Thursday, November 30, 2017
I Know It's Page Six
Matt Lauer’s lawyers trying to get him $30M payout after firing
Maybe give it all to Ann Curry? hahahahaa
It's So Easy
The End Of Ph.D Programs
The City That Never Sleeps
Imagine New York without its 24/7 subway system?
The experts at the Regional Plan Association did, and they believe it's key to building a reliable transit system for a growing metropolitan area.
It Can't Always Go Up To 11
There isn't a shortage of Trump criticism now. In fact, as bad as Trump is, I'd say there's too much criticism. Not in the sense that I disagree with anyone arguing that he is America's Worst Human. He is. But not every single little thing that comes out of the Trump administration is worth turning the dial up to 11 for, even if a lot of it is.
The president of the United States boosting this diseased racist propaganda quite understandably taints everything else he says and does. However, even this galling behavior doesn't mean that President Trump's views are 100 percent bad all the time. Similarly, the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend — and it's important not to side with bad actors just because they happen to fall afoul of the president's meandering, addle-brained resentments.
Case in point: the proposed merger between AT&T and Time Warner, which Trump's Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit to block.
I don't think Trump does anything for the right reasons. I don't think he even understands the reasons for anything he does, other than how it makes him feel deep inside his hollow soul. But occasionally he does something right for the wrong reasons, and blocking a giant merger - frankly, any giant merger - is in no way an assault on the free press even if Trump thinks it is. Pretty sure we'll still have Don Lemon to kick around if this doesn't go through.
For this observation, the leader of Britain's closest ally was decried as an “Brexit buffoon” and told to “shut his gob” by The Sun. Then came a tidal wave of assenting voices from the right-wing commentariat, none of which saw fit to challenge Varadkar’s point. While insisting there will be no hard border, the UK has flatly refused to compromise on any of the measures, such as customs or immigration, that would make anything but a hard border possible. In response to this, Labour’s Kate Hoey – who fancies herself left-wing since she’s passionate about border controls AND saving elephants – says that if there is a hard border, “Dublin will pay for it”.
Such Trumpian nonsense would be laughable were the stakes not so high. The only reachable pub where I grew up was across the border; our nearest shop was too. Having to present documents to armed men just so we can commute to work, visit next-door neighbours, or access the amenities we have used our entire lives, would not only be wildly impractical, but a cruel thing to demand of law-abiding citizens. Moreover, as I’ve specified here before, a militarised checkpoint would massively erode the self-determination of all those who identify as Irish, contravening the Good Friday Agreement and imperiling the peace process.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Power And Visibility
As the co-host of NBC’s “Today,” Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.
On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.
Mistakes Were Made.
American Airlines Group Inc. is rushing to resolve a scheduling fault that gave time off to too many pilots in December -- a flaw that has left more than 15,000 flights without sufficient crew during the holiday rush, according to a union for the carrier’s pilots.
We Iz Smart Economists
The Pence Rule
People who work together will need to be be alone together sometimes, and denying that possibility to women - either in the workplace or work-related social situations - is going to negatively impact their career possibilities.
It's difficult to talk about the full range of behaviors, ranking them, because it sounds like some are being excused. But ultimately, the issue in the workplace is abuse of power. People need jobs (we all gotta eat) and they want successful careers. You can't report the boss to the boss, and you can't report the boss's favorite protege to the boss either. The HR department doesn't care about you, they care about their legal liability. Power can be more complicated than that, but that's the simple version.
When it came to the Glenn Thrush allegations (even this sucky blogger feels the need to put things in lawyer-proof terms sometimes), the issue wasn't so much that he was an aggressive drunk, though that can be bad enough of course, it was that he allegedly slut-shamed the women he hit on, making it seem like they were the aggressors in order to damage their reputations. I mean, who cares if they were the aggressors - what 25-year-old could resist sexy Glenn? - but people are still horrible about this stuff and so they do care.
