Wednesday, July 31, 2019
To The Left To The Left To The Left To The Left
Trump will soon start promising Nice Things, maybe even nicer things than most of the Democrats. He'll be full of shit, of course, but so are some of the Dems.
The Guardians of Our Discourse
The occasional bad tweet just reaffirms that the bad coverage generally isn't just a mistake, or an attempt to placate conservatives, but a consequence of a worldview which isn't that much different from white nationalists. Years of covering old conservative white people who like Trump (and still like Trump! just checking!) reflects the view that the are the only voters who matter, so much so that minority Americans are excluded. People in the Northeast or the West Coast don't matter. People who live in cities in the South or the Midwest don't matter. Rural minorities don't exist to them, so they don't matter. People who vote for Democrats don't matter.
Real America is what white nationalists say it is, and that drives the political coverage in the NYT and elsewhere.
If You Pretend I Said Something Different Than I Said
Saying @RashidaTlaib (D-Detroit) and @IlhanMN (D-Minneapolis) are from the Midwest is like saying @RepLloydDoggett (D-Austin) is from Texas or @repjohnlewis (D-Atlanta) is from the Deep South. C’mon.
— (((JonathanWeisman))) (@jonathanweisman) July 31, 2019
Also, I grew up in Atlanta. John Lewis was my congressman. But my first jobs were with the Marietta Daily Journal. So please don’t tell me that Atlanta is synonymous with Georgia. It isn’t.
— (((JonathanWeisman))) (@jonathanweisman) July 31, 2019
What geographic subunit of Georgia is synonymous with Georgia?
How did all the garbage people at the Times get their jobs? Meritocracy!
Garbage Newspaper
Saying @RashidaTlaib (D-Detroit) and @IlhanMN (D-Minneapolis) are from the Midwest is like saying @RepLloydDoggett (D-Austin) is from Texas or @repjohnlewis (D-Atlanta) is from the Deep South. C’mon.
— (((JonathanWeisman))) (@jonathanweisman) July 31, 2019
Deputy Washington Editor, New York Times.
Cancel your fucking subscriptions.
The Debate Winners
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Also, 1989 Was The Worst Moment In Modern American History
Buy This Book

Amazon lacks copies at the moment, but because I love you so much, dear readers, I can even give you a 30% off discount code to get it from the publisher. RLFANDF. Enter RLFANDF at the checkout page for the promo code.
...since I last checked amazon seems to also have discounted copies being sold through the site though still not from an amazon warehouse.
Yet again, Elon Musk is setting lofty goals for Tesla, claiming the upstart EV automaker's models will have a range of roughly 745 miles (1,200 kilometers) as well as full autonomous, self-driving technology by 2020.Neither of these things has happened or is going to happen (there haven't even been incremental improvements in the batteries). Musk has actually been selling "full self driving" with the bait and switch "pay for it now it's cheaper than it will be when it exists later" and while it's hard to feel too sorry for idiots who fall for this, it's still epic fraud. And it was one thing when Tesla only sold luxury vehicles and skimming a few more thousand bucks from rich suckers isn't the worst crime in the world, but now their low end vehicle is, while not cheap, not priced at luxury car levels so less than rich people are getting scammed.
Stolen Valor
During that time, Ratcliffe became a federal prosecutor, named chief of anti-terrorism and national security for the Eastern District of Texas. In 2007, Ratcliffe was named the district's acting U.S. attorney by President George W. Bush.Let the Eagle Soar
Although Ratcliffe's website says he "put terrorists in prison," there is no evidence he ever prosecuted a terrorism case.
When Obama took office, Ratcliffe went into private practice, forming the firm Ashcroft, Sutton, Ratcliffe — a Texas outpost of the Washington, D.C., law firm founded by former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Nobody Could Have Predicted
(Reuters) - General Motors Co’s self-driving unit, Cruise, said on Wednesday it was delaying the commercial deployment of cars past its target of 2019 as more testing of the vehicles was required.They no longer have a specified timeline.
Case Closed
Who Is On Speed Dial
No compromise is going to make the first side happy. Start by compromising and they'll thank you for your lunch money and demand tomorrow's, too. Keep on compromising like this and the public, whose support you need, will be increasingly unhappy.
As for who reporters have on speed dial...
