Sunday, September 30, 2018
Lazy Afternoon
Media critic, Steve Simels, had this to say:
"A riveting suspense novel with deftly drawn characters, a wonderfully creepy bunch of plot twists and an eerie backstory, plus an ending you won't see coming, the whole thing set in an interesting and well drawn rural milieu (the protagonist is a reporter for a local Bucks County newspaper, and the journalism stuff feels utterly authentic). Nothing about this comes off as stock or inauthentic, and some smart producer should make a movie of this post haste. Highly recommended."
Get your copy here.
You won't regret it.
A major flaw in the Conservatives’ official conference mobile phone application has made the private data of senior party members – including cabinet ministers – accessible to anyone that logged in as that particular conference attendee.
The data of hundreds of attendees to the Tory conference could be viewed by second guessing attendees’ email addresses, with Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Gavin Williamson and others among those whose personal information – including their phone numbers – was made accessible.< Once logged into the app, users were able to both amend and make the personal details of prominent MPs public. Twitter users claimed Johnson’s picture had been briefly changed to one featuring a pornographic image.
What a Country
In shelters from Kansas to New York, hundreds of migrant children have been roused in the middle of the night in recent weeks and loaded onto buses with backpacks and snacks for a cross-country journey to their new home: a barren tent city on a sprawling patch of desert in South Texas.
Until now, most undocumented children being held by federal immigration authorities had been housed in private foster homes or shelters, sleeping two or three to a room. They received formal schooling and regular visits with legal representatives assigned to their immigration cases.
But in the rows of sand-colored tents in Tornillo, Tex., children in groups of 20, separated by gender, sleep lined up in bunks. There is no school: The children are given workbooks that they have no obligation to complete. Access to legal services is limited.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Saturday, Saturday
Because This Joke Is As Inevitable As The Sun Rising In The East
The Securities and Exchange Commission has settled charges with Tesla CEO Elon Musk over his aborted bid to take the company private, with the billionaire expected to remain as the helm of the company but relinquishing his chairman title and getting slapped with a hefty fine.
As part of the settlement, which is still subject to court approval, Musk will also pay a civil penalty of $20 million and give up his role as chairman of the board for at least three years. Additionally, Tesla will also pay a $20 million fine, and appoint two new independent directors to the board.
I'm not one who ever believed in the golden age of the Grand Old Party, but this was the type of thing they used to pretend to care about.
As I Keep Saying
Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh misled Congress (er, “lied”) and the New York Times describes it as a fucking skill.
— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) September 29, 2018
cancel it.
Friday, September 28, 2018
I Tried To Tell You
George W. Bush has called several moderate Republican senators and Manchin to whip votes for Kavanaugh, per people briefed. Trump, who doesn’t like Bush, has far less sway with the key voters.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) September 28, 2018
If The Law Is On Your Side
If the facts are on your side, pound the facts.
If neither the law nor the facts are on your side, pound the table.
Yesterday's hearing was a perfect demonstration of that old maxim. And it seems to have worked.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Off the Table
The obvious issue is abortion because it somehow involves "conscience" and "morality" unlike all those other issues. For years (some) Democrats tried to forge some Grand Compromise on the issue. Something like we'll just make it legal for 8 weeks and you guys stop talking about it, deal? That deal was never going to be made, but more importantly that deal can never be kept. There are not two static "sides" and the people who actually count, the voters, don't necessarily support your shitty deals. The Washington Post editorial board might, but who cares?
The other one was the Social Security Grand Bargain. Even when I was in grad school in the 90s, the "we must cut benefits before they cut benefits" mantra by supposedly left leaning people was out there. The idea being that - I think! I never quite understood - if we cut the benefits then they will no longer try to cut the benefits, because we will own "benefit cutting" and be national heroes.
Republicans are smarter about this stuff - con Democrats into doing their dirty work and then turn around the next day and start the battle again.
We'll know better next time.
No Deal
The National Farmers Union has warned of “catastrophic” consequences for the industry if there is no Brexit deal, after being warned by the EU that the UK faces a six-month wait to be certified as an approved third-country supplier.
This will be a major setback to the food and drink sector, where exports to the EU are worth £13.2bn a year.
The NFU says it has been told informally that although Britain is in complete regulatory alignment with the EU, if there is no deal, the same health checks countries such as China and the US undergo will apply to UK suppliers.
Accessory Journalism
The power to control the perception of reality — to deny the fundamental truth even when you are staring it in the face — has been the calling card of despots for more than a century. "Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are hearing is not what's happening," Trump told a VFW convention back in July. Some were amused; many were terrified. But the terrifying truth is that if you flipped on your TV on Monday, Trump's words were prophetic. What you were seeing and hearing was not what was happening, but the "fake news" was coming from inside the (White) House — the foul, fishy-smelling chum that Trump tossed to journalists way too eager to take the bait.
Please Contribute To My Hedge I Mean Campaign Fund
I have never seen this before in a campaign finance report. @realScottWagner lost over $600K of his contributors' money in the past three months through failed investments.