While the full Lauer stories aren't out yet, that seems to be the issue with him as well. Men Behaving Badly is bad, but men abusing their power is what the worst of this stuff is about. That power can both physical and economic. The "boss" sleeping with underlings is certainly open for criticism, but those can be legitimately consensual relationships. Often those consensual relationships are bad ideas, but still. The existence of power differentials is inevitable in almost all of our relationships. That power isn't always being abused, but often it is.
Large Adult Son
Donald Trump Jr. has agreed to meet with the House Intelligence Committee as soon as next week, giving lawmakers their first opportunity to question President Donald Trump's eldest son over his contacts with Russians during the campaign season, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.
Also Won't Necessarily Be Safe
For humans driving regular cars, these auto-matons must be a nuisance. They are slow—we stayed at about 15 to 20 miles per hour for most of our trip. They stop at the hint of danger, sometimes slamming on the brakes and throwing passengers forward in their seats. (I would not choose to ride in this self-driving car if I were, say, already suffering from a migraine.) And occasionally, they get confused and just kinda freeze. At one point, Chinchilla approached a public bus pulled over to the side of a one-way street. There was plenty of room to navigate around it. Chinchilla braked and considered its impending circumnavigation. And considered. And considered. About two minutes later, the safety driver finally flipped off the self-driving mode and piloted the car around the bus. No vehicles were waiting behind us, but, oh, if there had been—the honking! (Kyle Vogt, Cruise’s CEO, later told me the lidar sensors that usually determine how much clearance the vehicles have on their sides have been suffering from technical issues for the past few weeks, so the cars are even more cautious about going around obstacles then they normally are.)
The technology is neat. It obviously "works" in some sense. It just isn't going to work well enough for them to be all that useful.
Comeback Tour
So Easy
Unless the economy goes to hell or similar, it's easy.
And Matt Lauer
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Leaking To The Press Is Not Enough
Mr. Trump’s friends did not bother denying that the president was creating an alternative version of events. One Republican lawmaker, who asked not to be identified, said that Mr. Trump’s false statements had become familiar to people over time. The president continues to boast of winning districts that he did not in fact win, the lawmaker said, and of receiving 52 percent of the women’s vote, even though exit polls show that 42 percent of women supported him.
People Are Going To Notice
Does He Still Rule Their World
This Never Happens
If you are powerful and use a privileged access agreement (background, deep background, off the record) to mislead or to lie, the journalist should not be under any obligation to keep their side of their agreement, absent extraordinary circumstances.
— Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) November 28, 2017
Ambinder is correct, but when does this happen? I mean, it never happens. It really *never happens*. It's one of my pet peeves so I pay attention. Years ago back when I was a young and beautiful blogger a journalist made the claim to me that sources don't lie because if they did journalists would burn them. I don't claim to have a a perfect memory, but how often have journalists burned sources over lies? Hilariously the only one I remember is Howie Kurtz burning Ann Coulter.
Monday, November 27, 2017
I'm not sure what my point is other than "race is a social construction, and it's complicated." That's good enough for a blog post.
Let's Make A Deal
The lawyer for President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn met Monday morning with members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, the latest indication that both sides are discussing a possible plea deal, ABC News has learned.
The Explainers
The First Tweet Of The Day
XPN’s #GottaHearSong of the Week: “Eschaton” by @darlingside |
— wxpnfm (@wxpnfm) November 27, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
The Kids Today
Why Not Him
The Atrios Manifesto
There Was A Joke And I Can't Remember It
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Why do I fear that in 25 years, we will look back at this "who's in charge" of the CFPB controversy as just the first in a long list of unintended consequences of partisan lawmaking and polarization? More precedents being set that we'll collectively wish some day we hadn't
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) November 25, 2017
1) A yellow light means "stop, unless it is unsafe to do so." Not "go through it as long as you can before it turns red."
2) The "passing lane" is not the "lane where you can legally drive 15 MPH above the speed limit constantly."
