Thursday, January 31, 2019
Less Hassle
I'm sure I would do slightly more than sipping wine in Italy, but why I would want to embrace all of that nonsense is... incomprehensible. Billionaires is weird.
Billionaire Boy Genius
The demand for - the demand for Model 3 is insanely high. The inhibitor is affordability. It's just like people literally don't have the money to buy the car. It's got nothing to do with desire. They just don't have enough money in their bank account. If the car can be made more affordable, the demand is extraordinary.
Gonna Do This Again
Oh, Los Angeles
I know UCLA's campus isn't tiny, but...
UCLA students call about 11,000 Uber and Lyft rides that never leave campus every week, raising concerns about the environmental impact of unnecessary trips.
How Does This Not Get Tesla Sued Out Of Existence Etc.
On an earnings call with investors on Wednesday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk made an extraordinary statement: all of Tesla’s vehicles today are capable of what he has called “full self-driving” on highways and most other controlled-access roads.
“Full self-driving capability is there,” Musk said matter-of-factly. He was referring to Tesla’s recently rolled out “Navigate on Autopilot” feature, which guides the car from “on-ramp to off-ramp” by suggesting and making lane changes, navigating highway interchanges, and proactively taking exits.
Well, maybe a couple of minor problems.
During the earnings call, Musk explained the difficulty in getting Autopilot to “99.999 percent” rate of success, citing traffic signals as particularly problematic. He added that the company would be ready to roll out “full self-driving” by the end of the year, depending on local regulatory approval
Pesky traffic signals. Once we figure out those! And ten thousand other things... .
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Good But Scary
On Tuesday, TechCrunch reported that Facebook was quietly operating a research program that paid teens and adults to let the Silicon Valley tech giant spy on their phones and data, in an apparent violation of Apple's policies. In response, Apple revoked the developer certificate that Facebook was using to power the research apps — and in doing so, crippled Facebook's workforce.
This is because the same certificate that authenticated the research apps was also used in the key internal Facebook apps its tens of thousands of employees use every day.
The move dramatically escalates tensions between Facebook and Apple, and has left Facebook employees unable to communicate with colleagues, access internal information, and even catch company transportation.
Is Our Children Learning
In less than a decade, mainstream Democrats in Congress have gone from entertaining Social Security cuts to almost universally endorsing the program’s expansion.
With Democrats in charge of the House for the first time since this tidal shift upended party orthodoxy, senior members of Congress are setting the stage for the legislative chamber to increase Social Security benefits, bringing a onetime liberal pipe dream a step closer to law.
Even if it won't pass... even if "they" don't want it to pass... that telling voters "we're gonna give you more retirement benefits" has not been Brand Democrat shows how much "pleasing David Brooks" has been more important than "appealing to voters."
The legislation finances a more generous benefit and cost-of-living adjustment formula, a reduction in income taxes on benefits and the closure of Social Security’s long-term funding gap by lifting the cap on income subject to payroll taxes and raising those tax rates.
Sounds all good.
Nobody Cares About The Poors
Popularity isn't the only measure of value, of course, but doing popular things does help you to be popular. All that free money to the poors, and only the poors, wasn't very popular in the 90s. Why do think tanks and consultants think a new version of it is going to be popular now? But almost every "nice thing" they propose is...just that.
What A Lovely Little War
This current process bears an unfortunate resemblance to the Paris peace talks during the Vietnam War. Then, as now, it was clear that by going to the table we were surrendering; we were just negotiating the terms of our surrender. The Taliban will offer any number of commitments, knowing that when we are gone and the Taliban is back, we will have no means of enforcing any of them.
President Barack Obama proved in Iraq that the United States cannot end a war by withdrawing its forces — the battle space is simply left to our adversaries. In Afghanistan, President Trump has a choice. He can follow Obama’s example and leave the country to the Taliban, or he can make clear that the United States has interests, values and allies, and will stand behind them.
"[T]he United States has interests."
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Deal And No Deal
Junior Pundit Voice
And How Are Your Lives Again
Who knows what they think of all of these things individually, but in journalism you are allowed to, in fact supposed to, squawk "BUT HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT" any time someone offers up a nickel to a needy child in the form of government assistance, even if that plan is accompanied by an invisible-to-the-reporter plan to pay for it by raising Howard Schultz's taxes by 5 cents, but otherwise ignore such considerations. There are plenty of acceptable opinions in supposedly objective political journalism, and perhaps the most prominent one is that cutting the deficit is always good and extremely important, and that the only way to do this is by cutting socialsecurityandmedicareandwelfare.
