Monday, April 30, 2018
.@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2012
From Bean To Cup
Senior figures from the European Parliament marked Sajid Javid’s first day by sending him a joint letter laying out their concerns – and warning that the Windrush scandal must not be repeated for European nationals caught up in Brexit.
The letter comes a day after Mr Javid’s predecessor Amber Rudd resigned in the furore over deportation targets that followed the Windrush scandal, which was branded “deeply worrying” in the EU capital.
I still have no idea what they are mad about. I mean I know what they are mad about but I don't know what they are claiming to be mad about. Something something eye shadow.
Amber Rudd has dramatically resigned as home secretary, after repeatedly struggling to account for her role in the unjust treatment of Windrush generation migrants.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Get Your War On
David Rees captured that moment - in the moment - in a way that nobody else did.
While we are on rerun Sunday, take a quick look.

I don't know everything about David - we almost met a couple of times - but I remember him fundraising and donating to landmine removal in Afghanistan. There is an obvious point about where the money is.
Some Days I Go Out Without Pants
Anyone Can See
I Am So Not Funny
Everything was bad after 9/11 but maybe the only good consequence (even if they fucked it up entirely) was that for a brief moment the political press suddenly realized... things matter.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
I Was Wrong
Controversial Opinions
Galaxy Quest.
Groundhog Day.
It Should Be Free
But also the reasons that it is free are bad.
Which Airline Should I Avoid This Week
Friday, April 27, 2018
The Price Of The Big Bucks
I was such a silly boy.
Be The Change You Want To Be
Friday Evening
Bye Pat (PA-07)
WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan resigned from Congress Friday, leaving months after it was revealed that he had secretly used taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment accusation.
He'd already announced that he wasn't going to run again.
The Silencing Of Conservatives By The Liberal Media
Developing: "Mass firings" at @RedState today. It's about money and politics. Source says "they fired everybody who was insufficiently supportive of Trump."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 27, 2018
A Neverending Series of Self-Owns
Still it is our hobby, and we have to find the fun of it. The one fun we do have is observing how stupid most conservatives are. They live to Own The Libs, and in fact "whatever owns the libs" drives most their policy preferences (of the rabble, not elites), but most of the time when they're OWNING US we're just laughing at them.
The racism and homophobia and misogyny does piss us off. You got us there, cons. Congrats.
You Know Who
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Maybe This Sucky Blog Has Been Good For Something After All
This is incredible.
— Osita Nwanevu (@OsitaNwanevu) April 26, 2018
Yes I know it's mostly been a certain president
The Rot At The Top
Anyway, as Ryan said in the link below, elites just don't seem to think they can fall very far, no matter what they do. I think Harvey Weinstein will remain dead, but it is almost inevitable that some of other recently disgraced will have successful comebacks, and certainly true that many more of them are trying to.
Bye Doctor Ronny
WASHINGTON — The White House withdrew the nomination of Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, the White House physician, to lead the Veterans Affairs Department on Thursday after lawmakers went public with a torrent of accusations leveled against him by nearly two dozen current and former colleagues from the White House medical staff.
What this tends to demonstrate is that the incredible corruption of the Trump administration — acting Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney recently basically admitted to taking quid pro quo bribes while he was in Congress — is a window into a much larger galaxy of corruption and malfeasance at the top of the American elite. Most people in Jackson's position simply are not used to being subject to accountability of any kind. Even President Obama, whose vetting process was infamously extensive and slow, apparently tolerated astounding misbehavior from his own dang doctor.
If people in the running to work for Trump had a lick of sense, they would surely see the risk here, and pick this time for a long vacation, early retirement, or to start that carpentry business they've always wanted. Even if your own history is in order, it's a near certainty that Trump will flip out and fire you after a few months anyway.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
WeWork began business by leasing office space and renting desks to New York’s creative set, with unusual work perks such as microbrews on tap and a “community manager” who programs events such as book clubs and Ping-Pong tournaments. It now has 234 locations across 22 countries, company documents show, with a portfolio of short-term co-working spaces, mainly leased from landlords on long-term rental agreements.
Lease flexibility, a major perk for potential WeWork tenants, also poses one of the company’s biggest risks. The company is subject to "mismatched terms" when it takes 10- or 20-year office leases from landlords and then offers companies month-to-month rental options, according to Fitch.
Now I think I get it - attract a bunch of money by marketing itself to investors as a some sort of new economy thing (hip millennial working spaces with Ping-Pong and beer!!!), and use that money to go long on a massive portfolio of commercial real estate leases. Then hope for the best!
Could work. Will work for some people, as is always the case when money is sloshing around.
I Do!
The right wing fantasy of London and Sweden (and Paris and wherever they decide to talk about next week) as being horror zones because a bunch of brown people live there is bigoted and also...false. It could be bigoted and true if people were as bigoted as Tucker Carlson, but it isn't. The problem with London is that too many people want to live there. Which is why one of you needs to buy me a flat.
They Lie About Everything
“People in Kentucky took this stuff very seriously. Being a New Yorker, I don’t have any interest in watching the eclipse,” Mnuchin said according to the Washington Post.
