so, uh, what the hell? I don't go through life worrying about whether someone bumping my supermarket cart might lead to violence. I don't go through life worrying about any situation leading to violence. I don't think I have since my drunken frat boy days when, yes, I knew people who liked to get drunk and fight. If someone bumps my supermarket cart I assume it's an accident and maybe they say excuse me or maybe we just smile and nod and go our merry way but whatever it's just a supermarket cart bumping and what the hell? I don't think every interaction with other humans - even if they piss me off - might lead to a violent confrontation. Because I'm not a rageaholic and assume most people aren't? I don't need to carry my detachable death penis to make me behave?
What the fucking fuck.
Let's Arse It Up Some More
If only there was a simple and effective existing program which worked really well that we could make more generous. Maybe we could call it Social Security? No, we must create an entirely new plan because fucking hell I have no idea.
There is a retirement crisis. There's a simple fix. Make current and future social security benefits more generous, and lift the income cap on contributions. I have no idea why people think that adding an exciting new plan which is basically the same as an existing plan but it is new! and exciting! is progress. Social Security is awesome. Build on it. Until then, everyone get ready to take care of your parents (or, for parents, get ready to beg your kids to take care of you).
Social Security is popular with everybody except DC-centric pundits and journalists. Pretty sure it'll be popular with most of them once they near 65ish, too. But it makes Fred Hiatt, History's Greatest Monster, have a sad, so nobody has the guts to propose the obvious thing. MOOOOOOAAARRRR SOCIAL SECURITY.
There is a retirement crisis. There's a simple fix. Make current and future social security benefits more generous, and lift the income cap on contributions. I have no idea why people think that adding an exciting new plan which is basically the same as an existing plan but it is new! and exciting! is progress. Social Security is awesome. Build on it. Until then, everyone get ready to take care of your parents (or, for parents, get ready to beg your kids to take care of you).
Social Security is popular with everybody except DC-centric pundits and journalists. Pretty sure it'll be popular with most of them once they near 65ish, too. But it makes Fred Hiatt, History's Greatest Monster, have a sad, so nobody has the guts to propose the obvious thing. MOOOOOOAAARRRR SOCIAL SECURITY.
The World's Worst Humans
David Cameron.
We can trust this, because if there’s one phrase that springs immediately to mind when we think of this Government’s attitude towards public services, it’s “money is no object”. Every community project and youth club ends up screaming at the Prime Minister to stop giving them money. “Please, Mister Cameron, there’s nowhere in the old people’s home to hang another Rembrandt. Keep a bit for yourself.”
Yet, strangely, Cameron’s Government had scrapped a flood defence plan in Leeds because it was “too expensive”. If you were a pedantic sort, I wonder if you might spot a contradiction between the two phrases “money is no object” and “too expensive.”
Buddy Pine
I'm not even that much of a Schumer hater (he certainly has his flaws) but this is hilarious.

Yes, the chief villain. Right wing talk radio and blogs do nothing but talk about Chuck Schumer all day long. Kudos to getting the NYT to type this up, though I suppose that isn't really so hard.

Yes, the chief villain. Right wing talk radio and blogs do nothing but talk about Chuck Schumer all day long. Kudos to getting the NYT to type this up, though I suppose that isn't really so hard.
Taking My Head Out of the Sand
I admit I've mostly been ignoring primary season. Not entirely, of course, but doing my best not to focus on it at least. But, well, 2016 is here and I can't pretend it doesn't exist anymore. Let the games begin!
Friday, January 01, 2016
We have this weird New Year's tradition here in Philadelphia, the Mummer's Parade. Parts of it are fun if mostly stupid, but a few of the clubs bring on the racism and the homophobia every year. That's made worse by the fact that most club members don't live in the city these days, they come in from South Jersey and DelCo to spit in the faces much of the city. Signs with Bruce Jenner on a Wheaties box and Caitlyn Jenner on a Fruit Loops box, side by side. Go home, assholes, you're drunk assholes.
Too Slowly
Still it's something to be thankful for.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released new evidence that mass incarceration continues to unwind in the United States. The rate of U.S. adults under some form of criminal justice supervision declined for the seventh straight year, dropping to a level not seen since 1996.
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