The Eschaton Decade
Anyway, back to the insurance mandate. It isn't necessary. Health insurance is not auto insurance (and, let's be clear, auto insurance mandates are actual mandates, not Sunsteiny nudges). The mandate concept is based on the idea that without it young healthy people won't buy insurance. Okay, sure, there are some of those, because young people have broken brains and forget to tie their shoes sometimes. They also forget to file their taxes and sign up for health care and... anyway, you get the point. It's irresponsibility and complexity that leads to young people not buying health insurance, not a supposedly rational examination of their economic choices. To put it another way, make our health care system simpler stupid. That's the barrier, not young healthy people who don't think spending money on health insurance is worth it. Adverse selection, blah blah blah. This is your life. Make it easy and sort of affordable and sort of worthwhile and people will buy the damn insurance.
That the mandate is bad politics is dumb, but that the mandate is thought to be necessary is also dumb. And if the mandate is "necessary" the mandate is the stupidest way to, well, mandate that people buy insurance. It isn't a mandate. It's a fine. That's really stupid.
Friday, November 24, 2017
The Weekend Of Wankers
Ugh I hate them all.
I was pretty young when my grandmother's dementia became clear (I was a teen). My knowledge of how things evolved is incomplete and my memory is imperfect. But the story I remember is that my mom got a call from people my grandmother knew who told her this: There was an awards dinner for the local Red Cross (I think), something my grandmother had been involved with. You know, the usual annual banquet plus hand out an honor to someone. Whoever was hosting gave a little speech and then announced the honoree, and my grandmother (not the actual recipient of the award) marched up on stage and gave her acceptance speech which was probably a bit batty.
Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2017
"As A Father of Daughters..."
I would expect more of those "fathers of daughters" to be horrified that Roy Moore was cruising the mall for those daughters, even if fatherhood shouldn't be a requirement for such a sentiment. All those conservative dudes love these t-shirts, after all.

Make A Liar Tell The Truth
“We're ordering tremendous amounts of new equipment -we’re at $700bn for the military,” he said. “The Navy, I can tell you, we’re ordering ships, with the Air Force, I can tell you we’re ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is like almost like an invisible fighter."
Mr Trump said he asked “the Air Force guys” about the abilities of the plane.
“They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, they’re fighting. How good is this,” he added.
“They say, well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it’s right next to them, it can't see it. I said that helps. That’s a good thing."
That he was talking about this to the Coast Guard is only the 10th dumbest thing here...
Hey We Found Another Conservative To Profile
Black Friday
It is time for our movement to assemble. This is the year we will finally win.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
It's a joke that can't even be explained anymore. The original thing it was working from was actually quite sad. A little girl (I think?
Might have been a boy) said her mom was a lesbian in school and her teacher made her promise not to say it anymore. The ACLU filed suit. "Cep my mouf shut" is from the original.
...commenter rhymes with mofo provides the original. The student was (apparently) a boy, Marcus.

As police cars lined the perimeter of Harlem Park for days, residents were unable to enter their neighborhoods without showing IDs. Some complained about helicopters flying above their homes, flashing lights from police cars, and being subject to harassment and pat-down searches. Non-residents were barred from entering. On social media, many called to #FreeWestBaltimore.
And then the twist.
A spokesperson for the current U.S. Attorney for Maryland told The Intercept on Monday that they could not comment on whether or not Suiter was planning on testifying in their case. But on Wednesday evening, Commissioner Davis confirmed that Suiter was in fact set to testify before a grand jury that Friday, two days after his murder. He also said that Suiter appeared to have been killed by his own weapon after a struggle.
The grand jury was about a corrupt cop investigation. So there's a reasonable chance this blue life didn't matter much to the other blue lives, and they were gonna pin it on the black lives who of course don't matter.
He Even Walks The Walk Sometimes
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney unleashed an insult-laden tirade against President Donald Trump on Wednesday, denouncing the Trump administration's decision to end protections for Haitians and other immigrants living in the United States.
"There is no compassion whatsoever in the White House. I'm just beside myself with sadness because our president is a bully, our president is a punk, and he just doesn't get it."