As a New Yorker, he took it so seriously he had a military jet take him there.
Which One Is That Again
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Give The Dems Reliable Veto-Proof Majorities And
I occasionally pay attention to politics and I literally have no idea.
I don't know what the aspirational Dem agenda is. I don't even know what the reasonable - Dems could win House and have slim Senate majority - compromise agenda is.
I suspect some commonsense solutions and bipartisan cooperation.
And all this science he don't understand
BREAKING: Trump says North Korea wants meeting ‘as soon as possible,’ praises Kim Jong Un as ‘very open’ and ‘very honorable’
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) April 24, 2018
A Meeting Of The Big Banks
How about we...innovate in this space? We will calls it Zelle. The kids will love that! Zelle.
People Who Disagree With Me Are All Naive Ridiculous Children
Fuck Greyhound
Border Patrol officers routinely board buses without a warrant, without specific people they’re targeting, up to 100 miles from the border — and ask passengers for their papers. Greyhound, the nation’s largest intercity bus line, lets the Border Patrol do it and doesn’t plan to stop.
Greyhound officials say they’re just complying with the law. But 10 ACLU state affiliates argue Greyhound has the right — and the responsibility to its passengers — to demand a warrant for Border Patrol officers to board its buses.
And, yes, I do take Greyhound sometimes. Not anymore.
You don't have to give a crap about immigrants and racism (I do!) to not want your bus boarded by a bunch of thugs demanding your papers, especially in a country where most people don't have, or certainly don't carry, any papers.
Monday, April 23, 2018
What's It All About Then
Just In: 2 sources confirm to @nancycordes and @edokeefe Sen Vet Affairs Comm is reviewing allegations against Ronny Jackson which include a hostile work environment, excessive drinking on the job and improperly dispensing meds.
— Steve Dorsey (@steve_dorsey) April 24, 2018
Did He Contribute Money to a Democrat Once?
Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee are raising concerns about allegations involving Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump's nominee to lead the department of Veterans Affairs and are reviewing them to determine if they are substantial enough to upend his nomination.
Committee members have been told about allegations related to improper conduct in various stages of his career, two sources said.
The Lifestyles Of The Megarich
But assuming the big mansion is basically "home," what do you use all of this space for? Again, I get that the money is so inconsequential to Jeff Bezos that he can have 50 of these things, but, you know, size isn't everything, and maybe a Porsche, or even just a Lexus, is a bit more enjoyable than a semi?
Unless you regularly have *large numbers of other people staying with you* (which I also don't get - buy the hotel across the street to put your pals up), what do you do with 25 bathrooms?
Overseen by the Barnes Vanze architecture firm, the reno project covers 191 doors (many either custom mahogany or bronze), 25 bathrooms, 11 bedrooms, five living rooms/lounges, five staircases, three kitchens, two libraries/studies, two workout rooms, two elevators—and a huge ballroom. Read on for the highlights.
The article suggests they really do plan on having the DC center of socializing. If true, I supposed it makes some sense. Maybe? I still don't get it.
Deep Thought
Mind. blown.
Democrats In Red Places
Roughly speaking, "moderate" Dems aren't supposed to vote for "free ponies for all" because swing voters they face hate free ponies for all. But people actually like free ponies for all! Of course they do! Free ponies!
What really happens is that the Chamber of Commerce basically says, "if you vote for free ponies for all, we will spend a lot of money telling voters that you love Muslims and have 'San Francisco values' (whatever that means)." So those politicians vote down the Free Ponies bill, and sage pundits observe that, well, of course they did, because voters in West Virginia hate free ponies and much prefer tax cuts for rich people. After all, West Virginia is a red state!
The Big Money often wins on the issues by threatening (implicitly at least) to go against politicians for entirely unrelated issues. Failure to support free ponies is giving into blackmail, basically.
They Could Win By Winning
It'll be neato, but not neat enough. And it won't be cheap.
Here’s another idea for Waymo, Uber, Cruise, and everyone else working on computer driving: Start a shuttle service for people in suburban towns, taking them home from the local train station. It’s an easy to way to solve the last mile issue, especially for people who don’t have cars—and will make the people in neighboring towns eager to have the tech, too.
The group of "people who live in the suburbs but don't own cars and yet can afford an extra taxi ride home every day" is...not very large.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Can't Trust
Poor Mittens
West Valley, Utah (CNN)Mitt Romney did not win the Utah Republican Party's nomination on Saturday, meaning he must compete in a June primary election as he seeks to replace retiring US Sen. Orrin Hatch.
On the second round of voting, Utah state representative Mike Kennedy emerged in the lead with 50.88%. Romney came in a close second with 49.12%.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
If I Did It
Students in the class were supposed to complete an assignment on the "positive aspects" and "negative aspects" of the life of slaves, giving a "balanced view." Manu said his teacher told them to draw on information from their textbook and "stuff that we could think of the top off our head."
Friday, April 20, 2018
These People
The prime minister said she had given Caribbean leaders an “absolute commitment” at a meeting earlier this week that “the UK will do whatever it takes including, where appropriate, payment of compensation, to resolve the anxieties and problems that some of the Windrush generation have suffered”.