Spending Money At Starbucks Is Unamerican
Monday, January 28, 2019
Supplies of medicine should be deemed more important than shipments of food if there is a no-deal Brexit, the health secretary has told MPs.
Matt Hancock made clear his view when answering questions at the health and social care select committee. “The thing is that medicines will be prioritised in the event of a no-deal Brexit,” the health and social care secretary said when asked by the former Labour health minister Ben Bradshaw which would be given precedence.
Bradshaw responded: “Over food? Over vital food?”
Just pretend it's all been a horrible dream, or a glorious adventure of the imagination inside a snowglobe.
Apocalypse Soon
The risk of accidentally crashing out of the EU without a deal has been described as “very high” by a key EU architect of the Brexit deal, with parliamentary backing for changes to the backstop likely to be met with a brick wall in Brussels.
Senior Conservative MPs are seeking to form a majority in a Commons vote on Tuesday calling for Theresa May to demand an alternative plan to the Irish backstop for avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland.
But on Monday, EU officials and diplomats said the amendment tabled by the Tory MP Graham Brady, and backed by Downing Street, failed to offer any clue as to what the alternative arrangement is that parliament could support.
As far as I can understand: Too many conservatives don't like the backstop (and they're not entirely wrong). The EU isn't going to change what they're willing to agree to unless it's "harder" which while a vague term basically means appealing to the nutters more. They might agree to something "softer" but the only way to get through Parliament is to do it with Labour support, which to May is like killing children (assuming May dislikes killing children?). So that leaves...
Can You At Least Say If The Stuff Will Be "Good" or "Bad"
Asked point blank whether he would raise taxes, Schultz dodges: "I don’t want to talk in the hypothetical about what I would do if I was president."
— Philip Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) January 27, 2019
It's Not AI
The technology is really neat! They work really well! But they aren't really AI. We don't have AI. We don't have bad AI. We just have pretty amazing computers.
Every problem you can come up with that isn't due to sensor problems (if they don't work in the rain...that's a problem) you can imagine a software fix... up to a point. You make them smarter about recognizing upside down stop signs, or you have all the stop signs programmed into the map. This probably works for a lot of things, though I think people underestimate just how many of these things there are. If it's a constant game of whack-a-mole, even if they manage to hit the mole each time, it isn't clear this ever going to be useful.
But crowded holiday shopping parking lot? That's... a tougher one. I don't think the computer brains are going to be able to handle that one soon. So, ok, you don't enter the parking lot, you drop off on the edge (in places with no sidewalks?). You get all the shopping centers (all of them?) to have dedicated pick up and drop off places.
My point is the technology is neato and it works surprisingly well. And you can always imagine how to solve this problem or that problem, with a warehouse filled with coders going at it constantly. Many of them, anyway. But the problems never end...
It Isn't A Trade
There are some unavoidable trade-offs between the young and the old: A dollar spent on Medicare is unavailable for universal pre-K.
No this is not an unavoidable trade-off. How about "a dollar spent on stupid fucking wars is unavailable for universal universal pre-K." Or "a dollar spent giving money to campaign donors to lock babies in cages is unavailable for universal pre-K." Nobody except crazy hippies ever writes those sentences.
The rest of the linked piece is fine, but there is just no reason that *these* are the trade-offs.
The Bad Coffee Man
The real point is no one involved is this stupid. Schultz is advised by resistance grifter Steve Schmidt, who isn't too stupid to understand that a rich guy independent run almost certainly, on balance, tilts things towards Trump. Schultz probably can't be that stupid either. So...
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Whispers: They All Are
Less than a year ago raised over $128 million to develop autonomous cars. Now they're looking like the Theranos of self-driving.
The Troubles
But I've also done it by reading a lot of the clueless commentary, and responses, about how Ireland/Northern Ireland are complicating Brexit. By clueless commentary I mean things like the Tory Northern Ireland secretary, whose job, you might guess, is being aware of affairs in Northern Ireland, admitting she had precisely zero understanding of the basic political divide, which even I am aware of. Northern Ireland is, as I'm sure you know, dear readers, one nontrivial part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And some of those elected officials serve in her coalition, though others do not sit in Parliament despite being elected to do so because, well, that's the kind of thing she should know.
This is getting too long for a pithy blog post, and I am still not one to explain The Troubles, but they were a massively devastating time and not just because people were blown up regularly. Civil wars are bad, and even a funny sitcom about teen girls can convey that pretty well, as can the fact that no prominent ruling politician in England, part of Great Britain, part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island, knows as much as I do about that time.
