Sunday, March 31, 2019
Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Week Day 6!
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This Is Trump's Team of Advisers
This is an actual banner from "Fox & Friends Weekend." 6:03am today. I double checked because I didn't believe it at first. Hat tip @BadFoxGraphics
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 31, 2019
Saturday, March 30, 2019
There's Cheating And Then There's Cheating
Spring Fundraisng Funstravaganza!
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Probably not really but David Dayen said so and he is the smartest person on this very online hellscape so who am I to argue.
This Only Goes One Way
Friday, March 29, 2019
You Have Tea And No Tea
Theresa May’s Brexit deal (withdraws agreement) has just been defeated… again… loses 286-344
— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) March 29, 2019
Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 4th!
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Think You Missed The Point Of Your Own Argument, My Dude
Second, even draconian tax hikes will not impact ability of wealthy to be influential politically. If you took away half wealth of billionaire, would still be able to invest $50M a cycle in political activity w/o dipping into capital. 4/5
— Lawrence H. Summers (@LHSummers) March 28, 2019
Morning Thread
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Thursday Night
Trump Is My President
But, really, it wasn't dumb poors that voted for him, it was guys who own car dealerships. We gotta reckon with the fact that our meritocracy promotes con artists.
I Wonk So Hard
At a mobility event today I met an auto industry rep who told me "to enable AV's we need a period of increased urban law enforcement so pedestrians know what they can't do. Then they'll change behavior."
— David Zipper (@DavidZipper) March 28, 2019
I was so stunned I could barely respond "I think that's a horrific idea."
It is this type of thing which makes me obsess about this issue. And I have a couple insider sources (ooooh I am a real journalist) who confirm these concerns. The self-driving car people see pedestrians as a problem. I don't really understand how you can think urban taxis are your business model and also think walking is the enemy. Cities are made of pedestrians. Well, cities other than Phoenix, anyway. I pay a dumb mortgage so I can walk to a concert, like I did last night.
Thursday, Thursday
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Way Forward Is Clear Then
Every motion loses
— Alex Wickham (@alexwickham) March 27, 2019
No deal loses 160-400
Common Market 2.0 loses 188-283
Efta/EEA loses 65-377
Customs union loses 264-272
Labour alt plan loses 237-307
Revoke A50 loses 184-293
2nd referendum loses 268-295
Managed no deal loses 139-422
Area Man Needs Food, Badly
Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
On Screen
I am just old enough that the early generation of screen stars was still alive, mostly. They became bit players on bad tv shows, like the Love Boat, and occasionally the reinvented themselves for new more respectable old people careers. Largely what I remember is that they were the object of jokes. Especially the women. You know, Elizabeth Taylor got fat!!!! was a joke comedians dined on as I had no idea who Taylor was.
We have not entered some new woke Nirvana, but that "actors get old like the rest of us" is more widely understood is probably a thing, even if it's mostly because the biggest generation is old people.
Spring Fundraising FUNSTRAVAGANZA
Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.
Brexit Sympathies
On a related note, public transit in London is mostly awesome if it is under the thumb of TFL. If it isn't, it's often a disaster. In the rest of the country, public transit is mostly a disaster because none of it is under the thumb of TFL. Privatization for thee, not for me. The rest of the country has reason to be mad and while Brexit is not the answer, it was the answer some savvy people gave to them.
Lessons for our own country are, also, too, obvious.
The Story
Charges against Jussie Smollett have been dropped by the state and his record has been wiped clean.
— 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙 (@WashNews) March 26, 2019
America's Worst Newspaper
The linked issue is more important, but while we love to joke about little "mistakes" like sending a stringer NINETY MILES AWAY to darkest

Rocky running through an area not called Little Italy which is nowhere near "Maggiano's Little Italy."
Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Monday Crass Commercialism
D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World War II
Even JK Wasn't That Dumb
2. The 'Grand Wizards' (the new name for the Chequer's daytrippers apparently) also had another meeting this morning, were they discussed again whether they could get on board to back PM's deal and there was no firm conclusion
— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) March 25, 2019
Takes of Fire
— Jukt Microdicks (@Mobute) March 25, 2019
Along with eSports, I never quite understood the Avenatti as Resistance Hero bubble.
Balls and Strikes
It isn't some fancy new miracle drug technology. It's old and the production process is cheap and if you are concerned with people with diabetes instead of the feefees of "stakeholders" (rich evil dudes), you will do this.
Architecture firm Populous designed the 60,000-square-foot venue, which will be home to the Philadelphia Fusion, an esports team owned by Comcast Spectacor that competes in the Overwatch League. The league wants its teams to play in their home markets next year. The Fusion are looking at playing at other venues in Philadelphia while the new esports venue is being built.
Up To The Dems
A few months ago they didn't have any power and trying to cajole the GOP Daddies and Impartial Referees (unicorns both) to Do The Right Thing was all they could do. Now they have power. Use it.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
What Would Make You Vote For A Republican?
