Sunday, December 31, 2017
Late Night
Happy New Year! I'm, uh, sure the next one will be better.
I Suppose He Has 10 Days Left
In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 10, 2016
This is summon, as described initially.
Elon Musk has announced a new feature for the Tesla Model S that will allow you to ‘summon’ it to and from a parking spot, meaning it’ll drive itself in and out of the garage. Good news then, if you really hate parking.
And if you hate driving across country? Even better news. “Eventually, your Tesla will be able to drive anywhere across the country to meet you, charging itself along the way,” the company announced.
These are Tesla owners, much later, discussing summon.
Capitalism Can Only Be Failed
A lot of people in this country can't afford necessary dentistry. Half of Puerto Rico doesn't have any power...still. I blame our generous welfare system and [spins wheel] over-regulation.
All In All
Free Parking
Transit, of course, is not free.
What Law Was Broken?
HOUSTON - A man has been arrested on multiple charges after police located a small arsenal of guns on the top floor of the Hyatt Regency on Louisiana Street downtown, Houston police said.
The man was arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon and trespassing. When investigators looked into his room further, they located an AR-15, a shotgun, a handgun and lots of ammunition, Macintosh said.
Looks like it's against hotel policy, but exactly what does it take to be "unlawfully carrying a weapon" in Texas? Our gun laws are so nuts that I don't know how you even violate the law anymore.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Saturday Discussion Topic
But there has always (in my lifetime) been a "hack gap." Democrats (or their surrogates) just don't lie that much. Maybe Democrats are more honest people, or maybe (and more importantly) the press freaks the fuck out when they do make certain kinds of lies (some kinds of lies official Washington always tolerates). Most members of the press pretend to be unaware of this. I don't believe they are unaware of this.
Google Sucks
Friday, December 29, 2017
Nobody Could Have Predicted
The president officially scrapped his predecessor's proposal to have the federal government underwrite half the cost of a multi-billion-dollar Amtrak tunnel connecting New Jersey to Penn Station, the busiest transit hub in the U.S. The lone existing tunnel is rapidly deteriorating, threatening to sever Amtrak's popular Northeast Corridor and to divert tens of thousands of New Jerseyans from their daily Manhattan commutes via New Jersey Transit.
In 10-20 years there won't be any train service through the NE. Heckuva job.
Not Inventing This
It’s nobody’s business what tactics a print reporter chooses to use in an interview and if you don’t like it, nobody is making you read it!
— Byron Tau (@ByronTau) December 29, 2017
When Atrios Met Obummer
My thing was the foreclosure crisis. I had one question and no real chance for a follow up. I suppose I could have interrupted and tried to get into an argument, or whatever, but it wasn't a show all about me. I wasn't so deferential to Obama that I couldn't have done it, but I was deferential to the time limits and the fact that other people deserved their chance to ask a question.
So I asked a very open ended question. I knew this would just let him talk. But given the format - and that Obummer can talk - he was just going to do that anyway. I'm too lazy to hunt up the transcript but my question was something like, "Are you happy with the federal response to the foreclosure crisis?" My point was to make it open ended but also to try to get him up on his heels, if just a bit. Hard to fluster no drama Obama. And I don't claim I did, but he did actually get a bit defensive.
I didn't make any news that day (Joe Sudbay did, as Obama famously informed the world that he was "evolving" on same sex marriage. Good for Joe!). Some journalist even said the blogger questions were dumb! Fine, whatever, though compared to a typical press conference we did ok. Still I'm a big boy. Unlike the New York Times journalists, I can take the criticism!
Anyway, my point is, I get the "ask an open ended question to let them talk and see what happens" method. I used it. But I didn't get a follow up question. You don't need to interrupt if you have a follow up question. You can just...ask an appropriate question.
Not How It Works
As the ad money goes away, they need subscriptions. They'd better figure out who their customers are.