Supporting Our Defective President To Own The Libs
This is also true, and maybe even especially true, when Trump is obviously lying. Even before he banged his own personal left turn and began his full-tilt drive into the desert of cognitive decline, Trump was not an especially nuanced or strategic person. His mind is not what it was, and at its peak it was more of a Magic 8 Ball than a supercomputer. He can’t learn anything because he can’t listen to other people if they aren’t speaking from inside a television; he can’t remember what he hears there because he can’t really care unless it’s about him. These deficits are clear when Trump is extemporizing on furloughed workers cutting deals with the milkman or imagining cartoon coyotes piloting sedans full of duct-taped women across the Rio Grande, but they are even clearer when he tells knowing lies. The former tend to be about other people, and so tend to be both lurid and half-assed; he only really ever applies himself when the lies involve himself.
All In All All There Is Is The Wall
Friday, January 25, 2019
Crazy Violent People Still Here
An arsonist allegedly started a fire Thursday night at Comet Ping Pong, the Washington, D.C. pizzeria that was targeted by internet hoaxers as part of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory.
Not sure "hoaxer" is the right word. Sure some people were probably full of shit, but there were plenty of true believers. This is probably more of just symbolic target than somebody actually believe that Pizzagate thing, but it doesn't matter much.
Measles WTF
Now anti-vaxxers are largely "vaccines are like bad, yo" with not much reason behind it and mostly not because they actually have autistic children. I would say it used to be more a left wing thing, politically, and it became more of a right wing thing, but isn't precisely either. West Coast right wingers are weird. But, in any case, they're making their the children and the children of other people sick.
VANCOUVER, Wash. – Clark County Health officials say the number of confirmed measles cases has grown to 30. The county released the updated outbreak numbers Thursday morning, saying the number of suspected cases has dropped to nine.
President Deals
BREAKING - THE DEAL: Dem source says leaders are zeroing in on...
— Lisa Desjardins (@LisaDNews) January 25, 2019
- clean CR to Feb 15
- *No wall $*
- vehicle for DHS, border security conf bill
- Senate votes first
- backpay provision
No Tip
Things Start To Crack
And then...
The Stone Zone
Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, was indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller and arrested Friday on charges of obstruction, giving false statements and witness tampering.
They didn't do it the nice way.
Breaking: The FBI has arrested Roger Stone, his lawyer tells CNN. CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 am in Fort Lauderdale.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) January 25, 2019
Pounding on his door one agent said: ‘FBI open the door.’
...and someone invited CNN.
"FBI. Open the door.”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) January 25, 2019
Watch exclusive CNN footage of the FBI arresting longtime Trump associate Roger Stone. Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Kindly Old Corner Grocer Guy Doesn't Have Bills Either
— Brendan Karet 🚮 (@bad_takes) January 24, 2019
This Is War
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) will propose a new annual “wealth tax” on Americans with more than $50 million in assets, according to an economist advising her on the plan, as Democratic leaders vie for increasingly aggressive solutions to the nation’s soaring wealth inequality.
Until the primary season is over everybody who reads this website is going to get mad at me when I write something that sounds positive/negative about a candidate they don't like/like. Blah blah blah I am whining but in 2016 I said barely nothing about the primary and this blog sucked and people still got mad.
So Weird
Not On Them To Save The World
Area Man Should Shut Up
.@JoeBiden: "I read in New York Times today that I --- that one of my problems is if I ever run for president, I like Republicans. Bless me father for I have sinned. But…from where I come from I don't know how you get anything done."
— CSPAN (@cspan) January 24, 2019
How To Deal With Bullies
Morning Thread
Yes, I'm dreaming.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
The Made Man Knows How They Play
The man who claims to fear for his family once said this:
— Jack Shafer (@jackshafer) January 23, 2019
"And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know...So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”
The Worst People
The two reporters said they decided to leave the new Gawker after Bustle Digital Group—which bought the shuttered domain and its archives in a mid-2018 fire sale—refused to oust Griffith over offensive workplace comments about everything from poor people to black writers to her acquaintance’s penis size.
Atrios, Economist
His Dad, Herbert, was actually an economist.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The Morning Speech
Us And Them
Marginal Tax Rates, How Do They Work?
Monday, January 21, 2019
Nothing To See Here
Greenland’s enormous ice sheet is melting at such an accelerated rate that it may have reached a “tipping point,” and could become a major factor in sea-level rise around the world within two decades, scientists said in a study published on Monday.