— Adam Bonin (@adambonin) September 26, 2018
How can Pennsylvanians trust him with their own money? cc: @timelywriter @CPotterPgh @AndrewSeidman (1/)
Click through the thread and the obvious suggestion (not saying Adam is suggesting it, but I am!) is that this is a giant loophole in reporting requirements that makes it pretty easy to siphon off campaign funds.
Wagner is the Republican candidate for governor here in PA.
He Likes That Joke
Years before his Supreme Court nomination, Kavanaugh acknowledged heavy drinking in a 2014 speech to the Yale Federalist Society. He recalled organizing a boozy trip for 30 of his Yale Law classmates to Boston for a baseball game and a night of barhopping, complete with “group chugs from a keg” and a return to campus by “falling out of the bus onto the steps of Yale Law School at about 4:45 a.m.”
According to his scripted remarks, he said: “Fortunately for all of us, we had a motto. What happens on the bus stays on the bus.”
Dudes...we all got fucked up on a bus... and fortunately, what happens on the bus, stays on the bus.
Cool story, [checks notes] 49-year-old bro.
When The Loop Comes To Town
Now, a handful of state legislators want Pennsylvania to hop on board nascent Hyperloop planning, calling for a study of a Keystone State connection between proposed Hyperloop routes along the Northeast corridor and in the Midwest.
“This is a huge opportunity for us in the Commonwealth and we don't want to miss the boat — or more importantly, we don't want to miss the Hyperloop on this one,” said state Rep. Aaron Kaufer (R-Luzerne), the resolution’s lead sponsor
People are so stupid.
Wednesday Morning Thread
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Workout Buddies
And, really, they are bad people. If conservatives want to think all liberals are bad people because we are baby killers... fine. If they believe that (most are full of shit about abortion, but not all!), they shouldn't want to hang out at the gym or slice turkey with us either. My point is that this idea that we should be buddies with people who have views we find abhorrent is ridiculous. These mostly aren't debates about top marginal tax rates or whether cash grants or food stamps are the better for poverty reduction. This isn't just abstract debate stuff club. Sure I have plenty of friends who disagree with me about things, but I have no interest in being friends with, you know, racists, or homophobes, or misogynists. Why the hell would I be? Why the hell would anyone claims to care about that stuff? Oh, gee, that Andrew Sullivan, so charming as he walks around with his caliper set at parties.
Pulling Away
Elite nepotism, which is certainly nothing new, gets a bit more angering and disgusting when the scraps that are left for the rest are fewer and fewer.
I'm not saying there's never a place for someone being forthright about why their opinion changed on something, but that's more an issue of honesty. It isn't an action thriller!
Shut up. Yes I am trying to deplatform you because you are boring.
It's An Aaron Sorkin Fantasy
That's why they call it "fantasy."
Monday, September 24, 2018
Twitter Fight!
This is such disgraceful bullshit. @gabrielsherman should be ashamed of himself and should stop doing stenography for Steve Bannon. Rosenstein offered his resignation to Kelly. We wrote “verbally resigned.” Justice Dept isn’t denying he offered his resignation.
— Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) September 24, 2018
But Axios And The NYT Told Me He Was Resigning
Statement on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) September 24, 2018
I'm sure journalists will let us know just how they were misled about this important story.
hahahaha I keed.
People just lie, and elites lie with impunity.
“Everything that is being said about the advice I give to students applying to Brett Kavanaugh ― or any judge ― is outrageous, 100% false, and the exact opposite of everything I have stood for and said for the last fifteen years,” Chua said.
She insisted in the statement that she always encouraged students to dress professionally, not casually, for interviews with any federal judge.
Yet a woman who recently graduated from Yale Law School and received advice from Chua on interviewing for a coveted clerkship position with Kavanaugh, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, disputed the professor’s statement.
“She’s lying,” the woman told HuffPost.
Coal Rollers With Homicidal Road Rage
Good Grief
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Send Them
Chua said in the statement that, contrary to allegations that she told students that it was “no accident” that Kavanaugh hired attractive clerks, she “always” told her students to prep “insanely hard” and that substance was “the most important thing”.
But another former law student who was advised by Chua and approached the Guardian after its original story was published on Thursday said his experience was consistent with the allegations presented in the article.
The male student, who asked not to be identified, said that when he approached Chua about his interest in clerking for Kavanaugh, the professor said it was “great”, but then added that Kavanaugh “tends to hire women who are generally attractive and then likes to send them to [supreme court Chief Justice John] Roberts”.
It was a reference to Kavanaugh’s role as a so-called “feeder” judge, whose clerks often go on to win highly coveted clerkships at the US supreme court.
Setback for the Team
Setback for Ford team: Leland Keyser, believed to have been identified as one of 5 people at the party, told the cmte she “does not know Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, w/ or w/o Dr. Ford”
— Nicholas Fandos (@npfandos) September 23, 2018
It's absurd that anyone would remember a small high school house party from 35 years ago, if nothing notable happened to you personally at that party, but more than that, what kind of monster sees this as a clash between "teams." What the hell is the "Ford team"?