Governors and presidents are a bit different. They do have a lot of individual power and more ways to implement idiosyncratic policies that don't precisely align them with the prevailing party ethos. Voting for a truly awful person, even one that shares your party affiliation, is likely to have awful consequences. But, also, too voting for a Republican, especially given the current crop of Republicans, is likely to have awful consequences!
So just how bad would a Democrat have to be for you to vote for the Republican for governor? For president?
We mock the "27%ers" but can we really blame them? Sure we can blame them for being Republicans, but over and above that?
The Dream Deferred
In a picture posted Monday, the caption says “Follow us for exclusive updates on all things American Dream. Coming Fall 2019!”
In other posts that include pictures from inside the 3 million square foot complex, three different Instagram users asked when it will open, and the response from the American Dream Instagram account was “fall 2019.”
American Dream’s newly-hired Public Relations Director, Dana McHugh, declined to comment on whether the Instagram account is official. An email address and phone number associated with the account match those of a former public relations agent working on behalf of the development. When asked about the contact information, McHugh said that agent is no longer with the company.
I still think there's a nontrivial chance this never opens. Probably will! But...
Sure, Jan
Are flying cars ready for takeoff? New Morgan Stanley Research estimates a $1.5 trillion market by 2040.
— Morgan Stanley (@MorganStanley) February 20, 2019
And when there's too much congestion in the air we can run our flying cars through a tunnel.
Majority Majority
And it's March 25 and all of this was going to have been sorted by last October.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Saturday Almost Lunch
Republican Daddies And The Impartial Referees Won't Save Us
Theresa May's Not Going To Remove Herself
The idiot manboys have power too, and none of them have demonstrated that they're any more competent than May. If they want her out they can have a vote.
Morning Thread
Friday, March 22, 2019
The End Of The Trump Presidency
It’s not interested in legitimate journalism as much as it’s interested in promulgating right-wing nationalism, and this raison d’etre means that attempts to puncture the bubble are self-defeating. The narrow goal of a liberal, or a credible reporter, who appears on the network may be to present an alternative, factual viewpoint, but within the Fox ecosystem they can only function as foils, cast to lend the network credibility it doesn’t deserve. Journalists who try to break through walls of the Fox News echo chamber can only end up reinforcing them.
There was no golden age when Fox was good, or even much better than now, but the explicit support of white nationalism at a time when we have an explicitly white nationalist president and an administration populated with them, makes it not just bad but dangerous. Very dangerous.
DOT People Who Know What They're Talking About
“It’s a car in a very small tunnel,” Michael McLaughlin, Virginia’s chief of rail transportation, told members of the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s public transit subcommittee on Wednesday.
The officials from Virginia who met with company leaders and took a drive through the tunnel in January say nothing they saw would lead them to change their approach to transit in the near term.
“I think there’s a lot of show going on here,” said Scott Kasprowicz, a Commonwealth Transportation Board member who made the trip with McLaughlin and public transit chief Jennifer Mitchell.
“I don’t mean to suggest that they don’t have a serious plan in mind, but I don’t consider the steps they’ve taken to date to be substantive. They’ve purchased a used boring machine. They’ve put a bore in the neighborhood where they developed the SpaceX product, and they’ve taken a Model 3 and put guidewheels on it and they’re running it through the tunnel at 60 miles per hour.
Tesla fans are super brain geniuses compared to the Boring/Loop fans, but there have been numerous press reports about Musk's Journey To The Center of the Earth which have skipped over this simple fact (most, in fact, I had to research a lot to make sure it was true): Musk's super exciting Boring company, thus far, has done nothing but dig a tunnel with an off the shelf used tunneling machine from China. So many press reports made it sound as if it was some sort of exciting new invention. No. It's a machine they bought.
No You're Stupid
Where Do They Go From Here
Presumably May's deal will go down in flames for the 3rd time and then April 12 will be the new crash out date...unless? I have no idea.
Running A Message Board Is Hard
Someone, though I forget who, on the twitter box made this point recently, that after pretending for a decade that it wasn't a message board, Facebook is finally realizing that it is one and it comes with all of the troubles that running a message board comes with that some of us have understood forever. Twitter, too, though not in precisely the same way.
That's separate from facebook's "hand over all your data and private messages to anyone who waves a fiver under Zuck's nose" issues, but it is one of their issues.
Morons and Cowards
The first lesson is the importance and rarity of sound, realistic judgment on foreign policy — above all in the use of military force. Washington Post columnist Max Boot is right that a big majority of the political class and population at large supported the Iraq War, but the implication is the opposite of what he claims. Far from being a difficult decision that was understandable at the time, this support betrays only that the American political class is suffused with morons and cowards.
Exaggeration, of course, but nobody but reporters (very objective ones) thinks what Donald Trump says about John McCain matters to anyone.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
And Then?
Any later and the UK has to have EU elections.
Of course no one has any idea what exactly is supposed to happen between now and May 9. They're going to kick the can BUT WILL THE CAN KICK BACK???