Morning Thread
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Your Liberal Media
it was a what now
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) January 20, 2019
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Can you get the BBC?
Friday, January 18, 2019
Lock Her Up
NEW: Sen. Jeff Merkley has formally requested FBI Director Wray open a perjury investigation into Sec. of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. @SenJeffMerkley says “new documents show Nielsen lied in sworn testimony to Congress about the administration’s family separation policy.”
— Courtney Norris (@courtneyknorris) January 18, 2019
Pelosi Is Great At Her Job And Also The Dem Leadership Is Too Old
Almost every candidate has some bad stuff in their records. I don't think there's one correct way to evaluate those things, either!
President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter.
Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations. “Make it happen,” the sources said Trump told Cohen.
Morning Thread
Thursday, January 17, 2019
The late Bush years and then Obama took away that powerful feeling, and Trump didn't bring it back. They're still so unhappy.
Grand Old Party
WOW. Hoyer confirms that a GOP lawmaker today yelled at California Democrat Tony Cardenas, "Go back to Puerto Rico!"
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) January 17, 2019
Apropos Of Nothing
I was never on this particular email list (I smell too much of patchouli for such things), and unsubscribed myself from any I was on in 2016 because insiders are bad and best I didn't know that.
But Ron, I Thought You Were Busy Saving Detroit From Black People
Good morning,
See the press release below from Unite America announcing a new campaign calling for a bipartisan "Unity Ticket" for president and vice president in 2020. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ron Fournier
Spokesperson, Unite America
My question is:
Won't you fucking fuck right the fuck off?
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
But if it is a game, then Pelosi and the House Dems should be out there pulling crazy shit stunts every damn day. Also serious stuff too! Maybe combine them sometimes. Reporters gotta write about something.
The MayBot Remains
This kind of stuff (last minute scrambling) was "supposed" to happen last October, so that the EU would have plenty of time to blah blah blah...
March 29 is when the UK is out of the EU. Tick tick tick.
The People Who I Know Fly
Great Moments In Local Public Policy
There are a few remnants of our street cleaning network, supposedly. Hahaha.
WHYY and PlanPhilly reporters deployed to these business corridors didn’t have much more luck spotting the city’s cleaning crews. Over the course of one week in December 2018, the reporters did not observe any street sweepers on any of the posted routes before, during, and after the posted “no parking” hours.
But even if sweepers don’t show up consistently, The Philadelphia Parking Authority’s agents do.
Between 2007 and 2017, the state parking enforcement agency issued over 148,000 tickets to drivers for failing to move their cars on days designated for street sweeping, according to PPA records. Together, these tickets amount to $8.1 million in fees and penalties, of which the agency has collected $5.5 million. Only about a quarter of all PPA revenue goes back to the city and school district.
Nice Work
Mr. Neumann has made millions of dollars by leasing multiple properties in which he has an ownership stake back to WeWork, one of the country’s most valuable startups. Multiple investors of the privately held company said the arrangement concerned them as a potential conflict of interest in which the CEO could benefit on rents or other terms with the company.
Nothing like working both sides of a deal other people are financing!
Dumb Stuff On The Internet
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Primary Season!!!!
I'm human and part of the mosh pit, too. Not pretending to be above it all.
The Ringing of the Division Bell Had Begun
...Corbyn moves No Confidence vote...
...I don't really know what happens next. May's strategy, such as it was, was to force a vote at the last minute in hopes that it would pass under pressure. Didn't work. For the EU the options are short extension (they'd agree), long extension (probably not past a couple of months as new EU parliament term complicates things), or withdrawing from withdrawal (unlikely to happen but EU would probably be fine).
Your Liberal Media
NBC News’ standards department sent an email to staffers Tuesday telling them not to directly refer to Rep. Steve King’s recent comments about white supremacy as “racist.”
“Be careful to avoid characterizing [King’s] remarks as racist,” reads the email, which two NBC News staffers shared with HuffPost. “It is ok to attribute to others as in ‘what many are calling racist’ or something like that.”
We're in the territory of, like, "Man from Braunau am Inn, whose advocacy of sending all Jews to the gas chambers has been described anti-Semitic by some, is causing controversy in this local Austrian town!"
Genuine and Sweet, Or The Closest We'll Get
Closest I'll get to saying something nice about the guy, probably.
