It’s wild to me how people crawled over my 60 mins interview with a fine-toothed comb to find any word or reason to claim I’m unfit for the job, yet here Kevin McCarthy (the GOP Leader!) is a bumbling, sloppy, dishonest mess & his mediocrity is accepted as a matter of course.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 30, 2019
Monday, September 30, 2019
Drag Him
Following The Worms Around The Brain Maze
Saint Rudy Of 9/11
A Lot Of Crimeing Is Okay
In some ways Trump shaking down everybody to stay in his stupid hotels seems like the most inconsequential of his crimeing, but it's also one that's clearly in the constitution. In addition, while the US has all kinds of corruption in politics, the simple "put a big sack of money on the desk" kind has arguably not been so dominant, at least in federal politics. Leaving that door open is... a problem.
The Good Republicans
I don't know if Joe Biden (and others) believe this idea that they've all been mesmerized by that mastermind Trump, and once Trump is gone they'll all be back to being a reasonable again. The first part about Trump is ridiculous, and the "again" part also is.
But If You Can't Solve Parking Lots
Anyway my bigger point is whatever happens with automated vehicle technology generally, the focus on "robotaxis" was always absurd, both as a technological issue and as the idea that it was the path to riches for companies like Uber. Making them kinda sorta work in a geofenced bit of a slice of suburbanish Phoenix or newer California after a years-long dedicated effort is very different from creating something which can adapt to the mean streets of San Francisco or Philadelphia.
And more realistic applications, such as fixed or semi-fixed route shuttle systems in lower density environments, while more likely to be technologically feasible, aren't much more likely to be something communities are going to invest in. Sure drivers are expensive, but so are roboshuttles, and demand for these things is likely to be too low in most places where people they imagine they should be for the same reasons systems with drivers have low demand in these places. What if a bus was more like a taxi is always the fantasy, and the idea is that if you make them driverless this is for some reason more possible, but it still doesn't make any sense.
Just Like Any Other President
The AP simply ignores Trump’s civil war threat and his call for Schiff to be tried for treason.
— Dan Froomkin (@froomkin) September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
There's A Little Green Man In My Head
Nobody Puts "Party Over Country"
Mitch McConnell doesn't put "party over country," he uses political power to get what he wants in ways some people find distasteful and other people cheer.
If people are bad it isn't because of party allegiance. They might be concerned with their individual fortune as it is linked to various things, but nobody cares about The Party. They're bad people who are using and maybe abusing power. This is dumb.
...adding that this is just another version of "The problem with Washington is TOO MUCH PARTISANSHIP" which is about 3 centimeters away from "The problem with Washington is TOO MUCH DEMOCRACY." Bad people who are bad is the problem.
No Issues At All Here
A military official formerly in charge of all White House communications for the U.S. Army at Mar-a-Lago was sentenced to three years of probation on Friday after he made false statements to a federal agent during a child pornography investigation.
Richard Ciccarella — a non-commissioned officer who told federal agents he was in charge of communications at President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach resort — became a target of an investigation after he uploaded photos of a young girl to a seedy Russian website between 2017 and 2018, according to court documents.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
And His Hair Was Perfect
Parking Lots Are Hard
Musk is unleashing his supposedly better "smart summons" which allows you to supposedly push a button and have your car find you in a parking lot. Even as advertised it's more limited than this. It has to be fairly close, you have to hold the button at all times for it to move, and you're supposed to keep an eye on it and take your finger off the button for sudden braking (your only option if things go wrong).
It is not going to go well.
So, @elonmusk - My first test of Smart Summon didn't go so well. @Tesla #Tesla #Model3
— Roddie Hasan - راضي (@eiddor) September 28, 2019
(people are posting videos of actual crashes but as I don't want to help them torpedo their insurance claim I won't repost them)
Waiting For Morning Joseph
This Is Excellent News For John McCain
Executive Director of the McCain Institute Kurt Volker resigned from his position as the U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine Friday, following reports he collaborated with Ukraine and President Donald Trump.
An ASU official confirmed Volker's resignation Friday, and said the University could not speak about his future at ASU because the University does not comment on personnel matters.
Friday, September 27, 2019
I get cranky, but my real point with the New York Times is that if you like their product give them money, but don't give them money because you think it's your civic duty to do so. Giving money to the New York Times for the sake of journalism is like giving money to Harvard for the sake of higher education. Maybe they both do good things, maybe they are both in the net good institutions, but even though they like your money they are the last ones that actually need it. I mean give it to Princeton instead of Harvard (don't give it Princeton, either, but you get the point). Still if you like the crosswords or whatever else, pay the bill.
That doesn't mean you should give it to a dumb blog instead, but even a really shitty right wing local newspaper is probably going to cover issues that wouldn't otherwise get covered. Someone should tell you about the plan to close the local elementary school at least. Mainstream national news coverage from big media institutions isn't going to disappear. Less mainstream less national coverage (especially the latter) will. "I pay for journalism because it's important" isn't a wrong idea, but the New York Times is the wrong place to funnel this sentiment.