She added: “These people are British. They are part of us; they helped to build Britain and we are all the stronger for their contributions.”
Perhaps no one could have gotten good coverage for Clinton given the weird psychosis she inspires in the political press, but also Reines is uniquely bad at that job. He's a horrible and incompetent person!
It's Real
BREAKING: Comey memo: Trump said Vladimir Putin told him, 'We have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world'
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 20, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Thanks, Obama
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — New austerity measures are coming for Puerto Rico as a federal control board overseeing the U.S. territory’s finances meets Thursday to approve several fiscal plans that will serve as the island’s economic blueprint for the next five years.
Nobody wants to hear it, but Obama was bad. Of course he was better than [generic 21st century Republican] - and in some ways he was even better than that - but that's a pretty low bar, my dear readers. Democratic voters should expect better. If Dems want to get elected, they need to demand better from their leaders.
Young Pups
History's Greatest Monster
The kids won't understand - either the Vietnam or Iraq issues - but there was a moment when "Hanoi Jane" was resurrected. Jane Fonda - Academy Award winning actress and exercise video entrepreneur - was weirdly briefly turned once again into America's number one enemy. I went to a leftyish conference once where she was a speaker - and was on my flight home! - and even the lefties there were uncomfortable because she had been briefly resurrected as a lefty boogeyman.
I don't even remember if Fonda even said a thing about the Iraq war. But Hanoi Jane was resurrected to keep those Quaker protesters in line.
The anti-war people are *always* more right than wrong. Stupid anti-war lefties sometimes do and say stupid things, but those stupid things usually don't include "let's kill a million people and whoopsie bygones."
What If There Were 10 Orrin Hatches On The Senate Floor?
Sen. Orrin Hatch, the father of six, grandfather of 14 and great-grandfather of 23, said he had "no problem" with such a rules change. "But what if there are 10 babies on the floor of the Senate?" he asked.
The world's greatest deliberative body does not actually ever deliberate. Someone should tell them.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
The Important Things
Urban corridors can't possibly have enough parking to support local businesses. If people aren't coming by foot/transit, you're out of luck. That doesn't mean 0 parking is the answer, it just means that catering to your driving customers can't be the priority. Increasing foot traffic appeal should be.
This should be obvious, but store owners tend to drive and customers who can't find parking tend to complain.
Safeway Man
“Liberal” Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen spoke for many of his colleagues when he defended Bush’s fatal blow against the Iran-Contra investigation. Cohen especially liked Bush’s pardon of former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who had been indicted for obstruction of justice but was popular around Washington.
In a Dec. 30, 1992, column, Cohen said his view was colored by how impressed he was when he would see Weinberger in the Georgetown Safeway store, pushing his own shopping cart.
“Based on my Safeway encounters, I came to think of Weinberger as a basic sort of guy, candid and no nonsense – which is the way much of official Washington saw him,” Cohen wrote. “Cap, my Safeway buddy, walks, and that’s all right with me.”
Still... even evil lefties are unlikely to top this.
Trump political consigliere Roger Stone unloaded on Barbara Bush in an Instagram post on Tuesday evening just hours after her death. There, Stone wrote that the former first lady was a “nasty drunk” and posted a quote from him suggesting that if you lit her body on fire it would “burn for three days.”
“Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” said Stone. “Barbara Bush drank so much booze, if they cremated her … her body would burn for three days.”
*there are exceptions, but to a surprising degree this is true. That rural bus might run once per day, but it does.
October, 2016:
As of last week, all new Teslas include the hardware required for the cars to drive autonomously. That ability is likely years away, but the company wants its current cars to be able to drive themselves when the software is ready in 5-10 years. The company is even including the hardware in all the cars free of charge — though if you want to actually use it, it’ll cost you a good chunk of change: $8,000 if you pay for it up front, rising to as much as $10,000 if you decide to unlock it later.
The new “Enhanced Autopilot” — basically more advanced version of the current Autopilot system (well, it will be eventually, once Tesla finishes testing it) — is a $5,000 option on the Model X and the Model S at purchase, rising to $6,000 if you enable it after delivery. Tesla says it will be able to match the car’s speed to traffic conditions, automatically change lanes without driver input, drive from one freeway to another, and even exit the freeway when your destination is near.
Then there’s “Full Self-Driving Capability,” which will cost $3,000 at delivery or $4,000 later. It requires Enhanced Autopilot and will, according to Tesla, eventually allow the car to drive itself in all conditions. The car will be able to drive itself to your destination, wherever it is, determining the optimal route and handling everything from stop signs and traffic lights to roundabouts and streets without lane markings. Then it’ll be able to drop you off at your destination and go find a parking spot.
January, 2017:
It's only a matter of time until Teslas become fully autonomous—three to six months, according to CEO Elon Musk.
That's the timeline that Musk gave on Twitter when asked, "At what point will 'Full Self-Driving Capability' features noticeably depart from 'Enhanced Autopilot' features?"