Lynching Postcards
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Rat-Infested Shitholes
Saturday Morning
Just in case anyone needs something to read with their morning coffee.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Thursday, July 25, 2019
But I Have A Party To Go To
This has not, of course, stopped her from fundraising off of it. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee donor inboxes are littered with appeals signed by the speaker to, all caps, stop Trump, as if the critical brake mechanisms are being controlled by donors and not by the officials whose elections they support. It’s like watching a person drown while the lifeguard sits in her tower, performatively noting with alarm that someone is sinking into the sea and surely someone—someone!—must save the swimmer.Read the whole thing, as the kids say.
All You Gotta Do
Okay, sorry, we admit that supermajority in the Senate will include Manchin and Sinema and a few others as needed to obstruct our agenda, so maybe a supermajority plus? plus plus plus?
Mystery why people keep chucking out the party in power, whichever it is.
"We" Voted "You" Into Office
Elijah Cummings called y'all out.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 24, 2019
"I'm begging the American people to pay attention to what is going on...if you want to have a democracy intact for your children and your children's children ... we have to guard this moment. This is on our watch."
50% polling for impeachment? 70%? 90%? What's it going to take?
You guys have the power. I'm just a dumb guy with a dumb blog.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Wow So Many Crimes
Love crimes.
They Didn't Get Their Sorkin Moment
NYT colleagues reax to Mueller:@adamgoldmanNYT:
— Trip Gabriel (@tripgabriel) July 24, 2019
So far, this hearing is not revealing new ground...By tomorrow it could be forgotten in this frenetic news cycle.@maggieNYT:
Adam, I think you’re being generous with “by tomorrow.”
On the one hand, Mueller stated incredibly damning things under oath, on the other he didn't sing them in a rich, deep vibrato.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) July 24, 2019
To be fair, even the pee tape wouldn't have qualified as a Sorkin Moment because nothing does.
Journalism, how the fuck does it work?
The perennial belief that we can dictate what people should care about instead of reporting on the news...
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 24, 2019
By "people" Maggie means "her and her friends" because the New York Times does not have brain implants in the population signalling back to them what you care about.
More Thread
Mueller Day
In case I haven't been clear... the Dems have to lead if they want something to happen. The Celestial Hall Monitor will not do it for them. They seem to be unwilling to do so. Happy to be wrong!
Morning Thread
I guess I was misinformed. Damnit!
I feel like I need to be out of my pajamas and fully dressed for the outside world for this.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Tuesday Night
Bending The Cost Curve
All the talk about "bending the cost curve" and "skin in the game" was all about making employers (for group plans) and individuals (for... I dunno, your ambulance, or something) better shoppers. This was going to be the big cost cutting benefit of ACA. Cutting costs for who? Well, overall costs. Make that trend line a bit less steep. Success! Pop the wonk champagne corks. This was obviously dumb to anybody not corrupt or stupid, but alas.
One of the general theories to the ACA was that health care is too expensive in America because people paying for care aren't trying hard enough to get a good deal. The Obama administration's main plan to control costs was to make health-care buyers better shoppers. The Cadillac tax was designed to encourage employers to try to shop for cheaper insurance plans and to increase deductibles for their workers. The idea was that forcing people to have more "skin in the game" would result in them becoming smarter health-care consumers and not buying care they don't need.Imagine being in the hospital waiting for your chemo treatment and hearing the president telling you that the problem with our health care system is that people don't have enough "skin in the game." The thing about health care is that you do, by definition, have skin in the game. Your fucking skin.
The Cadillac tax was one of the main ways the ACA applied this payer-focused theory to the large employer market, while the law's new exchanges did the same for the individual and small business market. The exchanges were designed to be a central hub to make comparing plans easier, thus helping individuals be better shoppers. People on the exchanges were nudged toward high-deductible "silver" plans, and subsidies were capped so middle-class people would need to pay the full price of whatever plans they chose.
But this strategy didn't work, because the problem isn't that businesses or individuals have never thought to try to negotiate for lower premiums. Similarly, regular people can't shop smartly for care because they don't have the training to know which treatments they actually need or can skip. There is after all a reason it takes so long to become a doctor. The problem is that dominant hospital networks and drug makers with patent-protected monopolies have all the leverage to set prices as high as they can. Since the passage of ObamaCare, the average premium for an individual coverage by private employer insurance has gone from $5,049 in 2010 to $6,896 in 2018, even as the average deductible for employer coverage increased from $646 to $1,350. Since 2014, the ACA exchanges' first year, average benchmark premiums have gone from $3,276 to $5,724.
There Is Only One Way
Which is why minor lifestyle impingements, like banning plastic straws or bags, drive conservatives insane. Anything which deviates from narrow expectations is extremely frustrating.
Oh Well
The last generation of kids who will need to learn to drive has already been born, as far as Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi is concerned.Give it another 18 months.