Obama People Are Big Hypocrites So Checkmate Libs
Much of the criticism of us yesterday came from Obama administration folks. Here are their stats and their legacy on this issue:
— Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) September 27, 2019
So the federal government did one thing which was maybe bad (going after illegal leakers to the press), and a newspaper, which is not the federal government, did a totally different thing (potentially outing a whistleblower who tried to do things through legal means and was prevented by illegal acts of his superiors) WHICH WAS NOT BAD SO STOP SAYING THAT, and all of our critics worked for the Obama administration (you guys did not know this, but I did! I think), so checkmate libs!
Often with this fucking newspaper their particular misdeeds don't even matter that much, it's that you frequently get windows into their totally broken fucking brains and realize "these are not the people who should be ruling our discourse."
MAGA Brain
Never especially optimistic, but maybe it's time to treat the brain worms guy as just a guy with brain worms who happens to be a president who loves crimes.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
This Stuff Is Unacceptable
And the reason for impeachment isn't to shave a few more points off of Trump's approval rating. I think serious investigations and hearings can do this, contrary to fears that we might make the MAGAs mad and then, um, something. But it isn't the point.
The point is to highlight all the things that are unacceptable in our too powerful executive and, to the extent that this Congress can, draw some lines.
As I've said repeatedly, "impeachment" wasn't the only way to do this, but failing to do it in other ways, combined with Barr's increasing suggestions that anything but impeachment (and soon even that) is just illegitimate behavior by Congress, made it more inevitable.
The man has spent years doing obvious crimes and bragging about them. Sternly worded tweets and pleas for Republican Daddies to save us were never going to be enough. Gotta use the power.
Limiting it to one thing and getting off the table as fast as possible isn't going to be enough.
Assuming there is no chance of the Republican Senate convicting Trump, and I still don’t think there is, an impeachment vote on one solitary scandal amounts to a vote of censure: a weightless illusion of accountability, and a chance for members of our political class to say that our system worked as intended when it really has not done so for some time now. Censure only humbles a person with respect for the system. Trump isn’t terrified of the prospect of an eternal asterisk in his Wikipedia entry labeled “impeached.” He’s terrified that people will actually find out every rotten thing he and his kids have been up to.
And In Other News
Where have you parked your Tesla?
— Tesla (@Tesla) September 26, 2019
But also, who cares?
Our Smart Summon feature means your car collects *you* from the parking lot.
(trick question as there are two)
What's It For
In lieu of justice, what I would like is answers. I would like the full story, a complete and detailed account of everyone’s involvement in everything. The whistleblower’s complaint is in large part an explanation of how dedicated the White House is to avoiding public disclosure of malfeasance. The fact that we are able to read it today is proof that impeachment is not a goal in and of itself, but a tool for ferreting out the truth. It should convince any skeptic that an impeachment inquiry should be wide-ranging and inclusive of all the president’s most serious scandals, from his apparent family history of tax fraud, to his ongoing abuse of office for self-enrichment, to his well-documented attempts at obstruction of justice.
The New York Times counts twelve active congressional investigations into White House misconduct. The speed with which the Ukraine scandal has unfolded, and the administration’s panicked acquiescence to disclosure demands once House Democrats made impeachment semi-official, should be a blueprint for getting to the bottom of all of those things.
Almost Lunch Thread
..."Yes I do think my readers are stupid. Now stop complaining and subscribe!!!!"
I deleted a tweet I wrote last night that didn't give the full picture of the story I helped report yesterday with 9 colleagues on voters' reaction to impeachment. There were a range of views from all over the country. It wasn't focused on swing voters
— Sabrina Tavernise (@stavernise) September 26, 2019
That Fucking Newspaper
I talked with six swing voters today. Impeachment repelled every one of them. This could cost Dems at polls. Great Iowa and Colorado insights from @tripgabriel and @jackhealyNYT
— Sabrina Tavernise (@stavernise) September 26, 2019
Ah, yes, the American swing voter. The MAGA mom. The woman who voted for Trump in 2016 and Republicans in 2018. The guy with the Robert E. Lee portrait. The woman who went to 23 Trump rallies.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Fall Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 5
2 millionth contributor gets a lifetime supply of nugs!
Clown Show
A lesson in the extreme difficulty of unshitting the bed.
I'm sure Trump is surrounded by only complete idiots at this point, and also that he's just randomly raging at people to DO SOMETHING.
Who Hates Him
Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call - got them by surprise!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
President brain worms thinks it's great, though. Either the people who work with him are as dumb as he is or after hours of him raging they just said, "ah, fuck it, this is great for you, Mr. President. Release it, asshole."
Not A Transcript
President Trump told his Ukrainian counterpart to work with the U.S. attorney general to investigate the conduct of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and offered to meet with the foreign leader at the White House after he promised to conduct such an inquiry, according to a newly-released transcript of the call.