People who work at the New York Times are truly weird.
Dads With Guns
They just assume all men (and boys) are like them, and that their daughters are actually their "property" to protect from "intruders."
And then they become Supreme Court justices.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Who Talks Like This
I have some really smart friends (I mean you, my friend, if you are reading this). I say things like "wow my friend is really smart" sometimes. Smart is good! Smart is impressive! But when people in that world wax idiotic about the deep intellect of their pals... and their pals are frat boy rapey types... I realize that no, actually you don't know any smart people.
Guys I Have Some Bad News
What A Time To Be Alive
Judge Kavanaugh I just granted another extension to Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w the statement she made last week to testify to the senate She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) September 22, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so
I hope anyone who has thrilled to @nytmike’s scoops when they cut in one direction will at least trust that he is reporting in good faith when they cut in a different direction.
— Nick Confessore (@nickconfessore) September 21, 2018
I Read Books
America's Worst Newspaper
As is always the case, liberalish critiques of the paper of record will be chalked up to "you just want us to be propagandists for your side," which has never been the liberal critique of the media, just a comforting bothsides critique from shitty journalists.
This is ridiculous. I have nothing to do with anybody. I spotted a trend and explored it. That’s it. I was as shocked as anyone by Whelan’s tweets. On deadline; moving on.
— kathleenparker (@kathleenparker) September 21, 2018
On deadline! Moving on!

Gonna Stamp Her Feet
May’s problem:
— Jon Stone (@joncstone) September 21, 2018
- She says the two options the EU is offering Britain (Canada or Norway) are both unacceptable
- Says they need to offer her another one
- Or what???
This isn't even true. Roughly the options are no deal (the apocalypse option), stay in the EU (status quo), Norway, or "Canada" which isn't even quite real, just no deal plus some random agreements that are actually agreed to.
The Shit Shotgun
Is there a Kavanaugh doppelganger?
Hahaha! Wait, no, she was serious?
This was paired with this Politico piece.
On Tuesday evening, Ed Whelan, a conservative activist and legal commentator, posted a remarkable claim about the charge of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“By one week from today, I expect that Judge Kavanaugh will have been clearly vindicated on this matter,” Whelan wrote. “Specifically, I expect that compelling evidence will show his categorical denial to be truthful. There will be no cloud over him.”
In a follow-up tweet, he added for good measure: “Senator [Dianne] Feinstein will soon be apologizing to Judge Kavanaugh.” Feinstein is the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the first senator to learn about the accusation against Kavanaugh.
Wow. Sounds like a big deal! Especially since, as Politico informs us.
But his tweet, along with the perception that he is a sober-minded straight shooter, triggered intense speculation among conservatives and even White House aides about whether he had information that could acquit Kavanaugh.
[narrator: like most leading conservatives, Whelan is anything but a sober-minded straight shooter. like most leading conservatives, reporters treat him as if he is.]
A bombshell was coming! Reporters were excited! It was like James O'Keefe back in the old days! WHELAN HAS GOT THE GOODS!!!!
The goods turned out to be Whelan accusing some other guy of being the actual attempted raper (wow I guess we don't worry about unfounded accusations ruining the lives of MEN anymore) based on nothing more than that they looked alike (not really) and suburban houses all pretty much have the same floor plan.
This SLAM DUNK theory had been circulating for a couple of days, and was known at least in part to some reporters, as our Maggie confirmed (first she instinctively retweeted Whelan's accusations, then realized what a shit sandwich it was).
Deleting tweets of my own that included his thread for that reason. This is something Kavanaugh allies had privately said could be the case for days but doing it this way, as an apparent reaction to Ford likely testifying, suggests a level of panic.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 20, 2018
This nonsense was circulating for days! And reporters (#notallreporters) could not wait to run with it!
Of course it was coordinated among all the leading lights.
So, the possibility exists that Kavanaugh may have bought into Wheland’s lunacy and encouraged it?
— G O L D I E. (@goldietaylor) September 21, 2018
The Federalist Society's Leonard Leo wrote the menu of potential Supreme Court justices for Trump to pick from. A Politico reporter tweeted this morning that 3 people confirmed to her Leo was "100 percent confident" Whelan's argument would work.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) September 21, 2018
I can't believe we're losing to these guys.
That went well
— Andrew Perez (@andrewperezdc) September 21, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
The Doppleganger Theory
When the L train goes offline in April, the respective transit agencies have put forth an expected breakdown of just where those 275,000 daily commuters will end up. Up to 80 percent (220,000 riders) will take alternate subway routes. Fifteen percent (41,250) will hop onto the cavalcade of new shuttle bus routes; five percent (13,750) will use temporary ferries; and one to two percent (2,750) will ride bikes. There is also an X factor: the number of passengers who can afford to hail Ubers every day.
All of that stands to change, of course. Buses could get stuck in traffic, and the subway system, which only saw one morning rush hour without delay in August, could descend into overcrowded chaos. (Both seem likely.) But one figure that is certain? As of mid-September, at least 1,500 of those passengers in question, or half a percentage point, have signed on to take The New L, an ultra-lux shuttle that promises breakfast bars, free WiFi, and phone chargers, as it carries L expats through the street-level mess that the shutdown will unleash.