He’s incredibly bullish on self-driving cars and expects Uber to begin putting them into service within 18 months. Khosrowshahi shared his ambitions in an interview with Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at The Year Ahead 2018 conference.
“We will have autonomous cars on the road, I believe, within the next 18 months,” Khosrowshahi said. “Not as a test case but as a real case out there.” Though he noted, “true autonomy for every single use case is some ways away.”
What If We Use The Oversight Powers We Have?
WASHINGTON —And by "do something" we mean "do nothing."
Although some Democrats want to use former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s testimony Wednesday to spark impeachment hearings, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hopes to lay the groundwork for legislation to address issues raised by the Russia investigation.
Her team is preparing a wave of measures that would likely be introduced after the August recess that starts Friday.
“We hope that hearing from Mueller will spark a sense of urgency to do something,” said a senior Democratic leadership aide, who requested anonymity to discuss the caucus’ plans.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Bad Men And The Bad Men Who Protect Them
But of course Charlie Rose wasn't just untouchable because people below him weren't going to risk their careers and reputations to try to take him down. He was untouchable because he was protected by his peers and bosses. People - mostly men, but probably not just - who didn't have to protect him. Who didn't have to create a safe space for him to abuse in. Who didn't have to sign his absurdly large checks.
You get that stuff when it's like Hollywood's Most Bankable Star who brings in the megabucks. That doesn't make it right but okay at least "it's all about the money" is an argument. But Charlie Rose? Matt Fucking Lauer? Lauer was a thing maybe in 1995 but we know there's no way he was actually pulling in his salary in added ratings and advertising bucks. Old, bald, and creepy is no way to bring in the ratings, I say as someone increasingly old, bald, and hopefully not as creepy.
The Discourse Rulers
Rose, Charlie: Television journalist."The rest of the staff" and, of course, his bosses.
Name found in Epstein’s black book.
You learn things answering phones, and in the spring of 2005, answering Charlie Rose’s phone at his PBS show, you would learn that his friend Jeffrey Epstein had some recommendations to make for whom Rose ought to hire as his next assistant. Written call logs from 2005 and 2006 show Epstein and his own assistant calling dozens of times, making plans for lunch and tea in Manhattan or to try to meet up in Paris. Epstein also called with a total of five women’s names and phone numbers. One woman was described as “world’s most perfect assistant she used to work for Harvey Weinstein he’s lucky if he can get her.” Another entry reads, “Jeffrey Epstein wants to talk to you before you call these two girls.” A fourth woman shows up on the manifests of Epstein’s jet, including on Bill Clinton’s trip across Africa, and wound up working at the Clinton Foundation. Two former staffers remember another Epstein referral, a young woman not mentioned in the logs, who interned at the show. In all, Rose hired three (“Jeffrey Epstein from time to time recommended various candidates for open positions at the Charlie Rose Show,” Rose’s representative said in a statement, but said the ex-host only learned about Epstein’s alleged abuse years later, when he pleaded guilty in Florida). When I called one of these women recently, she was stunned to learn she was one of many women Epstein recommended for the job. “I was being offered up for abuse,” said the woman, who was 22 at the time she worked for Rose. It helped her understand not only how her boss Rose — whom in 2017 she would accuse, along with 34 other adult women, of sexual harassment — had treated her, but also how the rest of the staff had seen her. And it helped her understand a grim version of networking among powerful men.
Waiting for Mueller
“The dam is holding back the floodwaters,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D., Va.). “But we are one explosive testimony, one new consequential outrage, from that dam being breached.”
— Natalie Andrews (@nataliewsj) July 22, 2019
Dems hope Mueller will turn the tide on impeachment
Turns Out Tunneling Is Hard
“I think a tunnelling thing would be pretty exciting,” Musk said later in response to a follow-up question by one of the student team members on site. “Because as I just articulated the primary challenge is how do you tunnel effectively, especially how do you put in the reinforcing segments and get the dirt out effectively – it’s harder than it seems.”Nobody could have predicted.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Fix The Insulin Problem
Laverty has Type 1 diabetes, and as of that day in 2017, he was no longer eligible for coverage under his parents’ health insurance. He found himself needing medication to live that he could not afford.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
You Can't Do It, My Friends
...adding that banning cars and have everybody take literally any other alternative means (walk, bike, mobilized bus fleet) is the only possible way a sudden mass evacuation could avoid just being a parking lot but lol not the plan.