"I don't know where he was raised, but his family didn't do a good job raising that guy," Kenney said. (You can watch a portion of Kenney's comments on Trump above or the full set below.)
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Wednesday Night
...byebye, Smokey Joe.
“I want your word that this ends,” he said, according to the recording, adding: “I will be completely straight with you. I am ready if I have to, I don’t want to, but I should take all this crap to the Capitol Hill Police and have them launch an investigation. And if I do that, that hurts me potentially big time.”
“Why would you even say that to me?” the woman responded. “ . . . The Capitol Hill police? And what would you tell them, sir?”
Said Barton: “I would tell them that I had a three-year undercover relationship with you over the Internet that was heavily sexual and that I had met you twice while married and had sex with you on two different occasions and that I exchanged inappropriate photographs and videos with you that I wouldn’t like to be seen made public, that you still apparently had all of those and were in position to use them in a way that would negatively affect my career. That’s the truth.”
Even in this context revenge porn is wrong, but, uh, no, you don't get to make these threats.
Smokey Joe Barton
The Problem With The Note
The Note purported to reveal Washington’s secrets. In fact, its purpose was the exact opposite: to make the city, and US politics, appear impossible to understand. It replaced normal words with jargon. It coined the phrase "Gang of 500," the clubby network of lobbyists, aides, pols, and hangers-on who supposedly, like the Vatican's cardinals, secretly ran DC. That wasn't true — power is so diffuse. But Halperin claimed he knew so much more than we did, and we began to believe it.
Once you believe that, it’s not hard to be convinced that politics is only comprehensible, like nuclear science, to a select few. There were those chosen ones — the people who'd flattered Halperin to get a friendly mention in his newsletter, the ones he declared to be in the know — and the rest of us. Halperin wrote about Washington like it was an intriguing game, the kind that masked aristocrats played to entertain themselves at 19th-century parties: Everyone was both pawn and player, engaged in a set of arcane maneuvers to win an empty jackpot that ultimately meant nothing of true importance.
The Mark Halperin Decade
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
I Am Very Surprised
By Any Other Name
But forget the PBS show, which is what I'm describing. The CBS morning show? So weird.
What Do You Think Happens In A War
Nobody could have predicted...
No Solution
In an exclusive interview, Ireland’s foreign minister said his country still has a veto - and is prepared to use it.
Simon Coveney told the Standard that trade talks will not be allowed to begin until the UK also agrees to maintain the open border between the Republic and Northern Ireland.
He said: “Anybody who thinks that just because the financial settlement issue gets resolved […] that somehow Ireland will have a hand put on the shoulder and be told, ‘Look, it’s time to move on.’ Well, we’re not going to move on.”
Sweet Little Lies
Sometimes Lost
Monday, November 20, 2017
And I'm Back
I Can't Drive 55
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro hit with speeding charges after cops clock her driving 119 mph upstate
Afternoon Thread
Somebody Wants To Be Fired
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.
Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
Actually She Wanted Me
In the course of reporting this story, I was told by a male reporter who’d worked at Politico at the time that my instinct was right. He said that the day after that night at the bar, Thrush told him about the incident, except with the roles reversed. I had come onto him, the reporter said Thrush told him, and he had gently shut it down.
In a statement, Thrush denied that he disparaged me to colleagues at Politico. He said that “the encounter described [in this story] was consensual, brief, and ended by me.”
The source said that Thrush frequently told versions of this story with different young women as the subject. He would talk up a night out drinking with a young attractive woman, usually a journalist. Then he’d claim that she came onto him. In his version of these stories, Thrush was the responsible grown-up who made sure nothing happened.
If I Turn It Off And Then On Again 500 Times
Peak Car
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Probably Why They All Stopped Blabbing To The Press
One Republican operative in frequent contact with the White House described Mueller’s team “working through the staff like Pac-Man.”