I'm not criticizing this business. No one solution is going to replace all of those trips and 15 person vans are better for congestion than ubers. The point is, however, that there isn't a substitute for "very big vehicle with quick simultaneous boarding and its own dedicated right of way, preferably with the ability to brake and accelerate relatively quickly." Wishing doesn't make it so.
Whore It Up A Little, Girls
A top professor at Yale Law School who strongly endorsed supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a “mentor to women” privately told a group of law students last year that it was “not an accident” that Kavanaugh’s female law clerks all “looked like models” and would provide advice to students about their physical appearance if they wanted to work for him, the Guardian has learned.
Amy Chua, a Yale professor who wrote a bestselling book on parenting called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, was known for instructing female law students who were preparing for interviews with Kavanaugh on ways they could dress to exude a “model-like” femininity to help them win a post in Kavanaugh’s chambers, according to sources.
No Deal
A discussion of Theresa May's Chequers Brexit trade plan by the 27 EU leaders resulted in "everybody" agreeing that the proposal "will not work", the president of the European Council has said.
I don't think even the harsh cynical skeptics have come to terms with just what a disaster "no deal" is.
Forward And Back
Toyota doesn’t necessarily buy the hype about self-driving vehicles quickly taking control of roads in the U.S. and beyond. Leonard himself isn’t sold. “Taking me from Cambridge to Logan Airport with no driver in any Boston weather or traffic condition—that might not be in my lifetime,” he says. On its website, the research institute describes its goal as to “someday develop a vehicle that is incapable of causing a crash.” It doesn’t specify whether this uncrashable car would be driverless.
Of course enhanced safety features, if they *enhance safety* in practice, not just in concept, are good, but there is the basic problem that if any of these features encourage people to not quite pay as much attention as they should, then they're probably self-defeating.
Toyota is seeking a middle ground with a system it calls Guardian, which would harness the machine-intelligence and sensor capabilities that make full self-driving theoretically possible and bundle them in vehicles designed for human drivers. These cars and trucks would be able to see much farther ahead and behind, across multiple lanes of traffic, than any human would, and would be more adept at anticipating the behavior of other cars and pedestrians. Actual people would continue to steer and brake, but when Guardian detected potential danger, it would assume control and swerve, slow, stop, or otherwise act to avoid the problem.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Sorry For All Of My Bad Words About Golf
Nevertheless, the Erie County District Court in Buffalo, N.Y., has vacated the murder conviction of Valentino Dixon, 48, who was serving a 39-years-to-life sentence—the bulk of it in the infamous Attica Correctional Facility—for the 1991 killing of Torriano Jackson. On that hot August night long ago, both were at a loud street party with underage drinking when a fistfight over a girl turned to gunfire.
But before we dive into what really happened, a quick refresher on why golfers might care extra about Valentino Dixon. Six years ago, Golf Digest profiled this inmate who grinds colored pencils to their nubs drawing meticulously detailed golf-scapes. Although Dixon has never hit a ball or even stepped foot on a course, the game hooked him when a golfing warden brought in a photograph of Augusta National’s 12th hole for the inmate to render as a favor. In the din and darkness of his stone cell, the placid composition of grass, sky, water and trees spoke to Dixon. And the endless permutations of bunkers and contours gave him a subject he could play with.
More Thread
Wednesday Crass Commercialism
Reviews are never wrong!
Boomer1 by Daniel Torday, coming out Sept. 18, is a brilliant novel about a new lost generation.
Mark Brumfeld and Cassie Black are overeducated Brooklyn bluegrass musicians with no jobs and no real skills, navigating the ever-extending transition to adulthood.
Mark fails to parlay a Ph.D. into a professorship, ends up back in his parents’ basement, and blames the entire generation of baby boomers hording all the desired careers. Using the handle “boomer1,” Mark starts posting videos threatening retaliation against the boomers that won’t retire.
Area Reporters Report Their Prime Sources Don't Know Anything, Miss This Big Scoop
In an article about how Trump’s lawyers, generally, are clueless, and demonstrating though not reporting that the lawyers providing information to the press are part of that general cluelessness, Maggie and Mike don’t pause to reflect on whether that leaves them, too, clueless.
So when Trump tries to understand his plight by reading Maggie and Mike, he would believe a fiction largely created by the lies he has already told his lawyers and his preference for PR rather than solid legal advice.
Roughly, Trump's lawyers don't really know anything, but they (the real lawyers and especially the teevee ones) talk to the press a lot to spin the investigation. Trump gets his information about it from these press reports, especially the conservative propaganda channel version of those reports, and this further reinforces the bullshit loop.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
Probably a bit easier to clean things up a bit here at home, I imagine, but what do I know.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
As I Have Been Trying To Tell You
Exclusive: George W. Bush is standing by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, whose confirmation has been thrown into doubt amid sexual assault allegations
— POLITICO (@politico) September 18, 2018
It Was Only Horseplay That Did Not Happen At That Party He Definitely Did Not Attend Maybe
Notable update: Hatch spokesman now says Kavanaugh did not say what Hatch said he did. Instead, he says, Kavanaugh only said he was "not at any party like the one she describes."