Saturday, Saturday
....he could not have been nicer or more respectful to your favorite President, me. Then I saw the column he wrote, “Trump Will Be Re-elected, Won’t He?” He called me a Racist, which I am not, and said Rhode Island went from economically bad to great in 5 years because the.....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2019
Saturday Morning
Most of us are getting some Hot Stuff, weather we want it or not.
Friday, July 19, 2019
He Just Lies
Moments after this, he falsely accused the squad of referring to "evil Jews." This is an obscene, dangerous, and, yes, evil lie, and it went uncorrected by either the reporters at the White House or the studio anchor and panelists after they carried it unedited.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) July 19, 2019
Why Don't Democratic Senate Candidates In Purple States Support Popular Things
The reason it does compute is that those races are generally going to be tough/close races, but the calculation is not "boy if I support a higher minimum wage then the voters will get mad." The calculation is "boy if I support a higher minimum wage then the voters will like that, BUT the Chamber of Commerce types will dump a bunch of money into the race to oppose me and run ads calling me a child molester (or highlighting something else that might be unpopular about me)." Supporting the popular thing is a problem not because the popular thing is unpopular (by definition!), but because it's tough to win as a Democrat generally and extra hard if the big money comes after you.
Supporting the minimum wage will not inspire a bunch of negative ads about the minimum wage. They'll attract a bunch of money trying to take you down however they can.
It's Exotic
What Do We Want? $15 Per Hour!
It would increase the federal pay floor to $15 per hour by 2025, then index future increase to median wage gains.Better than not, but if this is the best a Dem House can do with a *message* bill that has no chance of passing in the Senate, or if on the outside chance it did.. it's the opening bid in a compromise discussion...
The minimum wage hikes would take effect on the following schedule: $8.40 in 2019, $9.50 in 2020, $10.60 in 2021, $11.70 in 2022, $12.80 in 2023, $13.90 in 2024 and $15 in 2025.
Truly inspiring.
The Wrong Brand Of Chicken Tenders
Some adults are like this too.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Lies and The Lying Liars
Some Of Our Faves
This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may - whether on Republicans or Democrats. #WeSaidEnough #MeToo
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) July 7, 2019
Likelihood this stuff just disappears?
Likely within days, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will release almost 2,000 pages of documents that could reveal sexual abuse by “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders,” according to the three-judge panel's ruling. The documents were filed during a civil defamation lawsuit brought by Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a former Mar-a-Lago locker-room attendant, against Epstein’s former girlfriend and alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell. “Nobody who was around Epstein a lot is going to have an easy time now. It’s all going to come out,” said Giuffre’s lawyer David Boies. Another person involved with litigation against Epstein told me: “It’s going to be staggering, the amount of names. It’s going to be contagion numbers.”
Ban Cars
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wednesday Night
Excuses, Excuses
The Washington Post spoke with a dozen transportation officials and executives, including current and former safety regulators, auto industry executives, safety advocacy group leaders and autonomous-vehicle competitors. In interviews, they expressed worries that Tesla’s plan to unleash robo-cars on the road on an expedited timeline — likely without regulated vetting — could result in crashes, lawsuits and confusion. Plus, they said, Tesla’s promised “full self-driving” features fall short of industry standards for a true autonomous vehicle because humans will still need to be engaged at all times and ready to intervene in the beginning. Some of the people interviewed requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.I don't think shutting down Elon's slaughterpilot is a "knee-jerk reaction."
“That concern among the industry writ large is real and valid because what potentially happens is you’re going to see fatalities in the news attributed to Tesla vehicles and the response you’re going to get from certain policymakers — kind of a knee-jerk reaction,” said a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which oversees the motor vehicle industry, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so he could comment candidly about the industry view of the company’s claims. That, in turn, will affect “other manufacturers who were a lot more deliberate, a lot more careful.”
Don't Look Under That Rock
The House Dems are slow-walking all oversight because they know that under every rock they turn over they will find more crimes and then they will have to get on teevee and talk about "self-impeaching" or some bullshit like that which is just code for "haha I think you voters are so stupid that you'll believe this shit please send money to the DCCC to stop Trump."
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Trump Racism Is Just For The Diner Rubes
But those nice suburban car dealer owners don't exactly hide their racism, and nor do rich urbanites. If elite media types can't see it it's because they share it.
These Words Are Strung Together But Do Not Have Meaning
Livingston is a software engineer for Designated Driver, a new company that’s getting into teleoperations, the official name for remotely controlling self-driving vehicles.
Related. Check the date.
In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 10, 2016
Real America Loves When He Does Raicsm
The widespread belief that it helps Trump to do his Bull Connor impression is related to the widespread belief that the most important voters in the country are blue collar whites.