Fortunately They Don't Need Unanimity
I’m told by an EU official that there’s a proper battle royal under way among the EU27 over extension end date, it’s “lively in the room”. Some UK allies (Denmark) want it pushed back to June 30, others (France) want it earlier than May 22 #EUCO
— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) March 21, 2019
Take Power And Then...
An odd disconnect has opened up in the Democratic approach to President Trump. On the one hand, Democrats rhetorically treat his presidency as a rolling national emergency, as an existential threat to our democracy.
Yet on the other hand, in several crucial ways, Democrats are badly muddling that message, by refraining from doing what might be described as the congressional oversight equivalent of breaking the emergency glass.
Democrats always think the opposite, that the danger is in using power. They're wrong. Or, at least, you've done something while you could.
Well we'll just ride this one out until the next election. And then the next one. And then the next one.
There are babies in cages.
Who Indeed
So who paid Trump Victory for their photos?
Yang isn’t saying — but she and three associates with an Asian-American political group donated a total of $135,500 to Trump Victory in the weeks leading up to the event. None of those associates would comment either. One of them told the Miami Herald she could not recall making a $25,000 donation listed in her name and address.
Corbyn Derangement Syndrom
In terms of Brexit, what the political press wanted (including the ones who are paid to be racist liars for right wing publications, mostly) was an Oxford debate between the anti-Brexit forces and the pro-Brexit forces, with the former led by a Labour leader who wanted nothing more than to dissolve his own party and form a new third party containing anti-Brexit Tory and Labour members, which would otherwise be basically a Tory party. The anti-Brexit forces would defeat the other side with Facts and Logic, Ben Shapiro-style, and somehow Brexit would be over. It's their version of the third party fantasies our press has here. Maybe Howard Schultz is a UK citizen?
While declining to elaborate on how many people were working underneath the tent or who from the Tesla accompanied the tour, Ives said his group viewed a "robust" and "streamlined" production process.
"In terms of the tent, this is not a situation where you have workers taking lunch breaks and relaxing," Ives said. "You sense at Fremont this is a company that has pressure on the manufacturing process, just given underlying demand they're seeing in Europe and China."
Good thing the employees aren't [record scratch] taking lunch breaks.
In California, an employer may not employ an employee for a work period of more than five hours per day without providing the employee with a meal period of not less than thirty minutes, except that if the total work period per day of the employee is no more than six hours, the meal period may be waived by mutual consent of both the employer and employee
And That's Why Ari Fleischer Is My New Bipartisan Secretary of Defense
Biden’s supporters say his national security credentials will be a major net plus — especially in a field dominated by candidates more versed in the Green New Deal than the Iran nuclear deal
— POLITICO (@politico) March 20, 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Hostile Environment
Trump says that he gave John McCain the kind of funeral that he wanted....and didn't get a thank you for it.
— Katherine Faulders (@KFaulders) March 20, 2019
Brain Worms
Trump says that he gave John McCain the kind of funeral that he wanted....and didn't get a thank you for it.
— Katherine Faulders (@KFaulders) March 20, 2019
Deeply Held Religious Beliefs
Deal Or No Deal Or No Brexit
In the light of his consultations, he says a short, extension will be possible.
But it will be conditional on a positive vote on the withdrawal agreement in the Commons.
The press is mostly pushing this as "deal or no deal" but I think rescinding Article 50 (bye bye Brexit) is also still a possibility (whether likely or not).
And I still haven't figured out how Parliament actually can vote again on the deal given that the Speaker said they can't (which they can override... but it's another step...)
Whatever Happens, It Was May's Cunning Plan All Along
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Stand Down
But it also left resistance to Trump with a clear leader and focal point, and House Democrats do not appear to be particularly interested in grassroots resistance work. They didn’t try to tap energy in the streets around the state of emergency or their own flagship political reform bill. And after vowing on the campaign trail to directly confront Trump’s corruption, in office they’ve proven surprisingly lackadaisical about going after his taxes and have apparently decided it would be inappropriate to go after Trump’s family even though the family angle is central to the nexus of corruption.
It’s not entirely clear why this demobilization is happening — grassroots leaders I’ve spoken to suggest it’s more a diminished sense of threat plus a lack of strategic focus from party leaders rather than a deliberate strategy — but it’s hurting Democrats in tangible ways.
Demobilization is a dangerous trend
One veteran operative who’s deeply involved in party-aligned work on corruption issues tells me he thinks congressional leaders have deliberately demobilized the resistance because they’re so afraid of the impeachment issue. Other Pelosi critics I’ve spoken to on the Hill paint a picture that’s more sins of omission — the top ranks of Democratic leadership are in a weakened state and simply not doing much of anything (Pelosi just hired a new chief of staff in perhaps a sign that she felt things were not going well) on a strategic level.
There isn't one single reason for this. There are understandable reasons, misguided reasons, and corrupt ones. But they tend not to want "your" help except fundraising and between Labor Day and Election Day every 2 years.
Sure, Elon
Due to unusually high volume, Tesla was unable to process all orders by midnight on Monday, so the slight price rise on vehicles is postponed to midnight Wednesday
— Tesla (@Tesla) March 19, 2019
If your ordering system can't handle what would be, maximum, THOUSANDS OF ORDERS, I'm not too sure about that whole self-driving car thing you keep talking about.