From Bean To Cup
BREAKING: HUGE win in #2020Census citizenship question case. The Court says Secretary Ross violated federal law in attempting to add a citizenship question to the #2020Census and enjoins him from adding the question. 1/x
— Brianne Gorod (@BrianneGorod) January 15, 2019
For all the trash talk of Corbyn and his failed opposition party, "let them light the fuse and then blow the whole thing up and themselves in the process while we are in the other room" was always the clear strategy, and probably the only possible one given that Corbyn, despite some reports to the contrary, was never actually Prime Minister. I don't agree with what I think is Corbyn's desired outcome (Lexit, basically), but he took the only path possible to stop May's Brexit.
And Lexit is bad in large part because I don't think it's achievable and because I'm not quite sure what it is, but if the man kills Brexit, becomes PM, and institutes a Lexit agreement, then he will have pulled off something quite impossible. It might not be so bad, though I am not entirely sure what the point of it is.
She Might Actually Lose
The very smart (actually most of them are as dumb as ours) British political chattering classes should be wondering why the Tories took so long?
Monday, January 14, 2019
There Is No Try
House Republican leaders will try to remove Representative Steve King of Iowa from the Judiciary and Agriculture Committees on Monday night as the party officials scrambled to appear tough on racism and contain damage from comments Mr. King made to The New York Times questioning why white supremacy is considered offensive.
The guy's a dick and someone they like more wants the jobs, but credit where credit is due. If they do.
...and story already changed. Lost'em.
My President
Slate used to run these "email" debates between people which were reasonable because people had time to think and respond and readers had time to think about what they read. Maybe a conversation between two smart people (if they are, actually, smart people) can be useful. But the debate-as-public-gladiator-contest throwdown is weird.
Afternoon Thread
This is the outcome nobody wanted, but it's happening anyway.Awhile back Chicago schoolkids were the most important people in the universe for a few days. None of those people gave a shit that Rahm closed all the neighborhood schools in minority neighborhoods.
More than 32,000 Los Angeles teachers and staff members are walking off the job Monday in the country's second-biggest school district. That means about 600,000 kids have no idea when they'll see their teachers again.
Weeks of heated negotiations between the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) union and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) went nowhere, leading to the city's first teachers' strike in 30 years.
Can't Prosecute Him, Can't Impeach Him
Of course (well, probably) Trump isn't going to be convicted in the Senate and removed from office. Bill Clinton wasn't going to be either. That isn't the only point. Nor is it convincing David Brooks that it is the right course of action. Nor is it maximizing 2020 election chances, whatever course of action would do that. It's about saying, "this is bad, mmmkay?"*
*With Bill Clinton what they were saying was, "Democrats are not allowed to be president," which is also bad, and the rest of the country understood that and would have continued to if the Democrats hadn't been idiots.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
What A Strange Way to Spend Your Billions
How Did They Do That
Lindsey Graham, asked about the NYT report that FBI investigated whether Trump worked for Russians, says on Fox: “To me, it tells me a lot about the people running the FBI ... what I want to make sure is: How did the FBI do that? What kind of checks and balances are there?”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 13, 2019
Which would actually be a question, but...
Totally Normal Ones
"I haven't actually left the White House in months," Trump says. What?
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) January 13, 2019
PIRRO: "Are you now or have you ever worked for Russia, Mr. President?"
— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) January 13, 2019
TRUMP: "I think it’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked... If you read the article, you’ll find they had nothing... It’s called the failing New York Times for a reason..." (then pivots to Comey)
Saturday, January 12, 2019
What's The Problem
A Chinese startup that's vying for Tesla's customers unveiled Sunday a 48-inch-wide video screen that stretches across the top of the dashboard of the Byton M-byte battery-electric vehicle.
The video screen, the size of seven iPads across, will anchor a business model that focuses as much on selling "content" as cars, CEO Carsten Breitfeld told The SUV offers an optional 95-kilowatt-hour battery that can travel as far as 325 miles between charges.
And Justice For All
In May 2017, Philadelphia Narcotics Bureau supervisors Inspector Raymond Evers and Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle called staff into a police conference room in Germantown for a mandatory meeting. Evers would later describe it as a “pep talk” to "get better-quality investigations.”
But what he outlined, according to a 177-page August 2018 Internal Affairs report obtained by the Inquirer, was a scheme to flip low-level suspects into off-the-books confidential informants through a process that would evolve into falsifying paperwork, as well as hiding information from the District Attorney’s Office.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Rapists Coming Over The Border
Genius Business
Chariot, the microtransit service owned by Ford, is going out of business. According to a companywide email obtained by the San Francisco Examiner, the on-demand bus service will cease operation February 1st. A spokesperson for the company confirmed the news to The Verge.