The transcript, in keeping with White House practice, is a memorandum of a telephone conversation and is not a verbatim account of the conversation. The text reflects the notes and memories of officials in the Situation Room. A disclaimer in the transcript warns that a number of factors “can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent.”
The article+headline refers to it 6 times as a transcript before that 12th paragraph.
But PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT is, well, it's the president.
Morning Thread
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
America's Mayor
“Rudy — he did all of this,” one U.S. official said. “This s---show that we’re in — it’s him injecting himself into the process.”
Several officials traced their initial concerns about the path of U.S.-Ukrainian relations to news reports and interviews granted by Giuliani in which he began to espouse views and concerns that did not appear connected to U.S. priorities or policy.
The former New York mayor appears to have seen Zelensky, a political neophyte elected president of Ukraine in April and sworn in in May, as a potential ally on two political fronts: punishing those Giuliani suspected of playing a role in exposing the Ukraine-related corruption of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and delivering political ammunition against Biden.
Don't Walk It Back
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump
Don't want anybody, a few hours from now, being like "oh, actually, it's a committee to form a committee."
I know I'm skeptical, but why go with a clear message when a muddled one is so more muddled?
He Admitted The Crimes To Lester Holt
Point being... that there should be impeachment hearings to make the case to the public is clear. There should be no doubt that the right vote is to vote to impeach based on what we already know.
I don't know how you start this (if they are) without knowing that, but....
The Democrats!
Are They Gonna Do It
Solar Shingle
In October 2016, Musk whipped up solar-product excitement by unveiling a “solar roof” on the old set of ABC’s “Desperate Housewives.” The roof integrated solar cells with shingles, which were to be sold through Tesla stores and available for commercial deployment.
The shingle Musk held turned out to be fake, but that was not widely known when Tesla shareholders voted to acquire SolarCity in November, 2016.
Only Realistic Path
The answer to "what're you going to do about it?" was, too many times, "absolutely nothing."
Nobody Understands The UK Political System
Fun times.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Totally Normal President
President Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to hold back almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine at least a week before a phone call in which Trump is said to have pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the son of former vice president Joe Biden, according to three senior administration officials.
Fall Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 3!
Gonna get that Nobel prize with your help.
Waiting For The Moment
Then then they want all the Wise Old Men Of Washington (who are almost all Republicans, it's weird) to agree that Trump must go, and for Mitch get get on board, and then it just happens all very easily and requires no work.
Green Lanternism
Without signing a single new law, the next president can lower prescription drug prices, cancel student debt, break up the big banks, give everybody who wants one a bank account, counteract the dominance of monopoly power, protect farmers from price discrimination and unfair dealing, force divestment from fossil fuel projects, close a slew of tax loopholes, hold crooked CEOs accountable, mandate reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, allow the effective legalization of marijuana, make it easier for 800,000 workers to join a union, and much, much more. We have compiled a series of essays to explain precisely how, and under what authority, the next president can accomplish all this.Much in our system prevents action and spreads blame around, but presidents do have power so stop saying they don't.
Almost Nobody Actually Gets Cancelled
We have elections every two years. We have presidential elections every 4, and that process basically takes up 2 years. The window for doing anything about anything is apparently very small.
The UK Civil Aviation Authority announced at about 2am that Thomas Cook Group has ceased trading with immediate effect, with all flights and holidays cancelled.
Peter Fankhauser, the chief executive of Thomas Cook, said the tour operator’s
collapse was a “matter of profound regret” as he apologised to the company’s
“millions of customers, and thousands of employees”.
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said the government had asked it to launch a repatriation programme over the next two weeks, starting on Monday and running to Sunday 6 October, to bring Thomas Cook customers back to the UK.
Dozens of charter planes have been brought in from as far afield as Malaysia to assist with the mass airlift.
Transport secretary Grant Shapps said all customers currently abroad with Thomas Cook who are booked to return to the UK over the next two weeks will be brought home as close as possible to their booked return date, in “the biggest peacetime repatriation in UK history” and asked for patience from travellers as the returns were sorted out.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
So What Are You Going To Do About It
Potentially significant. In new letter to lawmakers, PELOSI says if the admin fails to turn over whistleblower complaint, the investigation will enter “a whole new stage”
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
What's It All About Then
I'm 47 and I'm tired of trying to save the world. Give me all of your money to make me less tired!!! (joke, ok not joke)
Remember When
You don't recall.
Saturday Afternoon
Give me all your money!
Friday, September 20, 2019
Late Night
Left to right (upside down first shot)
Trevor Rabin is 65
Jon Anderson is 74
Alan White is 70
Tony Kaye is 74
Chris Squire is dead, would be 71
Fit To Hissy
But for a lot of reasons also too long for the margin of this blog post, including the "impeachment is the only way to hold anyone who has ever even looked at the president accountable" view voiced by our great and wonderful Attorney General, it's gotta happen.
Like many things which "gotta happen" including that winning lottery ticket it won't actually happen, but...
With Great Power Blah Blah Blah
The oldest boomers are about 74.
The oldest millennials are about 38.