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) July 16, 2019
It's implicit in all the coverage. Whenever Trump cranks up the racism political journalists cover it like they used to cover a new James O'Keefe video dropping. He's got you now, libs! But they never make the next logical point, which is that if the racism appeals, and appeals specifically to Trump's base, that is because Trump's base and by implication Real America is filled with... um... help me out? Fill in the blank?
Monday, July 15, 2019
Fractal Griftery
Ex-Fox & Friends co-host Clayton Morris has left the country amid more than two dozen lawsuits from investors who say he defrauded them in real estate deals involving properties in Indianapolis.America, love it or leave it.
Morris, who previously resided in a $1.4 million home in New Jersey, has moved with his family to a coastal resort town Portugal, according to his wife's Facebook post.
And of course.
In December 2018, Fox & Friends ran a segment about “real estate secrets” that promoted former co-host Clayton Morris’ rental property company and his recommendation that viewers buy rental properties as a passive investment. Several months later, Morris’ company is under scrutiny and he and the company are reportedly being sued by “nearly two dozen customers.”And of course.
Racism..How The Fuck Does That Work?
Perfectly Normal
"Just this morning the government became aware of a safe that contained a pile of cash, diamonds, a passport from a foreign country with a picture of the defendant under another name," Assistant U.S. Attorney Alex Rossmiller told U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.
"The passport was issued in the name of a foreign country, it was issued in the 1980s, it is expired, it shows a picture of Jeffrey Epstein, and another name," Rossmiller said, adding the passport showed Epstein's residence as Saudi Arabia.
This Is Our Emergency
The crisis provided the backdrop to an ugly back-and-forth between these progressive women of color and Nancy Pelosi and her staff, which has played out mostly on Twitter and in the mind of Maureen Dowd. In a move reminiscent of the segregated South, someone in House leadership leaked a poll of only white non-college voters to “prove” that squad members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), represent a problem in swing districts.That poll did not include just how popular Nancy Pelosi was with those same voters.
Leadership hates the "professional Left" (who mostly aren't professional) more than Trump.
New Phone Who Dis
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Advice On How To Win From A Loser
The men then turn to McCaskill, with one conceding, "I don't always agree with Claire McCaskill."This has been not just the acceptable "moderate" playbook but the expected one for decades. If it works, well ok... but when it doesn't.
"But she works hard, fighting against those tariffs, doing all those town halls," the man adds. "Claire's not afraid to stand up against her own party."
"Yep," the second man chimes in, "and Claire's not one of those crazy Democrats. She works right in the middle and finds compromise."
Trump and Pelosi And The House Democrats Agree
This is unfair, of course, but Pelosi has been foaming the runway for this stuff by singling out these 4 women while letting a bunch of "centrist" white guys get away with much "worse" if "shit talking the party" is how we define "bad." So-called moderates have been running against the party forever. It's why they are called "moderates." When they tried to unseat Pelosi, the lefties stood up for her.
Followers of Jesus
Being an evil piece of shit or a big hypocrite doesn't make him not a Christian. If he says he's a Christian, he is one. Pointing out that he's a Bad Christian just lends credence to the idea that embracing the label somehow should make you Good. Nothing against religion or Christianity but while it doesn't necessarily make you Bad, it also obviously doesn't necessarily make you Good. "But Mr. Pence, you're a Christian, and according to Jesus you must be Good!" This just lets him continue cloaking himself in false Goodness. That nice Mr. Pence can't be Bad, he's a Christian! Not how it works.
Sunday Morning
I guess the moral of the story is that when the justice system completely fails, as it did here, investigative reporters are our last resort. It takes time and money. Consider a contribution to the The Examiner's Legal Fund, or take out a subscription.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
This Is Our Emergency
Vote them all out.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Not One Sorry Asshole In DC
Lillard felt emboldened to do something as plainly ridiculous as sending out a mass “on background” email, an act inherently disdainful of real journalistic practices, because she knew no one would break the terms of engagement. Not one sorry asshole in DC would do that. Wong’s source felt comfortable throwing out a racist accusation against AOC because they knew Wong wouldn’t break their agreement and publish their name.
That, I’m afraid, is this town.
Starting around May 2016, Uber projected in public and private presentations that it would manufacture 13,000 autonomous vehicles by 2019, only to change that forecast four months later to over 75,000 units. The company also said that human safety drivers, who take over the wheel when an AV needs help, would not be required on its cars by 2020. And in 2022, the company declared, tens of thousands of fully self-driving Uber taxis would be in 13 of the largest cities.I guess I already told them for free on this dumb blog.
