Thursday, August 23, 2018


I think we've found Philadelphia's worst humans.

“One person complained and said, are we going to have to listen to the sounds of kids laughing and yelling?” developer Jason Nusbaum told Billy Penn. “We could have worse problems.”

While zoning board members ultimately voted to welcome the childcare facility into the tony neighborhood, their unanimous decision did not come without a massive argument about noise, traffic and, of course, parking.


“There is total gridlock in the neighborhood,” said Kristin Hayes, who said she’s raised two daughters from her home at 22nd and Pine. “Traffic is backed up through Graduate Hospital. It’s going to be a complete fiasco.”


Still, residents’ complaints about the influx of parents and children seemed inexhaustible. Car traffic at drop-off times, people with strollers crossing Pine Street, and “the noise of those children” — all this would disrupt the neighborhood’s desired rhythm, residents argued.


Another resident, Frederick Masters, pursued recourse options for the daycare’s worst offenders. Could the ZBA, he asked, force the developer to expel students if their parents park illegally while dropping them off for daycare?

There's a daycare around the corner from me. I enjoy when the toddler train goes by my house and interrupts my peace and quiet for 20 seconds.