Xers are a myth.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Rich People Are Dumb (Or Lying As They Talk Their Book)
Ellison, who sits on the board of Tesla (TSLA), and considers Elon Musk a close friend, also asserted that Tesla could roll out a ride-sharing service with autonomously driven cars at prices two-thirds below what Uber charges, while also ensuring people get to their destinations safely.Robotaxis are coming any day now. Six months, a year, tops, depending on regulatory approval.
Good Thing It's Friday
Here's one for your MIND.
Information Flow
Well At Least There Is The Power Of The Purse
Pelosi has been firm in telling her caucus that Democrats needed to back a “clean” funding measure, and so far, many progressives and Latino Democrats have agreed to hold their fire for later this fall, unwilling to block the bill and take blame for a shutdown.And then in November after the election [voice in earpiece: there is no election] I mean, um, in November things will be different because, um?
I got nothin'.
Stop Bothering
I guess the only plan is they reduce the witness to a blubbering pile of goo like in some ridiculous courtroom drama... I CONFESS I CONFESS!!! I HELPED TRUMP DO ALL THE CRIMES!!!
Which won't happen, and even if it does the NYT headline will be:
Confession of Trump's Crimes Creates A Dilemma For DemocratsWhich would be ridiculous, but I have to admit, not actually wrong.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pelosi's Going To Be So Mad
The whistleblower complaint that has triggered a tense showdown between the U.S. intelligence community and Congress involves President Trump’s communications with a foreign leader, according to two former U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
When Winter Comes The Gorillas Simply Freeze To Death
Leach says scientists are worried that the invaders could alter the ecology of forests, killing off some species. "We're also starting to see early indications of displacement of other insects, and, as a result, displacement of birds as well," she says.
What could stop them? Leach mentions a idea that seems a little crazy at first. Maybe, if the problem came from China, the solution could, too.
You see, in China, the lanternfly has natural enemies that hold it in check. They are tiny wasps, so small you barely see them.
Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, working with colleagues from China, have brought two of these wasps to the U.S. under tight security. The wasps are under quarantine in a couple of USDA labs.
Communicate True Things Clearly To Readers/Viewers
But I've said this, like most things, a million times since I have been blogging and here we still are.
What's It All About Then
Boris Johnson expressed surprise to his advisers during lunch with Jean-Claude Juncker as he was informed about the scale of checks still needed on the island of Ireland under his alternative plan for the Irish border, according to EU sources.
The two-hour lunch in Luxembourg was said by both sides to have been “positive” but EU officials conceded the advantage for them had been in being able to spell out the problems directly to the prime minister. “It seems to have helped the penny drop,” said one diplomatic source.
During talks with Juncker and the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, the prime minister was shown in detail how allowing Northern Ireland to stick to common EU rules on food and livestock, known as sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), would still fail to avoid checks on the vast majority of goods that cross the Irish border.
Gotta Eat, Drink, and Breathe
There are two big changes at the heart of the new regulations.
One is the increasing delegation of inspection responsibilities to local plant employees, who are not obligated to have undergone any particular training in food safety or regulatory compliance.
The other is an increase in “line speeds.” Faster line speeds mean that more pigs can be killed each minute, which increases capacity for the slaughterhouses but also makes some inspection tasks much harder to carry out. In September, the Trump administration approved faster line speeds for poultry. The administration is also looking into reforming the regulations for beef.
Our Failed Media Experiment
BARRY BERKE: Did you hear that sir? That was you saying, on MSNBC, you don't ever remember the president ever asking you to get involved with Jeff Sessions or the Department of Justice in any way, shape, or form. That wasn't true, was it sir?CNN:
BERKE: And that was not true, was it?
LEWANDOWSKI: I have no obligation to be honest with the media 'cause they're just as dishonest as anybody else.
COMING UP: Former Trump campaign manager @CLewandowski_ LIVE on @CNN's @NewDay at 8amET on yesterday's contentious hearing and impeachment.
— Javi Morgado (@javimorgado) September 18, 2019
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Atlantic Festival will open next Tuesday with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in conversation with The Atlantic’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg, kicking off three full days of events from September 24-26, 2019, at the Harman Center for the Arts and venues across Washington, D.C.’s Penn Quarter neighborhood. Also just announced: Kirstjen Nielsen, former Secretary of Homeland Security; and Disney CEO Bob Iger in conversation with Laurene Powell Jobs, founder and president of Emerson Collective, which is the majority owner of The Atlantic.
A Tribute To Cokie Roberts
Political journalist George Will, who worked with Roberts on ABC's This Week, said Roberts was not just born to the political class but was a natural inhabitant.
"She liked people on both sides of the aisle and had friends on both sides of the aisle," Will told NPR. "If you don't like the game of politics, I don't see how you write about it well," he said. "She liked the game of politics and she understood that it was a game."
Will said that although Washington is a "town of short leases," with people constantly coming and going, Roberts represented the permanent Washington, a kind of figure who was constant through decades of political change: "The Washington not often denounced by people who denounce Washington because they don't know it exists," Will said. "Cokie represented the durable, ongoing Washington that is a custodian of the manners of the city and the sociability of the city that makes it really function."