Someone Does The Work
Donald Trump made 25 false claims in his latest New York Times interview
Said with equal respect, your public persona has become based in part on the very real idea that this president is quite different than others. That goes for almost all manner of interaction
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) December 29, 2017
The NYT Does Not Understand Journalism
The point of being a good interviewer is being a good interviewer. That isn't one thing, of course, but it certainly isn't failing to ask a single follow up question or ever pressing the president to explain his YUGE KNOWLEDGE about, well, everything. He knows the most things of any president about all the big bills, you see. Obvious follow up..."name one." "Tell me something about the tax bill." Anything?
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Roy Moore
Still Just A Rat In The Cage
The U2 frontman shared some insight into the state of music with Rolling Stone, and explained that he believes a revolution may soon be on the horizon because boys need somewhere to put their rage.
"I think music has gotten very girly. And there are some good things about that, but hip-hop is the only place for young male anger at the moment — and that's not good," he said.
Who Would Be Stupid Enough To Work For Trump
Black People Voting Is Evidence Of Voter Fraud
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
President Trump's legal team plans to cast former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn as a liar seeking to protect himself if he accuses the president or his senior aides of any wrongdoing, according to three people familiar with the strategy.
It's A Bit Unpleasant
For most people, going to movies in the theater is more of a hassle than a joy — why sit in an uncomfortable chair and spend upwards of $10 to get a ticket, plus the cost of popcorn and a drink? As the number of shows on television and subscription services surges and home theater systems improve, it takes a lot to get customers to leave their homes.
Though a version of this story is written every year and really the trends in ticket sales aren't that bad.
One Quick Trick
Old People Don't Like Paying For Schools
Just a random thought. Good enough for a holiday week blog post.
Fake News
When Rush Limbaugh has been treated like a king for years, it's a bit weird to get upset about dumb shit on facebook.
How Does Anything Work
Recently, Trump bemoaned the Republicans’ loss in a special election in Alabama and in part blamed Sessions, whose departure from the Senate to head to Justice necessitated the election.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
The Sellout
Starter for Ten
The Goldfinch
Last Night In Montreal
A Landing on the Sun
The Lowland
The Interpreter
My Name is Lucy Barton
Everything I Never Told You
The Miniaturist
The Stockholm Octavo
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Lincoln in the Bardo
Old Filth
The Peppered Moth
The Underground Railroad
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
The Girl in the Road
The Children's Book
The Singer's Gun
The Summer Before The War
The Moor's Account
The Man In The Wooden Hat
Little Fires Everywhere
Thousands of government papers detailing some of the most controversial episodes in 20th-century British history have vanished after civil servants removed them from the country’s National Archives and then reported them as lost.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Banning The Lot Of You
Everything Stops
I am pretty sure I saw it when it was on TV. The one time it was on TV. I remember reading about it on nerd forums in the late 90s when people would debate whether it was actually real. It's real! God it's horrible.
Christmas Is About Poop

The other tradition it the Caga Tió. While Santa climbs down the chimney to bring us our presents, Caga Tió is the present pooping log. You sing a song, beat him with a stick, and then he shits out your presents. I am not making this up.
shit, log,
shit turrón,
hazelnuts and mató cheese,
if you don't shit well,
I'll hit you with a stick,
shit, log!
Why Are People So Cruel
When I read stories of, say, police brutality or ICE abuses, I just can't quite fathom how people are capable of that. I'll even allow the "panicky cop shoots someone" defense, but some of these stories are just about sadism. I guess when I was a teenager and my brain was broken as is the norm of teenagers I could have been a bully, but I grew up? I don't get it.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
The Original "Electronic" Music
The Darkest Timeline
haha that's our universe. fuck everything
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Avocado's Number
Peak Stupid
But these prognostications miss what will be one of the biggest developments of all: In a world full of autonomous autos, transportation will become free. Not just hands-free, or driver-free, or go-wherever-you-want free. But free as in beer: complimentary, gratis. Summon a car and travel for nothing—that is, so long as you are willing to make a stop or two en route at sponsoring locations.