Walls of Weird
The Republican party is now basically run by people who believe that Trump is a messiah figure sent here to shut down a global pedophile ring run by Hillary Clinton and that gun control advocates stage mass shooting events.
Extend and Pretend
NEW - Theresa May will request an extension to A50, her spokesman confirms: “The PM will be writing to Donald Tusk before the European Council in relation to an extension.” Pressed on what she’ll say, he adds, “you’ll have to wait for that letter”.
— Heather Stewart (@GuardianHeather) March 19, 2019
But for how long...
Monday, March 18, 2019
Related: there are actual people who wax nostalgic about television from an era in which television, with some notable impressive exceptions, was so horrible that the planet is pretty much doomed once the signals reach alien civilizations. They're gonna wipe us out and I can't blame them.
How To Do An Interview
This is how you do an interview.
And, yes, objectitudinal journalists decide what is controversial or not with every story they file.
Getting Worse
Brain worms are slow little creatures and not all that hungry. It takes them a long time to complete their meal. But they keep on keeping on.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
The Air Is Humming
Bored Mayors
I don't think being mayor of a large city is a job for everyone. I'd hate being mayor! Also I wouldn't run for mayor. But what I don't get is trying to be the mayor of, say, New York City, and then thinking, ugh, this sucks, what I really want to do is... run for president! Or even go be Deputy Secretary of Whateverthehell. Go cash out for real! Go get some nice low-show jobs and corporate board positions or whatever. My point is that maybe these government jobs with big responsibilities and less then stellar renumeration...aren't actually for you?
I don't get it.
Stop This
You should not watch the video. It is what the murderer wants.
Also, I watched the video. It is horrific.
I don't know why people think they are entitled to be self-appointed content moderators.
(No I have no interest in watching the video and the general idea that people shouldn't seek it out and watch it is good but if you think this is important advice then obey it.)
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Acceptable Bigotries
But it's still been festering in this country and internationally, and certainly no one suffers reputational or professional repercussions from promoting it. The UK media is a cesspool. Even, or frankly especially, the BBC.
Something has plainly gone very wrong at @BBCNewsnight. This evening—on the day of the racist murder of Muslims in #Christchurch—they gave a platform to racist hate organisation Generation Identity. Would you explain your decision @esmewren? I’ll be making a formal complaint.
— Tom Kibasi (@TomKibasi) March 15, 2019
You can only do loving profiles of "dapper Nazis" if you bizarrely pretend they only hate certain people, and that it's ok if those are the people they hate. I'm not sure when we started pretending Nazis didn't hate Jews, or how that's even possible, but "we" do somehow and our new Nazis are ok as long as they emphasize the rest of it.
Friday, March 15, 2019
False Flag
"If you are a boss, you have to have high standards, and that is what I have always had. And that doesn't mean it's a popularity contest all the time," she said. "And so I've had high standards for myself, high standards for our staff, and mostly I'm going to have high standards for the country."
She added: "One can always do better, and that means you want to be sure that you are listening to people if they felt that something was unfair, or they felt bad about something. But I still think that you have to demand good product. When you're out there on the world stage and dealing with people like Vladimir Putin, yeah, you want someone who's tough. You want someone that demands the answers and that's going to get things done, and that's what I've done my whole life."
Dangerous Dum Dums
remembering how bari weiss said australian politics was all chill and mates etc
— libby watson (@libbycwatson) March 15, 2019
I'd like to say she is embarrassing to all who work there, but she's just a rather obvious manifestation of the general mindset so I doubt it. It's a problem when the most important newspaper in the country hires dangerous dumdums, and they hire many of them.
New Zealand Horrors
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Promise Something
I Bet He Babysits His Kids Sometimes
Beto tells a coffee shop crowd that he just talked with his wife, Amy. “She is raising, sometimes with my help,” their three kids. Then says he’s running for president for his kids, and theirs.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) March 14, 2019
There was a moment a while ago when The Society of People Who Thought Their Careers Would Benefit From A Beto Campaign took a break from yelling at everyone for supporting white dudes to yelling at everyone for not supporting Beto for President even though he wasn't running yet.
Yes I'm cynical but I'm not dumb about this stuff and I get tired of people talking their book on the teevee and pretending they aren't.
How About I Just Say Who Is Bad
Biden, Beto: bad. go away.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Planes Fall Down
*I have no idea if such things are always run by the president but however these things are actually decided, we'd be better off with headlines suggesting the agency in charge (FAA) did it, and not the brain worm addled bribe taker.
Wow Apparently A Negotiation Has Two Sides
Gavin Williamson, the defence secretary, and Chris Grayling, the transport secretary, told the prime minister in cabinet that she should not whip against the so-called Malthouse B plan, which is favoured by a coalition of Eurosceptics and former remainers.