People always come up with examples where services like this would be good (quite possibly!) and profitable (hahaha unlikely), but these are generally examples of places which don't already have transit options.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
We Do Not Trust Teachers, So Arm them
TAMAQUA, Pa. (WPVI) -- School board members in Pennsylvania have voted to postpone a policy allowing teachers to carry guns in school.for now.
How Can Trump Supporters Support This??? But They Do So He Is Golden!!!
I suppose it's interesting to wonder what would pull Trump's support down from 40% to 27%, but really 40%ish of this country would support almost any Republican and 27% would support any. This is a conversation about 13% of the population.
The Silly Season
Also there will be lots of made up stuff.
EXCLUSIVE: DHS test of steel prototype for border wall, Trump's preference, showed it could be sawed through.
— Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) January 10, 2019
We've obtained a never-before-seen photo.
Our report, with @JuliaEAinsley.
Of course walls not made of Wolverine won't stop people from getting over, under, or through them. That doesn't make them pointless. People put up fences for a reason. But it was easy to get over the Berlin Wall if you didn't mind being shot in the process.
Wednesday, January 09, 2019
Can't Escape Everything
The ongoing federal government shutdown has stopped most food safety inspections, but the Food and Drug Administration is planning to resume at least some of them. To do it, the agency will have to force furloughed workers to come back without pay.
FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said he is trying to pinpoint the most essential inspections, while making sure that employees do not suffer too much.
Under the Sea
A Jersey Shore town is planning a 24-hour online livestream of flooding along one of its most frequently inundated streets.
Sea Isle City plans to mount a web camera on its public works building at 40th Street and Central Avenue by mid-February. The Press of Atlantic City reports the camera, which costs about $5,000, is being paid for through a grant from OceanFirst Bank to the New Jersey Coastal Coalition.
Haha. no.
Okay how about we implement the full socialist revolution with a top 70% tax rate?
Um, ok (haha stupid kids that's not really socialism).
Damn. Pops tricked us.
Well Then
WATCH: Trump argues that we need a border wall to stop migrants just driving right across in their "unbelievable vehicles... stronger, bigger, and faster vehicles than our police have, than ICE has"
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 9, 2019

Fox&Friends releases new picture from border caravan.
Max Max: Fury Road was a truly good movie, by the way. Maybe you have to like that kind of thing, a bit, but it's a lot better than that.
While Elon Musk has been guiding self-driving capabilities by the end of the year, Tesla has been taking a more cautious approach.
Tesla salespeople have been warning buyers of their ‘Full Self-Driving package’ that it could be “very far away” due to regulations.
Anyone who knows anything about this stuff knows it's a fraud, but you shouldn't have to be a super informed consumer, even a rich one who can afford a Tesla, to not get taken in by it. There are people who genuinely think Elon's gonna flip a switch soon and they're gonna be able to pay for their Teslas by turning them into automated robotaxis. They're wrong and stupid, but it isn't their responsibility to not be.
There Is No Plan B
Theresa May will be obliged to present MPs with a new Brexit plan within three days if her current proposal is voted down next week, after a procedural amendment to the plan’s progress through the Commons was passed amid chaotic scenes.
The amendment to the business motion for the plan, drawn up by the Conservative former attorney general Dominic Grieve, gives May the deadline to put forward new her plans if she loses the vote, as many expect, next Tuesday.
The two being the UK and the EU. I don't what happens if there is no deal and there is No No deal and there is no plan 'B.' No one seems to!
This is actually much worse than it probably sounds.
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Tea And No Tea
Theresa May has become the first British Prime Minister for 41 years to lose a vote on a finance bill after 20 Conservative MPs rebelled against the party whip and backed Yvette Cooper’s amendment, which sharply limits the government’s tax-raising powers in the event of a no deal Brexit. What does it mean for the resolution of the Brexit crisis?
Although Cooper’s amendment was billed as “preventing no deal”, as she herself freely conceded in the House, the amendment itself does no such thing. In fact, by limiting the government’s powers to raise revenue, it sharpens the rocks at the bottom of the ravine rather than pulls the country away from the cliff edge. But the amendment has two important implications. The first is that it gives Parliament an opportunity to avert a no deal exit at the eleventh hour if the need arises. The second is that, as it was billed and seen by MPs as an opportunity to demonstrate the strength of the parliamentary majority against a no deal exit it gives us a sense of the size of that majority – and its limitations.
He's The President
tl;dr point the camera at Trump for 8 minutes, but don't do just that.
I Thought He'd Kick The People Who Deserved It
The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things.