Picture a not-too-distant future where a trip across town is available to anyone who will spend 15 minutes in McDonald’s on the way. Not a fast-food fan? Then for you it’s Starbucks, a bookstore, the game parlor. Rides with a child stop at the Disney store, while teenage girls are routed via next decade’s version of Zara and H&M. Unlike today’s UberPool, with its roundabout routes and multiple passenger pickups, “UberFree” features tailor-made routes and thoughtfully targeted stops.
Do people who write these things live in this world? I mean, my bus doesn't always come when it is supposed to but at least it doesn't make pit stops.
Cat People Got Nobody
Christmas Eve Eve
Friday, December 22, 2017
Both Sides
This was bullshit. The goals were not the same (I'll leave aside the issue of how much elite goals of both parties were, actually, the same). But it was the myth the press propped up for decades. Should federal money go to welfare queens, or to heroic capitalists in Jack Kemp's empowerment zones? The question was ridiculously framed as, "which would be better for the poor?" Instead of, "who should receive the welfare." That rich people should get all the welfare won. Heckuva job, opinion shapers.
Just got this: Ten women who have accused Mark Halperin of sexual misconduct send statement to @msnbc rebutting @morningmika’s comments this morning about Halperin:
— Paul Farhi (@farhip) December 22, 2017
Home For The Holidays
Holiday Schedule
I Hate That I Even Know Who This Person Is
Turn The Machines Back On
Coinbase, one of the biggest bitcoin marketplaces in the U.S., said Friday that buying and selling was temporarily disabled amid price rout
I Might Ride That To The Airport Or The Baseball Game
Many poor transit investments have arisen from a too-small group of fortunate people assuming that everyone shares their tastes and priorities. They forget that to be elite is to be a minority, and it makes no business sense to design transit around elite tastes if what you really want are lots and lots of riders.
And good transit to airports or baseball stadiums might be good projects (though not if these destinations are the primary purpose, usually), but transit decisions are driven by people who imagine riding transit is something they would do occasionally in certain circumstances, instead of by/for people who use it every day.
Would You Like To Talk To Your Abuser?
The accusations against Halperin were... pretty bad. I mean, I hate ranking these things, and I often think we lack the words to describe these things precisely (because they aren't precise), but Halperin wasn't just accused of being an asshole boss, he was accused of sexual assault. More importantly, he denied those accusations (though admitted to being a bad boy generally), so what is he apologizing for? If his accusers are telling the truth, and he says they're lying, he's defaming them. Abusing them again. They're supposed to have coffee with him? Fuck you, Mika.
The brains of elites are broken.
"History Buff"
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Infallible Great Men
What Are We Going To Do, Bomb Them All?
The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly rejected the Trump administration's decision to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. By a lopsided 128-9 vote Thursday, the diplomats gathered in New York City ignored U.S. objections and approved a resolution calling on countries to avoid moving their embassies to Jerusalem.
The scary thing is we might bomb them all, but the Trump administration abandoning anything resembling sane diplomacy might not be the worst thing in the world. Except for the bombing part, of course. We actually don't have to influence everything the world, and it's far from clear that it's good when we do. "America's Decline" in the sense of other countries tuning us out has been going on since the Bush administration. Their obsession with Iraq led to them ignoring the rest of the world, and I never had the sense that the Obama administration reversed that very much (above my pay grade!). (I don't mean Obama was BAD LIKE BUSH I mean our focus narrowed and our influence shrank).
Fall's Over
Real driverless cars could come to the Phoenix area this year, according to a Monday report from The Information's Amir Efrati. Two anonymous sources have told Efrati that Google's self-driving car unit, Waymo, is preparing to launch "a commercial ride-sharing service powered by self-driving vehicles with no human 'safety' drivers as soon as this fall."
Never Trust "The Cloud"
I learned this way back in the early internets when some photo storage service (I forget which) suddenly shut down.
Amazon Music will end its streaming support for users' uploaded MP3 in 2019, the service announced this week with a statement on its website.
Amazon Music Storage subscription plans, which let users upload music from their Mac or PC and stream them alongside the in-app on-demand and radio options, will be accepted until Jan. 15, 2018. Then, the service will run until January 2019, when it will be removed entirely.