This would involve leaving without a deal, signing up to a two-year “standstill agreement” with the EU and then moving to World Trade Organization terms. However, the EU has repeatedly ruled out a transitional period without a deal and underlined that point again on Tuesday.
I voted and decided each of you should give me a thousand dollars.
Sure, Elon
Looking forward to building a Boring Company tunnel in Vegas. Assuming to be operational by end of year!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 12, 2019
Might be a good "proof of bad concept" when 5 years from now people wonder where that bricked up elevator in the convention center used to go. Las Vegas might be doing us all a favor!
How Dare They Publish My Words
But there's an additional thing which makes no sense at all, where conservatives (especially) act as if things they said on one prominent public radio or TV outlet are somehow off limits because it isn't their main branded one. What is said to Bubba the Love Sponge and his listeners is supposed to stay there. And, no, there's no expectation of privacy there. It's not email. It's not even an overheard conversation on a train. It's a publicly available broadcast!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Or Said They Did
Uber thought it would have 75,000 autonomous vehicles on the roads this year and be operating driverless taxi services in 13 cities by 2022, according to court documents unsealed last week. To reach those ambitious goals, the ridesharing company, which hopes to go public later this year, was spending $20 million a month on developing self-driving technologies.
The figures, dating back to 2016, paint a picture of a company desperate to meet over-ambitious autonomy targets and one that is willing to spend freely, even recklessly, to get there. As Uber prepares for its IPO later this year, the new details could prove an embarrassing reminder that the company is still trailing in its efforts to develop technology that founder Travis Kalanick called “existential” to Uber’s future.
I was thinking a bit why all of this has been so dumb, and one reason is that the barrier isn't (yet) even just that they can't build a reasonably cheap car, it's they can't build one at all. If I said, "here's eleventy trillion dollars, put a single level 4+/5- self-driving car on the road that would truly work well enough to be a robo taxi that would operate more cheaply than one with a driver within 18 months" I'm pretty sure it couldn't be done. Maybe I'm too pessimistic. Maybe they could with eleventy trillion! But the point is you aren't going to be rolling these things off the assembly line at $100,000 a pop any time soon because you couldn't even roll them off the assembly line at $100,000,000 a pop.
It isn't about making the technology more efficient or cost-effective or whatever, it's about making the technology at all. It just does not exist. They can't say, "well, we can do this, but sadly the sensors cost $10,000,000 per car so we need to figure out how to make them more cheaply." They just can't do it.
No Deal And No No Deal
I have no idea what happens next.
Senior EU official tells me UK now has 3 options:
— Alberto Nardelli (@AlbertoNardelli) March 12, 2019
1) leave with no deal on March 29
2) ask for extension (dependant on reason, length & EU27 unanimity)
3) revoke article 50
“There will be no further talks,” the source says.
Our story on tonight's vote:
And She Lost
MPs reject May's Brexit deal for second time by majority of 149
Theresa May’s deal has been defeated again by 391 votes to 242 - a majority of 149
And If They Do
What Pelosi really did was affirm that Democrats long ago gave the Republican Party a silent veto over whether Trump should be held accountable for anything. Back in May of last year, when Democrats were still in the minority, House intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff insisted, “there will be no impeachment, no matter how high the crime or serious the misdemeanor,” unless “Democratic and Republican members of Congress can make the case to their constituents that they were obligated to remove him.”
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler adopted a similar standard recently, and yesterday he endorsed Pelosi’s view. “She laid down a number of conditions—it has got to be bipartisan, the evidence has to be overwhelming—which is what I’ve been saying.”
Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler are seasoned politicians who don’t say much that’s unrehearsed. Their position that passing articles of impeachment—a process that requires a simple majority in the House—must be bipartisan sends a clear message to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other GOP leaders: that the key to Trump’s continued impunity is for Republicans to simply continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—ignore or celebrate his misconduct, attack the investigators, lie as much as it takes to keep Trump’s base of support from falling through the floor.
If, for whatever unlikely reason, Republicans ever do turn on Trump and decide to take his presidency down, they'll overnight position themselves as the principled crusaders for justice, who had to act when the impotent flailing democrats refused.
And as full as shit as they would be with this, they'd have a point.
The Wind Blows So Many Ways
We'll know soon what the outcome is!
BOSTON -- Actresses and chief executives are among 50 people arrested in a nationwide college admissions cheating scam, authorities announced Tuesday.
They allege that Huffman and her husband "made a purported charitable contribution of $15, participate in the college entrance exam cheating scheme on behalf of her eldest daughter. Huffman later made arrangements to pursue the scheme a second time, for her younger daughter, before deciding not to do so."
Usually it's the also famous wife of the famous husband who goes unnamed.
Describing My President
But also it’s just absolutely fucking out of the question that Trump won the title fair and square. Physically, the man looks like some sort of hideous British dessert—some sort of meringue that’s been boiled for a day inside a pair of men’s underpants and somehow tastes exactly like baloney—and stands like he’s in the middle of a windstorm. A thin rivulet of beige liquid has been leaking from his ears since at least 2014. He is plainly in no condition to win any golf club’s golf championship—or even, as’s Michael Bamberger reports, a co-championship, a distinction that didn’t make it onto the little plaque that Trump had screwed onto his locker at Trump International. And yet the plaque is there, and Trump is listed as the co-champion alongside a 58-year-old Trump International club member named Ted Virtue.