October, 2017:
There are more than 90,000 vehicles on the road worldwide that feature Autopilot 2.0. According to data uncovered by Electrek via an anonymous source, some 77 percent of owners bought the Enhanced Autopilot package, while around 40 percent opted for the Fully Self-Driving Capability.
None of these "full self-driving" capabilities are available yet. "Self-Driving functionality is dependent upon extensive software validation and regulatory approval, which may vary widely by jurisdiction," the page says. "It is not possible to know exactly when each element of the functionality described above will be available, as this is highly dependent on local regulatory approval."
But the big reason full self-driving isn't available yet has nothing to do with "regulatory approval." The problem is that Tesla hasn't created the technology yet. Indeed, the company could be years away from completing work on it, and some experts doubt it will ever be possible to achieve full self-driving capabilities with the hardware installed on today's Tesla vehicles.
Shiny Toys
Hopefully, At Least, The System Is Improving
What is meant to happen is that British citizens do not find themselves in a Kafkaesque nightmare of trying to prove that they’re British citizens, on pain of being deported to countries they have not lived in for 50 years, if ever, simply because we have a Prime Minister who is ostensibly incapable of comprehending that immigrants are actually real people. What is meant to happen is that the government doesn’t maliciously ruin lives, just because half a decade ago its ministers were shitting themselves about UKIP. What is meant to happen is that you don’t fuck things up on this horrendous fucking scale in the first place.
Theresa May is bad.
Rocket Man
Trump not understanding what the Very Serious People tell him could actually be good! Of course he could blow up the world, too. Exciting!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Who Sets The Bar And How Do We Define A Lift
Was a terrific @washingtonpost scoop - and the bar has been set so low publicly on what Trump can achieve w NoKo, if there is movement, Trump will get a lift publicly.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) April 18, 2018
Free is Good
The "new to me" thing here in the urban hellhole, for you Philly people, is, actually, free. We have this little music school which weirdly doesn't get as much press as its competitors in New York and Boston but nonetheless seems to be the place to go if you happen to be a young prodigy (sadly, my Chopsticks audition didn't go so well). And the students give lots of free concerts. Lots of them. From November-May, mostly. But lots of them! And these kids are as good or better as anyone you'll pay money to see. But, a bit like the NCAA, we exploit them.
Curtis student performances are free. There are lots of them. They are good.
Go Long
Starbucks said on Tuesday it would close more than 8,000 of its stores in the United States on May 29 to conduct racial-bias training for nearly 175,000 employees.
I have no desire to defend Starbucks and do not care. I just mean that when a big racism happens it's good if they act like they think it's important.
Oh Dear
Most relevant for the latest column.
Read the whole thing. It's really a reminder of how horrible people are about this stuff.
There Must Be Higher Love
Or something.
He is... bad and stupid and the kind of guy who gets high on his own farts.
I Am Shocked To Find That Fox News Has No Ethics
My only theory about this over the years that gave some credit to these defenses was that none of these people ever watched Fox. Some of them worked with actual Fox reporters covering the White House, etc., and they seemed like reasonably "normal" reporters (and in some cases were), so they thought Fox was just that plus prime time opinionating, and also, too, so is MSNBC, so BOTH SIDES.
People had strong opinions about something they knew nothing about and ignored experts who did. Funny how common that is.
Going to find out what kind of org Fox is today. No serious news org would allow someone this conflicted to cover this story
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) April 17, 2018
Fox will do nothing about Hannity and Todd will continue to treat them as a "serious new org" because those are the rules.
Monday, April 16, 2018
The Best People
A broadband advisor selected by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to run a federal advisory committee was arrested last week on claims she tricked investors into pouring money into a multi-million dollar investment fraud scheme, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The advisor, Elizabeth Pierce, is the former chief executive of Quintillion, an Alaska-based fiber optic cable provider operating out of Anchorage. In her capacity as CEO, Pierce allegeledy raised more than $250 million from two New York-based investment companies using forged contracts with other companies guaranteeing hundreds of millions of dollars in future revenue. Pierce resigned from Quintillion in August of last year, and she stepped down from her role in Pai’s Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC) the following month.
Monday Night's Alright
The Movie Needs More Cowbell
Interesting Point, Kellyanne
President Donald Trump's senior counselor, Kellyanne Conway, slammed former FBI Director James Comey, suggesting an announcement he made about Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 election may have been a deciding factor.
"This guy swung an election," Conway told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" today. “He thought the wrong person would win.”
The PR Tour
“The circumstances surrounding the incident and the outcome in our store on Thursday were reprehensible. They were wrong,” Johnson said. “For that, I personally apologize to the two gentlemen that visited out store.”
Johnson said some regions of the coffee chain have slightly different guidelines for how they handle certain situations. In reviewing this case, Johnson said the guidelines employees at the Philadelphia Starbucks had outlines a certain set of scenarios where calling the police would be appropriate, such as threats and disturbances in the store.
“In this case, none of that occurred. It was completely inappropriate to engage the police,” Johnson said, adding that there will be more training in the future for store managers around “unconscious bias.”
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Ancient History, Gramps
Our Foreign Policy Is Run By A Serial Killer Cult
And, yes, we've been killing people nonstop in that general vicinity for years, but actually going to war against a state ratchets things up a bit.