— Dan Eggen (@DanEggenWPost) September 18, 2018
They'll Know Better Next Time
Not Complicated
Facebook has met criticism in recent years over revelations that its technology allowed landlords to discriminate on the basis of race, and employers to discriminate on the basis of age. Now a group of job seekers is alleging that Facebook helps employers exclude female candidates from recruiting campaigns.
Get back to inventing the bus, techbros, it's what you do best.
Figuring Out How To Get In This Guy's Will
Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa stood before the audience gathered at SpaceX headquarters Monday evening and was greeted by cheers when he echoed a line from a famous speech by President John F. Kennedy, proclaiming "I choose to go to the moon."
Maezawa was introduced by SpaceX founder and chief executive Elon Musk in Hawthorne, Calif. He is the first to book a trip as a private passenger with the commercial space company for a voyage that hasn't been attempted since NASA's Apollo missions ended in 1972.
A Tax On The Buyer
At the White House, Trump wrongly said that “China is now paying us billions of dollars in tariffs” and he celebrated the Treasury Department collecting “tremendous amounts of money, which is great for our country.”
In fact, tariffs are taxes that are paid by Americans who import goods from abroad. Through the end of August, the administration had collected nearly $22 billion in revenue because of its new tariffs, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.
It isn't that he's stupid, it's that he has brain worms, and he's going back in time. As happens.
They Knew
Knowing doesn't mean they believed it, and certainly didn't mean they cared about it other than as a LIEBERAL obstacle to conservative Nirvana, but they knew.
Monday, September 17, 2018
A Tesla over-the-air update this week left the Consumer Reports Model 3 electric car without key features for more than a day, including automatic emergency braking (AEB) and Autopilot.
Shit Shotgun
We will laugh, but the shit shotgun is effective, because our great cable news overlords will lovingly examine each shot of shit.
Perfectly Normal Behavior
65 Classmates
Spending My Day Posting Some Memes
Generally I'm just amazed that trappings and limo rides aside, the Trump boys and their Dad seem to live the aspirational lives of 1980s car salesman sitcom dads (plus the internet).
The Worst People In The World
I didn’t think this was real. The president’s son posted this on Instagram yesterday. The “🤣🙌” comment at the bottom is from senior HUD official @LynnePattonHUD.
— andrew kaczynski🧐 (@KFILE) September 17, 2018
Click for a better view. And here. Twitter embedding still sucks.
"Some Dems"
Some of the Dems currently talking about why Kavanaugh should be delayed are also talking up possible support for Bloomberg.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 17, 2018
I mean, who? Senators? Some shithead mercenary who calls himself a "Democrat" and works for Third Way? All is possible, but it's just hypocrisy innuendo without a name attached to it. I mean, the dude is rich. For 8 figures I'll say nice things about him. But this is ridiculous.
But it's Maggie!
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Afternoon Thread
Everything's All Right
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Impressive Work
Judge Kavanaugh's former law clerks started organizing the 65 female high-school classmates' letter after 5 pm yesterday. Grassley's office released the letter today right after we received it. Impressive work.
— Mike Davis (@mrddmia) September 14, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
Body Count
I mean I know the answer to that which is: because he does. But shit is fucked up and bullshit.
On Teevee
Still there are people who... seem to just need to be on teevee and radio? I even mean over and above the general desire for fame. Like life isn't real if they aren't on teevee. Trump is like that, of course, but we also see it in people who have been driven out of their jobs (Bill O'Reilly) who, despite being rich and still famous, can't cope with just not being on teevee.
It's weird.
A lot is made of municipalities handing over fistfuls of cash to subsidize big companies. Local taxes are generally pretty regressive (sales, flat income, property, etc.) so it's basically shifting money upwards in hopes of "trickle down." But even aside from that it stacks the deck against smaller employers.
Guns Kill People
The road rage incident Tuesday morning began like so many others: Two drivers — one angry at the other's driving — flipped each other off.
But then they drew guns. Then they fired from their driver seats.
When the firing stopped, though, it was a passenger who was fatally shot. Brandy Brock was 31.
Its All Fun And Games Until A Tree Falls On Your Head
Morning Thread
Manafort Plea
NYS Primary Results
Thursday, September 13, 2018
I Know Nothing About This Stuff
Methuen Police Chief Joseph Solomon said 60 to 100 fires are burning across the Merrimack Valley at 6:35 p.m., and multiple people were hurt, according to reports.
The fires are attributed to problems with Columbia Gas Co. and officials are telling people that if they have Columbia Gas service they should evacuate their homes — even if their is not an odor.
Bunch of explosions in homes, basically.
Small --> Big
The rough economist logic is if the marginal benefits of trying harder are lower, you won't try as hard. Discontinuities in credentialing make this worse. Why get a Ph.D if you have a 20% harder time getting a job?
