Thursday, November 17, 2016


Beutler's been hitting this for a little while, that the press needs to consider the importance of norms and principles that don't just seem like very narrow career and business interests (sometimes they are just that, sometimes there are broader issues to consider).

The press does spring into action when their prerogatives are threatened. Too often they take an extraordinarily limited view of what those prerogatives involve, limiting themselves to things which seemed to affect only a very small elite subset of the press, instead of press freedoms, first amendment issues, and other important civic norms more broadly. And even if their focus remains on "we," I'm pretty sure a few of them have women, black, Jewish, and Muslim reporters on the payroll. The past has shown too often only white men are seen as lacking bias, and women and people of color are kept from issues which might impact them. Of course white men are biased like everyone else on the planet, and minorities might have a bit of knowledge about issues affecting minority communities, but shutupShutupShutUpSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP.

The post-racial country has entered a new era of open racism, where unthinkable things will be debated on the teevee like we're debating soda taxes. This Is Not Racism, you see. There will be attacks on reporters, from the administration and/or their allies, who are seen as too hostile to their racist agenda, and those attacks will be focused on, say, Latinx reporters covering immigration. As I said to Brian on the Twitterbox, jokingly, he needn't worry that the press is focused only on their own parochial interests because they're usually really bad at doing that, too. They're bad because they define those interests so narrowly as to be devoid of principle (or at least, so narrowly as to be seen that way).