As it turns out, even Uber didn’t have any faith in these claims. According to the released court files, nobody at Uber vetted its AV deployment figures, which Eric Meyhofer, head of Uber’s Advanced Technologies Group, described as nothing but “hypothetical scenarios.” He added, “They are assumptions and estimates. I don’t think anything in this document would be described as accurate. It’s a set of knobs you turn to try to understand parameters that you need to try to meet.” Perhaps more damning, the Uber employee responsible for the forecasts said that while she was designing them, executives had asked her “to think about a way” to show accelerated Uber AV development.
Making cheaper LIDAR will make them cheaper to produce, when they work. which they don't.
The vast majority of self-driving developers, however, consider the laser sensor not vestigial but a crucial element of a safe, capable system. That’s why many of those outfits have developed their own systems (like Waymo) or acquired lidar makers (like Cruise, Aurora, and Argo). It’s also why everyone who hasn’t taken such steps should welcome Luminar’s announcement Thursday that it has developed a production-ready lidar that will cost as little as $500—cheap enough to make it work not just on robotaxis, but on consumer vehicles.
If they can't make it work with the expensive LIDAR, they can't make it work with the cheap one, as cost isn't a barrier to "making it work," it's just a barrier to making it a commercially viable product.
This was my favorite recent Musk (who thinks even LIDAR is unnecessary) tweet.
Intersections with complex traffic lights & shopping mall parking lots are the two biggest software challenges. Developer branch already mostly works in these scenarios, but massive effort required to get to 99.9999% safety.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 8, 2019
It's especially funny because he's been touting his will be released any day now, 3 months, 6 months tops, "advanced summons" feature which supposedly lets you press a button and have your car come find you in the parking lot. Suddenly he realizes this is actually a hard problem, not an easy one (it is! parking lots are a nightmare! how did he not realize this before...)
Hashtag Resistance
DEMOCRATIC UNITY has been postponed until next week ...
— Scott Wong (@scottwongDC) July 12, 2019

That's Just Trump
Thursday, July 11, 2019
I Guess Someone Convinced Him
President Donald Trump is expected to announce later Thursday he is backing down from his effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and will instead take executive action that instructs the Commerce Department to obtain an estimate of U.S. citizenship through other means, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
Nothing Wrong With This Plan
In a statement Saturday, Pelosi said that while many Americans will attend religious services Sunday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents will carry out “heartless raids” authorized by Trump.(somehow I missed this before)
“It is my hope that before Sunday, leaders of the faith-based community and other organizations that respect the dignity and worth of people will call upon the President to stop this brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities,” Pelosi wrote.
Giving The Game Away
Trump: gonna do all the crimes
Pelosi: keep on self-impeaching
Trump: thinking of even more crimes now
The Only Way To Get Ahead
Al Franken had a joke he'd tell when he gave corporate speeches (back before he was a senator), something like he'd survey the room and say "Oh, I see affirmative action has had a big impact on this company" (audience chuckles knowingly). All you have to do is look around and know how ridiculous it is.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Our Faves
Loyalties And Hierarchies
Harpootlian characterized Harris’ debate assault as below-the-belt given Biden’s past political support for her and Harris’ friendship with Beau Biden.Harpootlian is a "top Biden South Carolina surrogate, former state Democratic Party."
“It’s not right, it’s distressing. It shows a lack of integrity: win at any cost,” Harpootlian said. “Why is she taking that shot when Joe Biden and his son did everything they could to help her? It was more of a comment about her than it was about Joe Biden.”
Also, the lede:
Joe Biden intended to stay above the fray. He wasn’t going to punch down at opponents, or embark on any apology tours for past votes or statements. Creating a sense of inevitability was the goal."There is me, and then there is a fray. How dare the fray drag me down into the fray!!!"
Wednesday, Wednesday
Tuesday, July 09, 2019
We Don't Need No Stinking Oversight
WASHINGTON — The poor treatment of migrant children at the hands of U.S. border agents in recent months extends beyond Texas to include allegations of sexual assault and retaliation for protests, according to dozens of accounts by children held in Arizona collected by government case managers and obtained by NBC News.
What Does It Explain It
Even when it involves covering up child trafficking and rape.
