Saturday, August 06, 2016

Sunday Evening

Tomorrow is...

Everybody Hates Donald

After a disastrous week of feuds and plummeting poll numbers, Republican leaders have concluded that Donald J. Trump is a threat to the party’s fortunes and have begun discussing how soon their endangered candidates should explicitly distance themselves from the presidential nominee.

For Republicans in close races, top strategists say, the issue is no longer in doubt. One House Republican has already started airing an ad vowing to stand up to Mr. Trump if he is elected president, and others are expected to press similar themes in the weeks ahead.

Don't remember seeing anything like this from Republicans. Used to Democrats distancing themselves because their candidate wasn't clear enough that he was actually a secret Republican, or maybe because he supposedly put the wrong cheese on his cheesesteak.

We get our entertainment where we can.

Afternoon Thread

The threadening.

Strange Days

I admit I've lost the thread. For awhile we've had this basic framework in place. The Democrats were the high tax, big government, secret welfare system for the blahs, soft on crime, military hating, free love, hippie peacenik babykiller party. The Republicans were the small government, cut your taxes, love America and freedom and the flag, free market, family values, love Jesus, gay hating, tough love for the blahs, bomb all the scary furriners, death penalty for all criminals, save the babies from the babykillers party.

I'm not saying either of those narratives were quite true, but you could basically pluck out any random statement from any pundit about politicians/political parties and it would fit nicely into those boxes. And someone like me, who to some extent tried to correct those false narratives, had a basic framework to work against.

Now? Pundits still largely operate within those frames, but they're increasingly gibberish and unfamiliar to people. The parties, their voters, and certainly perceptions of those are changing, especially for younger people, and these days "younger people" seems to include anyone under 45 (just made it!).

Saturday, Saturday

Friday, August 05, 2016

Fry Day

Eat some Freedom Fries!

Happy Hour Thread


Then They'll Get Older, Have Kids, And Move To The Suburbs

That's the constant refrain from the local suburbanites every time there's some story about how some residents actually live in Philadephia without being court ordered to do so, or forced to by the local Sucky Blogger Dictator.

Probably some truth to it! People do change as they get older, and start having different priorities, but this misses the point that one reason more people like living in the urban hellhole more is that the urban hellhole is nicer than it used to be. At least, parts of it are. Some of the hipster yuppie trustifarian slacker food stamp receiving lazy desperate millennials might choose to stick around. Some will not! (I suspect the other thing this misses is that rentals and starter homes in the inner ring suburbs that are declining in number/increasing in price. Factor in cars, commute, and commute time, and that smaller place in the hellhole looks a bit better than that exurban mansion. The life they grew up with is expensive.)

Like The Kids Today in the urban hellhole, these voters will also grow up and have different priorities, though my vast lifelong experience tells me that their politics won't change all that much. My cohort was a big Republican cohort. Republicans were the cool guys back then, and the Democrats the dweebs. That cohort is still pretty Republican.

The Kids Today don't like the Donald. Future versions of those kids probably won't much like the 20 years from now version of Donald, though there's a good chance some of them will.

No Pivot Necessary

As I've said all along, Trump can win. That doesn't look likely today! Don't worry, the election is a long time away!

But if he loses it won't be because he's a racist asshole. That's why he'd win! He'll lose because he spouts enough nonsense that it becomes hard to ignore that he'd lose to Sarah Palin on Celebrity Jeopardy. Yes you can go far siding with the Orthogonians over the Franklins, but the Orthogonians don't think they're stupid, they just think they're really the smart ones. They're characters out of an Ayn Rand novel, the unappreciated geniuses. They don't want their leader to actually be an idiot.

Tragedy Averted

Spilled almost an entire cup of coffee within inches of the laptop. But not on it.

Not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one.

Morning Thread

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Late Night

Rock on.

Temporary Thread


The Important People

Are, of course, the coaches.

Afternoon Thread


A Problem For Everyone

There's a Politico article detailing the high likelihood that Melania Trump had at least some minor immigration violations in the process of relocating here, and has been less than fully honest about her situation at all times. I don't much care about parsing the specifics because essentially everyone who has tried to move to the US has had immigration "problems" and sufficient enough violations that the right (or wrong) person in power could chuck you out if they chose to. Try getting a plane ticket/lodging/job start date/Visa all magically timed for the same date when at least one of those things (Visa) tends to appear when the little ball lands on the right number on the wheel.