Virtue held that title outright, Bamberger writes, until “Trump ran into him at the club, according to multiple sources who recounted the story. Having some fun with him, Trump said something like, ‘The only reason you won is because I couldn’t play.’” Trump challenged Virtue to a nine-hole match-play playoff—that is, each hole scored independently and worth one point—for the title. “As in nearly all amateur golf rounds, no rules official was on hand. Golf’s tradition calls for players to police themselves and, if necessary, one another. Trump won. In victory a magnanimous Trump said to Virtue something like, ‘This isn’t fair—we’ll be co-champions.’”
I once asked the internet hive mind why people cheat at golf, a game that you are basically playing against yourself unless there are sponsors and real money is involved. The answer was that it's a show of dominance. The supposed alpha male (the boss) cheats, and the supposed betas (his employees or other social underlings) let him cheat and that's the point. Not winning, but forcing people to let you get away with cheating, to look the other way when you are obviously doing it, and then congratulate you for doing so. And that's why Trump loves golf, because that's the only type of activity that makes him happy.
Grifters Gonna Griftt
Elon Musk's futuristic vision for hyperloop transit could be in the works for a Pennsylvania route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has awarded a $2 million contract for a feasibility study on a cross-state hyperloop tunnel, with additional stops in Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre/Scranton.
For $1.99 million I will do this study myself!
Brexit Vote Day
I try not to make predictions, especially about the future, but I'll predict...May wins!
Monday, March 11, 2019
Brexit Vote Day Tomorrow!
Trump’s “Budget for a Better America” also includes dozens of spending cuts and policy overhauls that frame the early stages of the debate for the 2020 election. For example, Trump for the first time calls for cutting $845 billion from Medicare, the popular health care program for the elderly that in the past he had largely said he would protect.
Remember what he actually said was:
I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me.
What's It About Then
But de Blasio will never be chosen for VP, and mayors who hate being mayors and just see it as an audition for a federal job, as de Blasio seems to, are quite obviously not the people you want to hire for a Cabinet position. I mean, if mayor of New York is not enough fun for you, why the hell would Labor Secretary be?
People are weird.
NEW YORK — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio may be thinking of running for president, but many of those closest to him aren’t on board.
As de Blasio touted his liberal record in Iowa and South Carolina in recent weeks, nearly three dozen former and current aides, consultants and allies who spoke to POLITICO panned the idea or doubted that the mayor would run for the Democratic nomination. Aside from the few people working on the nascent effort, only two said de Blasio should run.
Prestige Magazines
New @davidfrum cover story just published: “America was built on the revolutionary idea, never fully realized, that those who labor might also govern—that every worker should be a voter... The immigration surge has the effect of setting this ideal back.”
— Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF) March 11, 2019
Sunday, March 10, 2019
The Spin Room
Now, gather around, children, and let me tell you about the Iraq war...
Saturday, March 09, 2019
Still Dreaming
The American Dream will not be opening next month.
The opening date, originally projected for April, has been pushed back to at least late spring, Gov. Phil Murphy said at a press conference on Friday.
"First of all, it’s happening. American Dream is happening," Murphy said. "To the best of my knowledge, the last time I asked, it had slipped, I had thought, closer to June."
Yang, who goes by Cindy, and her husband, Zubin Gong, started GY US Investments LLC in 2017. The company describes itself on its website, which is mostly in Chinese, as an “international business consulting firm that provides public relations services to assist businesses in America to establish and expand their brand image in the modern Chinese marketplace.” But the firm notes that its services also address clients looking to make high-level connections in the United States. On a page displaying a photo of Mar-a-Lago, Yang’s company says its “activities for clients” have included providing them “the opportunity to interact with the president, the [American] Minister of Commerce and other political figures.” The company boasts it has “arranged taking photos with the President” and suggests it can set up a “White House and Capitol Hill Dinner.” (The same day the Herald story about Yang broke, the website stopped functioning.)
Friday, March 08, 2019
Who Cares What I Think
Let's hope the next president doesn't care what Mr. David Brooks thinks, either.
Howsabout A Pre-Happy Hour Thread
Friday Random Deep Thought Blogging Continued
And Then It Was Revealed That "Donald Trump" Is Actually... Hillary Clinton In A Wig!
Luxury Canned Goods
Exception: all escargot (almost) is canned in the US, even at fancy restaurants.
Like Spock
Bloomberg’s @mcbridesg asked @TimDraper if he’d back Elizabeth Holmes again:
— Sam Dean 🦅 (@SamAugustDean) March 8, 2019
“I’d back her as chief science officer, not CEO. Good question.”
Like Tim Draper.
Thursday, March 07, 2019
American's Worst Humans
I'm not even so pissed about the "not being a regular subway rider" thing, but the "driven to the subway for the subway photo op" thing.