The important point is not "wow these shitty outcome differentials don't mean that people are really racist." The important point is "even a tiny bit of racism matters a lot."
A Good Tweet!
So kudos to NBC. This is how you do it!
BREAKING: Pres. Trump rejects independent study that reports an estimated 2,975 people died in Puerto Rico in 5 months after Hurricane Maria; provides no evidence to discount the study; declares, without evidence, that the higher death toll is political ploy to make him look bad.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 13, 2018
Incumbency Is Bad But Incumbents Are Always Good
Related: Andrew Cuomo is horrible.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Big And Wet
Yes I am making a bigger point.
Truth and Reconciliation
They Figured That Out All By Themselves
Even the Iraq war was... depending on how the question was asked... never all that popular in polls before it happened.
Just Evacuate
Good morning.
Batten down the hatches, folks.
After reading Mutiny on the Bounty, I always wanted to say that.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
A couple of years after Katrina I was at a bar late at night in a resorty town, eavesdropping on the conversation one table over. Some 30something well-dressed bros discussing their rising fortunes in government contracting. The phrase which jumped out at me and is enough to get the point was:
And then Katrina happened, and everyone got rich.
Cop Killer
Why Do We Expect Them To Be Knowledgable
America's Image
It is true that people in, say, Portugal know a bit more about our politics than "we" know about theirs (nothing) but most people of Portugal probably get through most days without thinking once about the United States of America. As it should be. Also Joe Scarborough is a fucking idiot.
For those of us still believing that Islamic extremists hate America because of the freedoms we guarantee to all people, the gravest threat Trump poses to our national security is the damage done daily to America’s image. As the New York Times’s Roger Cohen wrote the month after Trump’s election, “America is an idea. Strip freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule of law from what the United States represents to the world and America itself is gutted.”
Sure George Bush's "they hate us for our freedom" is fucking stupid but marvel at how this paragraph is even more stupid than that. I mean, if Islamic Extremists hate us for our freedom, and they're a big threat to national security, doesn't that mean that less freedom lessens the threat to our national security? Joe Scarborough is a child. And not a bright one.
He Lies About Everything
The administration of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo offered the contractor building the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge enticements to meet a late August deadline to open, including the possibility of absorbing extra costs and reducing their responsibility for potential traffic accidents, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times.
Engineers worried that a “potentially dangerous situation” had developed involving the neighboring old Tappan Zee Bridge, which had destabilized and threatened to impact traffic on the new eastern span of the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. The initial concern was that a damaged and rusted piece of the old bridge might potentially fall onto the new one.
The governor and his administration have denied playing a role in the timetable for the bridge’s opening.
“We didn’t make the decision on the opening of the new span. The contractor did,” Mr. Cuomo said at a news conference on Sunday. Mr. Cuomo mocked those accusing him of political motivation by saying it was as “nonsensical” as him saying “the world is flat.”
That politicians present themselves as PR, as theater, means they all are a bit dishonest. Call it "spin" or whatever. But some people who happen to be politicians just lie constantly and shamelessly. The truth is irrelevant. Cuomo is one of them.
“Can you stop interrupting?” Cuomo said.
“Can you stop lying?” Nixon replied.
“Yeah, as soon as you do,” the governor said.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Whatever, Jan
Just short of a year ago, General Motors garnered widespread national attention by announcing it planned to start testing autonomous cars on the busy streets of Manhattan in “early 2018.” But the automaker’s pilot has yet to launch, and no one is willing to publicly offer a detailed explanation for the delay
Please send 10% of the money you keep lighting on fire so I can advise you to not light the other 90% on fire.
Nobody Knows In America North Carolina Is In America
I worry that there's no longer any minimal expectation that the government takes care of anything, except perhaps hurricanes which threaten Northern Virginia McMansions. There can be no more "President Cruz's Katrina" because fuck everyone amirite.
Talking About That Generation
I don't mean that the actual mayor and governor have to ride around on the subway every day. I get that they don't, especially as they can have someone to drive them around. But these guys never did. I just can't imagine thinking "oh, I'm in (say) downtown, let me just drive up to Midtown real quick..." and arranging your life like that full time. New York, what is it for?
There's only a little bit of Philly which is "like" the New York of the imagination (not all of NYC is like the NYC of the imagination). I get why people drive around Philly if they don't actually have to travel to that bit. Outside of Center City, driving around (if not parking) is actually pretty easy. It isn't how I want to live my life, but I get it.
But I don't get how you can enjoy those bits of NYC with a windshield perspective. Like, why do you live there? The indignities of urban hellhole life are real, and if you are not a fan of the advantages... I just don't get it.
Passive Straphanger
It's not like his advisers haven't tried to persuade him to give it a try. They've urged Cuomo, who is running for a third term, to ride the subway on more than one occasion, according to two knowledgeable sources. The governor has demurred.
One explanation has it that the image of a “passive straphanger” doesn't align with the governor’s can-do persona. It doesn’t enable him to don a windbreaker or grapple with machinery alongside predictably deferential transit workers.