Yes there's a valid "ooo big hypocrite Mr. anti-illegal mmigration orange man" angle, but I'd prefer the angle to just be "let's be realistic about what all immigrants go through." It's almost always complicated.

He Won't Support The Good Stuff

I don't think I have to spend any time trying to convince people that even when The Donald says something fairly reasonable (it happens!) it doesn't mean a) he's someone a liberal should vote for or b) he actually cares about/will support any of those reasonable things.

I suppose there's some hope that if the Tea Party Trump fans hear something reasonable being supported by the Donald, instead of by the Kenyan Muslim Socialist, they'll decide they support it too, but that's pretty thin justification.

Safe to say anything that sounds good to libturds would be the lowest priority, and ultimately Donald's the Honey Badger. Donald don't care.

Morning Folks

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Wednesday Night



Whatever happens this election, Trump has a hell of a lot of supporters. Not just people who vote R no matter what, but actual supporters.

Fuck yeah.

When Bombing Is Not Enough

These Very Serious People have determined that it isn't enough to bomb Syria. Why let a good opportunity go to waste? We have to find a way to bomb Syria that will piss off Russia as much as possible!

I wonder if Mr. Ross supported the Iraq war? Haha, no I don't, I remember. Better luck next time!

The Allies Are Near DC and East, West, South, and North Somewhat

Run, Donald, Run!

Key Republicans close to Donald Trump's orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.

Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

Every day can be a reset!

Lunch Thread

Busy with some stuff...including lunch!


Since I'm doing my best to find the things about this election that I can laugh at (as long as he loses it'll be hilarious from start to finish, of course), it's worth remembering how cowardly all of the clown car members were. I suppose you can at least give the Boy Blunder, Rubio, some credit for being a bit mean to the Donald back in the day. While all of those people have a lot more influence on the Washington Post editorial board than they do on people who actually elect them, they still have some influence. If they'd all come out swinging, consistently and semi-intelligently (the "semi" part is important here), they could've knee-capped the Donald's candidacy.

I guess the other thing is they listened to the pundits and didn't think he could win. Last person standing would be the one above the fray. Ooops.

Morning Thread

It really is Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Tuesday Night

Tomorrow is...

Evening Thread


Can We Have The Other One Instead?

Pretty sure that if Moore had cancer (not wishing it on him), he'd think the cure for it was a bit more awesome than fracking. And, no, not all comparisons are equivalencies, but fracking's more like a cure for cancer that leaves you without a couple of limbs that the doctors then sell on the black market. Also, too, you still have cancer.

Lunch Thread


Has Anyone Here Ever Ridden A Train?

No? Okay, good, let's design a train station.

That must be what happened when they did the last redesign of Union Station. It isn't just the increase in ridership, either. The entrance gate waiting areas and the sometimes multiple ticket checks are pointless. If making sure people are getting on the right train is the point, have much better signage (this is a complaint that could be made of about every train station I've ever been to). But, really, it isn't as if the trains go to too many places. If you're so concerned with people getting on the wrong train, just cut them some slack if they do.

Arse Up

One sad thing about our path to a glorious social democracy is that even the best ideas in Washington get transformed into Rube Goldberg machines. I actually haven't figured the full reasons for why this is, but maybe it's just that wonks are gonna wonk (I also hate that anyone who can grasp really simple policy arguments fancies styles him/herself a "wonk." It usually isn't rocket surgery.) As someone I know in DC said (roughly), "There's no good policy idea that people in DC can't find a way to arse up completely."

The obvious one is means testing. We already means test through the tax code. It's called progressive taxation. There's no reason to add an entire additional layer of complexity and bureaucracy and verification to every new and existing government program out there. If we built the highway system today we'd probably toll it for everyone earning above, say, $100,000, but everyone earning less than that would have to get their income verified and a separate form and a special toll free card and would have to pay back the free tolls if they made too much money the next year blah blah blah. We'd have to contract out to private companies to hire "navigators" in order to guide people through the free toll application process. "Make the rich pay more" actually just means "make it harder and more costly for everybody else."

Usually this doesn't even "save" much money, even ignoring the individual cost of compliance and associated bureaucracy. Think rich people get too many nice things from the government? Raise their damn taxes. Don't use it as an excuse to make giving nice things to everyone else so complicated that it practically isn't worth bothering. The net cost of stopping a few Richie Riches from getting free state university tuition or pre-K is yuge. The cost of increasing taxes a tiny bit on rich people generally is essentially zero, except to the rich people in question of course.