All Options Are Off The Table
What could go wrong?
Why Would You Think That
For three years I have been trying to popularize the phrase #LearnedHelplessness among Democrats.
— Jeff Hauser (@jeffhauser) September 17, 2019
Here's @playbookplus providing the latest support for my thesis.
caveat that these "sources" could be anybody, but.. All signs do point to Democrats wanting to win because Republicans lose, which is basically what every non-presidential election in my lifetime has been like. Hopefully they pants themselves and we can trip over the finish line.
And, ok, but what are the Democrats going to do about it? They don't have infinite power, but I keep wondering if they've gamed it out at all? And so far the answer is no.
Mr. Lewandowski, please answer the question.
Thank you for your time and service, Mr. Lewandowski.
The only possible game is that both sides are deliberately running out the clock which is about to run out.
Monday, September 16, 2019
"Level Of Sophistication"
“This attack had a level of sophistication we have not seen before,” a congressional source said.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 16, 2019
US officials said there was extremely compelling evidence showing the origination point of the strikes, and one official with direct knowledge described that evidence as imagery.
Sure They're Incompetent And Evil
Sen. Chris Coons: "This may well be the thing that calls for military action against Iran, if that's what the intelligence supports."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) September 16, 2019
Also, love our troops, who have a great leader, Donald Trump.
Why do people think we're wimps? Mystery.
Just Tell Us Who To Shoot
Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2019
One thing I find fascinating is basically everybody who works in DC in any capacity has been dreaming of war with Iran for decades and somehow they can't make it happen. I don't quite understand the desire for war in Iran (I've heard all the explanations and none of them make any sense to me, even from the perspective of the "crazy people want to bomb everybody"), but I admittedly also don't understand how they haven't managed to make it happen.
Age Is A Funny Thing
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How Is This Newspaper Real
For posterity.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) September 15, 2019
Something is wrong with the people who go to work at the New York Times.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Rabid Lambs Of The Internet
For years I never really understood this but recently somebody explained it to me. I though they were all just sensitive souls, whose life of privilege had previously shielded from such things. There is that, too, of course. But it isn't simply that they're not used to hearing criticism, it's that they show up on the twitter thinking they're going to be met by adoring fans, and then they say something stupid and realize a lot of people really can't fucking stand them. But you like me, you really like me!!! nope.
If Only People Just Stop Saying Mean Things
In that contrast resides something that deserves more attention about the Biden age issue. The question isn’t merely whether Biden has the stamina for a grueling campaign, or whether Biden will be able to handle debates with Trump.
It’s also whether Biden or indeed other Democrats are prepared for the massive onslaught of absolutely brutal and distortive attacks that Trump and his propaganda apparatus will wage on this particular front — attacks that you can be certain will include all sorts of shamelessly propagandistic media manipulation and outright disinformation tactics.
What's This Dumb Blog For
Still I at least help contribute to the idea that merely playing defense on Social Security is neither smart politically (this is so obvious that I get enraged that some dumb blogger has to explain it) nor on the merits. Politicians don't always mean what they say or do what they say they will do, but 17 years of this dumb blog and I've at least played some role in helping to make sure that it's going to be quite difficult for any prominent Democrat to play footsie with the "cut Social Security" crowd.
This isn't new for Warren, either, though some specifics are. From 2013:
That is why we should be talking about expanding Social Security benefits — not cutting them. Senator Harkin from Iowa, Senator Begich from Alaska, Senator Sanders from Vermont, and others have been pushing hard in that direction. Social Security is incredibly effective, it is incredibly popular, and the calls for strengthening it are growing louder every day.
Also, too, offense is the best defense and we shouldn't clap too loudly when Democrats give us the absolute bare minimum we should expect from Democrats. I don't really mean this as a knock on any particular politician, including Obama, but quite often Obama did things and his people wondered why people didn't clap louder and it was like... we voted for a Democrat, doing completely basic Democrat things shouldn't require applause. Simply stopping the evil plans of the Republicans is less than the bare minimum when they are in power.
Playing to Win
The Republican party, from Mitch McConnell on down to that nice old racist at the diner, does not believe that anyone with a D after their name has a right to be president, and much of Official Washington - even the supposedly nonaligned part - basically agrees with them. Bill Clinton was "not my president" and the day after election day 2008 every pundit rushed to their computers and to the TV studios to reassure us that what Barack Obama's election proves, most importantly, is that America Is A Center Right Nation. Miraculously, the American People are right where Official Washington is! Amazing.
Joe Biden believes that he is the only candidate who will be treated "fairly," that his good friends, those fine people in the Republican party, wouldn't possibly be mean to kindly old white Uncle Joe.
The presidency is a big prize and Republicans play to win. I'm not always sure what game Democrats are playing, but they should at least understand the game that Republicans are.