Trump Is A Madman Who Must Be Kept From Power
Here’s another thing you should understand about these guys: The only thing the elite Washington press corps likes more than a bipartisan commission on debt reduction is a stack of flag-draped coffins.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Video shows multiple officers arresting two men inside the Starbucks. Police have not said why they were arrested.
According to DePino, “they were waiting for a friend to show up, who did as they were taken out in handcuffs for doing nothing.”
A Zen Koan For Our Times
I believe that the US, UK, & France did the right thing by striking Syria over chemical weapons. It will not stop the war nor save the Syrian people from many other horrors. It is illegal under international law. But it at least draws a line somewhere & says enough.
— Anne-Marie Slaughter (@SlaughterAM) April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
Monkey's Paw
Friday Evening
But Justice League. That was... so... damn... boring.
You have Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Batfleck, Aquaman, and, well, ok, nobody cares much about Cyborg, but Cyborg too!
And it was like watching paint dry. I switched over half way through to watch a CW superhero nerd TV show because it was more entertaining.
I did eventually finish it. It got worse.
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is "under criminal investigation," the Justice Department said Friday.
In response to Cohen's motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."
If Math Isn't Your Strong Suit, Try The Google
We Were The Only Ones Who Knew
The Bush administration was awful. Try not to forget.
The Answer is Obviously War
What happened next? Iraq was reduced to a killing field: hundreds of thousands died; millions injured, traumatised or displaced; a sectarian conflagration ensued; the rise of Islamic state and other extremists. Libya, too, reduced to bloody chaos, a petri dish for murderous jihadis. And yet the politicians who orchestrated war, and their accomplices in the commentariat who helped build the case, are still treated as the statesmen and women of moderation; hard-nosed realists, the sensible inhabitants of “the real world”. In a just world, they would be disgraced, driven from public life, pariahs, every single one of them. Instead, they are paraded on television and given prestigious columns to incite yet further military interventions in the Middle East, without shame, without their bloody record being interrogated.
Probably Won't Ring The Bell, Assholes
ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich. (WJBK) - A 14-year-old missed his bus and it nearly cost him his life.
Things took a dangerous turn when Brennan Walker went looking for help at a Rochester Hills home Thursday morning and was confronted by a man with a gun.
"I got to the house, and I knocked on the lady's door. Then she started yelling at me and she was like, 'Why are you trying to break into my house?' I was trying to explain to her that I was trying to get directions to Rochester High. And she kept yelling at me. Then the guy came downstairs, and he grabbed the gun, I saw it and started to run. And that's when I heard the gunshot," he says.
I don't remember people in the suburbs living in fear like this when I grew up. I don't think we generally locked our door. Maybe we started to overnight at some point but it was probably neglected most of the time.
At least law enforcement is taking it seriously for now.
"It is just absurd that this happened," says Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. "I feel terrible for the young man; I feel terrible for the mom and the anxiety that they had to go through. We are going to ask for every charge permissible for this guy, who stepped up and fired a shotgun because someone knocked on his door."
Right now that man is being held at the Oakland County Jail. He's expected to be arraigned sometime on Friday.
Sources tell FOX 2's Randy Wimbley the 53-year-old Rochester Hills man is a retired Detroit firefighter.
That's A Lot Of People!
BERGEN COUNTY, NJ — Thirty million people, conservatively, could visit the American Dream Meadowlands in its first year of opening, a leading local business advocate says.
The potential effect those 30 million people could have on the North Jersey economy could be in the billions of dollars.
divide 365 into 3000, 8 times 365, subtract off...
So that's 81,000 per day on average! Let's say that's about 50,000 cars. Roughly 2 full highway lanes at optimal capacity running 12 hour per day!
Good luck with that.
A Worker Shortage Is Forcing Restaurants to Get Creative
I give the article credit for this line:
The demand for highly skilled help is especially acute in Washington, where a boom in restaurants run by creative chefs is outstripping the region’s labor force.
These people have skills? Unpossible!
Pay people more, give them opportunities for career (and further wage) growth, make their shifts predictable. Really no creativity required.
Comey Ain't Right
If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be?
The United States Constitution isn’t a book, so I would pick “The Road to Character,” by David Brooks.
Morning Thread
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's personal attorney often recorded telephone conversations both before and during the 2016 presidential campaign that likely have been scooped up in the FBI raid on attorney Michael Cohen's apartment, office and hotel room, according to sources familiar with the matter.
These recorded conversations, according to one source, were even played back at times to candidate Trump and associates, the source said. Among the recordings were discussions about the campaign and interactions with the media, the source said.
In some sense this isn't the most important bit...yet, in a way maybe it is!
One source said Cohen played to Trump and some associates conversations that he had with political and media figures during the exploratory part of the campaign.
The source said they were generally conversations about whether the news organizations were going to be fair to candidate Trump. Trump viewed the media relationships as transactional, the source said.
The Pee Tape Is Real
More than that, it's pretty clear that whatever Trump is criminally guilty of, what he's actually worried about is the more personal stuff. He probably just sees the rest as "business" but he's frightened the world might see his naked body in all of its glory, metaphorically at least.