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she said of Mr. Trump. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
Morning Thread
Monday, January 07, 2019
Ain't she a beautiful sight?
The Department of Transport had hoped for 150 trucks to take part in Monday’s test , but only 79 turned up, including several from the Eddie Stobart haulage company.
Sunday, January 06, 2019
I Am A Big Dum Dum
I don't know how the idiots in the White House imagine they can run the country.
Bow Wow Wow
Snoop's message to furloughed employees during the government shutdown is really quite something 👀
— J.D. Durkin (@jiveDurkey) January 6, 2019
Golf Carts
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Friday, January 04, 2019
Everybody Who Drinks And Drives Is A Drunk Driver Sometimes
Utah just enacted the most aggressive standard for drunk driving in the country, lowering the legal blood-alcohol limit to .05 percent.
Build More Housing
Seattle is building more apartments than just about anywhere, and now 1 in 10 units across the city are sitting empty. Landlords have responded by lowering rents slightly and offering more perks to get tenants in the door.
Generally unless we engage on a massive social housing project - which I am all for! - new construction is not the route to providing housing for poor people and it is dumb that people think it is. All new construction is "luxury housing" according to the advertisements and granite countertops don't cost much. In expensive places it's the price of land that makes things expensive, and the only thing you can do from a policy perspective absent massive subsidies is allow people to build more and build more units on less land. This mostly means lower parking requirements and taller buildings, though taller buildings means like 6 stories not 60. Even in Philadelphia it's mostly illegal to build Philadelphia (the zoning here has improved, but not the zoning process... it's complicated). Parking makes people crazy, but those cars take up a lot of space.
Also even here in Philadelphia we get a lot of "gentrification" conversation which is mostly stupid. Yes involuntary displacement of families is bad but very little of that is actually happening and you can still buy a nice house near transit for a hundred grand. Some people can't afford that, but that's because they are poor not because housing is expensive. A hundred grand is about as low as you can get for a family sized new construction unit even if land is free.
Thursday, January 03, 2019
Going Viral
Democracy, Whisky, Sexy
It was Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.
Also Kevin Bacon is 60 years old.
The House Minority Is Suddenly Very Important
Nobody Even Asks What The Goal Is Anymore
Final q was where @ewarren had a chance to address troop withdrawal and expressed befuddlement at backlash to the Trump decision. "Those against it in the defense establishment need to explain why we're still fighting these wars -- but you do need to have a plan to withdraw."
— Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) January 3, 2019
I certainly don't think Trump does anything for the right reasons and imagine anything he accidentally does right will turn to shit, but the "oh no we can't possibly leave any of our sweet wars behind" reaction says a lot about everyone it is coming from. The "foreign policy community" has had 16 years to come up with some vaguely plausible story about what the fuck we're doing in Afghanistan (and almost 14 for Iraq) and they haven't even bothered to try because no one even asks them to anymore.
I used to joke about Iraq that we will stay there until we kill the last person who wants us to leave, then we'll leave. Joke was on me. We'll never leave! Why? The only reason I'm left with at this point is because those mortgages in NoVa aren't going to pay themselves.
Morning Thread
I plan to watch the solemn ceremony starting at noon on CSPAN.
Actually, if past behavior is any indicator, I fully expect the losing party to throw a tantrum. Should be entertaining.
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
Donald Drumpf Got His Head Stuck In A Toilet Again
There isn't much to joke about with Trump. It's all just there. I worked on my joke for a year and he just tweeted it out! Jokes don't illuminate anything.
All for laughing if that's what you enjoy! I just personally don't think it's funny. Also, get off my lawn.
*With Rocket Man being one of Trump's phrases I had to go and look up where the hell George "steely-eyed rocket man" Bush came from. I had forgotten. The magic dolphin lady, Peggy Noonan. Of course.
Never Tweet
Here’s my only nativist beef: Hispanic people who look and sound Mongolian and who I therefore don’t realize I could just communicate with in Spanish instead of English which they don’t speak particularly intelligibly. I’m cool with Spanish, just not being super-confused.
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) January 2, 2019
For those unfamiliar.
How'd That Happen
Robert Frost’s haunting little poem, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, entered the public domain in the US on 1 January alongside thousands of works, by authors from Agatha Christie to Virginia Woolf, in an unprecedented expiration of copyrights. Unprecedented because it has been 21 years since the last major expiration in the US: the passing of the 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act added a further 20 years to existing copyrights, meaning that the swathe of 1922 works which passed into the public domain in 1998, after a 75-year copyright term, are only now being followed by works first published in the US in 1923.