Good for temporary storage and flexibility, so you can access your stuff from multiple locations. Not a long term option. This isn't some startup. It's Amazon.
Not Quite Rich Enough
The tax bill is not good for a lot of these people (details vary, blahblah, a full analysis is available in the margin of this blog post). Who cares about the poors, why can't I fully deduct my $30,000 in property taxes???
Morning Thread
Here's Digby to explain it all. She's also having her annual request for donations. A few shekels sent her way would be appreciated. Only if you can afford it, of course.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Gotta Give People Something To Vote For
"Trump sucks" might win 2018, but if Dems don't deliver than "Dems suck" will win in 2020.
Two women who reached sexual harassment settlements with Bill O’Reilly joined a defamation lawsuit against Mr. O’Reilly and Fox News on Wednesday, asserting that statements that he and the network made depicted them as liars, political operatives and extortionists.
The women are Andrea Mackris, a former producer on Mr. O’Reilly’s show on Fox News who sued him for sexual harassment in 2004, and Rebecca Gomez Diamond, a former host on Fox Business Network who reached a settlement with Mr. O’Reilly in 2011 after coming forward with sexual harassment allegations against him. Both women had recorded conversations with Mr. O’Reilly, and he paid both settlements, according to people briefed on the matter.
Just A Little Problem
One of the problems with LIDAR and other mounted sensors is that they can easily get covered in snow, affecting their ability to “see.” LIDAR also gets confused when its lasers get absorbed by snowflakes and water droplets, said Huei Peng, the director of Mcity in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a simulated urban environment for testing autonomous vehicles. “The snow presents challenges you will never experience in sunny California,” he said.
Maybe it is because I rarely drive that I see it as a less... not sure what the word is... natural thing to do. Driving is hard! It is not like programming a robot forklift to stock shelves.
While I'm Trying To Remember The WORLD'S GREATEST BLOG POST
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Maybe She Said "Sexy"
Quite a moment just now. We asked Susan Collins about House Republicans vowing not to pass the provisions McConnell promised her to win her tax vote. She stared for several seconds and said she thought the press's coverage of the tax bill has been extremely sexist.
— Paul McLeod (@pdmcleod) December 19, 2017
There's A Simple Solution
People who don’t carry cash aren’t oblivious to the plight of these workers. Maya Chung, 27, hasn’t carried paper money since she was a teenager, instead relying on a combination of digital apps, PayPal and plastic to get through her day. Her building in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn doesn’t have a doorman, but when she visits the nail salon she perpetually finds herself embarrassed not to have cash for gratuities.
“Every time I go there without cash they miss out on their tips cause they don’t have the mechanism to put it on the credit card, and I always feel bad,” said Ms. Chung, a digital reporter at Still, she can’t seem to remember to visit the A.T.M. before she goes. “I’m just not thinking about it because I’m so programmed to never have cash on me.”
I get annoyed by people who don't carry cash. I don't mean having 200 bucks in your pocket at all times, but 20 or so. I don't care how convenient all the other payment methods are, they just don't work everywhere.
I Forget Whose Line It Was
The update for this tax bill is... "I don't understand why conservatives want poor people to work and rich people to stay at home." It takes money from people who work (because they have to) and gives it to people who don't.
Dem Fan Fiction
The next Democratic government will focus on the expansion of Medicaid and/or Medicare, ...
I see even prominent Dem types (Obama administration people, Think Tankers, etc) saying things like, "I used to be a moderate, but the Republicans have gone too far this time so now I'm a socialist." This is a caricature, of course, but I don't really get it. Have opinions on desirable policy changed, or was compromise for the sake of compromise really so baked into Dem thinking that they're even stupider than I thought? I get compromise-as-pose (though I suspect people often misunderstood who Obama and some senators are posing for) from politicians, and I get compromise-as-necessity from them, but compromise-as-compromise because...? What the hell.
The train that careened off a bridge outside Tacoma, Washington, killing three people was traveling at 80 mph on a 30-mph stretch of track, federal investigators confirmed late Monday.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Or You Could Just Do Away With The Algorithm
Somebody Really Screwed Up
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- An Amtrak Cascades train has derailed onto the southbound lanes of Interstate 5 near Olympia.