With Great Power Comes Blah Blah Blah
Ramping Up, 3 Months, 6 Months Tops
Several key Tesla engineering managers working on its Autopilot semi-automated driving feature left the company after CEO Elon Musk told some employees he was unhappy with the progress in developing fully automated driving capabilities, according to one current and one former Tesla employee who have been involved in the effort. He is also upset that some team members have told him they can’t meet the timelines he has set for developing the technology, they said.It can't be done. "We" can debate the value and quality of various driver assist technologies - and how they should be marketed and used - but the "robotaxi" fantasy is not happening before I hit retirement age.
In The Old Times
At this point, the Trump administration is just saying "we are going to continue doing crimes and you can't stop us and hahaha you aren't even trying."
Self-impeaching, twirling twirling twirling.
Monday, July 08, 2019
Monday Evening
A+ Trolling
What is President Trump going to do to win the voters who rejected him in 2016?The thing is even though he's trolling it's actually a perfectly reasonable non-trolling column, but instead of these we see 400 of the mirror versions from nevertrumpers and "moderate Democrats."
It’s a serious question. Roughly 137 million people voted in the last presidential election. Most of them — about 74 million people, or 54 percent of all ballots cast — did not vote for Trump. His self-proclaimed “massive landslide” rests on a thin margin of victory in just three states.
Once in office, Trump abandoned the heterodox Republicanism of his campaign for hard-right policies opposed by most Americans. He fought to repeal the Affordable Care Act. When that failed, he pushed for an unpopular upper-income tax cut. He reveled in cruelty toward immigrants and took the side of racist demonstrators in Charlottesville, Va. He governs for his base alone, with no sense or understanding of the collective good.
Rich Men Behaving Criminally
One would think the sex trafficking of minors would be a line for some, but, well...
Sunday, July 07, 2019
This Is Our Emergency
Sunday, Sunday
Sunday Morning Thread
Saturday, July 06, 2019
Rich Guy Pedophile Ring
Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources. The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.
Status Quo
And no I'm not saying that's all Clinton ran on, but when the party in power gets chucked out...
*wikipedia tells me the title of his Phd was "Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945–1960." Oh boy.
Friday, July 05, 2019
Me Too, Really
For the newcomers, this is completely foreign. To them, Republicans shouldn’t be feared, they should be beaten. Ocasio-Cortez told me that she treats Republicans like buffoons because that’s how they’ve behaved for as long as she can remember. “Even before I was of voting age, I saw Republicans accuse the Obamas of doing a ‘terrorist fist bump,’ so they’ve been clowns since I was a teen,” she said.You shouldn't have to be as young as she is to see this.
Activate The Omega 13
Biden says he might nominate Merrick Garland to SCOTUS again.
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) July 5, 2019
So while Republicans nominate young conservatives to shift the court's balance for decades to come, he might respond by nominating a 66-year-old moderate.
Friday Crass Commercialism
Also these drives are tiny now.
And then there are the real hacks. The paid spinners. Probably cable news should not rely on these people so much, but they've got a job to do and they do it.
But hackery in the age of Trump is off the charts, even by people who aren't (at least directly) paid to be hacks. If Trump put his gold toilet out on the White House lawn and went out there naked to do his business every day at noon, they'd praise the new aura of nobility* he had brought to the office. It's quite nuts.
*Historically this is something actual nobles would probably do, as they often weren't exactly drawn from the finest gene pool, but this would not be what they meant.
The War On Public Higher Education
I claim no knowledge of Alaska, but in general a state which provides no real opportunities for its young people to stay except in the declining resource extraction industry is probably not doing itself any favors.
But Trump Was Always Like This
Morning Thread
Thursday, July 04, 2019
America Is Truly Great
This is a reminder that we are all very lucky to live in the real America, where not only can we make fun of buffoons like Stephens, but also buffoons like Stephens are allowed to make ever-greater fools of themselves for our entertainment.
These are incredibly silly people and they run the country.
Trump Rally
Wednesday, July 03, 2019
Moral Crisis
This is a policy magazine. We write about what’s happening in our country and our world, and we outline how it can be improved. There will be a time for applying such analysis to border policy. (My early read is that it will be politically wrenching, practically challenging, and generally tragic.) But that time must wait for the moral crisis at the border to cease. There can be no path forward in a continuous period of human rights abuses, where the United States stands in perpetual violation of refugee obligations and international law. This is a time only of action, not strongly worded letters or battle cries or even the words you’re reading right now.
Thinking about whether middle America is ready for a more welcoming immigration policy while state-sponsored torture is occurring would be like wondering about the political practicalities of busing while the bodies of the three civil rights workers in Mississippi during Freedom Summer were exhumed, or the four little girls at the church in Birmingham, Alabama. The state is carrying out a sadistic fantasy, repressing Hispanic men, women, and children for sport. They’re doing it intentionally, with purpose and glee. The primary question, the only question worth asking, is what those in power, and those of us with only the power to enter the streets, are going to do about it.