The Atrios Household Will Pay A Lot More In Taxes
Mnuchin says only 'million dollar' earners will pay higher taxes—Tax Policy Center and others show otherwise
(by not even close I mean HAHAAHHAHAHAA no)
The President Is A Horrible Person
Everybody Gets a Veto
Ireland has issued a stark warning that it will block progress of the Brexit negotiations in December unless the UK gives a formal written guarantee that there will be no hard border with Northern Ireland.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
The Kids Today
The point of this post is that all of my fellow shitty state school graduates - even the ones who had less than stellar academic records - thought they could graduate, get a crappy job which would pay the bills, get married by 24, buy a house by 25, have kids by 26, etc. We even graduated into a recession (1993) and we all still thought that!
The reality of those expectations (given what I know, they were pretty realistic, though I suppose the Facebook success story has a self-selection bias) isn't the issue. The point is that people thought that. That was "normal." That's what you did. You went to college, met a spouse, graduated, got a job, got married, bought a ticky tacky house, etc.
The Kids Today don't have those expectations.
Tiny Eschaton
Fortunately my 10+ year old netbook still works. Well, the battery is shot but otherwise. Yay Acer! It's just really really tiny...
LOL We'll Just Say It's Free The IRS Will Never Figure It Out
Who should I ask to write a piece on why PhD programs even “charge” tuition they waive for virtually all students? I’m confused about why this particular part of the tax can’t be fixed by creative accounting. (“Tuition for doctoral students is now $0.”)
— Mike Madden (@MikeMadden) November 17, 2017
I am sure there would be some creative accounting to try to minimize the tax burden for students with tuition waivers, but once the IRS decides that a benefit is taxable... it is. You can't just say "this incredibly valuable thing we provide is actually free because we don't charge!!!" They'll find a way to put a number on it, and it will be taxable.
The IRS is very good at closing "loopholes" for the 99%.
The Grift Is Strong In This One
But they also reported that Papadopolous reveled in the benefits of his newfound fame — at least in Greece — as an adviser to a major party nominee for the U.S. presidency. “He had acquired a new status in Athens,” wrote the newspaper, Kathimerini, which noted that Papadopoulos had been “bestowed with awards, wined and dined by prominent Athenians and even appointed to the judging committee of a beauty pageant on a Greek island.”
Good Enough To Poop On
MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. (WPVI) -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is getting a road in his home county named after him.
Christie and his wife are expected to be on hand Monday when a new access road to Central Park of Morris County is christened Governor Chris Christie Way. The Republican governor lives in Mendham Township in the county and served in local government in the mid-1990s
Nobody Knows In America
More than 168,000 people have flown or sailed out of Puerto Rico to Florida since the hurricane, landing at airports in Orlando, Miami and Tampa, and the port in Fort Lauderdale. Nearly half are arriving in Orlando, where they are tapping their networks of family and friends. An additional 100,000 are booked on flights to Orlando through Dec. 31, county officials said. Large numbers are also settling in the Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach areas.
My Career Plans
Friday, November 17, 2017
Obama Was Bad
Of course Obama was better than Trump. Of course Clinton would have been. These are dumb talking points. Obama didn't use the power when he had it. I met Obama. A few times. I think Benevolent Dictator Obama is a good guy. Certainly President Obama was better than President McCain and President Romney. But less better than should have been.
When Teh History is written (30 years from now, that's how Teh History works), Obama will be written off as a shit president who blew an historic opportunity. I am sad about that.
For 50 Bucks
I Am So Tired
Team D is better than Team R. I have never suggested otherwise.
But the other point of this sucky blog is that elites are stupid and horrible. Do not cheer them. They are bad.
What Is This Blog For
What Day Is Today?????????????
What About My Gardner
The Philadelphia School Reform Commission is on its way to extinction.
The state-devised panel, the ruler of the School District for 16 years, voted to dissolve itself Thursday night, declaring that the era of distress for the city’s schools was over.
The era of distress was when the SRC controlled it. You can judge which way causation goes.
Education is perhaps the biggest local issue and it was one nobody could vote on.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Urban Renewal
We can laugh because it is a joke now but it is pretty much what happened to US cities for 30 years or more.