Now Puerto Rico is bracing for another blow: a housing meltdown that could far surpass the worst of the foreclosure crisis that devastated Phoenix, Las Vegas, Southern California and South Florida in the past decade. If the current numbers hold, Puerto Rico is headed for a foreclosure epidemic that could rival what happened in Detroit, where abandoned homes became almost as plentiful as occupied ones.
About one-third of the island’s 425,000 homeowners are behind on their mortgage payments to banks and Wall Street firms that previously bought up distressed mortgages. Tens of thousands have not made payments for months. Some 90,000 borrowers became delinquent as a consequence of Hurricane Maria, according to Black Knight Inc., a data firm formerly known as Black Knight Financial Services.
Just a feeling, really. No idea where this idea came from.
At least Democrats won't defend it this time, but they won't care either.
So They Say '31 Is Gonna Be A Good Year
"Small businesses will have the lowest taxes since 1931" ... Ivanka Trump discusses impact of tax reform
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) December 18, 2017
A major power outage halted air traffic Sunday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport for 11 hours, grounding all of the hub's outgoing flights and halting incoming traffic for tens of thousands of travelers hoping to land at the world's busiest airport.
Shit happens, but functioning backup generators should... should... be a priority.
A few years back London got a bit of snow. OK, fine, London doesn't deal with snow of any nontrivial amount very often so you don't expect things to be perfect, but it was revealed that Heathrow basically didn't have a snow plan. That doesn't mean they didn't have a perfect one, it means they basically didn't have one. The airport operators had focused on running the best airport mall they could - that's how they were raking in the dough - and weren't too concerned with the rest of the whole running the airport thing. Lots of functions are handled by individual airlines and their contractors, but an airport shut by snow needs a bit more collective action.
A Good Boy Letter From The Teacher
Until those next signs emerge, Trump is boasting to friends and advisers that he expects Mueller to clear him of wrongdoing in the coming weeks, according to sources familiar with the conversations. The President seems so convinced of his impending exoneration that he is telling associates Mueller will soon write a letter clearing him that Trump can brandish to Washington and the world in a bid to finally emerge from the cloud of suspicion that has loomed over the first chapter of his presidency, the sources said.
I have no idea where any Mueller investigation is going, but this really must be Cobb telling him anything he can to prevent him from firing Mueller. Not sure what the ethic of that is, but...
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Look At How Horrible Republicans Are
Better Things Are Not Possible
Similarly, Northam said he has no plans to try to force Republicans to accept a broad expansion of Medicaid. Instead, he has begun talks with lawmakers in both parties about overhauling the state’s Medicaid system to expand access to health care while better defining eligibility to control costs.
Outgoing Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) tried every year to push the legislature to accept millions in federal money to expand the health program to hundreds of thousands of low-income Virginians. Northam campaigned heavily on the promise of getting more Virginians access to health care.
Expanding access by restricting eligibility. Cool idea, bro.
Just A Bit Of A Slip
It’s been awhile since we heard anything about Volvo’s audacious experiment to deliver 100 self-driving cars to regular people in Sweden for testing. The program, called Drive Me, was supposed to kick off in 2017, but now the company says it’s pushing the date to 2021.
But Their Emails
Saturday, December 16, 2017
The One Quick Trick
Does Anybody Remember MOOCs?
There Are No Refs
Argue on the merits, not process or hypocrisy. No one cares about process and hypocrisy.
My big pet peeve is people of my age who try to judge all this stuff from a Serious Critic perspective. I watch all the dumb CW superhero shows. Sometimes they are better than dumb (specifically, the first season of The Flash was really good! Watch that). Usually they're just dumb. Doctor Who has been my favorite thing in life ever since I stumbled across it one Sunday afternoon and Tom Baker turned into Peter Davison and I still haven't recovered.