Proved Fucking Right
My favorite was Will Saletan's mea culpa, in which he basically wrote "the problem with supporting the Iraq war is now it's going to be harder to go to war with Iran."
War is the thing, is the thing.
Insurance Rates Are Gonna Skyrocket
Level 2+/3- (best described as “Hands-off, eyes-on, mind-on”): This is not an SAE automation level, but it approximates to a system with operational design domain (ODD) limits maintained via over-the-air updates and an advanced IR vision DMS to permanently monitor driver state. Level 2+/3- will be distinguishable from Level 2 by long duration lane centering for a “highway assist” function — à la Autopilot.
GM’s updated Super Cruise will meet the definition for Level 2+/3- in 2020 and you can expect similar systems to be launched by every OEM by 2023. Tesla’s Autopilot/Full self-driving will be classed as Level 2+/3- with the addition of an ODD and IR vision DMS.
In a Level 2+/3- system the human driver will be liable at all times — including when the highway assist function is operational. The legal position for the driver would therefore be: “You engage it, you are liable for it.”
This idea is gibberish. The eyes-on, mind-on standard does nothing. It doesn't matter how much you're paying attention if your car decides to drive into a median (or a pedestrian) at 65 MPH. There's no way to realize it's happening and react quickly enough. If your response is "well the cars will be good enough that they won't drive into the median" then there's no reason for the eyes-on, mind-on concept and there's no reason for the drivers to be individually liable if the car fails.
I Guess The Sternly Worded Tweets Haven't Been Enough
Morning Thread
Tuesday, July 02, 2019
Evening Thread
....dotard lost again.
The Trump administration has begun printing the 2020 census without including a question about citizenship status, seemingly bringing an end to a contentious legal battle that reached the highest court in the land.
In an email obtained by CBS News to attorneys who have been leading the court fight, a lawyer from the Justice Department wrote that "the decision has been made" to print the census without the question and that printing had already begun. The Justice Department confirmed the move later Tuesday afternoon, as did the Commerce Department.
We Do Love Children
It's usually not as bad as kiddie concentration camps, of course, but...
Same As It's Always Been
The ratio is preserved.
If Only There Was Some Means Of Communicating Your Brilliant Plan
It's July. The executive branch has said "fuck you, no" to basically everything, even claiming the power to prevent former employees from testifying as if they made any sense at all.
yassss queen.
Oversight Over
Morning Thread
Use Atrios's link to Amazon on the left side of the page and support the blog. It's a win, win, win type situation.
Monday, July 01, 2019
And The Next Step Is
Just left the 1st CBP facility.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 1, 2019
I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me.
Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets.
This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.
Anyone who thinks that students have disproportionate power even at their institutions, let alone in society generally, is an idiot. Are students dumb and wrong sometimes? Of course! Do colleges occasionally listen to dumb and wrong students? Actually not that often! But this entire genre in our elite publications is so stupid.
Speed Trap
When a camera catches a vehicle going more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit — 25 m.p.h. on most streets — a $50 fine is mailed to the registered owner.
“It’s going to mean you’re going to have to drive at a safe speed in New York,” Polly Trottenberg, the city’s transportation commissioner, said of the speed camera program
“It’s going to mean you’re going to have to drive at a safe speed in New York,” Polly Trottenberg, the city’s transportation commissioner, said of the speed camera program.
“New York City is going to become just one big speed trap,” said Shelia Dunn, a spokeswoman for the National Motorists Association, a grass-roots advocacy group that opposes speed cameras. “Making every street in New York into a school speed zone is not really going to protect people.”
Cruel Trick
Stakeholders at the University of Alaska system spent the weekend preparing for a difficult future after the state’s governor cut 41 percent of the system’s state appropriations through a line-item budget veto.
University leaders have begun an uphill battle to lobby members of the Legislature to override the veto and have warned that if they are unsuccessful, they will have to take drastic cost-saving measures.
Governor Mike Dunleavy had previously promised extensive cuts to the state’s operating budget, which university leaders, working with legislators, thought they had averted. But on Friday, Dunleavy vetoed portions of the budget passed by the Legislature -- taking the largest chunk from the University of Alaska system. The veto resulted in the university losing $130 million in state support. Dunleavy has indicated that the statewide cuts would enable an increase in contribution to the Alaska Permanent Fund. The fund provides a dividend to state residents based on oil revenue.