How It's Gonna Play
That these theater critics are often packaged as - and seem to believe that they are - just neutral observers, referees calling balls and strikes and pinocchios, makes it more maddening.
Okay Then
Linsey Davis: Mr. Vice President, I want to talk to you about inequality in schools and race. In a conversation about how to deal with segregation in schools back in 1975, you told a reporter, “I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation, and I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.” You said that some 40 years ago, but as you stand here tonight, what responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?My response to the legacy of slavery is the black (POOR) parents are bad and need to play their record players and also Maduro.
Joe Biden: Well, they have to deal with the … Look, there is institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Redlining, banks, making sure that we are in a position where—
Look, we talk about education. I propose that what we take is those very poor schools, the Title 1 schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise to the equal of … A raise of getting out of the $60,000 level.
No. 2, make sure that we bring in to the help with the stud—the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we need… We have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are required—I’m married to a teacher. My deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them.
Make sure that every single child does, in fact, have three, four, and five-year-olds go to school. School! Not day care, school. We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help. They don’t know what— They don’t know what quite what to do. Play the radio. Make sure the television—excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. The phone—make sure the kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school—er, a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there.
Davis: Thank you, Mr. Vice President.
Biden: No, I’m going to go like the rest of them do, twice over, OK? Because here’s the deal. The deal is that we’ve got this a little backwards. And by the way, in Venezuela, we should be allowing people to come here from Venezuela. I know Maduro. I’ve confronted Maduro. No. 2, you talk about the need to do something in Latin America. I’m the guy that came up with $740 million to see to it those three countries, in fact, change their system so people don’t have to chance to leave. You’re all acting like we just discovered this yesterday! Thank you very much.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Have You Tried Looking At His Twitter?
Pelosi gets testy with a reporter who asks her about House Dems' mixed messaging on impeachment, says the American people "understand that impeachment is a very divisive measure. But if we have to go there, we'll have to go there. But we can't go there unless we have the facts."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 12, 2019
Little Things
The federal government has signed off on Virginia’s plans to expand the number of railway tracks between D.C. and Richmond, which will mean more passenger train capacity, increased reliability and a slight uptick in train speeds in the future.
The DC2RVA high speed rail project would add a third track along the stretch between the two cities, and a fourth track from Alexandria to Long Bridge, which connects Virginia and D.C. over the Potomac River.
We had some pretty super trains that weren't actually SUPERTRAINS by modern standards back in the day. New York to Chicago in <16 hours back in the good old days. 60 MPH average speed. Top speed is sexy, but average speed is what matters... If only there had been more shovel ready projects.
Crazy Ideas
Warren’s plan goes quite a bit further. It includes the cost-of-living adjustment, the minimum monthly benefit, and an across-the-board benefit hike. But that across-the-board jump comes to $200 a month immediately for every current and future recipient, along with several other changes focused on women, caregivers, people with disabilities, and people of color. The $2,400 a year extra for everyone is nearly double what the Larson/Sanders plan gives to its poorest beneficiaries.
An independent analysis from Mark Zandi of Moody’s estimates that the Warren Social Security plan would increase average benefits by almost 25 percent for the lower half of income earners. It would lift 4.9 million seniors out of poverty, slashing the senior poverty rate by over two-thirds. And once it kicks in, it would steadily and modestly grow the economy by putting more money in the hands of seniors who are likely to spend it. “The plan results in a much more progressive Social Security system,” Zandi writes.
It's a team sport.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A Little Bit Of Bread And No Cheese

Nothing to worry about.
The reliance of medical supplies on cross-Channel routes “make them particularly vulnerable to severe extended delays”, the report says, with some medicines having such short shelf lives they cannot be stockpiled. A lack of veterinary medicines could increase the risk of disease outbreaks, it adds.
On food supplies, supplies of “certain types of fresh food” would be reduced, the document warns, as well as other items such as packaging.
It says: “In combination, these two factors will not cause an overall shortage of food in the UK but will reduce availability and choice of products and will increase price, which could impact vulnerable groups.”
Later, it adds: “Low income groups will be disproportionately affected by any price rises in food and fuel.”
Oh Dear
It's an old joke, and for those who don't remember, there was a time when journalists were obsessed with the ethics-free zone of the INTERNET and had important panels on the ETHICS OF BLOGGING which were mostly about trying to impose "ethical standards" which didn't exist in journalism generally or anywhere else for that matter. One journalist said to me something like, "I think readers should be aware of potential financial conflicts of interests bloggers." Which, I mean, sure, but I responded, "does this apply to your op-ed contributors currently?" Would have to have a 10 page disclosure for some of these people.
Basically they were really really mad that they couldn't call a manager.
Tell Us About It Grandpa
I have no idea what The Kids Today make of all of this.
The Summer of the Shark
Get A Load Of This Guy
Professional Dems love to run Seinfeld campaigns.
Morning Thread
All right, let's make a deal. Wednesday, half off. $500,000 gets me there!
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Is It Any Wonder That The Monkey's Confused?