But even though I still like this stuff... Comeon, I'm 45. I am not the target audience. Serious Critics are not the target audience. Either your kids like them or they don't and that's really the point.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Just seeing this after I awoke, I burst out crying. There it is, confirmation that Harvey Weinstein derailed my career, something I suspected but was unsure. Thank you Peter Jackson for being honest. I’m just heartsick
— Mira Sorvino (@MiraSorvino) December 15, 2017
A Perfect Job For Eschaton World Industries
Senior White House official Jared Kushner and his legal team are searching for a crisis public relations firm, according to four people familiar with the matter.
Release A Star War Every Week
Nobody has yet embraced my long-suggested plan of returning to the "serial" model. Release those things every 3 months.
Evil Team Of Evil
The Rules Changed
There are a lot of reasons for this, but I keep coming back to the very simple one: public universities used to be something you could kinda sorta work your way through, and now even public university students are graduating with 30 grand of debt. Too many olds don't understand this. It's depressing.
Paris Is Hell
Nice Things
Personal cars are "freedom" some places but in the city they're a nightmare. You'd have to be nuts to actually drive and park in Center City if you had another option. I love my bus.
What if it's my car...but better and faster and has no congestion and takes me anywhere I want to go! Cool idea, bro. See you on the 405.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
I've Even Lied
I still like The Orville. It's Star Trek: TNG with dumb Seth McFarlane jokes and while they can't quite figure out the balance it's the best ST:TNG since ST:TNG.
I'm So Old I Can Remember When I Was Young
Within the Times itself, the Thrush scandal has created something of a schism. On one side, according to newsroom sources, there is a cohort of young, millennial, New York-based employees for whom the event has been particularly upsetting. These employees, these sources note, are generationally hyper-attuned to issues related to race, gender, and newsroom diversity, which they often discuss on the Times’s internal Slack app. For some within this cohort, there’s a sentiment that the Times should set an example amid our cultural awakening—that it would be hard to keep Thrush employed while continuing to lead the charge in covering the reckoning that has entangled him.
Things are different in the Washington bureau. While there are some who feel deeply uncomfortable with his conduct, the prevailing sentiment among Thrush’s colleagues in D.C. is that he should not lose his job over the contents of the Vox report, according to a half-dozen members of the bureau—men and women—with whom I spoke for this article, in addition to several other well-placed Times figures who are regularly in touch with the bureau. The Vox piece, the logic went, castigated Thrush for “bad judgment around young women journalists,” but did not make any allegations regarding sexual harassment, sexually motivated quid pro quo, sexual assault, or predation. (If any such charges were to come up in the Times probe, many suggested, he would obviously lose his goodwill.) For now, Thrush’s support extends all the way up to bureau chief Elisabeth Bumiller, according to people familiar with her thinking. (Reached by phone, Bumiller declined to comment.)
Young people are supposed to be able to make youthful mistakes.
Trump favorability among Fox viewers (%):
— Adrian Gray (@adrian_gray) December 13, 2017
Jun: 90
Oct: 74
Dec: 58
At some point even the faithful realize the "alpha dog" is just an annoying cuck.
Life Sucks
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Trump Voters Who Still Like Trump
I would like every editor who spent a year assigning those to answer the simple question: why?
We never had those pieces in the Obama years.
But for good or bad, the limits of haloscan have given me an anxiety syndrome that I can't shake. At about 250 comments it would...not work so well. So my "oh shit I need a new post" instinct is set to about 250 comments. It's hard coming up with something to say every 250 comments.
The White House's Best Employee
AP reports Omarosa Manigault, the Apprentice villain turned senior White House official, is leaving the building.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) December 13, 2017
Would You Vote For Pat Toomey?
On the issues I don't really know what the D mirror image of Roy Moore would even be, but let's say that a month before the election with a closely divided Senate, the D candidate had their own series of "mall stories." What would you do?