Comey Mania
Three sources familiar with the investigation said the findings Mueller has collected on Trump’s attempts to obstruct justice include: His intent to fire former FBI Director James Comey; his role in the crafting of a misleading public statement on the nature of a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son and Russians; Trump’s dangling of pardons before grand jury witnesses who might testify against him; and pressuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
Pennsylvania's Worst Humans
Traffic cops were not the only locals willing to give ICE an assist. Early last year, a magisterial district judge in Camp Hill preempted the wedding of a Tajik couple by calling ICE on the groom and his best man, who were led away in handcuffs.
The judge, Elizabeth Beckley, also called ICE after Alexander Curtis Parker and Krisha Amber Schmick showed up at her courthouse last May.
Sweethearts since high school, they had always dreamed of a glamorous wedding venue, but, impatient to tie the knot, they settled on District Court 09-1-02, a squat, uninspired structure with mirrored windows, sandwiched between a car wash and a paint store.
When the constable announced he would be detaining Parker for ICE, the couple was stunned. Though born in Guatemala, Parker, 21, had been adopted by American parents when he was 8 months old. At that moment, he was technically undocumented, with his green-card renewal being processed. But he does not speak Spanish or consider himself an immigrant, much less a deportable one.
Be Courageous, Congressman
I mean, what kind of courage does it take to "say a mean thing about Trump in public" or "not vote to put poor people in the wood chipper." These people are doing what they want to do.
Can't Make An Omelette Without Busting A Few Skulls
Uber Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi said the ride-hailing firm is “absolutely committed” to its self-driving-car program after one of its autonomous vehicles struck and killed a pedestrian in Arizona last month, but said the technology needs to be refined.
“Ultimately, self-driving cars will be safer than humans,” Mr. Khosrowshahi said on NBC’s “Today” show Thursday. “But right now self-driving cars are learning. They’re student drivers.”
We Can See You
Our country increasingly refuses to take in refugees and we can't even mount a humanitarian relief mission to Puerto Rico (Nobody knows in America...). Obviously Trump is more callous about such matters (as Trump is more callous about all matters), but we weren't exactly bombing the world with food and hospitals before Trump.
tl;dr: Most of our elites love war. I am not sure why. But any excuse will do.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Trump is a man who clearly prizes loyalty, but has no respect for his lickspittles and no sense of obligation towards them. And, other than the paycheck, they doubtfully feel any towards him. Clean, cold, cost/benefit analysis. What else would businessman Trump endorse?
"I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided. But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful. And I thanked them at the conclusion," Cohen said in a phone conversation on Tuesday with CNN."Very." "Loyal."
Asked if he was worried, Cohen said; "I would be lying to you if I told that I am not. Do I need this in my life? No. Do I want to be involved in this? No."
He said that he is very loyal to Trump but after what happened on Monday, he'd rethink how he handled the payments to Daniels because of the impact on his family.
*I'm not saying this is anything works in reality, but such fictions have had a great influence on our culture.
You Should've Stopped At "Never"
Either way, people want to know when autonomous vehicles will get here, when they will be ready. Here’s the unsatisfying but correct answer: never. “The technology is constantly being updated,” says Nidhi Kalra, a roboticist who co-directs the Rand Corporation’s Center for Decision Making Under Uncertainty. “Sometimes we will talk about it as if, ‘We have this self-driving car, we have this product.’ But with software updates, there’s a new vehicle every week.”
Operating systems tend to operate constantly these days, but we've had the "iPhone" for many years now. No one says we'll never have an iPhone because it keeps getting updated.
Yes, yes, some niche activities. Corporate campus shuttles. Fixed and semi-fixed route buses. Segments of long haul trucking. These will work (though perhaps not as well the boosters think). The self-driving "taxi" will not work in a useful way any time in my lifetime. They will "work" in a "wow that's neat!" way. They already do! But not in a useful way.
Paul Ryan To Retire To Spend More Time With His Future Paychecks
I suppose, like Evan Bayh, he could retire and become a teacher in his home state. Hahahahahaha.
Morning Thread
moment of changed testimony is fascinating. More importantly, he provides insight into how and why we need more reporters doing this kind of work. Go read.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Just Fan Service Now
The British offices of the Murdoch entertainment empire 21st Century Fox have been raided by investigators from the European Commission, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.
It is understood that competition watchdogs gained access to the company’s offices in Hammersmith, west London, early today to seize documents and computer records.
The Hardest Worker
Civic Duty
But wow picking a jury is boring and I am impressed with the people (judges included) who have to go through that monotonous process over and over and yet still manage to be serious and thorough about it.
The Pee Tape
I don't mean there's nothing else there. I just think that's what keeps his walnut brain agitated.
What's The Buzz
Monday, April 09, 2018
And I Have Jury Duty Tomorrow
This makes the second Manafort associate known to have aided the government in the sprawling investigation into foreign influence in U.S. politics. Rick Gates, Manafort’s long-time right hand, began cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office in February.
But All The Bankers Got Away With Bank Fraud
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, according to a person familiar with the case
The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.