The Other Issue With Brexit
A continuing refrain of the Brexiteers is that Britain has always lost out to the rest of Europe in negotiations. This derives partly from the way successive governments have portrayed the EU as a battleground in which there is room only for victory or defeat. It is also explained by the tendency of politicians to blame “Europe” for everything – often to divert attention from their own shortcomings.
In fact, the UK has led Europe in a remarkable way, and has rarely failed to gain its major objectives. However the process is one of debate and argument, proof and counter-argument, rather than demanding that the rest of EU should immediately see the sense in our position and give way without question. It is this assumption of always being right that has bedevilled our relationships with our neighbours.
The reason this matters now is because to some extent the EU put up with the UK's bullshit for years and Brexit was their thanks, and now they just don't give a shit anymore.
We'll Still Have Bob To Kick Around
Newark, New Jersey (CNN)The jury in the trial of New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez said Thursday it is deadlocked on all charges.
Defense attorney Abbe Lowell has requested the judge formally declare a mistrial.
Republican Party Suicide Pact
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
You Young People Just Don't Get It
A few days later, she says, she was in trigonometry class at Gadsden High when she was summoned to the principal’s office over the intercom in her classroom. She had a phone call.
“I said ‘Hello?’” Richardson recalls. “And the male on the other line said, ‘Gena, this is Roy Moore.’ I was like, ‘What?!’ He said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m in trig class.’ ”
Take Adams Township in southern Butler County. The township is about a 30-minute drive from Downtown Pittsburgh, along the well-traveled interstate I-279. While Adams, like Cambria County, is overwhelmingly white, it’s just a few-minutes drive on newly paved roads to country clubs and big-box stores in the even-more affluent Cranberry (which backed Trump). The casual-chic Hines Ward’s Tavern 86 restaurant is less than half a mile from Adams' border. Adams' median household income is $65,000, well above the Pennsylvania average, and Adams is one of the fastest-growing towns in the Pittsburgh region.
But Adams also voted for Trump, and by a bigger margin than Cambria County. The town backed Trump by a 39 point margin over Clinton (68 percent voted for Trump, 29 percent for Clinton). So why don't national publicans travel to wealthy suburbs like Adams to write stories about Trump supporters? Electorally, they provide similar support.
Those are your Trumptowns, more than rural places where not many people live (because they're, you know, rural) and more than smallish cities like Johnstown.
In addition, I'm sure most upper income Republicans around DC who pal around with Beltway journalists but who don't actually work for Trump (and even some who do) tell their more liberal friends how horrible Trump is. He's so horrible that they voted for him.
My Deep Understanding Of Alabama Voters
Wednesday Afternoon Holiday Shopping!
Laws Are Different For Important People
Global banks should be able to continue to transfer workers between the UK and EU member states after Brexit, David Davis has told an audience of City workers.
In an emollient private speech at the London headquarters of Swiss bank UBS on Tuesday, the Brexit secretary sought to reassure financial institutions that the government hopes to negotiate a deal with Brussels that would allow City firms to move senior staff in and out of the UK.
Bankers, MPs, their families, their friends, anyone who can get their MP on their cell phone, rich people, their friends, ...
The Wall Of Weird
Digby didn't include the best one: Louie Gohmert's.

Why Dwell In The Past
There was no Twitter then, but George Bush also said an immense amount of dumbass things, sometimes with Trump-esque bluster. OK not *quite* as dumbass. That old money patrician upbringing gave him a little bit of a clue, though old money manners are never quite as refined as we are supposed to believe. But the Bush administration was filled with dumbasses in addition to the evil pricks who ran things. They hired a bunch of dumb kids and sent some (not all!) of them to Iraq to destroy the place.
The Republican policy agenda right now isn't any different than the Republican policy agenda then. A bit more id, maybe, but it hasn't even passed yet! The corruption? Katrina, Iraq, the attorney scandal, ... I could go on. Also, you know, Iraq. Torture.