Roy Moore won the primary. That's nuts. But I actually give a lot of credit to those Alabama Republicans who ultimately didn't vote for him (I'm not taking away from any efforts on the other side - Dem turnout). I wouldn't have voted for Pat Toomey. Maybe I would have stayed home.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The Bye-Bell
Your Moment Of Zen
Roy Moore campaign spokesman responds with silence when asked if he knew people can be sworn in with a text other than the Christian bible
— The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) December 12, 2017
Tuesday Night
That isn't in contradiction to notions of women marrying younger, etc. You called her father and asked for permission. You didn't sneak in through the bathroom window.
These are all myths, of course, I'm not asserting any of it as true, I'm just saying that those myths involve honor and respectability (whatever that means), not creepy old men. Wear your tuxedo to the debutante ball. Don't creep her at the arcade.
We Went To The Murder Club And Roy Moore Didn't Murder Anyone. Good Guy.
Staehle said that, when he and Moore arrived, they soon realized the man had taken them to a brothel. The third man, Staehle suggested, essentially tricked them. “I could tell you what I saw but I don’t want to,” Staehle said mischievously.
“There were certainly pretty girls. And they were girls. They were young. Some were very young,” Staehle acknowledged. But according to Staehle, Moore was shocked by what he saw. “We shouldn’t be here, I’m leaving,” Moore said, according to Staehle.
They asked the third man to leave with them but he didn’t want to. So Staehle and Moore took his Jeep and left him there all night with sex workers, who they agreed were underage. The man returned to base the next morning on the back of a motorcycle, Staehle said with a grin.
There are so many things wrong about this that one doesn't know where to begin. I guess I'll just leave it at: if someone I know ever asks me to write a recommendation letter, I hope I don't front it with "Good person. Did not have sex with child prostitutes even when he had the opportunity."
Social Media
On a related note, while I certainly don't want him to win, I get why Republicans will vote for Roy Moore. I wouldn't say that if he were running for governor, but what's he going to do in the Senate? He's just going to vote the way Mitch wants him to and little else. I suppose if he's a camera hog he might tarnish team Rs brand (if that's still possible), so that might be a reason to be wary, but what if he's in the Senate? If there was a Dem running in Pennsylvania with Roy Moore's, uh, record, I would want the powers that be to do everything legal to get him off the ballot, or find a way to otherwise replace him with somebody else, but would I really vote for Pat Toomey?
But back to my original point. Social media pushes this stuff onto everybody's facebook and twitter etc. Unless you are completely unconnected to anyone who pays any attention to politics, the news of the day is going to show itself to you. My friends used to know little of the day to day freak show stuff unless they read my sucky blog (or somebody else's sucky blog) . Now they do.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Some Of My Best Friends Are Jeeews
Kayla Moore, wife of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, accuses media of painting couple as anti-Semitic.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 12, 2017
They'll Bulldoze It Within 30 Years
To the extent that we hold "our side" to account we should do it on our terms, not theirs.
Voter Suppression
I pay a reasonable amount of attention to this stuff and I'm not aware that enough is being done. Tell me I am wrong! I get that there are limits to what can be done against Republican legislatures and governors and conservative judges and...I'm not stupid. I don't think The Left can wave their magic wand and fix that problem.
But I do suspect that if you have, say, 10 million bucks to spend on a campaign, paying an army of people to drive people to the DMV/courthouse/whereeveryougottago instead of paying ads for on the 11 o'clock news might be a smart choice.. I could be wrong!
Gotta do what you can within the constraints. If you gotta hire people to hunt up birth certificates do that. If you gotta pay people to run buses from nursing homes to DMVs do that. I have no idea what you need to do (varies by location, obviously) those things.
Get Out
But back to movies. Get Out was great. See it if you haven't. If you haven't it's not quite what you probably think it is from some of the promos/criticisms you might have read, which make it seem like it's about how white suburban racists are racist. Duh. It's more complex than that. Also it's funny and it's a horror movie! Though not that scary. You'll be fine.
My favorite scene is at the end, which I'll put after the bump because... SPOILERS!
Please Stop
I’ve noticed that there’s a cultural caste system if you live in or around Philly. And in the eyes of the media and tastemakers, you’re the high school Band Geek: Earnest. Unsexy. The kid standing by your locker with a piccolo while the jocks and hipsters grab all the dates and glory.