“We have been in the midst of an impeachment investigation,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), a member of the Judiciary Committee.
“No, we’re not in an impeachment investigation,” said a second lawmaker, Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
A third, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) said the House is investigating to determine “whether or not there should be an impeachment investigation.”
So Many Rich Donors
John Flushed
Instead of directing their anger at Trump, dozens of farmers interviewed by Reuters blasted the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other Washington institutions they believe are thwarting his true agenda. Unsubstantiated conspiracy theories involving USDA staff are circulating in farm country and gaining traction online.
Trump voter Byron Heppler, a soybean and corn farmer from Calhoun, Kentucky, said he is open to considering other Republican candidates if any emerge. He said he believes USDA's research methods are flawed and he feels its employees want to unseat Trump, although he offered no evidence to back up those views.
Other disgruntled farmers have also alleged, without offering evidence, that federal agriculture employees are overestimating corn plantings as part of a plot to hurt Trump in the 2020 election. These farmers said they believe USDA employees are upset the administration is relocating hundreds of economists and other researchers to Kansas City from Washington.
Above my pay grade whether the USDA is bad (probably it is, in many ways, bad, as US ag policy is, in many ways, bad), but doubt this is a secret coup by soybean counters.
High Six Figures. 2 Columns Per Week.
Sooooo @DouthatNYT wrote a response to my husbands article but seems to think Eric Levitz wrote it.
— josie duffy rice (@jduffyrice) September 10, 2019
Poor Ross can't see color. Or names.
Monday, September 09, 2019
The Lamestream Media
I bet even most of you, dear readers, have blocked it out, but my curse is to remember this stuff.
Shitshow And A Scam
Today, Hyperloops still barely exist, limited thus far to experimental tracks that have yet to transport a person. But a growing number of people like Swartzwelter are invested, either financially or emotionally, in a Hyperloop future. The Hyperloop is still not close to reality, but whether out of deep concern for our environmental future, potential business opportunities, or sheer enthusiasm for the next great transportation innovation, its most fervent supporters feel it is closer than ever.
What Is Trump So Worried About
The brain worms are progressing and his usual obsessions (why don't people say enough nice things about me on teevee) are growing stronger and he's increasingly angry and confused as he is increasingly unable to understand what is going on around him.
Toddlers throw tantrums because they are confused and upset and don't have the words to explain it to themselves or to others. It isn't much more complicated than that.
Who Are The Good Republicans?
Really, can *anybody* name them?
Mika and Joe
And then when Halperin’s pals Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski sought to collaborate with him on an online-only MSNBC broadcast analyzing the 2018 midterm elections, network brass shut down the entire plan. The failed scheme caused consternation within the building—“Everybody was going ‘WTF!,’” one MSNBC insider told The Daily Beast—and ultimately led to Halperin’s hostile call with Griffin.The bar needs to be a bit higher than "thinks Trump is bad."
Sunday, September 08, 2019
Honorable People Who Will Do Honorable Things
Not Even Sure What's Real Anymore
Saturday, September 07, 2019
Paper Fence
More and more crimes every day! The biggest crimes! The best crimes! And I just tweet them out!
Owning The Libs
For now, it feels remarkable to think that barely five weeks ago, the vast majority of Tory MPs were telling us Boris Johnson was the only possible answer to various questions. It turns out those questions were: “How would Dudley Dursley and Draco Malfoy’s baby look and behave?”, “What if you shaved the Honey Monster and put him in a suit for a court appearance?” and “Does anyone know the ancient Greek for shitting the bed?”.
Despite practising since boyhood, Boris Johnson’s entire demeanour is that of a man who has won a competition to lead the country for a day. He is Mike Bassett: England Prime Minister, yet wheels out jokes he’s done 437 times before as though he’s Frank Sinatra and reckons the crowd can’t wait to see him do My Way again. Johnson must be the only performer whose audience spends his gigs screaming: PLEASE, DO YOUR NEW STUFF.
Friday, September 06, 2019
Parked Vehicles
“It’s not unique to Tesla,” said David Zuby, chief research officer at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which has studied how automated driver-assist systems perform. “We’ve seen evidence in our test driving of other systems with this kind of problem.”It isn't unique to Tesla, but Tesla is unique in overselling its products to consumers who want to believe.
The radars and cameras used to sense obstructions ahead each have their limitations and computer software that evaluates the data is still a work in progress, according to the experts and advocates. In many cases, they are better at tracking moving vehicles ahead than recognizing parked ones.
America's Dumbest Humans
They're old now (me too!) but it's worth pondering when people like Lowry and Jonah Goldberg were like 15 years old and for some reason on our teevees all the time. It isn't that I object to younger people doing this stuff, it's just... why them? Why is Rich Lowry on my teevee telling me we have to invade Iraq? He can't find it on a map, either! I mean we know the answers, but they aren't good answers.
Sharpie Man
It was Trump who used a black Sharpie to mark up an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration map, which he displayed during an Oval Office briefing on Wednesday, according to a White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.Trump ordering his flunkies to doctor the map would also be bad, but bad in a different way, and they would have at least done a marginally better job.