Why bring these things up? Because at some point in the future we will have no President Trump and everyone will sigh a sigh of relief, and say (as they did with George Bush to some extent!) that Trump wasn't a real conservative, that he wasn't a real Republican, that finally we can go back to the glorious world of two responsible parties, the Daddy (yay!) and Mommy (boo!) parties, filled with serious men doing serious things, who care about nothing more than to do good for our country, they just differ about the details. The Republicans will be Good again because the tumor is gone.
And that's bullshit. So stop it everybody.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Who Gets To Be Forgiven
Bruce Register, 87, a retiree from Dothan, Ala, said that spiritually, the whole controversy was moot.
“I really don’t think someone of his character would have done that. And if he had done it, it doesn’t matter in God’s eyes because he’d have been forgiven,” Register said.
Especially when the tribal affiliation mostly requires "hating the people you're supposed to hate."
At least Catholics have to confess.
Self-Driving PR
Wisconsin highway planners are studying the possibility of placing driverless vehicle lanes on I-94 to serve Foxconn's mega factory in Racine County. The Taiwanese company -- supplier to tech firms including Apple, Microsoft, and Nintendo -- reportedly made the suggestion at a meeting with regional officials, according to USA Today's Journal Sentinel.
You justify (right or wrong) HOV lanes because they encourage people to not travel alone. You justify self-driving car lanes because otherwise they won't work. The people building the things know that.
The Problem With Suburban Transit
They are correct that the project is sorta dumb and would mostly only benefit urban workers doing the reverse commute to the mall (in part, but not entirely, because the transit authority has tried to assuage their objections), but given that most transportation money (including highways) is spent to help suburban workers commute into the city, it's a funny complaint.
I don't like the project either, really, I'd rather take the money and spend it in the city. But that isn't an option, either.
My point is not that the NIMBYS are bad. They have a right to have some say about what happens in their neighborhoods. But this process gets repeated every time there's a major suburban transit proposal. It's best to just give up. They don't want it.
Teh Deficit
I'm glad the Democrats are mostly (not entirely) not making this argument about Teh Deficit, but when they are in charge, the Republicans don't even have to, because the New York Times, NPR, and presidential debate moderators will do it for them. It is baked into objective journalism that Deficits Are Bad When Democrats Can Be Blamed For Them.
Nobody really cares about the deficit, which is why I am glad the Democrats are (mostly) not obsessing about it, but when totebaggers and NYT readers get this stuff broadcast into their brains daily it has an effect, especially because it doesn't come from nasty partisans but from objective journalists and Bipartisan Commissions On How The Debt Is Worse Than Nuclear War.
Remember The Can Kicks Back? That was funny. I wonder where those kids are now. Probably Treasury Undersecretaries or Goldman Sachs Vice Presidents by now.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Lock Her Up
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate a host of Republican concerns — including alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation and the controversial sale of a uranium company to Russia — and has directed senior federal prosecutors to explore at least some of the matters and report back to him and his top deputy, according to a letter obtained by The Washington Post.
Gotta keep the boss happy so he can make the DOJ as racist as possible. It's his life's work.
Hatch, McConnell, and Collins Walk Into A Bar
I'm doubting the veracity of any particular detail of this story, but the whole thing is weird.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will return to Washington on Monday, according to his senior political adviser — 10 days after a sudden and bizarre assault at his Bowling Green home left him with half a dozen broken ribs and lung problems.
Give Us What We Want Or We Shoot The Country In The Face (Instead of Just The Legs)
Brexit-supporting MPs, including Suella Fernandes, chair of the Tory’s European Research Group, asked for assurance the bill would not be used to reverse Brexit. Davis said it would be a meaningful vote but that it would not undo the process.
When Owen Paterson asked if the UK would still leave the EU in March 2019, Davis simply replied: “Yes”.
The list is basically neverending, but essentially all deals between the UK (trade, customs, rights of residents, mobility, visitation, marriage recognition, health care reciprocity, transportation, and on and on and on and on) and the EU are deals that exist within the framework of the EU, so "no deal" agreements. Literally all gone. Ripped up at 11PM London time on March 19, 2019. Some things default to WTO agreements, but they don't cover everything.