The alpha costume of [checks notes] the windbreaker.
Cuomo beats Rahm for "worst Democratic politician in America" and I'm including any that happen to be in prison now.
They'll Play Along Every Time
Sunday, September 09, 2018
Ignore anyone who claims to think (they're lying) Trump is bad but the Republican party is otherwise great. The lack of a single elected Republican doing anything other than tweeting furrowed brows or kissing up to Jake Tapper is proof enough, though this is otherwise obvious. And besides elected Republicans, consider the "establishment" embrace of Gorsuch and then especially Kavanaugh. The latter clearly fails even the "good guy" test, as an obvious ratfucking liar, despite their bleatings, and he will kill their wives and daughters and mistresses and they don't care.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Tears of a Clown
WASHINGTON – Something remarkable happened, according to Donald Trump, when Donald Trump arrived at his campaign rally in Evansville, Indiana last week.
Nine “miners” greeted him backstage. They were “tough guys,” “seriously tough cookies,” men he wouldn’t want to fight. But eight of the nine were crying.
It mostly isn't the lies. It's the lying. He (and they) lie about everything.
Would Love To See Those Emails
Cuomo was apparently too eager to hold a ribbon-cutting 6 days before the primary that he’s clearly concerned about; brought Hillary Clinton in for a pseudo campaign event and...
— Ben Max (@TweetBenMax) September 8, 2018
We Settled That Dispute During The Great Blog War Of Aught '03
According to a major new study, Uber, Lyft and their smaller rivals are clogging major U.S. cities — not relieving congestion — and even more traffic may be on the way when self-driving cars are commonplace.
People have similar fantasies about self-driving cars which are also wrong. Not that the self-driving cars are going to work, but if they did work they aren't going to reduce congestion or even parking requirements.
Friday, September 07, 2018
Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating whether anyone in the Trump Organization violated campaign-finance laws, in a follow-up to their conviction last month of Michael Cohen, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Afternoon Thread
Any Day Now
Elon Musk also mentioned on “The Joe Rogan Experience” tonight that Tesla’s on the verge of turning on Autopilot functionality that will basically allow a Tesla car to drive itself — go from Point A to Point B with essentially no human input. This was supposed to be demonstrated on a coast-to-coast trip by the end of 2017, but “production hell” clearly delayed a few things, and getting the Autopilot tech to a stage genuinely ready for such a trip might have run into some hurdles as well.
The Life Unlived
Give me all your money. I promise to live better than that.
Oh Elon
Billionaire Elon Musk took viewers by surprise late Thursday when he smoked marijuana and drank whiskey during a live interview.
The Tesla chief executive was speaking with comedian Joe Rogan, an advocate of legalizing weed, on his live internet show when he was handed the joint. A spokesperson for Tesla was not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC.
Run away!
Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) disclosed that on September 4, 2018, Tesla’s Chief Accounting Officer, Dave Morton, provided notice that he was resigning from Tesla, effective immediately. Dave stated: “Since I joined Tesla on August 6th, the level of public attention placed on the company, as well as the pace within the company, have exceeded my expectations. As a result, this caused me to reconsider my future. I want to be clear that I believe strongly in Tesla, its mission, and its future prospects, and I have no disagreements with Tesla’s leadership or its financial reporting.”
Run away!
and the hits keep coming for $TSLA... Tesla HR chief says she isn't returning from leave - Bloomberg
— (@Street_Insider) September 7, 2018
Gonna take it private at... 420!
He'll always have Rahm's airport tunnel.
Trump's A Democrat Now
PHILADELPHIA (CNN)- President Donald Trump sought to heighten the sense of urgency for his base Thursday when he told supporters that if he is impeached, “it’s your fault, ’cause you didn’t go out to vote.”
Morning Thread
Thursday, September 06, 2018
MAGA Melons
Conservative Men
Yes, yes, the wealthy, blahblahblah, but as with everything else in this country, being "wealthy enough" is a lot more expensive than it used to be.
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
The UK is refusing to table a new plan for a Northern Ireland border backstop in Brexit talks – raising the prospect of disastrous no-deal as the negotiating deadline looms.
Frustrated EU officials are complaining that the UK is even making it harder for them to come up with their own new plan to break the deadlock, by dragging its feet on releasing data relating to existing checks on the border.
And the non-benevolent ones. Well, they truly think they should run the world. And own it. And the rest of us can fuck off.
Maybe not for precisely the same reasons.
Sometimes I Find It Comforting That Other People Have Governments That Are As Horrible And Stupid As Ours
Health Secretary @MattHancock on supplies of medicines in the event of a no deal Brexit: "We have proposed that there is stockpiling by the pharmaceutical companies, not by the NHS. If everybody does what they need to do then we can have a unhindered flow of medicine" #r4today
— BBC Radio 4 Today (@BBCr4today) September 6, 2018
Some people are just greedheads and don't believe anything they say, but for actual true believers, the "magic of the market" and of private companies is that they face incentives which cause them to behave in certain ways and under certain conditions if everyone does that the outcomes are good. But you quickly get from that to "private companies good!" even when they face absolutely no incentives to do whatever it is you think they should do.