There are indignities to urban living that even a 24/7 chauffeur can't fix, but they're offset by other things. If you don't even enjoy walking two blocks, I can show you the other 90% of the country where you would be much happier.
There Are Some Excellent Journalists At Fox
The best spin is too kind, as the more plausible explanation is that teevee "reporters" get paid quite well, there aren't that many of those jobs, and if you can score one then your retirement is set.
But even if there are decent reporters at Fox (this is basically bullshit, but ok), they're just there to give the rest of the operation the sheen of respectability that amazingly convinces all of those other hard-hitting reporters so concerned with the reputation of their sister network.
Sherrod Brown Out
People On The Internet Are Wrong
Because I have bad hobbies, and something has to keep me enraged all day (my secret is I'm always angry), I read various internet forums on certain subjects. My latest is Musk-related program activities. And, sure, the Teslas have their idiotic fanboys who are dumb but at least Tesla is a real product that does much of what Elon claims it does. The self-driving car nonsense is going to help destroy that company, however. But, wow, the people who are into his tunnel projects. They are so dumb.
And what gets me is these are people who, from what I can tell, would never ride one of Musk's vanity-subway-that-isn't-a-subway projects even if it worked as their underground Jetsons fantasies tell them, for the same reason they've never ridden an actual subway. It's still a steel box on wheels in a tunnel that you have to share with other people. Just a worse one.
20 Virgins And A Mule
25 years later, and the second time they've taken it back, the psychological wounds of losing the House in 1995 are still there.
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
But How Will Democrats Reach The People Least Likely To Vote For Them
The Democratic National Committee has decided to exclude Fox News Channel from televising any of its candidate debates during the 2019-2020 cycle as a result of published revelations detailing the cable network’s close ties to the Trump administration.
Sounds Good. Does It Have Lasers?
Las Vegas’ tourism agency announced Wednesday it is recommending that an enterprise backed by the divisive billionaire receive a contract to build and operate an underground tunnel system through which autonomous electric vehicles would whisk people around a mega convention center, and in the future, possibly the city’s famous casino-filled corridor.
If approved, the system just over a mile long would open by January 2021 at the facility, which hosts more than 1 million people every year. The Musk-owned Boring Company would build the project costing from $35 million to $55 million.
Details of the project are not final. But Hill said the system will probably have three or four stations, at entrances to the convention center’s halls. People would be carried in electric vehicles moving through parallel tunnels, each running in one direction.
The fleet could include Tesla’s Model X and Model 3 and a vehicle with capacity for about 16 people, Hill said. All vehicles would be autonomous, meaning they won’t have backup human drivers.
Who cares, waste your money, but imagine thinking that people getting into cars, which don't even have the advanced speedy boarding technology your local amusement park ride does, is some efficient way to move lots of people quickly. We're talking 45 seconds minimum to board 4 people.
Bending The Cost Curve
We do spend way too much on health care in this country. We spend what other countries do in *public* money and then that much again in private money for the privilege of imminent financial insolvency every time those of us with even good insurance go to the doctor. But me, voter, does not give a shit about "bending the cost curve." I give a shit about "bending my cost curve."
You can see the problem with "bending the cost curve" by making sure people have more "skin in the game" from a political and, yes, moral perspective.
I already pay too fucking much to buy health insurance executives yachts. I don't need to pay any more.
Pragmatic centrists often like to think of themselves not just being smart on policy, but on the politics. Please David Brooks, please the world. But high deductible high copayment plans are not smart politics, unless you're trying to hasten the revolution.
It's clear what May wants is to kick out all of the foreigners (as many as possible) and the rest doesn't much matter to her, but I still don't get what she/they want within the framework of sort of realistic possibilities.
The EU isn't going to "back down" because they just don't give a shit and why should they?
Morning Thread
Many thanks to Suzanne Rent, Philip Moscovitch, and Erica Butler for filling in for last week's Morning Files.I've been proud of the work the Examiner has published of late, not just my own work but also the other writers' work. It feels like we've hit a nice stride, and I hope we can maintain it and maybe even improve up on it.Of course, that requires consistent and growing income. Your subscriptions make this work possible. Your subscriptions pay for the ever-increasing legal bills that allow us to push the reporting into difficult areas. Your subscriptions pay for the guest writers for Morning File, which in turns free up some of my time so I can dive into longer investigative pieces. And your subscriptions pay the salaries and expenses of freelance writers who are doing excellent work. For those who have brought us this far, you have my sincere appreciation.And for those who have been putting it off, this would be an excellent time to subscribe. Thanks much!</blockquote>
Tuesday, March 05, 2019
So Many Crying Consultants Weeping At Their Yacht Catalogues
The best timeline he mentioned was based on a coast-to-coast demo drive from California to New York without the driver touching the wheel.During his TED talk yesterday, Musk reiterated that this demo drive is still planned for 2017:“November or December of this year, we should be able to go from a parking lot in California to a parking lot in New York, no controls touched at any point during the entire journey.”But Musk also said that while the driver wouldn’t have to touch the controls, he doesn’t think that it would be at a level where someone could just fall asleep at the wheel. When asked when he thinks that will be, he said about 2 years away.It would mean that between the end of the year and around 2019, Tesla could have a level 4 autonomous system enabled in second generation cars – meaning the vehicles can drive themselves without a driver as backup, but not in all conditions or environment.