In addition, a lot of UK deals with the rest of the world also operate through the EU framework, so all of those agreements get ripped up. They can't sign new ones until Big Ben strikes 11 (and Big Ben currently isn't even bonging). Sure in theory those deals can be inked and signed at 11:01, but in practice things don't quite work that way, and they're going to be a bit more important for the UK than other countries. Influential interests, right or wrong, in every other country will want those deals to favor them more than they do now, and expecting any government to be a model of speed and efficiency for this stuff is lunacy.
Just as a small example: UK airline carriers wouldn't have the right to land in the EU. They wouldn't even have the right to land in the US!
If Only They Could Find A Way To Attract New Workers
"Trucking is a brutal job. Drivers endure long, tedious stretches where they are inactive but have to stay focused, and they spend weeks at a time away from home. For those and other reasons, the industry’s biggest problem has been the scarcity and turnover of drivers, making it hard to keep up with shipping demand."
It's a crap job that used to pay pretty well. Now it's a crap job that doesn't pay so well. Raise the pay and there will be more takers. Maybe you'll even have to raise the pay a lot! Capitalism sucks!
Nobody Could Have Predicted
The number of newly arriving international students declined an average 7 percent in fall 2017, with 45 percent of campuses reporting drops in new international enrollment, according to a survey of nearly 500 campuses across the country by the Institute of International Education.
I'm sure it will be worse next year. Plans were already in the works when Trump got started.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
A Big Game
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Bill Clinton Was A Horrible President
Obama was pretty shitty, too.
Guys I Have A Thought
Flying Cars
Friday, November 10, 2017
Reading Glasses
Friday, Friday
I got nothin'.
Nothing Is More Important Than My Cats
Gross Conversations
But whatever the legal framework is, 30something guys trying to get it on with 14 year olds is...well, fucking gross.
Thursday, November 09, 2017
Keep Fucking That Chicken
Black Mesa
If you do the math you realize my grandparents were in Los Alamos when it was LOS ALAMOS. The secret city. They were building Fat Man and Little Boy. My mother was a little girl at the time, her father was (as I understand it) a jack of all trades handyman.
I haven't been back since the fire. I suppose it's different now. It was a pretty nice small town.
...pretty sure this was her house (google maps). Little Pink Houses.

Talking About My Generation
In the coming months and years ahead I look forward to building an even STRONGER relationship between the United States and China. 🇺🇸🇨🇳
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2017
Self-Driving Nuisances
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
What Would Tom Friedman Do?
(None of this is ok, but at least when there are lines you think there are limits. Apparently not.)
Ed Gillespie - Unperson
Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2017
Someone should tell Trump that once they get their tax cuts (if they do), it's over. Republicans aren't that stupid. They know how Trump treats people. If the tax cuts for the idle rich pass (that's all they care about), they will have no reason to play nice anymore.
I don't expect them to all became crusading Democrats for justice or anything, but they just won't give a shit.
End of the Rizzocrats
Larry Krasner will be our new DA. A lot of the old guard tried to push the Republican (was a Democrat) who ran against him. She was Very Serious and had the support of our local newspapers because she was very into Civil Forfeiture (that isn't what they said, but that was her claim to fame). Stealing things from poor people who have not been convicted of crimes is Very Serious. A lot of the old guard "Democrats" including the racist lawnorder Rizzocrats got behind her. She is bad. She lost.
Our last DA is in prison. A lot of people (including me!) had high hopes for him. He didn't promise the moon, to his credit, but he did promise to be better than the last DA, who was racist and horrible. At least he was African-American in a 44% African-American city where that population (as everywhere) doesn't exactly get the friendly treatment from our criminal justice system. He did nothing good and managed to be corrupt enough to go to prison! That's hard to do!
Krasner should be a real reformer. He basically ran on the crazy idea that justice isn't just about locking people up for as long as you can. He'll face a rebellion from people currently in the DA's office (hopefully they all quit) and from the cops. It will be interesting.