It Was All A Dream
WASHINGTON — The federal government’s annual budget deficit is set to widen significantly in the next few years, topping $1 trillion in 2020 despite healthy economic growth, according to new projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
For some reason, only the Democrats didn't understand it was all a con. I hope they resist seeing this as their "opportunity" to run as the "responsible party." Eat your vegetables, voters!
The Smartest Boys In The Room
When ObamaCare was being designed and negotiated, many liberals confidently predicted it would make large changes to the basic structure of the American insurance system. Everywhere would have a robust private insurance marketplace that would provide insurance that was just about as good as anything else you could get. That accomplished, perhaps even employers might start pushing their employees onto the exchanges, and we could finally start demolishing the incredibly dumb and inefficient employer-provided insurance system. Though there are some requirements for larger employers to provide insurance in the law, the Congressional Budget Office still predicted a moderate decline in the fraction of Americans getting coverage through their employer.
That hasn't happened at all. The employer market has declined slightly, but only following the pre-ObamaCare trend. Meanwhile, the exchanges have mostly settled down into a weird, funhouse-mirror simulation of Medicaid disguised as a private market — useful almost entirely for lower-income people who are eligible for subsidies. As Vanderbilt health policy professor John Graves told Vox's Dylan Scott, "the marketplaces are really functioning more broadly in their role as an extension of the public safety net than in their role as a competitive market."
It wasn't simply an ideological debate or even a debate over what could get Joe Lieberman's votes. It was also a debate between technocrats, but the ones on the inside declared (as always happens) that they were the Very Serious People, the wise wonks with a monopoly on mad technocratic skillz, and that their critics were just unrealistic children looking for unicorns.
As with many things, admitting fault isn't just about self-flagellation, it's necessary for moving forward. Obamacare "fixes" - if ever they are possible to pass - will likely compound the problems unless the architects acknowledge its flaws or they are replaced.
The Narrative
STELTER: Is it surprising to you that the turmoil hasn't -- that we haven't seen more of a calming influence in the White House? It's been more than a year and the president is still promoting conspiracy theories about voter fraud, for example.
STELTER: I think the conventional wisdom might have been, oh, well, things will go a little calmer after a year.
BAQUET: I think we -- we sometimes the collective press made the mistake -- I mean, when Kelly was appointed, I -- all of us made a mistake of saying, here's a guy who's going to calm things down. I think that's because we have a sort of narrative that White Houses go like that.
Chapter 1: Turmoil in new administration.
Chapter 2: Wise old man of Washington enters, creates order and calm.
Type, print, see you for drinks.
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Totally OWNED
We Can't Even Put Together A Recovery Plan For Puerto Rico
According to the Associated Press, Mattis argued “that an immediate withdrawal” from Syria “could be catastrophic and was logistically impossible to pull off in any responsible way,” and offered a one-year timeline as an alternative—to which Trump responded that five or six months ought to do the trick, and “indicated that he did not want to hear in October that the military had been unable to fully defeat the Islamic State and had to remain in Syria for longer.” A person familiar with the meeting told CNN that attendees left Tuesday’s meeting “beside themselves,” arguing that Trump’s lack of desire to put together any sort of recovery plan for Syria—restoring basic needs such as water, power, and roads—would most certainly tip the country back into ISIS’s hands. “It is a huge gamble that ISIS is not going to come back and that we are going to rely on others to stabilize Syria,” an official said.
Saturday, April 07, 2018
Good Shade
A Che shirt on a college campus might not stick out for most people, but for Willis, 36, it touched a nerve. It was just the latest confirmation of his worry that more young people today are embracing socialism, even Marxism, instead of American capitalism. “Some of these kids have no real desire to build something on their own,” says Willis, who works for a firm founded by his father. “As long as these kids get something for free and they get taken care of, they’re happy. What they don’t know is that the world that works that way—the socialist world—leads to extreme poverty and eventually death.”
Not Many People Know This But
Me: This is bad.
Internet people: And this surprises you??????
I didn't say it surprised me. I said it's bad. I'm not exactly a sunny soul. Bad stuff usually doesn't surprise me. More than that, I'm usually not an idiot, and some bad things are completely predictable. They're still bad! It's worth pointing that out!
A related thing is people who always say things like, "Trump told us who he was on the campaign." Some people say that as a kind of sage, "all of this was foretold to those who cared to listen." And some use it as a weird justification, as if saying it on the campaign makes it ok. "This is what we voted for, now we just must accept it."
Neither is true, of course. Trump said a billion things on the campaign, often contradicting each other. That doesn't mean a reasonable person shouldn't have concluded that Trump Is Bad, but there is no straight line from campaign promise to action. His campaign promises were gibberish because the man's brain is gibberish and because he's a liar and because the press rarely tried to actually divine what President Trump might be like because they didn't think he would win and didn't care.
And this isn't how politics works. Well, he campaigned on this, so you have to shut up for 4 years and not criticize as he implements his agenda. '
Which brings us to the self-appointed Trump Whisperer, Maggie. She tweeted this last night.