If Elon wants to sell cars to suckers and take money from dumb investors, fine. Not my problem. But when he starts dangling this Jetson stuff as an alternative to an sensible transportation planning, I get a bit annoyed.
Outgrowing Ideology
Greenspan has a theory about what holds them together: In analytical people self-esteem relies on the analysis and not on the conclusions. That must be it. The three men have a mania for analysis that has bred a rigorous, unique intellectual honesty. In the Reagan Administration economic policymaking was guided not by analysis but by conclusions--specifically a belief in so-called supply-side economics. No matter what the data showed, the results among Reagan-era economists like Arthur Laffer were always the same: tax cuts and less regulation were the solution. Rubin, Greenspan and Summers have outgrown ideology. Their faith is in the markets and in their own ability to analyze them. It's unusual, Greenspan says. In Washington usually you come to the table, and everyone meets, and no one changes their mind. But with us, you have something else.This pragmatism is a faith that recalls nothing so much as the objectivist philosophy of the novelist and social critic Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged), which Greenspan has studied intently. During long nights at Rand's apartment and through her articles and letters, Greenspan found in objectivism a sense that markets are an expression of the deepest truths about human nature and that, as a result, they will ultimately be correct. Greenspan jokes that Rubin, with his background in arbitrage, may be slightly more skeptical because of his experiences with market imperfections. But they all agree that trying to defy global market forces is in the end futile. That imposes a limit on how much they will permit ideology to intrude on their actions.
Ideology is other people.
Monday, March 04, 2019
The Game
I Know It's Hard. It Isn't My Job To Do The Work.
But isn't my damn job. Every other comparable country in the world manages to deliver superior health care at a far lower cost. That part is off the shelf. The transition is the hard part, but it doesn't have to be hard for "me." It doesn't have to be expensive for "me." Other people can take care of that shit. That's what the wonks should work on, not how to make me have more skin in a game which already involves my literal skin.
Why Do We Have To Suffer
That question routinely vexes most Democratic single-payer supporters, which is why her staff quickly softened her statement to note that she and other Democrats who support Medicare for all also support back-up plans, like a Medicare buy-in or a public option. People don’t like to be told that their health plans will go away. The basic unpopularity of that proposition—people don’t get to keep what they have—is perhaps the biggest political hurdle Medicare for all supporters face, and should their objectives prove untenable it makes sense for them to have contingency plans.
But it also makes sense for Democrats to fight for their ideals in the most compelling possible way, and as close as Harris came, I think she could have gone further. Before falling back to second-best options, single-payer supporters should try to persuade people who worry about losing their current health plans that they’ll be immediately and permanently better off if they make the jump—if we all do so, together, all at once, and then never again.
The wrong idea out there is that any transition to a new thing might be A) complicated and costly and therefore B) unpopular. A) is probably true. B) is only true because in our neoliberal world few can imagine that the complications and costs don't actually have to fall on individual voters who are already busy spending two hours on the phone with Comcast.
Why should voters bear the costs? The government can eat the costs and take care of the complexity and I can show up to the doctor with my medicare card and have it be paid for.
The "wonks" want every damn person in their country to play their Fantasy Health Care System video game because that's fun to them. The rest of us just want to go to the doctor without going bankrupt and then not even being able to discharge our medical debts in bankruptcy (thanks, Kindly Old Uncle Joe Biden and many of the rest of the Democrats). The way to avoid a costly unpopular transition is to not have it be costly and complicated... for us. It doesn't have to be. Why should it?
wonk voice: what people *really* want to do is shop for health insurance every year within a narrow time window on a nonfunctioning website powered by hamsters and Windows ME.
Our Sister Network
In addition, a former Trump campaign aide says that a Fox contact gave him advance notice of a different debate question, which asked the candidates whether they would support the Republican nominee, regardless of who won. The former aide says that the heads-up was passed on to Trump, who was the only candidate who said that he wouldn’t automatically support the Party’s nominee—a position that burnished his image as an outsider.
As for this article subtitle:
Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda?
"Everybody" knows Fox is a joke now, but it isn't really any different than it was during the Bush years (the Obama years were when people whould should have known better finally started to realize). Glorification of Dear Leader was its thing then, too, it was just not as obvious because all the other networks weren't doing anything much different post 9/11.
Sunday, March 03, 2019
Donald Trump Promised A Better Health Plan
I don't want politicians to promise bullshit, but patiently explaining to stupid voters that better things are not possible in the richest country in the world doesn't get any fans except the Washington Post editorial board.
Afternoon Thread
This is independent journalism at its finest. Unfortunately, stories like Dead Wrong and the more recent John Risley's South African Adventure cost a lot of money to produce, hence the subscription button.