You’re the straight-A student with a too-heavy bookbag and an after-school job at the YMCA. The cool kids are in Philly. They drink Sugar Wash Rum and tool around on shabby-chic bicycles. You pay car insurance and decide state and national elections; the cool kids would only carshare to your zip code if it meant wrapping their tattooed arms around a rare batch of Tired Hands milkshake India Pale Ale.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
He Uses The Telephone. A Lot.
Promises, Promises
The GOP tax plan on the cusp of becoming law diverges wildly from the promises President Trump and top advisers said they would deliver for the middle class — an evolution that shows how traditional Republican orthodoxy swamped Trump’s distinctive brand of economic populism as it moved through Washington.
The bill was supposed to deliver benefits predominantly to average working families, not corporations, with a 35 percent tax cut Trump proposed on the campaign trail as part of the “Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act.”
This implies some good faith from Trump that was never there, but it just isn't the case that every time Trump supports something horrible it's just what the voters wanted. Don't get me wrong, I think the 27-32%er MAGA crowd are as horrible as you can imagine (Though even some of them probably thought they were going to get some of the secret welfare system that black people get. Joke's on them.). But Trump "promised" a lot of things during the campaign (and even after) and if a few hundred thousand people got suckered by that then, well, that's all that had to happen.
Whatever savvy people believed about Trump The Economic Populist, not all voters are so savvy and Trump isn't actually delivering just what he promised.
That's Something
Alabama's senior GOP senator, Richard Shelby, unloading on Roy Moore in intvw w @jaketapper: "When it came to the 14-year-old story, that was too much for me...I couldn't vote for Roy Moore...The state of Alabama deserves better...I think the Republican Party can do better."
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) December 10, 2017
What's Wrong With Trump
Saturday, December 09, 2017
The President Show
Before taking office, Mr. Trump told top aides to think of each presidential day as an episode in a television show in which he vanquishes rivals. People close to him estimate that Mr. Trump spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television, sometimes with the volume muted, marinating in the no-holds-barred wars of cable news and eager to fire back.
The Best People
CHICAGO (AP) — The head of Chicago’s public schools system on Friday stepped down from his job amid allegations by the system’s inspector general that he engaged in a “full-blown cover-up” to block an ethics investigation.
Friday, December 08, 2017
Baster Optional
Female aides said Franks suggested intercourse to impregnate them
Estate Fight
My question is... sure the kids can inherit the property, but illiquid assets are a bit of a problem when there is an estate with multiple kids. Gotta sell. The original prop. 13 population is heading towards the, uh, afterlife phase. Anyway, just not something I've ever seen addressed. I suppose I could google that for me.
Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) December 8, 2017
Catalunya Lliure
Language isn't the only issue, of course. Catalonia has been a distinct region for hundreds of years. But the important issue is not "is independence good or bad?" Not my judgment call. Probably not yours, either. But the crackdown from Madrid on free speech and assembly related to the independence movement is obscene. It's bad.
I Got Mad Online A Lot
I got mad online a lot about the housing crisis. I didn't just get mad online. I tried to do something about it. I have no exaggerated sense of my potential power, but I did try. I went to DC and talked to people. Congresspeople! Senators! I plotted and schemed. I even talked to Obummer once!
The Obama administration response to the financial crisis was very bad. And unlike many things which happened during the Obama administration, the excuses are limited. They couldn't blame Republicans or even Joe Lieberman. They had a big no strings slush fund that they could spend and they didn't even spend it! And people suffered.
How Much Does Affordable Housing Cost
But "everybody" agrees affordable housing is a noble and good goal. I'm not even arguing with this, I just have no idea what people think is "affordable." Saying the word doesn't make it so.
Thursday, December 07, 2017
The Ivories
Bye Trent
Republican Arizona Rep. Trent Franks is expected to resign, multiple sources tell CNN on Thursday.
...the claim is he talked to staffers about being surrogates. uh, ew?
The Trump Promises
Also, too, populism in a democracy should not be an epithet. It's, you know, democracy.