He is doing many of the things he said he would during the campaign. People who thought it was an act simply to get elected were mistaken.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) April 7, 2018
I'm not sure who really thought it was an act, but "he is doing many of the things." Oh, is he now. Many of them!!! Sage and wise, Maggie. Perhaps you could've told people which things he meant and which things he didn't because it sounds like you knew that. Oh did you just mean he said a bunch of shit and some of it wasn't lies or gibberish? Well thanks for that observation, smart person.
Again...I am not surprised! Trump also said Mexico would pay for the wall, we'd have a great health plan minutes after he entered office, that he'd never cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, etc. I am not surprised this stuff is bullshit! But you can't point to Trump's campaign rhetoric and say, "well, this is what he told us he would do." Because at some point he probably told us he'd build an elevator to Jupiter. The man is addled and a liar. He says everything!
Friday, April 06, 2018
OK broadly speaking the election of Trump can be seen in part as a cultural backlash by the same angry white people who have been angry since before I was born. But you can't really blame "some guy on the internet" or "random college academics" or "whatever caricature of liberals Bill O'Reilly talks about every night" as agents in a political movement. True or false, good or bad, these are just people being people. They don't actually run the democratic party. Obama didn't put a bunch of gay hippies and Black Panthers in charge of everything. Most of America doesn't care about the Oberlin Student Council nearly as much as our elite pundits do.
What Democrats did do (both The Party and its people) was elect a black guy president and then nominate a woman to be his successor. To the extent that Dems are "at fault" that's it. Fine. Say it. That's the conservative anger Trump exploited. The election was close blahblahblah, and if the result had been flipped we wouldn't being having this conversation, but the dice roll went the wrong way and here we are.
So Many Hot Takes
More what's going on is that in the age of Trump there's a hiring spree for conservatives, but weirdly conservatives who claim not to like Trump. Publications *have to* (?) hire conservatives, but the respectable ones can't hire Trump loving conservatives because they're just corrupt racist hacks without exception, so the Never Trumpers want to get on this gravy train while they can. Once they "get respectable" those News Hour gigs and Aspen Ideas Festival invites can't be far behind.
As for the "Never Trumpers" - their dislike is 60% because he's vulgar, 35% because he doesn't say he likes war enough (though don't worry there is still plenty of war!), and 5% because his trade stuff is dumb. The racism and all the rest don't really bother them! The neocons and the paleocons and the socialcons and the crunchycons and the reformacons and all the, well, cons, are still bad!
Conservatives actually have a right to be mad at publications who claim (none of them have to) to publish a diversity of opinions. Basically none of them publish people who admit to liking Trump, or who openly represent the 35% or so who are Trump's "base."
And What Are You Going To Do About It
Senators from major soybean-producing states in the Midwest, including Republicans, are steaming over China’s threat to impose tariffs on U.S. soy exports, blaming President Donald Trump's aggressive actions against China for the trade retaliation that could hit farmers and ranchers particularly hard.
Thursday, April 05, 2018
Important People
“Porter did not respond to requests for comment but two sources say he leaked information about Pruitt after Samantha Dravis, his former girlfriend who resigned last week as head of EPA’s policy office, leaked information about his assaults on his two former wives to White House Counsel Don McGahn.”
“Press reports have indicated that Dravis leaked the information to the White House counsel’s office after finding out that Porter had been having an affair with now-departed White House Communications Director Hope Hicks.”
The resulting three-year battle to achieve any kind of justice can now be told. And according to dozens of pages of documents, emails, a police report, and interviews with multiple people directly involved in the scandal, the story of Ashok Pai and James Levine is an extraordinary tale of abuse of power, position and stolen innocence.
It also raises serious questions about how two of the country’s most revered journalistic institutions, The New Yorker and The New York Times — presently and rightfully being lauded for their roles in sparking the national discussion about gender and power — closed ranks to protect one of the city’s most powerful men.
Oh We'll Run A Bus
Jeff Tittel, the chapter's executive director, said that in order for the mall to work, 100,000 vehicles a day must visit it and 150,000 on a Saturday.
Mass transit options are being implemented and explored. A commuter shuttle will run between NJ Transit's Meadowlands station and the Secaucus train station. NJ Transit will operate a direct bus line from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City to American Dream.
Nobody tell them trains currently only run during football games or other large events and there's no way they're going to run regular to service for commuters who work irregular (often nonpeak) service worker hours. Sure, we'll run a bus from the train! That won't run! Genius.
Phase 1
EAST RUTHERFORD — After being under construction for nearly ten years, the American Dream will open as scheduled in March 2019, according to developer Triple Five.
Cool! Except...
The first attractions to open will be the Nickelodeon Universe theme park, a DreamWorks Waterpark, and a 16-story Big Snow America Indoor Ski Hill. The $3 million first phase symbolizes why the complex isn't a mall, according to Debbie Patire, Triple Five’s senior vice president of marketing.
Bad Traffic Everywhere
Sure people don't want through traffic, in part because everyone else thinks driving 45 MPH minimum is a right granted by God and written into the constitution, but when every neighborhood does it, those stroads are inevitably going to be parking lots at rush hour or when there's an accident.