“No one else writes like that on a map with a black Sharpie,” the official said of the map, which added Alabama into the hurricane’s potential pathway inside the loop of the marker.
The brain worms are winning.
Thursday, September 05, 2019
Sharpie Man
There's dumb, and there's thinking everybody else is dumb, and then there is... something is not right with that boy.
Brain Worms
One For The Lawyers
Still too buggy to be in wide EAP. Requires more testing. Hopefully, going to wide EAP next week.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 5, 2019
Unsafe At That Speed
This happened at a slower speed, but it isn't much different, and if the car can't handle the situation at a slower speed it isn't going to at the faster one.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) cited both driver error and Tesla's Autopilot design as the probable causes of a January 2018 crash, in which a Model S slammed into a parked fire truck at about 31 mph. According to the report, the driver was distracted and did not see the fire truck. But NTSB says that Tesla's Autopilot was also at fault, as its design "permitted the driver to disengage from the driving task."
The driver reportedly had Autopilot engaged and was following closely behind a large SUV or truck. The lead vehicle changed lanes to move around a fire truck that was parked in the lane ahead. The Tesla driver claimed he was drinking coffee and eating a bagel and did not see the firetruck. When the lead vehicle changed lanes, the Model S accelerated. About .49 seconds before the crash, the vehicle detected a stationary object in the road and displayed a warning, but it was too late.
We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident
“Going to build a wall!”
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) September 5, 2019
“ and Mexico is going to pay for it!”
Nope...Check that.
“ and our Military is going to pay for it!”
(Remember when Congress was controlled by Rs during Trumps first 2 years they did NOTHING on wall funding) via @NYTimes
Pretty sure even the most tuned out voter in America has, at this point, heard a "LOL MR. TRUMP YOU SAID MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR THE WALL" SICK BURN HIGH FIVE!!!!
People get that Trump is a buffoon. People also think politicians are all full of shit and corrupt. If you want to make the case that Trump is even more corrupt than that you gotta go on teevee and explain it and say what, in fact, you are gonna do about it (McCaskill is not in Congress at the moment, but those who are). That Trump is a buffoon and full of shit and corrupt in a normal politician way is self-evident. Don't need SICK BURNS about LOL MEXICO WALL. People get that much. The rest is not, actually, self-evident.
The Republicans managed to hold 876 hearings about things that were bullshit.
If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) August 23, 2019
No it wouldn't tear the country apart, in part because it would barely inspire Democrats to do anything but make some sassy tweets about it. Mr. McConnell, SIRRAH, the HYPOCRISY!
I remember somebody in the Obama administration complaining that when McConnell was refusing to deal with Garland, reporters were, instead of reporting on the NORMS VIOLATION, basically asking them...well, what are you going to do about it? Obama barely got mad about it. Whatever the flaws in reporting, you can't expect reporters to get mad for you. At the time everybody knew what the Obama people were going to do about Garland was... Nothing. Advantage, Mitch.
And, no, the people aren't going to take to the streets over a Supreme Court appointment. If they did half the Democrats would be on teevee rejecting this uncouth display of incivility. They don't want to lead and they don't want "the people" to do anything. They want Joe Scarborough to have an "at long last" moment and RESTORE THE NORMS AND CIVILITY.
In 2020 they can get mad at "the base" who they hate for not voting. Again.
After both of this century’s Republican presidents came to power in corrupt fashion, and as popular vote losers, then set about stacking the judiciary, the case for reversing the GOP theft of the courts couldn’t be stronger. But that work won’t start by warning McConnell he’ll “tear this country apart”—a consequence he couldn’t care less about, and may actually excite him. It will only start by resolving to use power in turn to set things right.
We will know by the end of the year which Democratic faction prevailed, but we’ll look back on the bygone season as the moment the party reached a crossroads and chose a path.
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Wednesday Night
A Blog About All The Dumb Stuff Trump Does
The President of the United States altered a National Hurricane Center map with a sharpie to falsely extend the official forecast toward Alabama so he didn't have to admit he was wrong in a tweet.
— Dennis Mersereau (@wxdam) September 4, 2019
The Thing That Makes America Special Is That We Do Love Children
A government watchdog report published Wednesday said immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border by the Trump administration last year suffered increased post-traumatic stress and trauma.
Some unaccompanied immigrant children who end up at government facilities already experienced physical or sexual abuse in the countries they fled, or violence on the journey to the US, the report said. The trauma was only made worse by the "zero-tolerance" policy that led to thousands of children being systematically separated from their parents by immigration authorities in the spring of 2018.
Mr. President, tell us about your tweets!
Ticky Tacky
Anyway, supposedly that's why people moved to the suburbs. One reason anyway. Your kids were "safe." Whatever the reality of safety concerns, all the stories of school lockdown drills and parents unwilling to leave their kids unsupervised even for a moment... take away the supposed freedom of safety, and it's all very isolating.