Good Morning Campers

Still trying to wrap my head around Chump's beef with fire marshals. Really?

Monday, August 01, 2016


If you had no stake in the outcome of this election, the whole thing would be hilarious. Trump can't win we were told. Then all the serious Republicans, almost all of whom now eagerly jump to stand by his side with the patented Chris Christie look of staring into the void, swore they'd never support him. They encouraged other people to join them! #nevertrump!

He's their guy. He probably won't win, but he could win. So it isn't so funny.

Monday Night

Hail Hydra.

Finally Something The Kids Today Are Good For

I'm sure this will be a thing before self-driving cars, because of course.
“I refuse to believe that journalism means massive privacy violations,” Thiel told the New York Times in May. Thiel’s investments in Silicon Valley are many; at the moment, he is reported to be interested in parabiosis, the process of transfusing the blood of younger people into one’s veins of clients in order to prolong life. Jason Camm, chief medical officer at Thiel Capital, contacted a parabiosis startup called Ambrosia according to a report in Inc last year.

Just call it "Nosferatu" or at least "Spike."

Afternoon Thread

Prepare for the afternooning.

Both Sides

Referencing the Starr Report reminds me that all of the Clinton Rules journalism really was the ultimate expression of DC journalism Both Sidesism (it's more complicated than that, but that was an element of it). The DC press brought down a Republican president, so they had to bring down a Democratic one just to even the score, because both sides. It's only objective and fair, after all. Also, too, balanced.

Stuck in Town

A big flaw with the whole "new urbanism" model is that the developments are generally completely isolated from other places, except by car. You might be able to walk around town, but you have to get on the highway to go anywhere else. Walkable neighborhoods have their advantages, but one advantage of a "real" city is that you can walk from neighborhood to neighborhood as well.

It appears all of the DNC conventiongoers enjoyed everything our finest hotel bars had to offer, so that's good.

Oh, Philly.Com

It's one thing for the AP to spell the mayor's name wrong, quite another for the local newspaper website to run it unedited...
At a news conference after convention's end last week, Mayor Jim Kelley personally addressed the kerfuffle.

"I know it's an anomaly for many of us to see that," he said, but acknowledged that "it's been that way" for many years, long before he was born.

It may indeed be a birthright. Dan McQuade, a reporter for Philadelphia magazine, noted in an article last year that a 1916 court case mentioned "several automobiles" parked in the center of Broad Street. McQuade also referenced an interview with journalist and historian Murray Dubin, who postulated the practice originated with mourners at nearby funeral homes who needed to park.

"It's definitely unsafe. It's unsafe for pedestrians, it's unsafe for drivers. A lot of people don't like it because they think it's embarrassing to Philly," McQuade told The Associated Press in an interview. "But anytime someone suggests taking away something, people freak out because they're worried they're going to have to circle for hours for a space."

It's "Kenney."

The Starr Report

Another horrible person who was revered in DC.
Investigators with the Pepper Hamilton law firm who dug into Baylor's response to sexual assault claims determined the school's rigid approach to drugs, alcohol and sex and "perceived judgmental responses" to victims who reported being raped "created barriers" to reporting assaults. Some women faced the prospect of their family being notified.

"A number of victims were told that if they made a report of rape, their parents would be informed of the details of where they were and what they were doing," said Chad Dunn, a Houston attorney who represents six women who have sued Baylor under the anonymous identification of Jane Doe.

Morning Thread

For some reason, I've been thinking of Rob Ford, former mayor of Toronto, quite a bit lately. Even after crashing, Ford managed to get elected to his old seat on the city council. Makes you wonder how some people decide for whom they're going to vote.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Late Night

It would be unAmerican to have presidential debates on nights when there are hockey or basketball games.

Sunday Evening

Good thing tomorrow is Friday.

Sunday Afternoon

For some reason my favorite thing at farmer's markets are weird varieties of cucumbers.

Sunday Crass Commercialism

All the cord cutters have a Roku. Have not tried one, but people I know say they're great.

Very Compassionate Men

Yesterday on the twitterbox, "Bloody" Bill Kristol, Max "Actually My Real Name" Boot, and Peter "Torture Apologist" Whehner all shed their tears about that mean Mr. Trump and the poor Khan family.

I feel very very bad wondering if this concern is genuine.