I Didn't Do It
The slashing was one of nearly two dozen attacks on driverless vehicles over the past two years in Chandler, a city near Phoenix where Waymo started testing its vans in 2017. In ways large and small, the city has had an early look at public misgivings over the rise of artificial intelligence, with city officials hearing complaints about everything from safety to possible job losses.
Some people have pelted Waymo vans with rocks, according to police reports. Others have repeatedly tried to run the vehicles off the road. One woman screamed at one of the vans, telling it to get out of her suburban neighborhood. A man pulled up alongside a Waymo vehicle and threatened the employee riding inside with a piece of PVC pipe.
And why?
His wife, Elizabeth, 35, admitted in an interview that her husband “finds it entertaining to brake hard” in front of the self-driving vans, and that she herself “may have forced them to pull over” so she could yell at them to get out of their neighborhood. The trouble started, the couple said, when their 10-year-old son was nearly hit by one of the vehicles while he was playing in a nearby cul-de-sac.
“They said they need real-world examples, but I don’t want to be their real-world mistake,” said Mr. O’Polka, who runs his own company providing information technology to small businesses.
I've long said the issue isn't safety in that if they work they'll be safe, but... they don't work yet so they aren't really safe, and given they drive noticeably differently than your typical hu-man, even if they are actually safe they probably appear to be a bit scary sometimes. Not behaving as expected can be frightening, even if ultimately the cars are excellent at not hitting people.
Words Speak Louder Than Actions
As with Sasse and Flake and occasionally Corker and all the Never Trumpers, the distance between Trump and him on policy is wafer thin, in part because aside from "give rich people all the money and keep the defense industry happy," he and they don't know or care much about policy. Romney's just positioning himself to be the 2020 savior, as the scrolls foretold.
The thing is, you can, as a senator, constructively oppose the worst of Trump without turning into a Democrat. Romney isn't a Democrat and he isn't even a centrist, even if the senator from Utah played one for awhile when he was governor of his home state of Massachusetts. But he doesn't have to start agreeing with Sherrod Brown on everything to oppose Trump. One senator can be a giant pain in the ass in the world's greatest deliberative body if they want to. This is true, also, too, of Democrats in the Senate, but Romney could do so and get endless praise heaped on him by Morning Joseph instead of being labeled an obstructionist.
But he'll just join the Sunday show furrowed brow club, concerned about Trump but strangely powerless to do anything about him.
Democrats Don't Do This
John McCain ought to become a Democrat - and a presumptive front-runner for their party's presidential nomination in 2004.
I'm second to no one in my belief that totebagging Democrats are overly swayed by all the bipartisan bullshit, but, no, there was no way John McCain would have been "a presumptive front-runner" in the Dem primary. I don't know why people like to pretend that every presidential primary contest isn't a nasty battle* between competing factions who, given that they are all crazy people who think they should run the world, aren't going to (and never do) play nice unless they think playing nice will get a couple more Iowa voters, and even hapless Democrats could have nuked John McCain with one television ad because John McCain had a very long history of being a Republican. A very conservative Republican who often showboated for gullible marks like Jon Chait and other wannabe tire swingers, and very occasionally did an actual mavericky thing like almost all politicians, but still a very conservative Republican.
Generally there's always a push from centrist types for Democrats to put a Republican on the ticket, and a lot of concern trolling from Republicans telling us about the one Democrat that maybe they could vote for (but won't). No one ever tells Republicans to run a "unity ticket" and Professional Democrats don't pitch editors for pieces about Who Republicans Have To Nominate If They Want To Win because that's stupid. So is the reverse, which happens all the time.
*the least nasty primary in my lifetime was in 2016, even if people being assholes on the internet made it seem otherwise.
Tuesday, January 01, 2019
Oops They're Doing it Again
I feel like I'm transitioning from the outrage of youth to the knowing, "that's just how it is, kids," of old age.
The P Tape
Lobster Club (the woke mummers) did a bit where Trump carried a giant pee tape and got arrested by the FBI
— Dan McQuade (@dhm) January 1, 2019
Words That Mean The Opposite Of How They Are Commonly Used
Not everything has to be beautiful, of course, but maybe just embrace it.
Bye Laura
The mirror image of conservative talk radio is not NPR, and while it's hard to describe precisely what the "liberal Laura Ingraham" would be like, whoever that person would be they would never be embraced with loving treatment elsewhere in the more respectable media.
Morning Thread
Hecate has some good thoughts on how to handle the negative spin already being directed at Warren. It's only day one, ugh!