The incentives for pharma companies in this situation are quite obvious: run shortages and then demand billions from the government to miraculously fix the problem, after lots of people have died of course. "Please stockpile medicines" is not actually going to work.
Morning Thread
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Brain Worms
As I have said throughout this nightmare, I've been hearing the Donald my whole adult life. He was always a narcissistic blowhard, but not like this. It isn't just a show he's putting on for the rubes.
Remember When He Blamed It All On His Wife
The 47-page document also says the five-term Republican from Alpine had “personal relationships” with five unnamed individuals. The federal indictment offers few details about the relationships, and Hunter’s lawyer objected to the turn the investigation took.
According to Vega’s letter, prosecutors told the defense that they have pictures of indiscretions.
“While there may be evidence of infidelity, irresponsibility or alcohol dependence, once properly understood, the underlying facts do not equate to criminal activity," Vega wrote.
Oh Jerome
Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist and political commentator with connections to the former Trump adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., has been subpoenaed to testify on Friday before the grand jury in the special counsel investigation into Russia’s election interference and whether Trump associates conspired with the effort, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
I find it amusing that Maggie just asserts he is "a conspiracy theorist" as factual. Not objecting, just interesting the labels "objective" journalists feel comfortable using sometimes and sometimes don't.
The Mean Streets of Bethesda
Brett Kavanaugh just said he "grew up in a city plagued by gun violence, and gang violence, and drug violence."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) September 5, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh is from Bethesda, Maryland, and went to Georgetown Prep for high school. (h/t @nfernandez_92)
(West Philadelphia born and, a little farther west...farther...farther... )
The First Rule Of Elites Is - Don't Be Mean To Us
Now he's all washed up but club members still treat him like a big curiosity instead of a Saturday Night Live joke. Sure he's a white supremacist fascist, but the big problem is David Remnick obeying the twitter mob and his own unruly employee and disinviting him from an event which was in the process of losing the rest of its guests, shrieks Bret Stephens on America's Worst Oped page (you can find it yourself). This is the kind of defense which is only made for club members by other wannabe club members.
Blogofascism, the twitter mob, "campus PC,"... all variations of the same thing. Free speech requires that people who aren't in the club shut the fuck up. OK, I get that, as dumb as it is, but how the hell is Bannon in the club?
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
No Way To Get Proper Medical Treatment
More Division
By fictionalized I don't mean false, just that the quotes are more like paraphrases, the narratives dictated rather than uncovered. Truthy if that.
The Biggest Mistake
A 64-year-old woman waiting at a bus stop was struck and killed by a hit-and-run vehicle in Northeast Philadelphia Sunday afternoon.
Joseph Thompson, 52, of the 3100 block of Draper Street was arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter and related offenses.
"It's a shame," the suspect's neighbor said. "He just made a mistake, that's all. He ran away. That was the biggest mistake."
Absent drugs/alcohol or hit-and-run (of course the former leads to the latter) or maybe clear evidence of texting, it's almost impossible to be prosecuted for running down a pedestrian, even if they're on a sidewalk, in the crosswalk, etc.
Have You Heard About Racism, Fascism, White Supremacy, Ethno-Nationalism, And Ethnic Cleansing?
Huh. Call me old-fashioned. But I would have thought that the point of a festival of ideas was to expose the audience to ideas. If you only invite your friends over, it’s called a dinner party.
— Malcolm Gladwell (@Gladwell) September 4, 2018
We have the worst elites.
But also utterly pointless is the notion that Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, might have something new or valuable to offer.
That’s why it was a thoroughly lousy idea for the New Yorker magazine to offer a high-profile perch — an onstage interview by top editor David Remnick — at next month’s annual festival to the deposed Svengali.
There is nothing more to learn from Bannon about his particular brand of populism, with its blatant overlay of white supremacy.
The Country Is Divided
The "funny" thing is I've seen the "divided" frame applied to almost every issue, no matter what the polls say. 50-50? The country is divided! 75-25? The country is divided! I mean, the country is always "divided" in that a significant number of people believe X and a significant number of people believe not X.
I wonder if any newsroom has a style guide about what evidence is required for the country to be "divided" about an issue. I have no idea if the answer should be "50-50" or "75-25" or anything other than "95-5" which would mean the country was divided about everything. It's a completely meaningless description.
Torture Is So Fun
...I don't mean there isn't anything. I mean, "wow, it must be bad!"
How Hard Is It To Find A Native Spanish Speaker in America
Democrats may be fielding a more racially diverse slate of candidates than ever before, and they acknowledge they are more dependent on nonwhite voters to deliver their victories. But in 2018, the party still relies in the extreme on white political consultants and campaign professionals — with potentially disastrous results.
Sometimes that means they push a message that rings false with constituents; Democrats air so many mistranslated Spanish ads, said Chuck Rocha, the founder of the Latino-owned consulting firm Solidarity Strategies, that he barely notices anymore.
(Rocha might be talking his book, but it is a real and persistent issue.)